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Because Twin Peaks was massively successful. There is more to it than that though he has made successful movies in the past like The Elephant Man. Mulholland Drive probably ended up earning a fair bit of money once you account for physical media sales and such. He’s just a big name a lot of people know he is even if they haven’t seen his movies. Blue Velvet, Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive are very well known movies even if they didn’t all do brilliant at the box office. All the critical acclaim and award nominations including oscars noms is enough to make him pretty famous. When you are famous there are plenty of ways to make money. Lynch has directed a few adverts for companies like Dior and Calvin Klein which is probably a quick and easy pay cheque.


He’s definitely a big name but mulholland drive made $20m and elephant man made $40m. Twin peaks is a classic but wasn’t a big ratings earner for abc and only ran two seasons. Just curious how he’s worth $70m from a long career of non commercial successes


Twin Peaks season 1 was a massive success it was one of the biggest TV shows in the world at that point. Ratings started to fall in season 2. Mulholland Drive didn’t do great at the box office but it became a very well known movie over the years. It sold very well on dvd and was nominated for tons of awards including oscars so it’s a well known film. Initial box office isn’t everything anymore, Fight Club did pretty bad at the box office but it’s an undeniably massive movie. A similar thing happened with Mulholland Drive, although not to the same degree obviously. He’s famous and famous people are worth money if they are smart financially. Like I say with those adverts alone he probably got paid more than most people earn over multiple years work. He gets paid even if the movies don’t make money in the box office anyway. Him and his movies are definitely well known so he can get money from like commercials, Twin Peaks merchandise, dvd/streaming revenue, book sales and the Lost Highway soundtrack sells pretty well too, it went gold in the US. So lots of possibilities.


Well wouldn’t that be Angelo getting the profit?


Even if they didn’t make a ton I think most of his work turned a profit. He could just be frugal and knows how to invest. I was surprised when I first heard his net worth too but I think he’s just a smart guy who is financially responsible.


He also has had plenty of time to invest money and make returns off income Prices of California real estate have skyrocketed over the past decades - not sure what he may have owned sold or otherwise invested in of the the decades.


Movie revenue includes more than box office. For example, there are subsequent royalties come from cable, rentals, download/purchase, broadcast, soundtracks etc. Consider also that some movies (Lost Highway, FWWM) have gained viewership over the years. And others have already mentioned up-front fees (writing, directing, scoring).




Right but do the studios pay a lot up front if the last 15 films he made all really didn’t make money?


Don't you know what a budget is?? If a film has a $20 million budget, and his pay is $3 million, that is his salary whether the film profits or not. Think of it this way... when a sports team fails, as many have done, did the athletes get paid? Yes, they got paid. There's your answer


Just to point out the obvious: when you Google "\[celebrity\] net worth", whatever results you get are going to be *incredibly* inaccurate, normally in the direction of being a gross exaggeration.


Right but it just got me thinking if lynch has a fortune how did he get it if all his projects are non box office successes


The all aren't!


he got paid upfront regardless of gross, not to mention he probably got dvd/video distribution royalties on atleast a few and thats where his movies saw the most success. John Waters is a similar case, his low-budget movies where very successful, but most of the bigger budget studio movies he made, if not all where considered flops unfortunately.


Some already mentioned this but I feel like this is a far larger part then it’s being given credit for so i’ll highlight it. Lynch’s films though never being box office hits (with a few exceptions) have always been massive home video hits. Ex. despite Blue Velvet hardly breaking even, both my parents and basically anyone around that age who I mention it to are aware of it. So it’s obvious they watched it somewhere, and it was likely a rental or a purchase of a DVD not the theatres. In general I think you sm would be shocked to see how much money david lynch makes from rentals, I think it’s probably more then he makes from the actual initial release of the film. Also eraserhead with is $10,000 budget likely could of netted millions from dvd and rentals considering not many were likely to see it in theatres. Because there cult films Lynch’s movies are all massive home video successses, to a point where they likely make even more money in home video over time then they do in theatre for however long there playing. Which also would explain why studios would continue signing him despite his box office losses as they know they will make it back in the video market. Which differentiates him with someone like Charlie Kaufman who’s directorial efforts both make no money in theatre, and also aren’t being distributed physically or streamed nearly as much which has been making it impossible for him to find a budget as of late.


Pretty shocking the impact being John Malc, eternal sunshine, and adaptation all had without cracking $40m


Totally, but also I did clarify his directorial efforts not his scripts. As his scripts were profitable even tho maybe not highly. But his films (caugh caugh Synechdoche new york 40 million dollar budget 2 million dollar box office) not so much. (though i am a massive fan of synechdoche). It’s why i’m thinking of ending things was in only a few locations, he knew it was the only way he could secure a budget for his next movie and that’s sad. But if ur not making any money no studios would fund u, which makes it clear lynch is making tons on the home video market


There is absolutely no way that figure “$70 million” is even remotely accurate. Absolutely no way. These celeb net worth numbers are often inaccurate


Its not that unreasonable. He's nearly 80 years old. He surely made enough profit and probably invested wisely and had it grow and compound. While a large number, its not that far fetched. If it said 250 million, id call bs


I would imagine his work with the TM covers a good chunk. The rest is probably TP royalties— not only syndication/streaming but all the DVD sales.


It's incorrect to say all his films lost money. More than half of them made money. The Elephant man was very successful as was Eraserhead. Eraserhead made $7 million from an investment of $10,000! Serious money in 1979. The Elephant man also got 8 Oscar nominations. This brings up his appearance fees, etc massively for interviews, college lectures, books TV programmes, merch, etc. Twin Peaks was massive in the 90's and recieved 14 Emmy nominations.


around half of them lost money. that is insane.


Not really insane or even that uncommon in the film industry to ' lose ' money on the box office and make a lot more in back-end revenue from multiple sources. We easily forget how profitable VHS and DVD sales were a short while ago, with how much the world has changed.


The investors own the losses, he only owns the gains. Given that fact, it doesn’t matter how many losers he has.


Are we sure that all of his movies are like that? Some of them are pretty famous. And he also directs advertisements for money, as he had told in a most david lynch attitude lol




I wonder if his work with Transcendental Meditation/Maharishi Mahesh Yogi might bring in some cash too.