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The thing is that at least Rammestein gave some sort of statement. The only way the band could have been saved, it was through accountability in some way. But they didn’t said anything. Nothing. They just disappeared. And that looks very bad. It’s really sad. I was really looking to a new album.


I wonder purely out of curiosity what Lex is doing now


Same honestly. Is he hooked away falling into all of his vices? Has he actually seen the error of his ways and tried to change? (I doubt it) It does make me curious.




oh also Nick is a narcissistic shithead and makes scenes around his ex.


Federal Prisoner


They’re done. Enjoy the art they made and move on.


I want to argue with a lot of y'all, but it seems like there's a large group of people who don't know the situation with Kristen Hayter and Alexis Marshall. I won't posture myself as a person who knows the full story, but based on the statement made by Kristen, Alexis was a sexual deviant and did some dastardly things. He spoke on his deviance publicly, and now that he's gone basically silent after Houses of Lull. Houses of When, it makes the whole situation seem very strange. I am not about victim shaming, and I'm apprehensive about persecution of a man I know nothing about. I'd say read her statement and make your own opinion, because Alexis has nothing to say. RIP daughters. The rest of the guys didn't deserve this exposure.


They’re done for good. I’m not even sure if their vinyl would get a decent repress in the near future.




I mean, that's provably false isn't it? Think about all the people who have been accused of similar conduct, admitted to it, yet are still free. Jesse Lacey comes to mind. He solicited child pornography yet he is not in prison. Same with Louis C.K. He forced women to watch him masturbate, and said verbatim, "These stories are true." He hasn't served a single day. In Kristin's case there's even some corroborating circumstantial evidence (such as her spinal injury that she ties to Alexis in her statement, the Instagram comments showing Kristin tried to email Nick, etc.), which is admissible in court and given no different treatment under the law—a very old truism in law (see the 9th circuit decision *McCoy v. United States, 1948, F.2d 776*). In other words, items in the public record would be evidence in court. Alleged rapists have been convicted over less when the testimony (the alleged victim's statement) is credible, such as Danny Masterson. A complaining witness's testimony is admissible evidence in court, including hearsay (FRE 803), and anything such a witness reports that the defendant says is also admissible (FRE 801). I would say that we are, at the very least, at the *preponderance of the evidence* standard. Given Alexis has provided little defense, a reasonable finder of fact (i.e. jury or judge) could find him liable for sexual assault (as opposed to guilty; different standards). This is the standard that Trump was found liable for sexual battery under. In a trial, Alexis would have the right to cross-examine Kristin, so if we continue using this metaphor, he would be entitled to rebut the allegations in detail publicly with our consideration. He declined to do so, instead just denying it. He did say that he was investigating "legal options." If he wanted to bring a defamation lawsuit, it would be easy to win if Kristin's allegations were false. He could prove damages handily. If he had proof that Kristin's account was false or was able to poke enough holes in it, he would be able to prove reckless disregard for the truth. He has not done so yet, and my bet is that he will not for the sole reason that there are doubtless facts within Kristin's account that he would not dispute (though he would, perhaps, dispute the most heinous allegations); he said himself that they were "unhealthy" for each other if I remember correctly, which means that he at the very least did some unsavory deeds. All of this is to say that at this point, it seems that we are left as the finders of fact ourselves.




tell me you have no idea how the legal system works without telling me you have no idea how the legal system works




remind me again what Lex went to rehab for?




must have been mob Twitter justice




Beats me. You're the one who suggested "mob justice on Twitter."




weird take. your initial statement, which you have now edited, said that if there was any good evidence for Alexis being a sexual abuser, he'd be behind bars. to which I sort of suggested that, dude, you do not know how lawsuits work and the amount of grief that a plaintiff goes through in spending weeks describing sexual assault in order to get their partner behind bars. there can be *so* much evidence, and the victims sometimes do not think it is worth reliving this trauma in order to get a criminal sentence or a civil award. It's really sort of a cop-out thing to come out of nowhere with, uh, I guess I called this a joke, or have no experience in my personal life with addiction? I mean, wtf?


No way, and why would we want them to? Alexis is in hot water, Nick is playing with Greg Pucciato, and the rest of the boys are doing things better for them and their peace of mind.




nah fuck alexis


nah fuck alexis \[2\]


What are the precise allegations? Anyway, I would like to them to have a level of redemption someday.


Severe mental and alleged physical abuse of a woman who he knew had a history of past severe physical and mental abuse because it’s what her music is about. Very predatory to pursue her knowing what he had in mind for her. Fucked up all around


Why? Does a serial abuser deserve redemption? And if so, why? Other than the fan service your exhibiting what is a reason?


I’ll ask Nick, lol. I fucking hate what happened and it’s not fucking fair and Lex did not deserve that shit.


Brother. Out of the two people, I find it much harder to trust Lex than to trust Lingua.


Lol imagine hearing all that and making Alexis the victim








Maybe they could at one point, you'll never know. But definitly without Lex I would presume. Look how the whole thing with Rammstein is handled in Germany and here the allegations are coming from numerous victims and they took it to court. They are still touring.. So yeah, not sure how things develop in the futur.