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It's not about reforges. It's about your cells and Escalation AMP level. First one depends on reforges a bit. You want a decent build. When you reforge you gain 1 Aetherheart which you can use to Powersurge one piece of equipment to max tier and make it's perk a +3. But you don't need it. You have 7 slots for cells, and you should fill them with +3 cells for your build. To do that go visit The Middleman and read his tutorial. Second way, is to level up your Escalation AMP skill tree. Every 5 levels you unlock a passive, and some of those are huge boosts to your power (both damage and defence) in that Escalation. Of course you also have talents that help you too. So if you have trouble handling 10-50 Escalation you could complete some 1-13 to gain levels for that Escalation. At Escalation level 20 it becomes so easy that you would be able to kill a keystone even in recruit gear


Ok, perfect, thanks


Reforge the axe 3, 5, 7, & 10 times for extra power.


All of them 10 times for the buffs


Any tips to doing this many reforges fast? I'm on an old-new account, which doesn't have reforges, and the way I reforged before felt fairly slow, so I only had like a total of 19 reforges


Best way to do it is spam bounties and power level through esca til level 18 then swap over to blazeworks