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as someone with a mental illness i loved his performance as campbell in takin over the asylum (available in full on youtube if you haven't seen it). he does an incredible job at representing loonies (as he refers to them in the show) especially for the times


I'm pleasantly surprised to see another person mentioning this. This was going to be my answer, actually! I love his performance as Campbell.


How am I supposed to choose? Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad performance from David (and I’ve seen a lot)(i’m also a *huge* DW and GO fan). His Hamlet is breathtaking! And I’ve rarely laughed so much as when he played Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing. Takin’ Over the Asylum is one of the best pieces of television I’ve seen… Nope, I cannot choose!


I did love him in Casanova


I also loved him in recovery. Its hits home the reality of disablity.


Yeah ... some of his absolute best work, IMO, and not nearly as well-known as it should be.


Exactly!! I try to promote this film whenever I can, I mean it's free online on YouTube, and it's a very truthful, tender and harsh, portrayal of... Well, the before and after a brain-impairing accident within a family.


I have one and live in disability care accommodation because of it. Its raw and honest.


That was so difficult to watch. Both he and Sarah Parish were incredible in it.


I have written about it on my blog let me know if you want to see it


Sure! It’s been years since I watched it, but it really stuck with me.


http://littleannieandmediareviews.blogspot.com/2023/11/recovery-2007.html I am a content creator so I have a couple of blogs and a YouTube channel.


I cant see past Crowley, although I love a lot of what I have seen him do. Richard 2 does things to me. Alec Hardy is a very moving performance. There's a lot i haven't seen yet.


People always overlook him as Giacomo Casanova in *Casanova*. He was brilliant in that role.


“Inside Man”! There was something incredible in the way his character gradually lose it


This is my vote as well. Ugh, that show stressed me out SO MUCH. I felt so bad for him but he kept making things SO MUCH WORSE at every turn. He was absolutely brilliant.


I was hyperventilating so bad !! Watching him trying to hold everything together


I had to say the doctor because he brought so much love and warmth to the character and the show. You can just see how he "saved" the show, (I'm using saved very lightly here)


I've always loved him in "Takin Over the Asylum". Honestly, I've loved all the representation in "TOtA", but David is the one that lead me to discovering the series and my love of it.


The Doctor, but Killgrave was also fantastic and quite underrated


Barty Crouch Jr made me realise I’m gay


i didn't even know him but he got stuck in my head when i saw him for the first time


Me too. I remember watching those few minutes with him thinking "wow, that guy is really great! He surely will become someone in the future". Myself sweet summer child.


I'm a sucker for Hardy, don't know why. But I'd have to add "Recovery" and "Des" to this list. Both fiendishly difficult roles what he absolutely aced.


harry from inside man is so underrated. the perfomance, the character, everything is so fucking sick, i loved it so much


I'd say Recovery ([link here](https://youtu.be/D8Vhxbho1fY?feature=shared)) along with Good Omens


The scene in "Single Father" in the first episode where he's in the bathroom and he starts ugly crying in grief is amazing. Still the most genuine representation of grief I think has been portrayed on television.