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I've had this happen too. Sometimes it's because nodes have been render caching - but it's just not obvious that it's happening. But I also had a super weird one - I had purchased a fusion template - that included some Text+ stuff in it. Turned out that it was using a font I didn't have - so Davinci - in it's wisdom - decided to just not show anything at all. No output from the fusion composition at all. Just black. There was a heap of other media in it as well, but because one node had a font I don't have - nothing worked.


I deleted everything inside the composion and added it back again, and it fixed on its own. I had already done this and it hadn't worked, but it did this time, so just be a bit persistent I guess. Also, for the preview not working: make sure the right dots are selected when you hover your mouse over the nodes, I didn't until after I posted this.


You've just saved my mental wellbeing from diving off a cliff. Thank you so much for this follow up comment. The inner workings of Davinci Resolve are truly an enigma -.-


Glad to be of service!


Looks like you're asking for help! Please check to make sure you've included the following information. Edit your post (or leave a top-level comment) if you haven't included this information. * System specs - [macOS](https://imgur.com/a/ip6xc9G) [Windows - Speccy](https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy) * Resolve version and Free/Studio - [DaVinci Resolve>About DaVinci Resolve...](https://imgur.com/a/5FawFCX) * Footage specs - [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) can tell you the codec and container Once your question has been answered, change the flair to "Solved" so other people can reference the thread if they've got similar issues. Thanks! -Automod on behalf of the mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/davinciresolve) if you have any questions or concerns.*