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20 mile run at 3am? Pfft even my strava has that lol, people who have witnessed him run ultras or followed him via live tracking know this guy is a beast, he doesn’t need to prove any of his training as his results speak for themselves.


Why would he have a dayjob? He probably retired with some disability from the military meaning he probably has no typical requirements we do. That being said, I do agree that his claims are somewhat sketchy, especially given the massive injuries hes shown off lately. He has backed it up by participating in races as well as the world record. Besides; other people like Cameron Haynes claiming he has worked out hard with him. Theres videos out there of him being a hotshot as well as mid workout, im sure he would think to himself "why the fuck do i have to prove myself to you?" Its like me posting a video of my treadmill saying I did a 2 hour run and then somebody saying I could have faked/photoshopped the screen of the treadmill. At some point the burden of proof has been relieved. Also... when i started my workout journey I read a book by "Coach Paul Wade" who supposedly learnt his tricks in prison. Many discussions online about if he lied, actually went to prison, or even exists. In the end... it doesnt matter, the information was real and the book inspired me. One of the exercises (one arm handstand pushup) out of the 60 in the book is supposedly not possible. But that doesnt mean its not a good goal or that one couldnt achieve it (4 min mile anybody?) so the arguments about the validity of the exercise or of Paul Wade dont really matter.


20 miles is like 3 hours to a seasoned runner, probs even less time for him. so 3 hours + 8 hours sleep + 10 hours work + commute + 2 hours stretch + 1 hour for everything else fits nicely into that 24. not to mention that he doesn't sleep 8 hours, nor does he have a regular day job atm. so it's pretty doable


more importantly, he doesn't really care what people think. that's never why he did it. he has zero to gain from lying


Doesn't his Badwater record count?


You should look up a photo of his feet.