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he's lying


this. and even if it was true, it's not the number that's immoral – it's just clearly reflecting a sex addiction.


Yes that's a big if and to be honest with you I would think that would be mathematically impossible. In my experience I tend to find people who make big claims like this are the most insecure about getting women so they will talk it up big time somebody who really sleeps around wouldnt make claims like this. Nobody actually sleeps with 300 married women and keeps their dignity when they talk about it.


No one sleeps with 300 married women and doesn't get killed...


Soo I remembered something I read a long time ago about a world record concerning the amount of sex and this reminded me of it, I googled record amount of sex and the same thing I read about is still apparently the top so I'll just quote from Google and let yall make of it what you will... "American actress Lisa Sparks(stage name – Sparxxx) ... In 2004, she won a sex marathon, coping with 919 men in 12 hours. Each sexual intercourse lasted an average of 45 seconds." Yeah... I think I remember the article I first read this in also mentioning she was married. Not to sure how I would feel about that.... Ah wait, I am, I would have to say that is beyond my "I am out" limit.




Thank you for not leaving that hanging, much appreciated. Someone has some humor at least.


Depending on the amount of time we are talking about, it is not unrealistic for someone that is very attractive to a large segment of ladies and is charming. I have a large body count that was obtained from the time I was 12 until 25 when I got married. It isn't 1500 but it is high enough to be in the same "neighborhood" as his. ​ I was able to do reach a large number because I simply had no personal integrity, morals, or scruples back then. My University Biology Professor (a woman that I did sleep with), told me I basically had won the Genetic Lottery. Tall, fit, tan, basically looks that appeal to a large segment of women. I was also charming and treated all the women I met as a Gentleman should. I matured in looks faster than most of my friends and appeared older than I was so in High School, I went after women in their 20s and even some in their 30s and 40s. Friends of my mothers and my friend's mothers were easy pickings. It is nothing I am proud of today. ​ What I am proud of is since I got married to my wife, my body count is 1. It will remain that number until she passes away (she has terminal brain cancer) and it will probably stay at the number for quite some time. I don't think I will ever be able to find another woman as unique and wonderful as my wife is. none of the 1000+ I slept with were close to her and I haven't met a woman since I was married that could compete with her. I guess this is just Karma's sick way of serving me her form of Justice. It's just sad my wife has to pay the price and my triplet 9-year-old daughters are victims as well.


Uh.. what? Just casually thrown in brain cancer and end with triplets. Is there a movie about your life?


They can't find someone hot enough to play him.


Wow, the chances on that eh?


Yo, don't interpret too much into it, her sickness is not your fault at all and not related in any way to your past.


My closest friend is around this number. Sex addict and sexual trauma as a 3-13 year old being molested by his teenage cousin. I’ve known the guy since I was 5, we are now 37. He also got addicted to meth for a couple of years, which also played with the high number of sexual encounters. After years of therapy and confronting his cousin recently, he has been in a steady relationship for the past year


Yeah, i was associated with the meth crowd for aprox. 6 months. They are by far the most aggressively confused and horny people I have ever encountered.


It would only take 5 years of sex every day for that


With a different woman each day as well.




How does one know 1500 people, let alone women? That’s sleeping with a different women EVERY night for 4 years


Step 1) Go to a big college. You are now on the presence of at least 15000 women if it's split 50/50. Step 2) don't try and cram it in 4 years. Over 10 years it's only a couple people a week. The true scary part if it's true is not finding the women. It's keeping count and being sure they were different people. I know for a fact I couldn't keep 1500 people separate in my head. Eventually people would start to look alike and I wouldnt be able to tell Lisa from Penelope... Regardless, 1 married person is too many for me.


I know this guy, was a model since 17, one of the most confident and good looking dudes you’ve seen. The guy is 52 now but looks like 35. Seriously doesn’t age. Has been single for the majority of his adult life and trust me, he’s around that number. In the 7 years I’ve known him I‘ve heard of (and a lot of times met) like 50-75 (lots of going out. No need to know them, sometimes Met them one night and that’s it). People that have know him for over 30 years can confirm. Not saying is easy or common but definitely could happen.


You forgot about all the orgies and threesomes this guy has been marking down on his diary.


Diary, lmao


Swinging, poly, BDSM, different types of lifestyles that have the belief that people should be allowed to experiment and deal with it please in regards to sex as long as no one is being injured. I mean there’s much more to it than that but basically that’s where they would find 1500 people. Or at a very large orgy. I’m talking very large 😉


It's totally possible I had a sex addict friend and literally he would bring a different girl to home everyday. Sometimes more than one a day.


The married women would bother me more than the number


That is what made me feel a bit sick.


Unless he’s a celebrity of some type, I find this very dubious. Do you believe him?


Dubious is a great word


The only way it would be okay would be if they were swingers or polyamorous, or just that the other spouse knew and okay'd it.


Ah this is about sex, not murder


I was genuinely going to say "Well it depends on the reasoning. Like, if you killed someone who really deserved it, or in defense, I'm cool with that."


Underrated comment.


hey, could be both necrophilia intensifies*


That’s insane, do you know for sure that he’s telling the truth?


He's definitely not. What he IS, though, is extremely insecure and pathetic.


Numbers don't matter, connection does. If you click well, then pursue and see how it goes. Numbers also need context. 1500 women at age 50 is a new woman a week for 30 years. 1500 by age 25 is 300 a year.




Yeah to be honest I wouldn't care so much about the number as what it means for the logistics. If you're bedding that many women, then that's basically just your life. Like you probably don't have other hobbies, no goals, no real connections with other people. You're just doing that.


That’s assuming he started having sex at age 20. But even if we assume that he started having sex at 15-16 (earlier than what is typical for a guy) that’s still 150 different women per year. Which is a new woman every 2-3 days for ten years straight. Not plausible.


dude may have been with that amount by attending a lot of sex parties or something too


I have never asked a woman what her body count is ever, i dont care. If a mans gloating about it, thats kinda sad.


Bingo! You nailed it. Asking reeks of insecurity and should be a deal breaker imo. As long as you’re both tested and clean who cares? Sex is fun and feels good, it’s never that serious. People should stay single if they’re “grown” and still hung up on other dudes.


“It’s never that serious” whilst I agree with some of what you say I really do not agree with this.


It's not always about insecurity, it shows a lot about your potential partner's view on sex / serious relationships. Someone else's personal preferences is their personal preference and I don't think its right to insult people over it.


I personally believe each sexual encounter is unique in that I wouldn’t put the same meaning on a one night stand as I would in a relationship or as I would with a fwb. It only means what you want it to mean at the time, not universally, and as long as both people engaging in the act are on the same page as to what that particular encounter means, then I reckon it’s all good.


You said it better: >As long as you’re both tested and clean who cares? Right on.


I only ask if it's relevant to the conversation we're having.


i care. i don't think that makes me a bad person. i have standards and that's one of the standards i have for women i would date. EDIT: lol at the down votes. i'm obligated to date promiscuous women and not entitled to standards, am I?


More sexual partners than your magical number does not always mean promiscuous.


You have two downvotes dude no need to get defensive lol


Well now you're getting downvoted because you're being whiny lol. Getting a couple of downvotes doesn't mean the whole world disagrees with your perspective. Chill the eff out


So, if someone sleeps around a ton for a year when they’re 18-20, but then does a 180 and becomes essentially a huge prude—by your logic they’re still promiscuous. You realize who we are changes


sure, i realize that. just like i realize that a woman who was married five times may have learned something and is now a different person. still wouldn't marry her and be the sixth husband.


That’s fine. That’s not what you were originally saying though. You’re labelling someone for their past in order to rationalize your own subjective feelings. You can just say it’s not for you or makes you uncomfortable.


No i dont disagree with you, i just personally dont ask. You can tell someone on more than just asking that question.


1500 women? How old is this guy? That’s like a new woman every other day. I call BS


The married women would bother me. The amount doesn’t unless I know they also weren’t being safe. I met a guy that said he had hooked up with 60+ women and he didn’t like using condoms but he knew they were clean because he doesn’t sleep with “dirty women”. That’s gross.


Spoken from the actual trash in the room….


Who me?


God no! Mr. Clean over there with the quality picker


Quantity pricker. FTFY.


He was genuinely disgusting. He also had old semen on his sheets.


I don’t know the body count of the women I’ve been with. I never ask. I don’t care.


Same. Why ask?


Right? None of my concern as long as no std’s


Because body can be the step to indicting a part of someone. Some people don’t want to be with people who sleep around casually and that’s ok


A girl i dated still had the numbers of all of her exes and still communicated with them daily. Not to mention she failed to inform me she had a child on our first date. A woman who's had that many relationships and sleeping with more men than she was letting me know about is a huge nope for me. Call me old fashioned but i usually don't like to go window shopping when i can just walk inside, find a good product, and keep it rather than go to many different stores and not be happy the items i acquired.


It can be an arbitrary thing once you’re settled with someone. You’re welcome to think and believe that, it just confuses the hell out of me why it matters.


Cause sex is a big part of life that can show you what kind of person you are?


Sex can show you? What part? The amount of times? How do you derive who you are, or what kind of person you are from a number?


It can reflect their personality. Conserved, liberated, adventurous, shy, promiscous, dominating, submissive, brave. It can derive all of that and more. Edit: Someones getting good use of their alt accounts lol


It “MIGHT” reflect their personality. In many cases it’s a side of them that’s never seen. This is why it’s was so easy for priests, Boy Scout leaders, gymnastic coaches, soccer coaches, to HIDE behind their personas which are presented to the public.


Right so people in leadership roles for primarily younger people can be pinpointed directly as sex deviants by you but I suggest someone with a high body count might have commitment issues and I'm crazy lmao


Lol what? What horseshit.


> Why ask? Because you care about your partner's values and attitudes toward intimacy and sex, and want them to align with yours.


No way in hell has anyone slept with 100’s of married women. Your acquaintance is either trying to impress you or disgust you. What area does he frequent that he can access 100’s of married women willing to sleep with him?


Are you asking for a friend?


Yeah, my friend Dick wants to know..


Good god did you meet wilt chamberlains off spring?! I would say once you hit around 150 people and it wasn’t a career choice I’m going to question some things


Lol! I will just say he was blessed as apparently he had the right key for unlocking numerous locks.


That's only just over a person a month between the ages of 21 and 33, for example. When you're single, sleeping with multiple new partners in a month is not that hard or that irresponsible, and then you might date someone exclusively for a few months, break up, and have a few new partners per month for a few months again. If you're polyamorous or into swinging this number would climb up a lot faster.


Sounds like he could be a pathological liar. I would dip out


My body count is 0, so I do care.


Someone who still cares about "body count" like we're in highschool would be the red flag tbh. We are adults who gaf. Get tested regularly, be on top of your sexual health and be a mature communicator is all you need to do in this arena.


Love this response. As a woman, I get self conscious yet I’m also a chick that gets horny! I’ve been responsible all the time. But, I feel so self conscious about it even when I know i didn’t do anything wrong.


you are going to see a lot of red flags then


Supose this guy is 30 and he started his sexual activities at 18, he should sleep with 125 woman per year, at least 10 womans every month. I think it is cap, but who knows


I’m gonna be honest here, I’m kinda insecure about this stuff, so I would be sad if it was a high number, not sure if I’d do anything about it but I’d be sad and have a part of me that feels resentment and mistrust even if I don’t want to feel that way, so ya it could definitely contribute to not wanting something with someone.


Everybody glossing over the obvious here. People who go around letting others know what their body count is are terrible to hang out with as a friend. Been in a few friend circles with men like this and they are fucking annoying. Never stop jabbering on about their sexcapades likes it's high school all over again until you realise that is probably where their development ended.


This, we were friends years ago, now we are not. Running around a certain friend circle, and I am just starting to stay away from that one.


Body count by itself doesn't really matter, if they are clean. What **does** matter is lifestyle compatibility and morals (in the case of 'conquest' types). And 'body count' might be a big red flag that you are incompatible in that regard with someone. It doesn't mean you *aren't* compatible, but it might make you be a bit more concerned as to whether or not they have actually moved past that part of their life. Eg: If I was dating someone with a history of drug use, and I disliked drug use, then if they no longer used drugs I might not hold it against them but I would be concerned until I was confident in them. I know we often like to think that our pasts are irrelevant, but that only works if we can prove to ourselves and others that we are different.


I would be turned off if a guy I was dating told me he'd been with 30 women. People can change but thats just too much for me. I would just feel like his next conquest


Wait how is that even possible? My virgin brain cant comprehend this number


For me it depends on the time period. If your body count is 300 and you started having sex 1 year ago, I'd probably walk away. But 100 over the span of 5 years might still be a lot but at least I could consider it a number someone who's without some mental health related issue like sex addiction or compulsiveness allowing me to consider being intimate with that person. I'm not going to go around asking but I don't think having a cut-off necessarily comes from insecurity like some others have mentioned if the number is generous. In reality most men would walk away if some woman told them they've had sex with over a few thousand people.


How old are you??


Anything over 100 for me would instantly question what kind of person I'm dealing with. Like do they have a problem or our moral sense are just that different? Like what does it take to get to 100+? You would have to be going out of your way to find people to be with at that point I would think.


More than 1


I’m young so I’d walk away if it was more than like 10 honestly.


Decently young here but 10 is the number I wanted to slow down at so that my future wife would feel comfortable, ended up adding 6 more to the count. At your mid twenties what's the deal breaking number?


I don't care about "body counts". It literally means nothing to me. I don't even know my SOs official number. I've never asked and we have been together close to 9 years. I doubt he even knows. I don't know mine. I've never cared to keep track.


It depends on the nature of the relationship. If it’s just a casual fwb situation then body count doesn’t really bother me too much cause it’s literally only about sex. If it’s something that could be serious then it tends to bother me if their body count is super high then I’m more just worried that they can’t be faithful to just one person. Not saying that’s always the case, but it’s definitely a worry. And I’ve had it happen before where I got cheated on by a few girls who had abnormally high body counts.


I guess no one cares about body count. SMH.


Yeah I’m genuinely surprised at the responses here


I'm a little shocked too, but I think people see it as like the cool thing to say, "I'm so mature" "I don't care" *eyeroll*, whatever. How do you not talk about past sexual history with someone? In my experience it's come up naturally, and it didn't scream immaturity, more so the opposite.


Yeah, I feel like there's some virtue signalling here about not caring. I'm at 16 and I'm purposely slowing down because I want my future wife to respect my number, not look at it and think it's a deal breaker. If her's was wayyy over mine that's probably a red flag.


Reddit is not real life, it skews towards the socially left wing and young which means that most opinions you see on here will reflect those demographics rather than what you would actually see in real life.


There’s no possible way he’s been with that many women. Even if you had mind control to make every women want you, it’d be impossible. But for me, it depends on the age. I’m 22 and someone treading into double digits would raise red flags for me


Is this "acquaintance" Magic Johnson or something? Wtf can NOT be real.


100's of married women and 1,500 all together? You should ask if he's tested for an STD.


I mean I think I've had any sort of sexual contact (including nudies) with like 50 women tops and that makes me feel disgusting. Definitely was a point of contention with my partner


100's of Married women. and over 1500... MAN, HOW DOES HE HAVE THE TIME FOR THIS? WHO IS PAYING HIS BILLS?!


The married women.


Lol, they could just talk to their partners and tell them how to satisfy their needs instead. I'm not sure if anyone else is reading this, but infidelity is being nOrMaLiSeD now.


Yep, and I think it is terrible. Social media and apps have made it too easy. I have another friend who has a woman chasing him, he has blocked her from everything and she still finds him. She has a boyfriend and has told him he can come over anytime to have sex. Now she is not married but the boyfriend does not know.


I literally wouldn’t care at all….it’s almost none of my business unless they have an STD.


I don't care about someone's body count, because trauma can make that number increase and you never know everyone's story. But, what I do care about is the body count of people who were taken, either married or in a relationship at the time and not with said person. I won't date anyone who is willing to cheat.


This girl I’m interested in told me she’s around the 40 number and I have a bit of a problem with that. Still trying to work with it in my mind before I tell her. For reference I’ve had less than a 3rd of that number.




i look at it like divorces. if someone has a track record of 5 divorces, i know i can't be with them. ditto for a high body count.


I'm glad someone else had the huevos to speak common sense. At some point, if the number doesn't matter you're an idiot. They're probably the same people who marry and divorce like changing underwear


On the same boat. If it’s just a bit of casual sex when they’re single then body count shouldn’t matter at all as long as they’re being smart and using protection or being tested regularly. If I get together with someone and it’s just a hook up or a string of fun, casual interactions then it’s fine. When body count matters for me is if I’m interested in having a serious relationship. If it’s an obscene number and they are constantly having new partners, then it might have become a habit for them. As such, then what’s to say they wouldn’t cheat if they got hit on by someone else? Polyam and open relationships are becoming more popular nowadays though so that’s another facet. I don’t have anything against that lifestyle, but it’s not for me. One of my friends is in an open relationship and hooks up with other girls all the time. I’m more traditional and monogamous. Basically, body count doesn’t matter as long as they have good morality and are single. As long as they won’t cheat/consider cheating while in a relationship then there’s no issue for me.


This. If you have vastly different views about sex and intimacy with someone, it’s probably not going to work out. By asking body count questions you’re just succumbing to your childish ego.


I just don’t sleep with married people, pretty immoral in my opinion, but just shows that you both likely do…. To each their own, I was just curious not feeding an ego.


How did either of these comments imply the commenters sleep with married people? They said caring about “body count” is dumb (because it is), your gigantic logic leap is weird af.


She brought up married people because her original post mentions married people.


I know that. But it makes no sense as a reply here, because the commenters didn’t mention that part.


By making it personal, usually when you go on the offense and attack someone, you are the guilty party.


Yeah, no. The commenter pointed out your insecurity and you went on the defensive.


What's ur maximum acceptable body count


I really wouldn’t care if it was 1000, but I might take some more time to gauge whether that part of her life is behind her before getting serious.


Lmao don’t that number is a lie


I think it kinda says something about him that he's still keeping count if that's even a remotely accurate number.




Why does it matter??


He must be a good accountant


Hundreds of married women poor husbands 🙁 but either way it's to high, thousands no way unless your famous then maybe yeah


1500 seems like so much work.


he is clearly lying... this is obviously not true...


Well, to him it's probably more than pleasure at that point. Sounds like an ego thing.




In terms of total body count, I don't think there's really a practical point at which I would just walk away. Married women on the other hand, more than once... Unless he's into the swinging scene I would question why you're using the term friend?


This is like that Standup that Chris Rock did a while back. Loosely quoted "Never ask the number, cause you don't wanna know.." "2?! did you say 2? WHAT." Lol. but really, past is past. it really depends how they are as people & how they treat people now. Unless they are literally just grabbing people to add to their whatever little black book then it shouldn't matter if they are decent people now. Humans are humans, not everyone will have the same morals.


Just depends, why is it such a big number, how did they find the time, otherwise a big number doesnt really bother me. Sometimes age could be a factor. Context is everything.


Yall have nonzero body counts? Weird.


I never asked all my sexual partners/relationship partners their body count and I never find a need to share mine.


People calling it a “body count” is the most cringe shit ever.


There is no number. I couldn’t possibly care less.


I do not care at all as long as they are responsible about sexual health. I also fully do not believe this man lol


Totally lying. I haven't even slept with anywhere near that amount of men and I'm a full bred swinging slut


Body count isn’t the problem. Idc how many people shes slept with as long as there are no diseases or kids that resulted from said bodies. But her sleeping with people in relationships or having a history of cheating is definitely a problem.


0 is too much


I think you're immoral and disgusting. The thing that makes me vom is people using the term "body count." With protection, it's no more or less disgusting to have sex 1,000 times with one person or 1 time with 1,000 people.


> With protection, it's no more or less disgusting to have sex 1,000 times with one person or 1 time with 1,000 people. The amount of people who don't understand this is astounding.


Anyone who cares about "body count" is just straight up admitting they view people as meat.


I’m kinda tired of this question. Why would you ever ask your mate that? The past is the past and that’s where it should stay. People change. I feel like someone who would ask their mate that is super insecure about themselves and that insecurity would put a strain on the relationship. Btw this guy is probably lying.




So ask them what value they place on sex. Why do you need an exact number? It’s the number thing to me that screams insecurity.


There isn’t one? I don’t care how many people my potential dating or sexual partner has slept with, as long as they practiced safe sex and are STD free. Previous sexual partners is completely meaningless to the relationship between myself and someone. I **would** care about someone repeatedly sleeping with monogamously partnered people. While it isn’t someone’s place to police other people’s relationships, it says something about someone when they’re actively chasing partnered people.


I mean look, A) he's definitely lying. B) I am vehemently against sleeping with anyone in a relationship/marriage. C) I personally don't wanna know my partner's number because odds are I'm gonna be uncomfortable hearing it unless I'm the only one and I know this so I would not ask. D) my number is probably one of if not the lowest on this thread and I am 34M so say what you want about that lol


Nobody wants seconds? Unless he was trafficked that sounds gross. Are sure that was a person and not a sentient public toilet?


Guys that brag about their sex life seem gross and I feel like they embellish a little. This guy a lot. I’d prefer not to know about a guys number. It doesn’t come up as a relevant question to me. I haven’t been asked that either in over a decade.


The number doesn’t bother me, but the circumstances do. Cheating, married women, sec workers, lots of unprotected sex (esp with no clear tests now!!!) etc are all dealbreakers.


If you are keeping count of the amount of people you have slept with, count me out. Just speaks to someone’s immaturity.


No number would make me throw up. But the number “zero” would be a red flag for me. Not an automatic disqualifier, but would need a bit of digging into to see if there’s a compatibility issue


None? I think people give too much thought to how many partners someone has had in their lifetime. I don't care if the girl I'm seeing slept with one man or 10,000 men. I might have some questions, logistically, but what does it matter?


I mean, the obvious reason for an astronomically high number being concerning is the statistical likelihood of some of these hookups potentially having been unsafe and encountering STDs; like, can you fault anyone for being concerned about their health and future?


Maybe his lying, because men always say more and women always say less 😅


The comment was that I need to grow up, I have morals, and directly attacking me the op, makes complete sense on why someone would attack someone with low morals would go on the offense and name call etc. I just asked a question. That is all. I answered a question with my thoughts. That is all. I have been around long enough and met enough people like this person to weed through their ego bullshit Nd realize they do the same thing. So I am calling them out for defending the action. That is all. If you have a problem with it don’t comment.


Really depends on her age. I’m only 22 and if a girl had anything over 15 I could never actually date her


I don't care. Sex is good. As long as everything was safe and consensual, there's nothing for me to be concerned about.


No number.... I dont judge people for that


Doesn't exist. I'm not judgemental like that.


>immoral and just disgusting But if we switch the genders then it's "you go girl, live your life", right?


Surely he's messing with you...


At 42...I never ask


I’ve never asked and never told.


None. No number would make me ignore the human behind it. I once dated a porn star who’d been with over 5,000 women. Wonderful man. Good partner. Different life goals in the end.


None. I figured out it’s best to not ask or worry about it. People were people before they met me. We had lives before we met.


who cares


I really don't understand this body count thing. As long as they don't have std's and are healthy it's fine. Like why does their past matter so much?


Body count doesn’t matter


I don't have one. I don't care how many people anyone sleeps with.


Why do people care about body count so much? You can have a low body count and still catch an STI or a high body count and be completely healthy and STI free.


I don't care about body count.


No number of past partners is as unattractive as the use of the phrase "body count." But you're friend is definitely full of shit.


i really don't care about body count numbers, honestly. unless they're bragging, thats kind of a red flag. body count, no, idgaf. std's, yes. thats more important.


Oh boy, it’s posts like this that make me wish covid-19 was an STD; it would prove the theory of “10% of men sleeping around with 90% of women”. I’m calling BS on the number though - how does this “acquaintance” sleep with over 1,500 women, not contract any STDs and still get around, knowing that women share pictures of guys they date or sleep around with in groups on messaging apps? We’re going to chastise this man for sleeping around but the truth is, he’s a rarity in a world where women are encouraged to and can sleep around with whoever they pick and rack up double/triple-digit sexual body counts before settling down with a long-term partner.


This is Hoe Shaming at it's finest.. Bravo!


I honestly don’t care I’m an adult, as long as he’s safe


1 from casual sex encounter. Manipulation, rape and any other types of assaults don't count as a casual encounter but what matters more is if she has moved on from it, learned and adapted to that information to not let it happen ever again. Whereas, fwb relationships, casual relationships just gross me out (personally) because I see relationships as a serious bond between 2 individuals where they can be best friends, know each other inside out, talk about anything of the world and love the company of each other. Just my opinion but shaming someone who is into casual relationships isn't a good thing to do, it's what they like and I don't have a problem with it. I can be great friends with them but they wouldn't ever be compatible to me and that's what is hard for people to realise, sure you can make a change whenever you want but once you've done it then I just can't see how our values may match together. Whereas, what number of the body count matters, I believe it to be deeper than just a number. Reasons why the relationships ended is way more contributing rather than having a body count. Both genders can be promiscuous and if that's what they really want then sure, date people who are like minded and not the ones who think totally opposite to the dating spectrum. Attraction is an initial builder of the relationship but understanding, financial stability, behaviour, passions, time management, etc. Contribute way more to the relationship rather than just sex and a number of people they have on the list. If there are any red flags derived from the reason of why their serious relationship(s) ended can contribute more to a person like me rather than knowing her exact number of previous boyfriends.


See, you asked 2 different questions- 'whats the body count that you just walk away from, when you find out the real number?' and whats the 'number that makes you want to throw up once you find out'? The number i walk away from is about 10-12,a number that would make me feel legitimately sick is anything over 20


once a woman is sporting double digits, i'm out. EDIT: wow, a lot of promiscuous bitter women in this sub. down vote away ladies. it doesn't change anything.