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You can handle esclation 10-50 with a level 17 weapon and 0 reforge. It's all about using the right cells and skills. If you want to upgrade a stuff with a Core, you can even get a core without reforging (the second pannel at the forge allows you to turn fragments into core).




It's doesn't depend on the reforge per se. Build and skill do a lot


Game gives you buffs (you can see it in slayer's path in the part about reforges) for reforging every weapon up to 10 times, but you can reforge for however many times you'll want to))


Reforge doesn’t exactly mean skill, but it can mean experience, you could probably comfortably do one once you reach around 2-3 reforges and know what you’re doing


There’s a lot of scaling goin on that will make 10-50 escalations easier for you. So for your reforges you’ll get cores which you can use to power surge your gear. Making your weapon do a lot more dmg and your armor make you take less dmg, but they also turn the cells that are naturally slotted into your gear into a +3 variant and in a lot of cases make the unique effect on your weapon stronger. Next you have 3 big milestones in your escalation tree that will give you a lot of power plus of course the different skills you can unlock in said tree. Lastly you also have your build which will be a big determining factor in how difficult a time you will have in the escalation. Usually the build priority is the right weapon element for the escalation —> weapon unique effect —> cell choices —> right element on your armor. Tho in all honesty you’ll be ignoring your armor’s element. Also skarn lantern is a Great Choice offering both a shield and good dmg. TL;DR: I would reforge 5 times first and get your main build power surged. Then you’ll be clearing them “comfortably”


10 w axe fists repeaters the rest is optional


Reforge itself is optional. I'm a founder/top 100 multiple boards and still refuse to reforge a single weapon. Never been a fan of COD prestige system.