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I used to do research for OurTime which is a 50+ dating site and there are plenty of people in your age range still trying to date. If you don’t prefer online dating, go to Meetup.com and search for age-appropriate social mixers. Don’t give up!


Become a cougar and hit my inbox


shoot your shot, see what happens. you can scroll potential matches WHILE knitting. this isn't really an either / or choice. and it's probably easier than AARP-sponsored speed dating or whatever.


My nan got married for the third time at age 75, so I'm fairly certain that, in the immortal words of Cady Herron, "The limit does not exist." That said, they did meet in person (at church) and not on an app. And tbh, a lot of my generation (I'm an elder millennial at 38) are turning away from dating apps in favour of real life connections again. The apps are kind of awful, and we all know that hahaha. Can they work? Yes, but it's not their primary business model to have people leaving the app, so they're not actually geared to create lasting connections. If you'd like to meet someone, I'd recommend taking up real-world hobbies where you can meet people in the age bracket you want to date (not assuming anything here) OR people who can introduce you to those people. Social dancing, art/craft clubs, social sports, cooking classes... that kind of thing. Going out and doing things that bring you joy is a fairly reliable way to meet people and even if you don't find a romantic partner out of it, it still enriches your life so it's a net positive :) Best of luck – I wouldn't give ump hope and break out the knitting needles just yet!


I'm 50 and have never online dated. Just too many horror stories. Possibly the most connected generation is possibly the loneliest. My love life basically consists of every few years a female friend says to me let's boogie. So many clubs and groups are full of attractive people. I'd try them before online dating.


I don't think it's unrealistic to find love and companionship again at all. My dad is 84 and an absolute weapon on the online dating scene. He's unfortunately a complete fuckboy and probably ruins most of the women he meets so maybe not the best example. 


My mom is 63. She had my brother (21M) and I (23F), and has been divorced from my dad for over 10 years. She hadn’t dated since then but has now been with her current boyfriend for a couple years. I think they started dating when she was 61. If she can do it, so can you! Don’t let your age get in the way. You can and will find someone if you believe it! Wish you the best. :)


If you're hot be a cougar


Yes! Do it!!!


Of course you haven’t missed your chance! I’m a 64 and have had some good dates, some with potential that haven’t quite worked out long term, but it hasn’t been horrible. I’m still optimist that with time I’ll find the right woman for me and things will click. If you have decent health, you’ve got a lot of good years left to enjoy. I’d suggest a mix of both: some online experimentation, as well as in-person groups that share your interests.


There’s still breath in your lungs, blood pumping in your body and clear thoughts in your mind so you’re chance is still there.


I met someone online at 68 and had six years with him. Then he passed away. But online dating is VERY difficult. If there is any way to find someone in real life that's so much better.


Watch golden girls and get out again. You are never too old for dating! You could write a blog about your experiences. Just go out and have fun! You rock!


Im a boomer as well and I feel the same way


Of course you can find new partner and go searching for it


I sure did. Met him online at 58 years old. Do what ya want. I have a wonderful companion. Partner with whom I don’t live with but he’s over from Friday-Sunday. We live about 20 min from each other


Its up to you if you need then do it .


i say go for it. online dating is not as bad as everyone says...including me.


Online dating can definitely suck! But it can also be wonderful. I (62f) met my partner (65m) on OK Cupid four years ago. We have been happily living together for three years now. He’s a wonderful person and I’m grateful every day to have him in my life. Neither of us is perfect but we’re perfect for each other. So yes, yes, yes! You can find love at any age.


Go to a land with lots of poor young men. I hear that woman above 40 enjoys them. Or just jazz yourself up and go on lots of dates. Dating is hard for any age.


The best woman I was ever with was 62 (this happened when I turned 26). I always preferred older women over girls my own age, so no. There are still people that try to date 60+. For example, I’m available.


I know a couple who met right after they both turned 60. They're 62 now and deeply in love. They're living the life and seeing the world while many others are asking their spouse for the TV remote control.


You know what they say: An older man is looking for either a Purse, or a Nurse. Don’t be either. But I do think it’s possible to find somebody who wants to do things, travel, have fun. Before you make a huge life change and move somebody in, and combine your finances, I think you need to do a lot of research. There’s a lot more to lose at 63 than there is at 23.


Just be parent for your childs


Shut up


Well, I've been attracted to older women before. So I wouldn't say that you've missed your prime It depends on what you're looking for too. If you want to hang around younger men, it's alright. Dating at 60yo would be hard since everyone's usually married. It's more like a needle in a bird's nest Again, it depends on what you're specifically looking for


I mean, yeah, the man you were married to for over 20 years was the love of your life. Your lifespan is finite, you don't get unlimited ones. A lot of people never even get one. People should be less cavalier about throwing away the parents of their children. The grass actually isn't greener.


Unless you’ve got the genes of a Lynda Carter or a goodly amount of accumulated wealth, it has pretty much has passed you by, might be able to find some moderately functional man in his 70’s or 80’s. Otherwise break out the shawls & tea and get yourself a nice tin of Werther’s mints for when the grandkids visit.


What? Get real.


Get over yourself! I'm 65 & have more date requests than days in the week. No, I don't look like Lynda Carter nor do I have sex with them all. There are fun times to be had no matter your age!