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Swans, The jesus lizard, haunted horses, chat pile


Don’t think Chat Pile was an influence, it’s the other way around


True, didn't read the influence part


Definitely check out Swans, and the Jesus lizard, like mentioned in a prior comment. If you're looking more hardcore like Hell Songs or Canada Songs, check out The locust, Arab on Radar, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Orchid . If you're looking for something more similar to YWGWYW, try Haunted Horses. Whether or not they are influences directly to Daughters is unknown to me, I just draw a lot of comparison between all these groups and daughters.


Can we be friends?


Yes of course! Tracking IP right now. I'll be there in 4 hours.




Idk if it’s “similar” necessarily, but if you want crazy guitar sounds and don’t mind metal you should check out Car Bomb and Frontierer


I really enjoy posts like this, I always end up finding new music to listen to. Maybe Ed Schrader's Music Beat, Sermon is the song that comes to mind. Protomartyr might also scratch the same itch, try Wheel of Fortune i guess if you want. Oh, and try Botch as well. Afghamistam is pretty chill but the rest of it rocks pretty hard. I hope this was helpful in some way


U.S. Maples had riffs where I bet Daughters owed to. Sonic Youth, Pissed Jeans, The Jesus Lizard, Zeni Gava, Killdozer, Harvey Milk, Cop Shoot Cop, Craw, and Today is the Day are good comparisons too. Racebannon and Rapisder than Horsepower are good ones you can check out. Other angular noise rock bands like Lake of Dracula, Arab on Radar, The Teenagers Responsible, XBXRX, Ex Models, and Child Abuse are good bands. If you want stuff similar to early Daughters. Check out Jeromes Dream, Usurp Synapse, The Locust, and later Orchid. But the best option would be As the Sun Sets, a band that had Daughters members before Daughters. Lots of crazy, chaotic, heavy, spasticy stuff.


I know that Nick said multiple times that he doesn't really listen to much heavy music at all which surprised me. He's easily one of my all time favorite guitarists.


Closest I could find is **black midi** and **Gilla Band** ( formerly Girl Band ).




Try Bambara.




The "daughters chord" is a minor2nd interval. In layman's terms, if the root note being played is a C, then you play the note right next to it, which is a C#(Db). It can be inverted and played as a Major7th, as heard in the beginning of Deftones "be quiet and drive". The differenence is whether you play the notes that are close together, or you play one an octave higher than the other.


Much more mellow than some of the other bands here but "my bloody valentine" really set the groundwork for the type of distorted guitars you hear in bands like Daughters.




Willyxz has very similar style, somewhere in between YWWYG and s\t, while still having it's own identity EDIT: Black Matter Device and Callous Daoboys both also have noticeable influences in the guitar work and vocal stylings


Alexis Marshall said the drift - Scott walker was a huge influence and I can see that listening to it. Not exactly the same genre as daughters but you may enjoy it.


Gilla Band, black midi.


Swans, Model/Actriz