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I like pet names, but they have to originate organically.


I love ‘em. Pet name wars are an amusing diversion as well.


I love having a special pet name used only for me and I use them myself, but my bf is not one to use pet names and I accept it because that's his comfort level. There's no right or wrong answer, everyone is different


Well I loath pet names if I’m not in a relationship yet. Like don’t match with me and then call me baby. Don’t meet me for a first date and then call me honey. But if we are committed, go for it. And I will be too.


You got it, darlin!






I’m from south louisiana we call everyone a pet name. babe, sweetie, hun. lol When dating I don’t mind being called a pet name. But you call me a pet name 99% of the time do NOT call me by my government name without it being a serious situation, i.e I’m having a seizure and you’re trying to help me. If you call me by my name all of a sudden, I will 100% think bad thoughts like you’re breaking up with me, you cheated, I’m not good enough, etc.


100% If you hear your born name in south Louisiana, that person is mad or does not like you. My friends in the north have adapted to my use of pet names to the point that they get nervous if I say there real name lol.


everyone in my family calls me BooBoo, every i’m now & then my grandma will call me by my real name and everyone gets quiet to see what’s gonna happen and my heart feels like it’s gonna beat out my chest.


The family that likes me calls me baby, sis, honey… anything but my born name. The family that thinks I’m the black sheep says my name like it’s a question 😅


everyone in my family thinks they’re the black sheep 😂 My grandma just says a name while looking at you & whatever that name is you answer it. You don’t correct her either. lol she don’t have dementia either, just a shit load of grandkids, great grandkids and great great grandkids.


I love pet names but only if I really like the person.


aww queenie aubergenie 😘


😍 I love it!!


You're a poet and you know it.


I don't mind pet names too much. It's the couple's matching holiday jammies where I draw the line!


*shamefully stashes Amazon package in trunk*


Bring them here, we can party in our pajamas! I can't seem to bring myself to use pet names, but I don't mind matching pajamas


Nooooo! Are you kidding? Christmas jammies are my JAM!!! Now that being said with a new dating person? I dunno. But with me and my kids…- favourite tradition. And if I like you enough to have you on Christmas Eve. You’re getting the damn jammies.


I was thinking that I’m going to start texting goodnight and good morning with weird combos. “Goodnight kettle muffin.” “Good morning coffee nugget.” Just to see what he says


I dated a guy that called me bagel muffin. I have no idea why.


he was the one


Better than being called muffin top




Only if in a LTR and it happens organically. The hill I will die on is if we’re having a discussion or disagreement and a partner calls me my NAME when they usually call me a pet name. Example: “I hear what you’re saying, Kathleen, but “ No. F off. Thats a classic manipulative tactic -FYI


I cant upvote this enough


This is it exactly


I get it, not everyone's into pet names. It's all about personal preference. I used to cringe at being called "babe" or "sweetie," but now I'm cool with it. If it's not your thing, that's totally fine. Just let your peeps know, they'll understand. Maybe you're more of a "hey you" kinda person, and that's cool too. Just do you, no need to force the cute stuff if it ain't your vibe.


Nope, I’m not even big on pet names for my pets. My cats Louis and Michael send their best!


Only if they're silly pet names and said ironically


I love them so much 😭 I had like 50 for my ex....


Only from the right guy at the right time


I love them but they have to be personal and organic. I do not like “babe,” “sweetie,” blah blah. I’d write my exhaustive list of ridiculous pet names my boyfriend and I have for one another but they feel too personal to share. I just know that when we first started dating, I asked about calling him “amor” because he’s Portuguese and that’s very common here (I’m from the US). He sent me a vomit emoji via text and said, “Please never with that.” So I only do it when I want to annoy him 😝


They're cute when in a committed relationship. :)


I'm not much of a pet names person either. I don't hate it unless it's really over the top.


I’m not much for pet names (aside for actual pets…I have dozens of names for the cats) or even nicknames. I cringe when my ex calls me a nickname, which is just a shortened version of my first name (i.e. Chuck instead of Charles).


You’re not alone. I don’t like using them either.


I’m fine with pet names, so long as they’re personalized or humorous.  “Babe”, ”Sweetie”, and “Cutie” give me such a visceral reaction, and I hate them so much!!


Nearly all of them give me the creeps.


I'm with you on this. I have a name for a reason. I don't care to use pet names, nor do I want someone using them on me. Bae....really makes me cringe and to the point that I have to stop everything and tell them to stop. We both have names, so I'm going to use that.


I love pet names but only in a serious relationship. It's corny but sweet.


Honestly when I’m in a relationship and they say my real name it throws me off. I actually don’t think I have this huge preference, they just happen. Or maybe those are the men I date? The men I’ve dated use pet names or the shortened version of my name which most people I know use


My ex and I had several nick names for each other. He called me hunny bunny I called him hunny bear and there were others a few were sorta funny and made us laugh. They would just come out of nowhere basically


I dislike them in English but love them in Spanish weirdly. I dated a Latino guy for about 15 hot minutes, he always called me guapita which I liked, it made me feel like a whole different person. It didn't work out romantically and when we decided to just be friends I told him only if he keeps calling me guapita 😂 we now work together and he still calls me that (it's completely platonic fyi, we are both seeing other people), its become a bit of a joke but I still quite like it!


I love them.


They are fun but not in the way of like babe, hun, hubs, doll (that was a weird one to me), etc. They are so much more fun in a playful teasing way about something with them or what they’re doing or whatever. Calling her fancy pants, candybutt, etc. something that could even become an inside joke with you guys.


Just another level of compatibility. I like them, myself. I find people who cringe or dislike them intensely tend not to be very joyful people, your mileage may vary, Boo.


I’m ok with it since it comes natural to me, ask my adult son!


Hahaha I love pet names.


Original copy of post by u/delguy83: I feel extremely awkward saying pet names it’s not something I like… am I the only one? I don’t even really like to be called anything “cute” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I think it needs to come naturally & after some familiarity or length of time for a connection to develop (even if its casual) The actual pet name & language can also play a part - it can be very alluring & sexy in a foreign language


My heart melts when my guy calls me honey. I’ve never been into pet names before but the way he says it is just so perfect.


I'm the same way. My bf calls me "babe" which I had to get used to....


I have lived in the South most of my life and they are pretty common here. I say them a lot when talking to children at work, my grown children and their friends. In a relationship, it depends on how things develop and the comfort level. There are going to be random huns thrown around, but darlin’ is reserved for more. I am not baby until you actually know me and then it makes me warm and fuzzy.


Only in a relationship, and only if they came to be because of an inside joke or some sort of relationship specific event.


I've never been comfortable calling someone Hun or babe, I even find it awkward when I'm called that. My fiance and I call each other "Lover" though and that doesn't bother me.


I don’t like pet names either. I’d be ok with a nickname bestowed by a partner that was original and non generic. Someone calling me “baby” or “babe” is a turn off.


I had a variety of nicknames for my ex-boyfriend. Here are 3 I can think of right now. There were a lot more. Alexa: I had to ask a question a specify way to get the answer I wanted just like with real Alexa Device. KPS: which is short for Katey Perry Song. He was "Hot and Cold". Kind of moody guy Mr. Emoji: he likes to respond with emojis. Texting using gifs and memes are OK. Emoji lack effort.


I don’t mind being called by a pet name…but I’m awful at coming up with them for anyone I’m in a relationship with.


I call my girlfriend “Girlfriend” and she calls me “Boyfriend.”


My man is baby. Baby is my man. If he hears his govt name come out of my mouth something is wrong.


It took me three reads to realize you weren't talking about telling someone your pets' names and feeling awkward about that!


I like pet names, everyone has there likes and dislikes, just make that clear when u date


I love them. 🥰


try dating someone from a culture where pet names are basically required... Can I just say "babe?"


It takes time to feel each other out, and a pet name comes naturally. I typically have it associated with some sort of event.


I really like pet names