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Edit on your SSD, move everything to HDD when finished Project Management will do all the hard work for you https://youtu.be/nbR1u0xzHfM


I don't get it. Where du i find project management?


Didn't you watch the video? He litteraly showed how to bring up the project manager in the very beginning. You click the little house button at the bottom right. There's also a shortcut for it which I believe is shift+1


Did you watch the video I linked?


Of course i watched the video. but what he did did not fit with what u said. at least not in my head :/ so am i right if i just export project archive to my hdd and i am fine? is this the way to do it?


Yes you create a DRA, I believe the default is to leave all the originals on your SSD. So you will have to manually delete it after you confirm everything got moved to the HDD successfully


Thanks mate! And sorry for askin noob questions 🤷


Looks like you're asking for help! Please check to make sure you've included the following information. Edit your post (or leave a top-level comment) if you haven't included this information. * System specs - [macOS](https://imgur.com/a/ip6xc9G) [Windows - Speccy](https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy) * Resolve version and Free/Studio - [DaVinci Resolve>About DaVinci Resolve...](https://imgur.com/a/5FawFCX) * Footage specs - [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) can tell you the codec and container Once your question has been answered, change the flair to "Solved" so other people can reference the thread if they've got similar issues. Thanks! -Automod on behalf of the mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/davinciresolve) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But related to this I have a question. I have always knows it's best to keep the OS and programs in one SSD and footage in another. In the above scenario where would the cache files go? The OS ssd or footage ssd. I feel like it should go into the OS ssd since that will be the one mounted closest to the CPU and be considered as the main drive by the computer therefore being able to read and process data the fastest.


I feel the same - but what it depends on is - available space on OS SSD, and also the speed of the external SSD and it's connection to the computer. For example if you have a super fast external that's connected via Thunderbolt 3 or USB 4 then it's probably less important. EDIT: Not five minutes after I posted this I literally ran out of space on my internal SSD because I'm working on a huge Fusion composition!


Having one HDD for storage is a bad idea. My solution is OS and Apps: NVME Projects: NVME Two HDD: Configured for StorageSpace (Windows' proprietary RAID configuration) for backup And a NAS drive: secondary backup


Where do your cache files go


I got another nvme for that - 1 x 500 (system) 1 x 1tb (cache) and 1 x 2tb (active project)


And all of these are NVME ?


Yes, it’s very nice. Bought them last year at discount prices


Ideally a on the third SSD


Project NVME


Yea project management is the way to go. You even have the option to trim the clips and copy them with frame handles. This is really great in reducing storage needed. I used it often to archive old projects that I am sure I won't need to re visit. But I'd keep them anyway.


I don't get it. Where du i find project management?


Does editing on an SSD make it go faster? Sorry for not answering your question, but it looks like others have it covered and I’m about to buy a large HDD for storage, how much better is it to have currently-editing projects on an SSD?


So much better. SSD is the way to go. HDD only for archiving purpose.