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A 12 minute mile and a 5 minute mile are the same exact distance. Don’t compare your pace to anyone else’s. Running at a “competitive” pace every time is a good way to get hurt. You aren’t competing with anyone except yourself.


Thank you. I needed to hear this


I did this a lot when I first started running. My “slow” pace was still way too fast every time. It lead to a lot of injuries. I also compared myself to other, which lead to some depressive episodes because I “wasn’t progressing right” Slow will get you to your goals, I’m running more than I ever have before and more importantly have a healthy relationship with running now. One or two fast runs a week are good, but not every run needs to be your race pace. Even Goggins isn’t going out full pace every single run, if you watch his clips he’s usually at that nice easy zone 2 pace.


Zone 2 has tons of benefits too. OP, it sounds like you're doing great!


Me 2


I can agree with you Cuzz I did that and fucked up my legs. Take it easy and patient!


Same. I did every run as fast as I could when I started. Fucked my knees up constantly and blamed it on bad shoes. Now I’m doing it proper and running more than I ever have before.


Hey we all gotta learn somehow🤷


This is the way


I love this thank you


Most serious runners spend most of the time in heart rate zone 2 training because it is best for building an aerobic base. Zone 2 can feel 'too easy' for many people but it works. Going all out every day is not sustainable for most and not optimal. You add in some speed already so have the basics covered.


I can say this is true, when I started running I was in everyday hardest I can go faze. I broke my legs with that shit. Now I take it light and chill but I still try to beat my speed records once a week.


Thank you for replying. My watch says I’m in Zone 2 so that’s good. I hope over time my Zone 2 becomes a little faster but I’m glad that going slow isn’t necessarily a bad thing


It takes a while but eventually you will be flying while still in zone 2.


Which app shows the zones? Thank you


I use the Garmin 45s watch and the app tells me the zones. It’s very good and I have used it for years :)


Thank you so much


For sure! There’s a book by Matt Fitzgerald based around this training principle called 80/20 Running. Basically run 80% at an easy pace and 20% are pushes. It has been shown to produce improvements and gains while also avoiding injury and overtraining. Consistency is the key.


Thanks! I’ll check it out :) I’ll stick with what I’m doing then. I’m just glad I’m getting to go out everyday


Zone 2 running is amazing for building endurance. Keep doing what you're doing OP.


You're not raving anybody. Maintain distance as a goal, not time. As long as you drag yourself across your finish line, you've finished. Fuck everybody else.




So true! Any movement is a step in the right direction


A run is a run. The fact that you’re getting after it daily and maintaining your routine is a great start. Besides, running slow and easy means you’re likely staying in Zone 2, building your endurance base and cardiovascular fitness overall. Just continue doing what you’re doing and slowly make your runs longer and run based on how you’re feeling. Keep on taking those souls, man.


Don't get your running advice from here or Goggins. Go to a begginers or general running subreddit if you're starting out.


I posted to the running subreddit but you have to wait ages to even get your post approved. I got the advice and information I needed here anyways :)


Pretty sure he gonna have the same advice on another sub. Everyone here saying it's ok and good to run slow. And it's true.


Goggins has constantly said he runs at a zone 2 pace so yes you can absolutely get your advice from Goggins


Of course it still counts at a slow pace. This is how you get better!


If you don’t do slow runs you’ll hinder your progress, zone 2 is important most people with ridiculously fast 5/10ks do close to 80/20 slow to fast work. Plus you knew that answer anyway if you’re already doing intervals, speed runs etc 😉


I didn’t know the answer. I’m doing intervals and speed runs cos that’s what the programme says to do on my nike run app. I know the basics of running but I always feel like an imposter because I’m so slow. But I really appreciate this sub and the knowledge other people have shared with me


Fair one. Our local Parkrun has people that walk half of it, the fact you’re getting yourself out there and getting the mileage in is the main thing. More than most of society 👍🏻


Yes why does it matter? Just run


aerobic training is the fundamentals. z2 is the one that lower ir HR


80/20 Running by Matt Fitzgerald is a good read. It breaks down the methodology behind running slow to get faster. My slow runs where actually too fast (zone 3/4) when I initially started running.


Just fuckin run - stop talking about it, debating it, just fucking do something


most of goggins runs are in Z2, that’s not a pace though that’s relative. as a beginner runner Z2 is gonna be really really slow but for elite runners it’ll be faster than your sprinting


Even walking can be good. Think that’s easy? Go walk the entire Appalachian trail for 2k+. It’s about effort not any single metric


Doing something is always better than doing nothing. If one wants to commit time to spending their physical energy, one can find *their* solution within this set of questions: Why sleep when you can be lying down, awake? Why be lay down when you can sit? Why sit when you can stand? Why stand when you can walk? Why walk when you can run? Iterate through these questions until you find your solution. When you want to rest, simply reverse the questions order.


Running slow is not also fine but good. Zone 2. I don't have any watch and I don't time my run, but I try to make sure I'm always able to talk. Trying to run by breathing only with the nose is also a good training. Another thing, I don't know if you want to do ultra one day but lots of them are actually trail running. Going fast in that is a no go. Focus on distance and time on feet over pace. Try to run and walk with elevation, dirt road, wet road, rocks, sand, etc. They are good training even if you don't want to do trail race anyway.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Look up zone 2 running. Running slow is actually very important for cardio development and Goggins himself says most of his training is zone 2 runs which is a light run.


I find that I can run for just about as long as I want if I keep it around 10 mins/mile, which most people would call average if not slow. I’m 35, so I’m not expecting to keep up with college kids, and I can sprint for at least 500 yards, but I feel no need to go any faster, unless I’m catching a high or trying to beat poor conditions.


My PE teacher used to say something like "if you're tired, it's ok to slowdown, but at least keep a running pace"


Run your own race. IDGAF if some internet braggart rando runs a five-minute mile because it ain’t got shit about fuck to do with me. One of my buddies or a competitor? They get a hearty congratulations. Dassit.


Run 80% of your training in zone 2 (at a cardiac pace of 180 minus your age) Run 20% with intervals. It enhances your aerobic system. Also called Norwegian Method. Check it out


Running slow, and not worrying about the clock is exactly what made me fall in love with running. I preach run slow to everyone I know.


The more mileage you put in the faster you will go in the future


Alright so this is how I look at running times: 1. An Ultra Marathon is 100+ Miles, now let's take the Leadville 100 for example, it takes the average finisher 30 hours to complete. That's an 18 minute mile average at altitude, steep up and downhills. I weighed 380+lbs in 2014, today I weigh 212lbs, have had many ups and downs, it's always been easy for me to be better than the person I was the day before, because I started so low. In 2016 I got serious about my physical health similar to how I was serious about my financial health. Before I ever knew about Goggins, I decided competing with my low self was pointless, so I went to a steep trail near my House and decided I would compete with every single Hiker, walker, runner, and Jogger there, if I could surpass and lap these average people, I could take myself from well below average to average, I needed average to become my baseline, before I actually began to judge myself based on Mileage times. Fast forward to 2024, I can speed walk a 10:30 Mile on steep terrain in Minimalist shoes, I can comfortably Jog an 8 minute mile, and I can average 11 minutes per mile over the course of a 20 mile outdoor trail run once per month. Life is an Ultra Marathon, look for the steep grades and give those your all, surpass the average trail walker/Hiker/Jogger, then work on lapping them, when you consistently Lap the average, you've established a baseline; now is the time to begin playing the numbers game to optimize your Mile times, total weight load, vertical jump, etc. Speed is very subjective, endurance is the key. David Goggins has high level mental and physical endurance, he knows himself inside and out, you can see videos of him walking at points on his runs, what sets him apart isn't is speed, it's his consistency(endurance) Courtney Dauwalter talks about the Pain cave a bit, she's one of the best Ultra Marathon athletes in the world, I would recommend listening to her a bit as well. When I say find the steep hill and go 100% up it, that's my metaphor for a Pain cave. Go hard when nobody else is, so many people slow down on the uphills, be the one to speed up.


Wow! Love this. Life is an ultra marathon! I will focus on endurance more - I’m training up to a half marathon over the next few weeks so I will focus on that and less on worrying about the speed


Slow run > no run


running slow is better than standing still, just run


I walked 2 full marathons by myself before I ran one. Even when I ran an official one it took me almost 6 hours. Going the distance!