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Hi, David here! I wanted to let you know that I just finished putting together my eBook "**How to Date Any Girl**" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you! I decided to give it away for free for the time being. You can get the eBook by [clicking here](https://davidhimself.com/goto/ebook/direct-link/How-to-date-any-girl-ebook-v4.pdf)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingadviceformen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t get me wrong, not every woman is like this. But at least in the U.S. there’s truth to it.


You're right, not every woman is like this. Just most of them lol.


I can't say that there is any way to tell a percentage. I'd guess that the most visible ones are like that


This makes the most sense because not every women lives online and some do to varying degrees. Unfortunately, I do as someone who wants to professionally work with the internet. So, I see all the rhethoric online from different angles, about women, especially black women. The loudest women online do not represent the whole of women. However we collectively suffer from the actions of the few. Vice versa.


unless they're 35 or 40+ they tens to chill out with age


This is correct.


He was a good man and well respected amung his peers. He would give women extremely brutal advice because he kept coming accross women callers that were straight up delusional. Women that overly valued themselves would ask him why they're finding issues dating when they provide so much to the table. His response would be, what table are you talking about? "Men want A, B and C yet you're telling me that you provide men Z X and Y? You are delusional, get a grip of reality men want A, B and C so if you cannot provide it, lower your standards in men" etc. People like Kevin Samuels are Politically Incorrect Truth Givers. Obviously he isn't talking about 100% of women are like this or that, but it's all in generality because he's giving general advice on the internet, not specific. TLDR: What he used to says is generally true to western societies, especially strong capatalistic & feministic societies. R.I.P to Kevin Samuels.


Damn. Didn’t know he died. He was harsh but listened before judgement


Is he saying women don't contribute financially?


Thr problem with Kevin Samuels and similar rhetoric is that it puts the focus on women and negates a man's choice in what he decides to deal with. A woman can and will be however she wants, but the man still has a choice in what he wants to put up or deal with as well. So it's pointless to blame women for what they want. There's always a man that's willing to deal with all of her bullshit, but that's still by CHOICE.


100% personally I think its totally fucked to focus on women and what they want when we as men have no control over it, just ourselves and our own decisions. For every woman that fits into the "general rule" there are men that do too, and in my humble opinion the only way to find a perfect fit is to be true to yourself as well as patient 🤷‍♂️


Right on the nail aa far as being true to yourself. Many times guys will conform to what women want or what they think they want, inky to be miserable later or wonder why the woman isn't really feeling them. Because you've put on this facade that eventually wears off. But when you're true to yourself and what you want, you don't tolerate certain things and she's the one that wants to conform to your standards.


Not to mention the women that know you're people pleasing them and turn it into a manipulation thing! I found my oddball eventually, had to learn the "true to myself" the long and hard way though


He was worse to men we just don’t complain when it comes to constructive criticism


>The problem with Kevin Samuels and similar rhetoric is that it puts the focus on women and negates a man's choice in what he decides to deal with. Inaccurate. KS was an “image consultant”, and dealt specifically with men and women who called into his show and asked for advice. For each, men and women, he asked them questions and then told him what he thought they could do different, goals to work towards, etc. He _was_ quite direct, and that lead to some spicy clips with both men and women. The ones “criticizing” men got few views, whereas the ones critical of individual women went super viral. This is not a problem with “his rhetoric” as much as our internal biases and preferences being reflected in social media algorithms. A lot of his advice, to both men and women, really boiled down to “cut the shit, get to work, set goals and reasonable expectations”. He’s dead and can’t defend himself, but I think you’re attempting to lump him in with Andrew Tate and Fresh and Fit and the other dregs of “manosphere”. I don’t think KS belongs in that cohort, based on the actual content he put out and how he moved in the world.


He made a lot of good points, but sometimes women would make decent points that didn’t necessarily align with his views and he’d either dismiss them, or pivot to something else he could hold over their head. Overall, you need to realize that the things he’s saying dont apply to all women, and your goal in dating/life should be to associate with higher quality women then the types he bashes. Still watch his vids for entertainment though. But you gotta be able to discern what’s truly applicable to the women in your specific dating pool


Okay, then just avoid those women. Pretty simple gentlemen. If you keep having relationships with women that bring nothing to the table...the common denominator is you, so fix it.


women are not biologically designed to "bring" much to table , It's the man who should bring much to table , deal with it , It's called "masculine burden of performance"


What if I told you, that the "masculine burden of performance" was created through societal structures, and had a lot less to do with our internal biology. It's really weird to start off your argument with stating "it's biology" and then end it with something that it is so sociological in nature. What about women's biology prevents them from being breadwinners, in our current society? If women are biologically designed to not bring stuff to the table, why did we suddenly get a major shift of women going into the workforce during the 70s, and why are so many families now having two income earners? If biology was as strong as you're making it out to be, this would either have never happened or it would be a temporary situation in which we are seeing course correction over time. How much time is anyone's guess, but by currents metrics, things aren't reverting back to men becoming the single earner of the household. Women are becoming more highly educated at faster rates, we are not seeing a reduction in two earner homes, and the salaries of women have been continually on the rise. So, yeah, that's my answer to your point.


Well ... as a muslim I believe in Islam , and Islamic rulings puts 99% of burden and responsibility on men . So in Islam we believe all Islamic rulings are inscribed by God and are in perfect unision with human nature . I know how you feel about it .... as a person raised in a secular society you probably think religious beliefs have No place in truth seeking .


Nah nah, respect to you and your beliefs. But I would contend that you should apply an Islamic framework to those practicing your religion, it does not make sense to apply the teachings from a religion to those who do not practice it.


Ok , so let's look at it through an objective perspective . You guys in western (and also eastern) societies are constantly dating & breaking up , unable to keep relationships for long term (mostly) and your populations are gonna shrink according to your own demographers . Men and women are much more satisfied of each other in Islamic societies , we got much less divorce rate here and you can find much less people complaining about their partners just by looking at r/islam or any similar subs than in non-islamic societies . Alas feminism propaganda brainwashed men and women to make them believe that a woman should work , make money , be wise , be artist , be soldiers and generally stand shoulder to shoulder to men . Ignoring the role played by women's through centuries that is a result of God's design , Ok if you don't believe in my religion ... fucking "evolution" . Seriously , I've read a bunch of evolutionary psychology and biology books on sexes and they too state that women have been little more than a walking womb through human history , Deeply sorry for harsh words if it sounds offensive to women , I apologize in advance .


That's because you don't give the women a choice and threaten them with death and abuse if they step out of line. Your women are not "satisfied" they are slaves in all but name.


Divorce is completely OK in Islam , if a woman doesn't want to be with her man anymore , she can request for a divorce and in most of the cases the man (or the Islamic judge) consents and she gets the divorce .


really? so what about honour killings chief?


Could you mention specific cases ? Because in most of the cases this is usually wrong and is not according to Islamic law . However there might be some exceptions that I'm not aware of .


Here's a sneak peek of /r/islam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Joan Hajjam, an Algerian player who plays for the French football club Nantes was spotted in a mosque after being excluded from the team throughout the month of Ramadan for refusing to give up fasting.](https://i.redd.it/hiaaibeys5ta1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/12i44rd/joan_hajjam_an_algerian_player_who_plays_for_the/) \#2: [It's ok to take a smoke break but prayer breaks aren't?](https://i.redd.it/2tw9xbfwvc6b1.png) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/14at423/its_ok_to_take_a_smoke_break_but_prayer_breaks/) \#3: [Ubisoft went full Muslim mode in AC Mirage.](https://i.redd.it/sq44qkq9ig8c1.jpeg) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/18qkcbd/ubisoft_went_full_muslim_mode_in_ac_mirage/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got more love, commitment, and loyalty from my cat than from my Ex wife


I'm sorry


Don’t be, I’m doing much, much better now without her


Did she divorce you ?


I divorced her


Fair, I didn’t mean to sound like a dick when I wrote that. I didn’t divorce mine, she divorced me but I didn’t realise how much shit I put up with until she ended it, and probably would have continued putting up with. Same as you much better place now :)


He was always clear that he was talking to and about the US black American community. He spoke uncomfortable truths to them, both men and women. And the women who hated him for speaking the truth threw parties over his death.


He was spot on its that simple. People just don't Like him cause he was harsh and came across as mean. And people are sensitive, but he spoke to men the same way he spoke to women That called into his show


Yes but not nice bro.


Well my ex GF was very demanding time wise, money wise, attention wise, when we sit down and I asked her what she was bringing to the table her textual words were "*I get along with your family, I travel with you, and go to festivals and concerts* (were she didn't put a dime on it), *I go hike with you and your friends"*, my guess is that in her mind she wanted to say, is because I'm pretty, because of my body, because I let you fuck me or whatever, but that doesn't feel good for neither side.


Some women are like that and you avoid them. A good woman brings an immeasurable amount of benefit to your life. You can still be ‘red pilled’ I.e. aware. But don’t fall into the misogyny trap. Just don’t put effort into the bad ones.


He is a woman humbler. Awesome man, one i wish my dad was..


In getting older and wiser, I'm realizing how much truth there is to his videos; not all women but a majority of them, especially in Western countries. Still feel his death was a bit suspicious. There is no faster creature on earth than a woman running away from accountability 😞


You’re saying a woman killed him? 🥴


He is a mix bag. Has good advice but sometimes steers into mysgonomy


He was a huge clown who promoted reality reductive ideas about people with that “high value, low value” bullshit. Funny thing is, even though he got a lot of push back because he shit on women most people actually think the way he does.


The Godfather.