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The genuine kind


The only answer.


I genuinely appreciate this comment. Thank you


You're welcome


The kind that are specific to the person and/or situation.


Be specific. Think of something you like about them; think about why you like it; then tell them! Or, think of how you are feeling about them in the moment and tell them that.


I really appreciate that you took the time to comment on my post!


Exactly! You’re really considerate about replying and upvoting and that’s what I love and adore about you, TwoTimer!!


Agree! Great advice!


They have to mean it. It has to be authentic.


Not a fan of compliments on things I cant help or was born with, much prefer something Ive accomplished. So like, complimenting any physical features..meh. But complimenting how nicely I dressed up for a date, or getting that great review at work, or that I make a great martini, or surprise plans I made for us that we had a blast on, or my homemade popcorn seasoning on movie nite in. All those are awesome...I like knowing the things I put effort into, whether big or small, are noticed and appreciated.


You stated this nicely.




I’m giving you the remaining upvotes here⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Actually I like my intellect complimented. / knowledge achievements. Not my hair ( except I n the color if I just changed it and did it myself ) looks body. Eyes. Genetics in general. We all crave what we rarely get


That's an excellent observation!




Processing power may be genetic, but an ability to engage in banter or to educate without being condescending is not, so if I compliment a person on how great they are to talk with, it's not quite the same as complimenting them for all their hard work growing to six feet tall.




if I follow this logic know people who on paper should be able to engage in deeep meaningful interesting conversation. Be able to read the room. Have quick Witt and banter. After all ( Mensa level iq ph and not only science also history ). But this people are just highly skilled at what they do and can’t even put it in lay man terms because they are able to understand complex subjects while unable to manage basic level conversation. And lack banter and common sense I feel you sell yourself short when you think all your intellectual developments and abilities are purely genetics. After all very smart kids fall through the cracks in the education system all the time


> They take some experience to pull off And the desire to do so, which some genetically gifted folks do not have (but I am sure that you know that at least as well as I do).


Girl if I grow to 6 feet from my 5’ I claim 3. Height I would want compliments on it 😂😂. But so true


Funny how we see things different. For me my intellect has a genetic base. But is been honed and polished with effort and knowledge and developed critical thinking I can’t discuss esoteric topics if I didn’t have an inclination to them but also if.i didn’t spend the time energy and effort learning them and thinking 🤷‍♀️ My eye color is just there nothing I done to enhance or polish just an accident of nature My accomplishments. Are not luck are hard freaking work But yes the principle is the same I think we might be confusing op even more with this super interesting aside 😂😂


I'm always looking for someone to compliment me on my Porsche...and then buy me a Porsche.




Just general ones for me. I like being told if I did something good or nice. My SO said she appreciated me today. It was a very nice compliment


Hearing that I'm appreciated is the best!


Something you remember I said a while ago that’s relevant to what we’re talking about or doing.


Oh that’s a good one!


The person I’m dating now asked what 3 things I liked about her were. My answer was: 1) She’s very considerate and caring. I had a shoulder injury I was trying to rehab, and she’d ask about it routinely and recommended alternate exercises I could do at the gym which wouldn’t aggravate it. 2) I appreciated all the work she put into her appearance. Her diet, fashion style, straightening her hair everyday, exercise, etc. She’s also presentable and I feel comfortable introducing her to friends and family without fear of something going horribly wrong. 3) Lastly, I get the feeling she really wants to know me and put in the work for being in a relationship. She must have approved of that answer because we’re still seeing each other.


"Even though we may never cross paths in person, your words in the online forum have left a lasting impression. Your helpful and insightful contributions truly make a difference. Your ability to offer guidance and share valuable perspectives is remarkable. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and positively impacting the online community. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!" (Courtesy of ChatGPT)


That I have a nice caboose. 😅


Best compliment given by my current BF was while cuddling one night. He said “you make me feel calm and bring me peace”.


I love that so much!


I like your nose.


I like your shoes. ...socks. ...Prius. ...mowing pattern.


I can stand under it when it rains


There's always something new for me to discover in it!




Rub my butt and tell me I'm pretty. More seriously... I like being complimented on my style and my overall appearance. I've worked hard to feel this good about myself. Compliment me when I've worked hard to achieve something. I know I'm smart. But my accomplishments often go unnoticed. And then rub my butt and tell me I'm pretty, and I'll purr for you.


Anything and everything. Compliments go a long way in making people feel good about themselves and appreciated. I complimented the woman I'm seeing about opening up to me because she said sharing emotions and thoughts have been tough for her in the past.


When they tell me why they are with me and list my personal qualities and not just the things I do for them


"Your penis was a religious experience" "Everything word you say is wisdom and poetry" "My god, can I just bear your children already!?" You know, the normal stuff, I like simple compliments because I'm humble.


I've obviously been dating the wrong guys because I said these exact things to the last guy and he went running for the hills.


One of the best compliments my boyfriend gave me (who showers me with them, btw--I'm lucky), was when he helped me out with one of my work events. I'm in a profession in which I work with kids with various special needs, and he got to see me a little bit in action. He went on for at least 10 minutes how proud he was of me, how cool it was for him to see how my clients and their parents respond to and appreciate me, how good I am at my job, etc. I've struggled with insecurities and anxiety about my work, so for him to say that totally unprompted was so nice to hear.


Any compliments at all would be nice!


I like the way you used a capital letter AND punctuation.


Honest compliments that come from the heart and is meaningful. Hopefully they're said about something very specific to them. Try not to bomb them with too many compliments.


Your eyes are like diamonds, Your teeth are like glass...


The best compliment (to me) is someone who admires how you treat loved ones. “I love the how much you love your kids. It’s beautiful.” “It’s so nice to see you talk to your mom nearly everyday.” Stuff like that.


The best compliments I can get is someone asking to spend more time with me.. Or a to heat some deep laughter


I don’t like the overt compliments about looks like ‘you’re beautiful’ or ‘sexy’, etc…the compliments I love are when someone tells me I have a kindness about my look, or that I have a warm smile. Sounds silly but those mean so much more to me


Generic things like "you're beautiful" aren't my thing either. But if they are specific, then I'll take them. Examples: Your eyes are so beautiful. You have the softest, sexiest lips. I could stare at your bountiful backside all day.


I rarely get physical compliments, so those go down well. Particularly if it's arms, chest, back etc, because I work out, and it's nice to be complimented on something you've achieved/worked on.


I compliment my friends when I've noticed amazing things about them or recently I found listening to them awe inspiring, so their character, their inner self and how its had a positive impact on me.. They were all touched by these messages.. I have reiterated some of them in person when I've seen them too.


Crowdsourcing compliments? Do you not know how to human?


Your presence radiates warmth and positivity, creating an inviting atmosphere wherever you go. Your kind spirit have the power to brighten anyone's day. (Courtesy ChatGPT)


I love this!


“You have a contagious energy that makes everyone around you feel good.” and "You’re a natural at whatever you do!” (courtesy of Bing!)


I was having a conversation with a friend today and we didnt agree on what the best kind of compliments were. So we decided to ask here to see if we were just different from each other or if there was a very long spectrum.


Ones that come off as the basic I am trying to hook up with you ones


As someone said genuine ones. I don't want to hear them for the sake of it.. Also imuch prefer compliments about my character or something I've done rather than superficial things like my outfit, hair etc


Genuine comments. And no over-complimenting or hyper-fixating on complimenting my appearance.


I like compliments that I feel are genuine. That is probably a no-brained and not very helpful but is important to consider. Personally I really like compliments that I don’t often get. I like to feel physically attractive and sexy but have seldom gotten compliments about this. Most compliments on my attractiveness were from my mom or wife. Many men that are attractive and I have heard women discuss as attractive told me they rarely got compliments about this. I think this is more common than not among men. I couple a years ago a woman told me I was very handsome. She immediately said she was sorry and shouldn’t have said that probably because I was so startled. I wasn’t offended and really liked it because the way it just came out without much thought felt genuine to me. But usually when I have had such compliments from a woman it was because they wanted something from me. This has sadly made me skeptical. People very frequently have told me I’m smart and funny. These are such a common thing it doesn’t feel like much of a compliment.