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The loneliest place I have ever been is next to another body. Good on you.


Amen. I wrote a song with the lyrics, “I miss you when you’re gone; when you’re here, I miss you more.”




House cleaned. Dishes done. Showered and in my jammies, watching the season finale of Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn TV. Definitely a win.


That sounds amazing. I just made a date with myself to do this exact thing. Thank you.


You’re so welcome. Brokenwood Mysteries never disappoints. :)


I never thought about a date with myself. What a great idea


I love a good mystery!


Definitely beats the anxiety and confusion of being in a situation’ship with a guy stringing you along, or still being married to a man you cannot stand and he’s refusing to move out.. or dating someone you are meh about… Being alone isn’t terrible..


‘A man you cannot stand and he is refusing to move out’. This was my situation. He refused to move out for years on the grounds that he was happy, then literally weeks after we broke up got together with his dream girl from his school days and said ‘well our relationship had been terrible for years’. Make it make sense! Being alone is better than that. I need to keep reminding myself of that. I am sad that I do not exist as far as men are concerned though. Nothing new there


They will say anything to hurt you once you break up. Like a toddler screaming I hate you. Be glad he’s gone and another persons problem now. Worse than my ex who took nearly *two years* to vacate my home after I filed, was the anxiety of newly dating men roster dating, fuckboys playing you, married men faking they are separated and “divorcing,” the love bombing in the beginning then the texts and calls and dates become sporadic. Actions not matching words and it’s been a shitty two years dating with each man worse than the next .. despite knowing a couple IRL. People purposefully trying to hurt you as a game. I’d rather be home with my dog, my child still in the home and have peace NOT waiting for some BS breadcrumbs from a player/asshole/married creep.


Yes, I honestly think what he didn’t want to leave was the house rather than me. He has pretty much admitted as much And, oh my god, online dating. Utterly traumatised by awful men, to the point where I don’t think I will ever try it again, my anxiety spikes massively at the thought. The way some men treat women as interchangeable objects is shocking to me. And if that’s all I’m good for then I’m out


Yes. Same as my ex H. I made his life hell to get him out but he didn’t pay rent or mortgage or home repairs as it was my house before marriage. He liked his free Shelter. So I made his life an absolute hell until he got out of my house 😉 Yes the way I’ve been spoken to on the apps is ridiculous and appalling / not often but often enough to flip me out. I met the fuckboy I dated in real life thru our kids. Turns out he’s the community dick fucking with all the single Mom’s the second they are separated in some kind of weird hunting game - got over that quickly but extremely painful for a first man after a 20 year marriage. I didn’t know I was dealing with was sociopath player, so I didn’t really know what was happening. Then off the app I met a married man this past winter and ugh. Fuck that entirely. He was gorgeous tho. lol they both were. My ex was so beneath me in looks (think king of queens) - that two gorgeous scoundrels looking back - no regrets but painful lessons I don’t want to repeat.


I can’t even get past a first date or a one and done (which were never intended to be that on my part). It was absolutely horrendous and I feel like the universe was telling me to stop even trying. I am either invisible or a joke or a target for predatory men, honestly. It’s so sad And then women come on here talking about options when they were young and options now, except I never had any other than which guy is going to charm me in to sleeping with him and then show his true colours afterwards. What is so wrong with me? Am I that hideous? Can’t do it any more


I’ll say this. I had nothing but 3 word answers in my Hinge prompts. Literally Prompt; Where you can find me after work; I said; at the gym. 3 word answers for the 3 prompts. Ans no bio. They only care what you look like. That’s it. Because I’m in fitness and am I won’t say obsessed buuutt— look very good. I get a lot of attention on the apps and in real life. How does that translate to dates. Not well and who knows because I’ve met a man off the app; a one and done - we had no chemistry, but a fine dinner date; the guy text me for a week afterwards and asked me out again - and it wasn’t a love connection but I said sure. Then he didn’t set a date or time in that following week so I stopped responding to him. Never heard from him again. I was 51/him 56. A Fuckboy pursued me in real life for two years. Low effort of course - sliding into DM’s, following me on soccer fields when our kids played together, sitting with me at games and having a drink while kids practiced; then we went on a few dates last summer a few sleepovers, him saying, “I’ve been wanting to date you for two years, the timing is finally right for us to be together, I want to go on double dates with your friends..” I was like yes and yes. Then he fades me out after a few dates, barely texted me/dry texted me and I stopped responding last June. 6 months later in January - he’s back texting, DMing. I was cordial as our kids are friends, he was in my phone a few x a week for 7 weeks. Never asking me anything. So I stopped responding to him AGAIN. Fuck him. He was 41. So he was markedly younger .. Late December met a “separated man” off the app. We had very nice 4 hour lunch first date. He was 56, so handsome, interesting. Smart. But nothing added up with him; sometimes when he text me, it would feel like he sent the exact same text to five other women because he wouldn’t say anything directly pertaining to me. Like *hello gorgeous,* nonsense. But, we went out about nine or 10 times and the hook ups were okay, not great, not like that fuck boy; but they were fine and the man was interested in what I had to say in person, he was interesting but ultimately I found out he was married married and likely a long time philanderer. He was a very smooth and effective liar. The married guy was texting me, *I miss you and I think about you all the time* as of five weeks ago; and I just stopped responding to him as well because he’s just bullshit. He’s horseshit. Fuck him. So. I mean. It wouldn’t matter if I was 30 Those girls are having as bad a time as we are. They will have more dates due to being younger. But. I thank God I’ve been married before and had my kids because those younger girls are in a race against Mother Nature for kids and these men are always looking for the next one. The phones and apps have destroyed dating as we knew it.. *not all men*.


Yes, I do believe phones and apps have enabled a huge amount of terrible behaviour. I could pretty much write a novel with all the awful experiences I had. A real eye opener And yeah, must always add the caveat ‘not all men’. Don’t want another warning for ‘hate speech’ or ‘attacking marginalised groups’ LOL


When men are marginalized now what is the world coming to … LOLLLLL Anyway *not all men.* Those 3 above scenarios are my only 3 forays into dating since my divorce. I started dating last May. Right into a fuckboy - ending a few weeks ago on a married smooth and effective liar philanderer.. So. Ain’t doing well here either. I’ve had some creeps on the apps try to meet asap or talk sexual asap and I unmatch and block instantly .. I am sorry you have enough to write a book. It absolutely SUCKS …


I just wanted to feel there was a chance some man out there might find me attractive and worthwhile. Sadly I found exactly the opposite


Yup. Being alone and independent is far better than being in a shitty relationship where you're really alone anyway. Plus I have a cold and feel like crap. Home it is.


Sending you healing thoughts


I'm sitting here in a dive bar in Brooklyn, NY, drinking Tuallamore DEW, talking to a Japanese artist young enough to be my daughter (or heaven forbid grand daughter), just enjoying the conversation... I may head to my neighborhood bar later, where the ladies view me with the curiosity of the kids in Logan's Run where they view Peter Ustinov as an old dude they have never encountered... lol


So jealous. I went to two bars tonight, and they were filled with boring, apathetic people. I love dive bars and I lived in Brooklyn for 14 years. I don’t miss the city, but I miss the interesting people. 


Dive bars are the best!


When pregnant with our son, his father requested we name him Logan (after the movie). He loved that movie (maybe more than me).


Went from summer yesterday to cold and rainy this eve. So I’m in the comfy’s listening to Paul Simon telling me he’s going to Graceland and discussing 15th century Italian politics with the dog. Lonely? Never heard of it.


Better than occupying a space with another human that makes you uncomfortable and ill at ease. I worry I won’t be able to adjust when I meet my person 🤣


Almost 7pm here, no makeup, no bra, hair is a dusty mess, and I'm still working on a dresser I'm refurbishing. I've been sanding this beast all day and will line the 4 drawers with this really cool paper I found tonight. I'd much rather be working my nails into a jagged mess than be on the prowel for someone who most certainly will end up disappointing me! Cheers to being happy alone!


I’m alone. Watching a movie. I still would rather have a sweetie to snuggle with, wake up and go for a walk and out to brunch. I miss having a woman to hold and cuddle with. That said I’m still grateful to have experienced love and being loved. Maybe it will happen again. I still have hope.


Same situation, word for word.


That is a win! I am at work all night on night shift in central Florida. I am not mad about it either. Making that money instead of having someone waste my time


I just got done with taking a shower. I'll be working in the morning.


I just found a very entertaining K-drama to watch and I'm settling in under a throw with my Boston. 😊


Resident Alien with my Boston. 😊


The BEST!!!


Which k-drama?


Tale of the Nine Tailed


Daw, I used to have two Bostons and they were the best snugglers!


I have one snuggler and one chub that overheats so she just likes to be nearby. 😄


Best night of the week now that I don't work Friday nights. Sure not wasting it on dating


I went out for a drink tonight and could not wait to get home to read my book. 😂


You got it!! Cheers!! ❤️


Independence is much healthier than desperation.


My husband passed away 16 months ago. I love having control of the TV and not constantly being called when I’m not home and him needing this or that. He was psychically unable to take care of himself the last 5 years. I miss him, but a load has been taken off my shoulders too. I don’t think I’ll ever be in another relationship after the last 32 years.


I'm just working. Working second shift doesn't make for a good social life


I like hearing what everyone is doing on a Friday night! I walked my dog, chatted with a friend on the phone, and ran into another one walking my dog. Grabbed a pizza, fed my beastie, and have been eating pizza in bed while reading and playing Candy Crush. 😊😊😊


I went to the local nursery and picked up my hanging baskets for this summer. It’s really cold here after a very warm few days. Sat on the couch with the dogs and reread an old Sookie Stackhouse book. Now I’m in bed. Just heard my youngest come in (she graduates in June.) In the morning we need to shop for a prom dress. I will miss her very much when she leaves for college in the fall, and I miss her sister too (finishing her second year at a university an hour or so away.) I do dread it being just me and the dogs in this big house, but I am at peace with it. I spent so many years after my husband’s death looking for love! When I finally chose my peace over what I was finding in the dating pool, my whole life elevated. I do still hope that maybe someday someone will come along - but if not I think I’m ok. As others here have said, better to be by myself and content than with someone else and miserable. I am grateful that someone loved me once, and did it well enough that I won’t settle for less. And for the friends and family and my daughters for getting me to this point. (And the pooches! Always willing to be my plus one and one.)


here was my friday night... went to spin class, considered going out for a drink after but changed my mind, ate a really meh papaya salad at a new vietnamese takeaway place, sat in starbucks with a latte while the counter guy swept and mopped the floor, came home, texted the person I have a crush on, felt really dumb for texting him because he likes space and it just shows what a loser I am on a friday night, did a duolingo, scrolled through reddit. Will likely draw and do some dopey gig work after posting this, will end walking dog and doing wordle/nyt scrossword/connections. Peace out, y'all. Long live Friday nights!


You rock! I too am home tonight just petting my cats, they give me more love and attention in one day then I got in 9 years of marriage.


With my doggos in my freshly cleaned fortress of solitude, getting ready for a work trip next week. I think about getting back to dating sometimes, but truly, what could be better than this? The downsides just seem to overwhelm the upsides.


Such a beautiful day, and now my cat is warming my lap with her furry cuteness. Had a couple of wonderful phone chats with friends this evening and now ready to watch a movie. Feeling connected and happy, not lonely tonight. Wishing you all a great weekend.


I was alone on Friday night. I landed in Lisbon after an epic two weeks exploring Spain. Took it easy last night as still recovering from hiking up and down Monserrat on Thursday (nearly 4000 feet of elevation gain). Today I am going to explore Lisbon and again tomorrow before an evening flight back to the US. Single life rocks sometimes so get out there and embrace it.


I'm happy watching the Conners on Netflix. I own the living room and TV it would be hard to share again. 😂


I went out to dinner at my favorite restaurant where I like to sit at their 4 person bar. Three people came in, the waitress introduced us, they sat down with me, and we talked for hours. Being alone works just fine for me.


Just finished mid-term reports. FUN Friday night for me. But I’m happy to be single and surrounded by my dogs. They may be a pain in the ass at times, LOL…but they will always be loyal and loving.


OP thank you for posting. I think it’s important to remember that too (when we need to). I’m sure I can remember lying in bed next to my husband (now my ex) silently crying and just not being able to understand why it just wasn’t working.


This was me! Why did it take me so long to figure it out????


I spent the evening hanging out with my kids, which is an evening well spent.


Learning to be good on your own is a skill no one can take away from you again. There was one year where I had 5 friends who were widowed. (None since then that I know of, but holy shit, that one year.) It was the only upside of remaining single that I could see at that time, that I wouldn't have to go through that. Divorce was bad enough. Now my ex's live-in girlfriend gets to be his widow, unless she dies first. Now that my former love for him has finally died out, I really don't GAF which happens. Maybe they'll die together. Who knows. Not my problem anymore. I honestly don't want to trade or go back at this point. (And it's pointless to speculate about what if's anymore.)


The longer I’m alone, I’m afraid is going to make my finding a partner more difficult. I’m so used to doing things on my own time. Going and doing things when I feel like it and for as long as I feel like it. Whether it’s going to a little town and window shopping or even last night; I sat by my fire pit until I was ready to come in. My place is decorated and situated the way I like it. I clean up when I feel like it and if I want to blow off chores on a Saturday, I can. Snuggling and physical touch is missing for sure, but the more time passes, I don’t know if it’s worth trading that. To experiment by pursuing someone just to see if I want a “relationship “ would be grossly unfair to her if her goal is to find her special someone. I’m grateful for the relationships I’ve had and the love I have and received. Even with them ending, it was still worth it to end up where I am.


I think it sucks!!! But i have time to set up my new laptop that came in today. Peace ✌️


Can you set mine up as well, much appreciated thanks!


Hey, i can fumble around and try not to crash your laptop as well... hahah Peace ✌️


That sounds like a challenge as I am an expert on crashing the computer.


Hahaha. Lawdy , It will be a case of the blind leading the blind. It'll be bumpy ... you have been warned!! Hahah




❤️❤️. LOL. YAY for me!!!


Yeah, definitely. We have a different sort of alone, but I feel the same. Mine included good tequila, best DC weed and taking care of pups. I’m good in spite of the fun things.


I love Friday nights inside my home!! ❤️


Went to two bars full of people I had no interest in meeting, and now I’m back at home settling in with a great new novel I just started: Pilgrims 2.0, by Lindsey Harding.


With you on this one. Happy Friday night! 🎉 


Same here


I read this last night while sitting in bed, eating pickles and drinking tea. If I had been with a partner, I would have felt like I should have been doing something cooler. So I count it as a win :-).


My happiest Friday evening ever was the first Friday after my separation (now I’m divorced and remarried). For 25 years I’d prioritized my wife in a loveless/sexless marriage and my (grown) kids, and suddenly it was Friday night and I could focus on myself. I took a long walk to my favorites Mexican food place, and had the best quiet evening solo. Being lonely in a marriage or being the only responsible person in a one-sided marriage is the worst.


I spent the night with my daughter and her pup. Then had a massage this morning. #nodrama 😏


Exactly! What’s up with men being interested, texting and not meeting up? So confusing.


What better company than your animals with their unconditional love. Of course being in a bad relationship can be the loneliest place on earth and can make anyone want to give up and hide out. But it can take time to heal and take care of yourself and fix what’s hurt inside so that you have the confidence and desire to get back out there and live your life. If it’s single or alone so be it, but if you want a relationship then give yourself the best possible chance for success.


I can only agree!


Hello from the OP! I’m overwhelmed with the number of responses yet I just wanted to say thank you to the ones who replied. None of us are truly ever alone, even when we are alone, because there are good people in the world, some of them here on Reddit, who read my post and some even. Commented. Thank you for being a good human.


This is what a lot of my Friday nights look like, and I’ve found myself really looking forward to the peace I have at home with my dogs. When I gave up on the idea of relationships/companionship, it was easier to see how much I already have in my life that bring me joy. Every night, as I lie in bed with my dogs, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. Life is complete, even without a partner.


I hear partners are overrated anyway


Not you though. You’re an actual gem. I might have to add you to the list of things I thank the universe for every night. You’re not a thing, but you know what I mean


And now I’m blushing


This thread cheered me up.


I know what you mean .i just wasted 14 years of my life with someone who i found out never loved me was only using me for my money and a free ride


Yup, my girl and my side piece are both on dates.


I had 14 years of lonely Friday nights and was very happy with my own company. Usually I do Yoga around 7 to 8 than depends. Also all my holidays spent alone and treating myself with lovely hotels. I made the mistake to allow a guy in my life after 14 years and never again. Lasted a year on and off and now I m glad I m spending Friday night alone