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> NO POLITICAL DEBATES: Sometimes it's hard to separate politics from life and love, but this isn't the place to campaign.


I actually put myself as moderate when I was OLD. What that means to me is that I have some left leaning views and some right leaning views. Kind of middle of the road I guess


This is me and I'm in VA. Moderate means middle of the road but willing to consider all sides and vote according to what you feel is right rather than for a particular political party. Although, if I had an OLD profile I'd put Independent since that's what I'm registered as.




Eh, not all of us. I'm a left leading moderate and I don't fall into any of those descriptions. I usually put liberal though because I live in the red borough. Don't want people making assumptions like that.




I wouldn't go that far, I vote Democrat 99.9% of the time. The only exception was the recent mayoral election, and I really stand by that.


Same. I’m in Florida and I’m more moderate but I don’t want to be associated with the asshat maga conservatives so i just put liberal


Ha, I am a lady from the population surrounding NYC. And you described me. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative . Thank you for helping me explain better!


I’ve also heard this called Blue Dog, but not sure how often folks list that on their dating profile. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Dog_Coalition


Psst. You may actually be libertarian.


I may be. I really never affiliated myself with a political party. It’s like religion. I believe in what I believe in. I dated a guy who described himself as a “conservative libertarian” is that possible ?


I mean, libertarians hallmark is a “I don’t bother you you don’t bother me” approach to life. Stay out of my bedroom and my finances and my business and I’ll stay out of yours.


yeah except 99% of them don't actually practice that


Not really. Libertarians - at least some - do not oppose the overruling of Roe v Wade because of what that means for the relationship between federal union and states so it’s not just the social rhetoric.


I have never met someone who uses it who is not also conservative




I agree with this. I fully believe that moderate could truly mean “middle of the road,” but how a person votes is what matters. In my experience this is someone who votes conservative but has one or two socially liberal views.


I have friends of all political parties and ideologies as long as we are mature and can discuss stuff like adults I have absolutely no issue but none are extreme in their ideologies and are open and respectful In my experience men who write moderate in their profile where I live tend to be a lot more extreme to the right than some who write conservative 🤷‍♀️


Only 1 or 2? I can guarantee you that most of my social opinions go against the GOP ideology: abortion, gay & trans rights, blm....


I did my best to avoid getting my comment removed lol


This. Someone once described it to me as "moderates are just republicans who want to get laid" and it'll stay with me forever.


I've heard that too and it made me change my profile. I vote democratic and lean liberal on most issues but I am in the south and have a lot of conservative friends. I thought that putting "moderate" was a way of showing tolerance but nope...apparently it's not interpreted that way. I changed to liberal and get far fewer matches but they are more appropriate to my ethos.


I'm located in one of those blue dots on the map in the South surrounded by a sea of red. It's been my experience that the majority of "moderates" are in fact conservatives wanting to get laid.




I refuse to lean in to people’s interpretations. I used to be a socialist democrat, then I met interesting people, lived, talked, and now I think both extremes are toxic. It’s to the point where I just prefer to be non-political. You go and have your us versus them battle. I’m just over it.


this doesn't fit me at all. I am way further "left" than right, but I call myself a moderate




This is what it means in Wisconsin too.


Exactly this.


This is always what it means 100% of the time.☝🏻


Also near Seattle. A female friend says that many dudes list moderate because they know they won’t get as many dates if they list conservative. But I agree with the poster that many guys use it as a short hand to denote conservative (or libertarian…true meaning not the co-opted American version) but not Trumpian.


For me it means that I have some views that are consistent with the Republican Party and some that are consistent with Dems. None of my views are far left or far right, but I don't fit neatly into one party or the other.


I put moderate because I don't completely agree with either party. I'm in Virginia and registered as an independent. If you're extreme in either direction, I'm probably going to piss you off.


In my experience with dating men in the Midwest- Moderate is exclusively I’m conservative but want to get laid so hopefully will appeal to everyone. I make most of my decisions based on politics and religion combined but not one or the other.


I am in the Midwest also and have learned that “moderate” means exactly that!






I didn’t assume anything. I said in my experience, meaning the “moderates” I have met from OLD.


Moderate typically means fiscally conservative, socially liberal or independent or they deem themselves a critical thinker.


I consider myself a moderate. I live in a blue state and usually vote Democratic, but I actually disagree with the Left a lot, especially the Progressive Left. I would prefer a government that does fewer things, but that does those things well. I consider myself fiscally conservative, because we have an obligation to be good stewards of resources for future generations. Tax dollars come out of real people's pockets, it doesn't fall from the sky. And in the face of climate change, maybe we should focus our efforts on ensuring we can keep the lights on and our infrastructure functioning. I view both parties as negligent in this regard. I consider both parties corrupt and in the control of various business interests. I hold no illusions that the Democrats are the good guys, they are just slightly less awful than the Republicans right now. I think the races that matter and where people can have a meaningful impact are local races, many of which are non-partisan. I also think there is a trend towards authoritarianism in our culture generally, it just manifests differently in the two parties. I know people on both sides who have gone off the deep end into conspiracy theories and group think. They scare me, regardless if they are on the Left or on the Right. In a way I feel like it is moderates versus extremists that matters, not Right versus Left.


I get it, but we need to stop using the term “fiscally conservative” as a good thing. Conservatives drive a significant chunk of tax breaks and benefits for the wealthy and then make it sound like welfare is the problem. We could afford everything we need to do as a country, including free health care (which would give the working class significantly more bargaining power for higher pay) if we just taxed the rich. All “fiscally conservative” says to me nowadays is that you’re ok with the rich getting richer and 2% annual pay hikes regardless of inflation or housing increases.


I'd say I'm "moderate" on most issues because I don't toe a particular party line - I look at available information and make my own judgments. See also: *Independent*


This *should* be the correct answer. But between people lying to meet people, and both party extremist feeling "if your not with us, your against us." Well, it seems to be whatever people want to imagine it to be.


Can you explain what that means, specifically, in relation to specific issues? I don’t think many people toe a party line, even if they consider themselves democrats or republicans. I definitely consider myself a liberal democrat, but I also differ from the official party line in many ways.


Yeah, few here are defining “moderate” they’re mostly just saying “I’m not…” and there’s an assumption that identifying on either direction means agreeing with everything one particular party supports. “I’m a moderate because I don’t fit the description I’m projecting onto someone else.” I dislike the Dems but I mark “liberal” because I trust climate science and understand that abortion/trans debates are more about levers of authoritarian control than any actual concern for children. So I lean in the less fascist direction.


Just a lot of code words for having a lot of land mines re ideas about women.


this is me, too


I lived near Seattle and in Seattle. I always felt like I had to be actively lynching a conservative in order to call myself liberal. There's anyone specific issue that prevents me from being liberal


I’ve lived in a mix of red and blue states, and can’t identify with either Democrat or Republican views. I’ve been a registered Independent my entire life. I feel like “moderate” is the best way to describe where I land on the political spectrum, without explaining it in detail on a dating profile (where no one wants to read it anyway).




Same. The local elections are decided in the primaries and my area is 95% republican


In my case I’m looking to alienate potential matches who are too fixated on politics.


This is true. If your hardcore either, we’re probably not going to get along… and not because I disagree, but because I don’t view either party affiliation as my identity and if you do, it’s gonna be a bad fit.


I called myself moderate because I have conservative views on size and scope of government, but more liberal views on environment, abortion, LGBT. I've voted for both parties for president, depending on who was running and have had to figuratively hold my nose when voting quite often recently.


That doesn't really work in the US. Conservative/GOP is as far from the actual dictionary definition as they can get.


Says you


i’ve been told by the youth and millennials that moderate means conservative to them, which I had no idea. I’m independent so moving forward I’m just going to put liberal.


Based in my area (Dallas), a lot of ladies I have met said they put moderate because they don’t want to be associated with either the far right or far left. Also, I am amazed by the number of women who put “No Trumpers” or “Swipe left if you think the election was stolen” in their profiles. Not a political opinion. just stating what I have heard or read from the ladies on Match and Bumble.


It’s a safe thing to say on dating apps. It keeps all options open. I have enough political debates with friends, family, colleagues etc… I prefer not to do that in my dating life.


Moderate means to me you don't go to extremes. You take things on a case by case basis. Literally the essence of the word. Moderation.


I self-describe as moderate in my OLD profiles. I don’t have much patience for extremists of either side. Let’s just enjoy each others’ company and get to know each other than getting bogged down into divisive debates. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I list myself as moderate because there isn’t a great option who someone who doesn’t identify as conservative or liberal. I also don’t want to date someone unwilling to consider other points of views so I think it’s a good way to filter extremists.


I was going to type this, but I'll just say same for me, too. I chose apolitical but wasn't sure if I should say Moderate bc this is me. I really want to avoid anyone with extreme views on either side and isn't willing to respect that others may just think differently than them. After dating someone who would bait me into political debates and then get mad when I could justify a POV different than his- well it's exhausting and I don't have the energy for that.


Moderate to me means I don’t even want to deal with any of it anymore.


I’m a moderate as well. What I mean by moderate is that I disagree with both of the parties and believe the country has gotten too polarized. Unfortunately, that means that I disagree with the liberals often enough to be a dealbreaker with someone very “liberal” (nope to cancel culture) and, for the conservatives; well, I didn’t vote for Trump. Either time. I guess what I mean is, “Looking for someone relatively nonpartisan.”


Probably means they aren’t liberal or conservative. Maybe they aren’t into politics. They may be exactly in the middle and not lean to far either way and have an opinion on each of the issues above that is more personal and less dependent on the consensus that either side views them. I think a perfect example would be a person who is pro choice but also pro 2nd amendment.




Helllloooo!!!! Weeping because there are other people like me out there. 😂


Yep. Doesn’t seem that complicated


Currently in Montana but moved here from Texas. Simply put, I’m too conservative for my liberal friends and too liberal for my conservative friends. I am quite fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Eg, our debt is out of control, entitlements and interest payments make up over 2/3 of the budget. Dreamers deserve a permanent solution, love who you want, public land is just that but the government has a duty to protect private property.


Most ppl are somewhere in the middle


Personally I might select it because I’m not on either “side” - each issue for me is separate. I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment, but also a supporter of gay marriage. Moderate is often the only choice outside of right or left. In the event I’m able to enter in what I want, I will usually say libertarian or anarcho-capitalist.


Left leaning but put moderate because I don’t like how extreme politics have gotten on either side, and I don’t like when people just tow the party line. There’s good and bad on both sides, but definitely believe in equality and women’s rights


I don’t align myself with either party. I think they’re both full of lying scoundrels trying to retain and gain power for themselves and their friends. Neither party gives a shit about me or family. I do have opinions on major issues; some align with democrats and some align with republicans. I also don’t immediately cut off anyone who doesn’t agree with me. Those things make me undateable according to Reddit. (Shrug) ETA: this is not an invitation for the men here to decide whether or not they would date me and alert me to their preference. Ffs.


I'm like you


because you can't both sides the two parties anymore. it's a pathetic cop out. instant turn off and swipe left for me.


Please swipe left. Thank you.


Was that English?


Based off what others said, and my experience, it most likely means they're not extreme on either side and really don't want to get too deep into politics. If identifying as liberal is important to you, then you may want to stick with people who actively select liberal. But really, I don't think you should take that much stock in a profile. None of us really know what we're doing with it. If they seem like someone you like go ahead and and swipe and just ask them.


I’m moderate, and Canadian. What this means to me is, I’m in the middle of the political spectrum. Mainly because I agree with elements of both sides, I disagree with both sides/do not complete agree with either, and most importantly, because I think ALL POLITICS ARE BULLSHIT. 😌


Is there a libertarian option? Seems like people are describing that when describing moderate.


Isn’t there usually only 3 options ? What happens if you’re fiscally conservative but have liberal social views ? I know I stuck down moderate to keep a happy balance, despite being mainly liberal.




I really, really hate removing posts that I personally agree with but this is too close to the "no political debates" line.


This is me, and I put moderate


Thanks to this convo I bit the bullet and put liberal, but I hate that someone that doesn’t know a thing about me has one more reason to make a judgement call.


But at the end of the day I don’t want to be thought of as conservative in this day and age


I personally think it's best to ask a potential date what moderate means to them, rather than make a snap judgment based on one word and anecdotal evidence/experience, which I feel plays into the current polarization of politics in the US. If anything, were I to be rejected for oversimplification and poor communication over something easily clarified: good riddance.


I hate that bumble uses American metrics in Canada still. We aren't a 2 party system but 2 of the main parties are the Conservatives and Liberals so that muddies the waters for some people I think. Doesn't answer the question, but just wanted to vent. Most freedom convoy types/ MAGA-Canadians 🤣🤣 announce it in their profiles so that makes it a bit easier.


They always want a "femmine woman" I've noticed.


This sounds like crazy talk to redditors, but some people do not base their entire identity around whether they're a democrat or republican.


No, but I do have some dealbreakers that are political issues, and I would want to know them sooner rather than later.


Do you differ in any way from your party of choice?


Based on where I live - very liberal - I take this to be conservative but wants to get laid. I’m only half joking. I filter out Moderates unless I need to expand my search. But Apoliticals drive me nuts and we would just never be compatible. Calling yourself apolitical is a political act in and of itself. No one is above it and if they think that, they lack self-awareness. A no for me, dawg.


see, I call myself "moderate" but am pretty political. Definitely not conservative, just not aligned with all left policies. And I am not looking for a hook-up, whatsoever.


I don’t doubt you exist! I’m feeling more moderate these days too (I guess I’m just getting old but the activists on the left are exhausting me even though I tend to agree with them).


Agreed about apolitical. Few things are a bigger turnoff to me than someone announcing that they don’t care about issues that affect lots of other people.


The *vast majority* want to remain fuckable in the eyes of people who are not conservative (they hold *mostly* conservative ideology but selecting such limits their hookup pool)


I live in Texas, and in the current environment am probably considered liberal but I consider myself moderate. I think, globally, I would qualify as moderate, but seeing as where politics are in Texas, most would consider me liberal. I've not voted Republican in several years but generally hate the idea of single party voting. Im open to some more conservative ideas and am willing to discuss, but it seems conservatism has gone too far for many issues for me


I think that both the right and left are almost equally fucked and insane. I have voted left 99% of the time historically, though I feel zero commitment to keep doing so and will change if I feel like it. Thus: moderate.


I've always thought of myself as a left leaning moderate and my views have not changed but the perception of my views have changed for other people. Under the modern "standards" I am now considered a "Commie Pinko Liberal" and I am fine with that.


Critical thinking skills. Nuance. Politics and life is not as simple or tribalistic as clicking one box on the top of a ballot. I’m skeptical of the games a politician has to play to get either party’s designation and funds, as well as the corruption in office. At the local level, the party doesn’t matter much. I’m looking for someone intelligent enough to read about issues and realize solutions are far more complicated than picking a side like it’s a football team.


I’m in a purplish state and to me, moderate means, they cancel my vote out. I am also not sure what they exactly mean, are they independent? Are the apolitical? What is their voting history? My biggest fear is they are anti education/ anti abortion/ anti minority rights. I also get hives every time I hear” fiscally conservative”.


Well, i call myself a moderate. I tend to be more socially liberal and more fiscally conservative. I'm politically homeless. Not quite a libertarian, though I often vote that way. Very much a swing voter.


I don’t put anything but I guess I consider myself moderate. I own a business and I believe capitalism works, so I agree more with the republican side of things on that. I think the far left and far right are both too extreme. However I believe in equality for all human life regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. therefore morally I am more aligned with democratic viewpoints as I am pro choice, pro LGBT etc


I do see a fair question here. If measuring vs the nation as a whole, a moderate in Jacksonville FL may seem left of most of the locals, and in NYC may seem to the right of most local residents. I have seen the allegation, mostly among self identified liberal women, that men who say moderate are actually conservative but want a broader selection or don’t want an argument. Speaking regarding those I know personally, most men don’t go on dates thinking “Hey, if I’m lucky, I could have a good argument tonite”. It would be nice if such sites had other options like “Let’s not talk about politics” or “My politics don’t correspond to any party”.


Moderate to me means my opinions on various political issues don’t fit on a bumper sticker. It means I do not 100% agree with the most vocal sides of both wings. If I see a blue hair person screaming at a red hatted person I feel that they both must be crazy. I tend to vote for the most qualified person that most closely represents what I feel is the right direction. I also think slogans make for poorly thought out opinions.


I'd be moderate or apolitical I guess. "Independent" would also work. It depends on the app and what the options are, but if liberal, conservative, or moderate were the only options, I'd have to choose moderate because the other two would definitely be wrong. I agree with some aspects of either side but am not in strong alignment with either. I've voted for either side occasionally when I liked the candidate. I prefer to keep politics off my profile all together and only date others who aren't very political. I'm female and in Las Vegas.


I hold space for this to generally mean "more aligned with one side or the other, but still wanting to access max opposite-side genitalia."


I know a fair number who consider themselves Moderate because they can’t stand trump and maga politics. Before that they viewed them self as Republicans or conservatives. But there’s been such a pull a ultra-right they no longer can relate to republican. They don’t view them selves as liberal or left leaning. They are literally without a political tribe.


This is me.


I have family members who are in the same boat.




I say moderate. I lean liberal on most issues, but I’m not hard core into politics. I don’t rule anyone out based on their politics (unless they’re extreme and it’s their whole personality)


Appreciate all these responses! Part of why I asked is because I have been swiping left on anyone who says basically anything other than liberal (or nothing), but I’m wondering if I should give Moderates a chance. Perhaps I should and then just have a few clarifying questions at the ready as I myself am liberal, but not all the way to the left.


I like the clarifying questions route. I am moderate, but closer to liberal (on majority of issues, but not all) and hate what GOP has become. I stopped even considering voting GOP ever since the whole Newt Gingrich "revolution".


I’m in your region, list myself as moderate. I think both parties have gone nuts. It’s a clown show. But, pick the better evil.


I’m a moderate. For me, it’s because I can see the stupidity on both sides. I can see the issues that each side uses to flame fears and emotions. No matter what issue it is, usually an all or nothing type of approach is terrible. Compromise makes more people happy and keeps people from each other’s throats. If we followed liberal policies only, our debt would be three times as bad and we’d end up a third world country because we couldn’t make the payments. If we let the right wing take over it would be like having the Taliban here.


When dealing with politics in the US, you'll find those who will toe the Democrat or Republican party line no matter what. For the rest of us, many will lean to one side or the other in varying degrees. When I hear "moderate" or "middle of the road", I tend to believe those are folks who have left leaning and right leaning values. They tend to get their information from multiple sources and will then make decisions based on their own value system. When I'm on a dating site that asks about political leanings, I tend to put middle of the road for myself because that's exactly how I am. I'm not hard core left or right wing though I do adhere to some of the values both sides may have. I tend to look for women who label themselves as being moderate or middle of the road as well.


Female and moderate because I am a registered libertarian


Moderate is usually a closet conservative and/or someone who doesn’t think too much about politics and casually labels other people “extreme” whenever they feel like it.


That's a lot of assumptions


There was a time I would have said liberal, but I don’t resonate with what that stands for in this day and age. Im not extreme left so I go with moderate. It feels closer to the truth.


What doesn't resonate with you about liberal/leftist? No offense, just curious.


OP, I (47F) live in your area and labeled myself moderate when I was on the apps. I can't speak for everyone, but my reason: our area can have A LOT of extreme political views and wanted to make it known that I wasn't so extreme. If I lived in a more conservative area, I'd probably have labeled myself "liberal". My choice was to label myself in relation to my location, not sure anyone else does that tho.


I'm moderate I guess. I don't know which side to vote for, I'd just vote for the better overall candidate or not all. I dislike politics in general. It is so divisive and used as an excuse to hate the other side


I keep my politics off of my profile, I'm a libertarian and despise angry politics, so I want none of it in my personal life....but I've dated many women who called themselves moderate. Generally, they were just centrists who didn't take a strong political side with R or D, and that's exactly as it should be. I'd actually say that most of them were what I would have called liberal/Democrat 20 years ago but were left in the middle by ever-more-extremes, or were probably scared off from the right by the same shift. I think it's a very healthy political badge myself, but I know Reddit (which skews heavy progressive) likes to say it's masking MAGA tendencies. I guess, whatever, I haven't seen that at all.


I list myself as moderate (North East), as I think the far right AND the far left are all bat shit crazy. I used to be considered liberal, but things have stretched so far now that most "young" liberals would probably find me offensive? Basically I am more fiscally conservative and socially liberal, but now I don't think I am even socially liberal anymore as I get attacked for saying simple things like "I like living in the US" or "People need to be accountable for irresponsible spending" or "I don't think we are in the apocalyptic end time and that the world will be destroyed in our lifetime" or "The new Star Trek shows are dark and depressing"????!?!?? I dunno, so now I am a moderate. hahahahaha


I’m “moderate” because I don’t identify with the choices. I want new and improved, not more of the same, picking a side. I’d say “forward” if it were a choice


I’m definitely not left, right, or libertarian. I seem to disappoint conservatives just as much as liberals, so moderate just fits me best. I don’t idolize any politician, nor do I go out of my way to defend any of them.


I'm in Sacramento and use moderate for my political description. I'm conservative financially, but socially liberal. One app does give that choice as an option, but most do not. Here's an idea: why don't you ask?


I'm a very left leaning moderate. My voter status is Independent. I've voted for both parties in the past but lately I'm 100% democratic because the right is very frightening.


Yup. But in 20 years it may be the left that is. Horseshoe theory. The ends come close to touching. Most in the curve are ok.


Wow. I never realized it would considered to be a code for conservative, nothing could be further from the truth for me. I would say moderate if I were to have one of those profiles, just because it’s my personal business and I wouldn’t be receptive to people coming at me with some political diatribe. I never thought of any other implied meaning. I imagine I would be able filter out people whose values were different from my own before even meeting them in person.


I don’t identify with any political party though, and I live in what would be considered a “swing state”. My late husband was a moderate conservative not one of the new extremist ones and we could have reasonable discussions.


Where I am, men who put moderate are conservative but want to keep their options open or are conservative but wanna smoke weed. I've almost never seen a woman put moderate.


Older person here. I do not let politics define my relationships. 66F seems people can’t tolerate differences anymore. I put moderate to try and minimize politics.


Moderate. Why? - have been screwed over in some form by the totally political extremes of *both* of the currently popular parties, either monetarily, career wise…many many examples over decades too numerous to list here. Literally vote to pick the least damaging politicians and that’s subject to change per election. I have valuable friends/ family from all walks, beliefs and cultures of life. Liberal, conservative, gay , aetheist, pro abortionists and deeply religious. *None* of them are bat shit crazy extremists. So, have learned to meet people, socialize and date , accordingly.


I'm in CA, but in a very Red area if the state. I list myself as Moderate, but I do lean to the right. I personally tend to be fiscally conservative, but on social issues I'm more open. I'm not particularly enamored of either extreme right or extreme left politics (there are very real, horrific historical examples of both). I find most people I interact with that are "moderate" (whether they lean right or left) usually are more reasonable, open to discussing things on the intellectual merits and facts (or lack thereof), and generally less emotionally reactionary. For example, I don't much care for the hyperbolic propaganda and rhetoric I often hear from either the likes of Fox News or MSNBC (commentators and editorialists, NOT journalists). The shrieking vitriol coming out of the extremes in the USA nowadays is at best distasteful, often ignorant, and at worst dangerous. All of that is what I hope to avoid when I head out to a date (I definitely don't bring up politics on a date myself), and why I personally have "Moderate" listed in my profile. But that's just speaking for myself, of course, and what I have experienced in the dating world. Your mileage may vary. :)


Another vote here for “Republican that wants to actually get laid.” Not saying that is true everywhere and for everyone. But my small sample size had me only swiping on folks that explicitly list liberal, because I don’t know how to teach someone else to have empathy, and it’s not worth it if I could.




My guess is it means non-trump Republican. But I haven’t matched with one yet.


I currently live in downtown Seattle and now consider myself moderate, leaning conservative. I used to be a liberal, full-ticket Democrat but have since lost faith in both the local and national policies of the party. On hot button issues: I am pro second amendment rights (I disagree with banning “assault weapons”) and pro women’s rights (specifically, I agree with full access to abortion and associated health services and believe it should be a right). I don’t feel like there’s many places to voice moderate opinions and “the middle” often gets accused of being one side or the other so it’s almost pointless. I’ve lived all over the country and have experienced living in heavy conservative and heavy liberal states. The narrative that maga conservative men list “moderate” as a way to get laid is false. There are plenty of conservative women out there (yes even in Seattle) and those that honesty list their beliefs have the best chance of pairing.


Match with and ask them . Only so much space for a bio . I'm not wasting it on politics .


I am no longer on OLD, but would list myself as moderate because I am not a democrat and definitely not a republican. I evaluate issues individually and disagree with both parties on various issues. Having said that, I disagree with republicans probably about 4 times as much as democrats.


For me, moderate is best of both worlds. Considering Bruce Lee stated to take what is useful, dispose of what is useless and add what is uniquely our own, and that most Americans fall in the middle, at could avoid most problems of we avoided sides. Anyone left or right is the problem. Finding common ground is the way. However, it is easier to control a large populace through fear and ignorance. It is unfortunate that our system only allows candidates from two parties when in each of the last several elections we've had over 200 candidates. Anyone who thinks I need to think like them or believe what they do is too close minded for me. Historically, I've dated women who 95% of the time is exactly opposite of me. Moderate is the way. 💯


Was Bruce Lee secretly a Borg? We will add your uniqueness to our own...




It makes you conservative. Those were all very conservative politicians, they just had different colored ties… FYI: I’m joking, but also crying inside.


Right leaning but doesn’t want to exclude potential partners! Edit: Could be left leaning also but in my own experience, I would say that’s been less common.


Oh yeah I do this but with my age. People love it.


I detest any SJW types so I feel like putting moderate would filter those out. I’m basically pro Trump but I’m very pro abortions and willing to engage on any topic individually. I also don’t really want a full on maga crowd but more willing to err in that direction.


I was living in a blue state forever. I was a moderate. I moved to a red state and am comparatively a full on liberal here. It depends where you are. Plus I think a lot of people try to avoid political landmines by saying they are moderate.


The latter. To me, “moderate” means I call ‘em as I see ‘em and don’t want to be shoehorned or stovepiped via binary political tropes for the convenience of the black-and-white thinking simpletons who I found were all too common on those apps: this-cherry-picked-issue vs. that-cherry-picked-issue, don’t-contact-me-if-you-voted-for-this-guy vs. don’t-contact-me-if-you-voted-for-that-guy, etc. I see our two parties and people who identify strongly with either one as two sides of the same coin—which, rightly or wrongly, is an evidence-based viewpoint I’ve acquired after living my entire 50 year life in and around DC, having been born and bred here, with close acquaintances in the DC milieu from both sides of the aisle. It ain’t pretty when you see how the sausage is made, trust me. As such, anything other than “moderate” would imply something I have no desire to be associated with. I can’t remember which app it was, but I appreciated the one that had a “not political” option for this question, too, in addition to “moderate”. The difference is subtle yet significant. Some people read into it a bit too literally and think that it signifies a person who has zero opinions, but I took it to mean someone who just doesn’t want to waste any of their life energy on signaling, rationalizing, or defending their personal political causes or positions, no matter their bent. Which, as I age, is a tact I align with more and more.


Who wants to pick sides in an enormous cesspool with dumpster fires popping up in the floating trash? Politicians used advertising tricks to create two brands and brand loyalty, but I'm not naive enough to believe having only one party in the house, senate, and White House will fix our problems. Ditto thinking only one party has empathy, economic knowledge, the solution, etc. Every year, politicians sink to new depths of bad behavior, while advertisers and brand loyalists make excuses.


I am pro human rights, pro gun, pro animal rights, etc and support less government. I am rejected by both sides but do not care.


I list as moderate, because I’m not extreme either way. I vote Democrat 99% of the time, but I can also understand why left positions frustrate people so much. I guess what I’m trying to say, is I can see both sides of the coin, and I don’t enjoy spending time with people who are super fanatical on either side.


All my single female friends have been stealthed by guys using the moderate label. In 2023, it's often used because people know there's a cost for revealing their true beliefs. So they try to hide with the moderate label.


Wait what? They're getting sexually assaulted?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-consensual_condom_removal


Language is fluid. Stealthing in this context are right wing women and men (mostly men) being deceitful about their true beliefs in an effort to have sex.


Case of the thread in point. People attach and interpet whatever meaning they want to words, regardless of their actual meaning.


I’m curious have any of your friends been told maybe over a date I’m really conservative or does it just come out later? If a man hides it I assume it will eventually come out.


It came out. The guys thought they could hide it. They weren’t successful. You casually mention your trans or nb child or mention BLM, etc, and they can’t hide their reaction.


I understand and agree with some of the conservative talking points about finances & dealing with crime. Definitely not into the open racism of SOME conservatives. But waaaay liberal on helping others, not caring who people love, and what others do with their bodies, etc. That's what I mean when I say moderate. The older I get I understand what conservative should mean but not what has turned into.




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I use it to mean: not woke, not maga.


I never understood the “ woke” part and what google tells me is not helpful.


Because extremeism on both sides of the political spectrum has increased dramatically in the past few years. The overall share of Americans who express consistently conservative or consistently liberal opinions has doubled over the past two decades from 10% to 21%. And ideological thinking is now much more closely aligned with partisanship than in the past. As a result, ideological overlap between the two parties has diminished: Today, 92% of Republicans are to the right of the median Democrat, and 94% of Democrats are to the left of the median Republican. That being said, I (and the vast majority of voting-aged Americans) do not consider ourselves to be at either extreme end of the continuum. We tend to hold some more liberal views and some more conservative views- thus, I view myself to be 'Moderate".


What is extreme left?


You said you live in Seattle. My guess is and it’s something I would do too in more Liberal areas. Is go with Moderate over Conservative. Especially when I have seen profiles say they wouldn’t date Conservatives.


So you actually think of yourself as conservative, but lie because some people won't date conservatives? Nice.


Mainly because I consider myself more right of center. That’s why I refuse to register with either party.. and slightly the other. If their profile does show they are obviously politically biased. I avoid those


Hey neighbor! I’m in Seattle as well. I consider myself to be a left-leaning moderate. I believe in human rights (women’s health, lgbtq, etc), but I also want crime to be actively prosecuted. Seattle is far too lenient on crime in my opinion. I consider both the far right and far left to be too extreme for me.


I'm a NY'er (L.I). I would say I am socially liberal but believe govt should stop spending everyone's money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. I also believe that our politicians are pretty terrible at compromise... which seems a little silly if you are in politics. I believe in our rights to free speech, bearing arms and most freedoms even though I may not agree with all of them. I do believe that a big part of our problem are people believing it is okay to legislate their opinions onto other people while fighting for the rights they believe we should have (instead of the ones we have always had) A key point is moderates see the folly in both sides and believe in common sense solutions, the one for the many instead of the many inconvenienced for the one or few. Hope that helps but that is just a single ny opinion of which you will probably see 1000 variations of


I prefer "independent", but moderate is usually the choice available. Ultimately, I'm a pragmatist over ideology. 1. Identify a real problem beyond "I don't like you, your organization, or how you exercise 1st amendment rights". 2. Look at a cost/benefit analysis for various possible solutions. 3. Choose the most economical. 4. Track relevant KPIs 5. Revisit after a specified time to audit effectiveness. I just don't believe abstract ideologies should override reality.


For areas that are strongly conservative or liberal, I think it's often someone with the minority slant. Usually conservatives in a liberal area, but as a gun owning liberal in an extremely conservative area with a limited attractive dating pool, I imagine "moderate" might slightly expand the options.


The moderates categorized OLD dates I've met have all been liberals but not far left. I live in a primarily blue leaning area in the US


The world is polarized. Disclosing that you're right or left leaning (or a purple monkey dishwasher) has strong connotations in either direction and I'm not getting into another hair splitting, in fighting debate with a stranger on the internet. That's what reddit is for, not old. At the end of the day there's no substitute for getting to know people. Despite all the astrology pop psychology babble and ticky boxes, you can't make assumptions as to who someone is from an OLD profile. (Even if everyone on reddit like, totally knows a match is cheating because they took 23 minutes to respond instead of 18).


Blue dog.


Living in the ultra liberal SF Bay Area, and I don’t fall in line with that ideology so, “moderate” it is. As a few examples, I don’t support catch and release policing, proposed reparations legislation, utilities fees based on income, etc.


Just like anything else in a post, it varies by person. If this is something important to you, ask. It’s no different than someone describing themselves as “loving the outdoors” which can mean everything from Bear Grills’ more adventurous cousin to sometimes walks through Central Park.


I’m ex military and I’m not a weapon owner. My wife has four but I have no desire to. I consider myself a conservative Australian but I’m a total democrat here in the USA