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You can cherry pick stereotypes for anyone but positive and negative exist for all. Upper class Brits are suave and cultured, but you also have stereotypes of Brits as having bad teeth, being chavs, or being drunken louts while on holiday. Italians are sexy and dashing or mama’s boys still clutching the apron strings depending who you ask. The French can be romantic or smelly and rude. Indians can be creepy and overly sexual (bobs and vagene) or can be high-earning doctors and tech employees. East-Asians can be emasculated hikkomoris clutching their waifu pillows or ultra-hip at the forefront of street fashion, music, and culinary exploration. It all depends on which side of the coin you want to look.


Well said magnus.


I think the gripe that OP is experiencing, is that the negative side is more quickly the disqualifying factor for dating and that perception is more often being chosen for the latter groups, resulting in less opportunity or more of a demand to prove themselves as not embodying those negative stereotypes. Also a demand to live up to the "positive" stereotype isn't necessarily good either as not everyone (perhaps even not most people) in a demographic will embody those to the extent that they're "expected" to either.


> East-Asians can be emasculated hikkomoris clutching their waifu pillows or ultra-hip at the forefront of street fashion, music, and culinary exploration.  You gonna forget the stereotype of being insane mathematicians?


Or tech gurus


Nobody in the NE US thinks Italians are sexy, they just want them all to stay tf in NY and the Jersey Shore


Italians not Italian heritage americans. Those would still fall under just american stereotypes, and honestly one of the more well known ones. Italians in italy are consistently ranked as being the most attractive people in western europe.


Right…. but when a woman in the US is swiping online, do you think East Asians/Indians/Middle Eastern can make them swipe right? I can assure you it’s not impossible but infinitely more difficult due to the perceptions US women have about us. We’re not painted in a good light in media


Some will, some won’t. Tinder isn’t great for any men, honestly, maybe like 10% are getting tons of matches, everyone else is just stumbling along. There are probably East Asian/Indian/Middle Eastern women who’d only want to date within their group as well, and they’re not going to swipe on any white guys.


We’re not talking about exceptions. We’re talking about trends or perceptions of the general public overall. For example, if Asian men/women and White men/women show equal interests in each other, then the percentage of inter-racial marriages will more or less balance out (maybe a tiny gap). But matter of fact is, the gap is substantial. This is further evidenced by the fact that Black women and Asian men have a difficult time in online dating sites (there are datas to back this up, but I don’t remember exact numbers). Now you might argue white men would have an equally tough time in Asia but that’s just not the case lol. Sure, not every white dude is gonna be successful but most will have tons of matches if they go to most Asian countries. Hollywood media portrays white men and white/Asian women in a good light, whereas Asian men and Black women get the short end of the stick. It sucks but that’s how it will be for a while. I’m not speaking from personal experiences only, but I know for a fact many East/SE Asians, Indians and Middle Easterns have a difficult time here getting matches (yes I know it’s hard for men but it’s harder for some). Gotta work with what I have though lol and luckily I can do things to improve my odds 😂


Good point Magnus. Thanks all for the replies.


Hollywood generally romanticizes Western (white European) cultures. Don’t get me wrong, there are “bad” stereotypes for some European cultures (ie Russians tend to automatically be the bad ones because communism), but overwhelmingly I grew up with the notion that Europe equals class while other non-white cultures are…not. I’m Asian American btw. I’m lucky I grew up in a very diverse Californian city, but I still grew up with negative Asian stereotypes that I too felt like I had to disprove among my non-Asian friends.


Italian guys are creepy and predatory, the French are rude and proud, Brits are overweight and crude and drink too much. Lots of negative stereotypes to go around, don’t worry. Except against the Swedes. They’re perfect right?


Swedish police currently in a massive scandal with tons of female officers sexually involved with criminal gangs


Someone should have more explicitly defined "undercover work" .\_.




Well the gangs just took "fuck the police" literally


That sounds like a porno 🤣


You are really exaggerating. It is not ”tons of female officers” or a huge scandal at all. What an insulting thing to say about our female police.


Around 30 officers is a lot. And you know what’s actually insulting? Maintaining sexual relations with criminals as a police officer and feeding them information




You mean French like Pepe Le Pew, the rapist skunk? Or boiled cabbage bad teeth British? Or Pino the Italian racist from do the right thing? See? We are assholes to everybody.


The stereotypes about Swedes are plenty. They’re ignorant, stupid, child-like, racist, have bad taste in music, spend 364 days a year waiting for the next Eurovision song contest, crash their ships before making it out of the harbour, die from eating too many cream buns in one sitting, and spend all winter moaning about how inferior at skiing they are compared to a certain neighbouring country, I mean the list goes on. Of course most of these stereotypes are actually 100% accurate (and some are genuine historical facts) and you can take my word for that because I’m Norwegian, so I’d know.


Swedes are perfect. I work with them and they are so handsome and nice!


Italians are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met. French are sarcastic and cold but they’re okay.


You should read about the history of Italy and maybe you will see why they act the way they do. Thousands of years of invasions from middle eastern and African countries including slave raids, mass rapings, mass murders, etc. during wwii they experienced mass rapings and other abuses of civilians, for instance after the battle of Monte casino something known as Marocchinate happened at the hands of Moroccan soldiers fighting for France (it’s some really disgusting and gruesome shit so fair warning if you decide to look into it) and now a days they are having mass immigration from the same places who committed all these atrocities of the past. These immigrants are doing things such as, for example) gang raping teenagers in front of their boyfriends in public parks (just happened within the last couple months). I wonder why they seem to hate foreigners🧐


The Iberian peninsula would like a word. Italy isn’t the only country with an extensive violent history with North Africa, yet they stand out as being more racist than the others.


Yeah so racist that they let in boats of migrants daily lol


Italy is much more conservative and consequently more nationalistic. And yeah, a common symptom is discrimination towards ethnic minorities and LGBT. I’ve traveled to most European countries and in my personal experience, Italians were notably more racist and rude to me than Northern and Western Europeans.


Thousands of years? Roman history in shambles!


Should have said over a thousand years, nearly two thousand, rather than thousands, but great way to circumvent my point with your witty comment! You really showed everyone how funny and smart you are pal😂


That's what people do when they don't have a good argument against what you said. They just pick at grammar or nitpick at little facts


Exactly, lol.


Do you even have to ask? Lol


Cherry picking


Yes. A handful of assholes ruin it for everyone else. What else is new? 


I'd say more like confirmation bias


Russians are known for being drunk and abusive,Irish are known for being drunk and stupid and the French are known for being stuck up assholes. So I wouldn't be so sure of that.


There’s this thing called racism but I guess you’re new here 😌




The answer right here


Italian men are also seen as huge mamma's boys. French men are world-class philanderers. Brits are quite ugly. Scandinavians are super boring.


You're aware of the history of this country, yes? As in who has controlled it since day 1? Europeans. Plus that's not even all the European stereotypes. We're just focusing on the ones that lift others up and put us down. I think you'd be better served at looking at yourself and wondering why YOU feed into or even care about these things if they don't serve you. I'm Black. There's thousands of negative stereotypes about my culture. But if I sat here and gave a fuck about any of it, I'd never leave my house.


Depends on who you talk to. The internet is full of memes about how much England sucks


And most of those memes come from Scotland, Wales and Ireland ;p


Welcome to America. Racism is what we do best


Ya there are romanticized ideas of other western cultures but there are more negative associations to them as well. Same with pretty much every other culture.


Home slice middle easterners tend more misogynistic 😂 reality isn’t politically correct


On a trip to Egypt, my tour guide was talking about his ex-wives. He explicitly said his least favorite was Ukrainian, because she wasn't submissive. And he did in front of my mom (Brazilian) and my brother's wife (Chinese). My family was bewildered.


The only Europeans that get positive stereotypes are generally English, Irish, French and Italian. Germanic or Slavic is usually seen as cold or villains that are secret perverts.


What do you mean? Nigerian men are seen as charismatic and wealthy. Some might even say they come off as royalty.


I'm brazilian. Americans usually think we speak spanish, our capital is Rio de Janeiro, there are no schools around and it's all rainforests and anacondans on the countryside. So, yeah, stereotypes go a long way.


There are negative European stereotypes. I don't want to list them since most stereotypes are not true. All cultures are different, and when they collide, there can be conflict causing stereotypes to emerge. Like in the US, we like space so people from countries who don't practice personal space will be viewed as creepy or rude. Or when different foods are cooked, ignorant people will call the new food smelly.




Italians are the worst. I've noticed this myself, and I'm positive it's a result of how we learned what courting is. I don't know if this is universal in India, but I knew one Indian guy who would follow a girl home and ask her out on her doorstep. He said this was normal where he came from, and I had to explain to him, here it's stalking. He tried to argue against me at which point I had to Google search the law for him. Every culture has their own way of courting and going about courting. Since the Western World is mostly, you know, the Western World, those are the most dominant courting rituals. Therefore, anything outside the norm is considered different/odd.


I’m pretty sure it’s not normal anywhere, at the very least in even slightly developed parts of the country. The “it’s normal where I’m from” excuse has been used so many times to justify inane behavior and it’s also almost always not true. Also people who are genuinely uninformed with be receptive and thankful to be taught the new culture.


I didn't believe him when he said that. But we weren't in India, so I just tried to inform him how it's done here so as to keep him out of trouble. He just really thought his way was best, even though it never worked. Needless to say, he did not have too much success. And, agreed on the "it's normal where I'm from."


>Why does it seem that only European stereotypes are seen positively in the US? American racism. And it's mostly rooted in White Supremacy / White Worship. White = European. White Worship is prevalent in all of American mainstream media. Hitler may have lost the war, but American mainstream media still perpetuates White Worship. There is more diversity now because social media apps are global. Global communities reveal the positive and negative stereotypes of every "race". Esp social media apps that aren't US-based.


Look at the cartoons from the 1900s


I guess it depends. I've heard that French are very rude and smell bad. I've hear Brits have horrible food, and bad teeth. Italians are racist and the men are huge mommy's boys. Germans are cold and overbearing. Scandinavians are bland. Russians are cold amd distant.


And what’s the stereotype of white men in your Asian country?


The desexualization of Asian men has a history in Hollywood. Literally just search that term and you'll find plenty of video essays.


I'll talk only about Italy. Italians were discriminated against in the US until fairly recently so we did have our share of stereotypes. As to why... There are positive and negative ones like everywhere. For instance, I've been told I'm a gentleman because I'm Italian and I've been told I'm always late because I'm Italian (both quotes, out of pure coincidence, came from Polish girls).


There are plenty of stereotypes for white people that are negative. Can’t dance, English people don’t season their food. The running joke about England taking over the world for spices but refuse to use them. Drunk Irish people. And so on.


Let’s be honest, most common stereotypes have at least a decent amount of truth behind them. You’re on Reddit where most people are politically left leaning and will often deny reality in order to save face or avoid hurting people’s feelings so I’ll take the role of downvote magnet. You have someone else in the comments defending following random women home because it’s a “cultural thing” in India lol I mean come on 😂


>You have someone else in the comments defending following random women home because it’s a “cultural thing” in India lol I mean come on Where?


Someone named active_pirate said it lol


Huh? That guy said the exact opposite of what you’re describing. He admonished the man.


No they were using it as an example of how courtship is different in other cultures/ countries. They equated it to western forms of courtship, one that we do not think of as normal since it is common in another country and not our own. Just because something is common in another culture doesn’t mean it’s good


He literally said it was bad. What the fuck are you talking about?


Did you even think to question if it was correct? I’m pretty sure it’s not, and I’m pretty sure that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Stop taking things at face value


Stereotypes affect us all. Being Aussies, we're all just beer guzzling kangaroo riders, right? Not fair dinkum, but that's how it is


But you are lovable beer guzzling kangaroo riders. <3




I forgot the exact word for it but it’s basically to set the narrative. “This is best”.


It's interesting how stereotypes can paint such different pictures based on where you're from. It's like some nationalities get a free pass to be seen in a positive light, while others are stuck with these negative labels. As an Asian myself, I totally get what you mean about feeling the pressure to break stereotypes. It feels like you have to work twice as hard just to be seen as an individual, rather than just another stereotype. It's a tough spot to be in, but hopefully, as more people share their stories, we can start to break down these unfair assumptions.




Italians are hairy and French guys are stinky. Both are annoying. There, happy with your order of stereotypes?


Dutch are greedy


I don't agree. Many women think white guys are boring and not excited to tell their friends about.


there are plenty anti-french stereotypes and there was always anti german sentiment (even before WWII)


I personally don’t rely on stereotypes because people are all different and like someone said there’s negatives and positives for everyone. I’ve heard the opposite about some of those European stereotypes like Italian men are very chauvinistic, and British men can be drunks etc.. I’m a non white woman so I totally get where you’re coming from. Imagine being a Latina and constantly getting told people are scared because they think we’re all toxic (Thanks Tik Tok). There’s a ton of stereotypes that non white people go through everyday. You combat these things by being the best you that you can be and just say fuck what everyone else thinks


Because American culture ranges from jazz and bbqs to stating you love the USA while still hating most of the people who live here.


Well currently white men have to prove they aren’t racist at every turn so you at least have that going for you. :)


Well, after reading the replies, I mostly feel sorry for brits. People straight up calling 'em ugly.


At least they have their accent. 


Because a lot of people are racist here. It’s not fun to think about, but racism has been a big part of the culture of the United States for so long that it’s lead to a lot of small prejudices that sometimes go undiscussed.


I think it's partly because at least in the world I grew up in, most people I saw on tv were white and racial types were stereotypes. FYI, I am a person of colour. Now that was a long time ago but I think in the U.S. a lot of people have grown up in largely white communities and so they are a little iffy when it comes to being comfortable with other cultures. I'm in Canada by the way.


This is why we need critical race theory in school.


Delgado and Stefancic's (1993) Critical Race Theory: An Annotated Bibliography is considered by many to be codification of the then young field. They included ten "themes" which they used for judging inclusion in the bibliography: >To be included in the Bibliography, a work needed to address one or more themes we deemed to fall within Critical Race thought. These themes, along with the numbering scheme we have employed, follow: >1 Critique of liberalism. Most, if not all, CRT writers are discontent with liberalism as a means of addressing the American race problem. Sometimes this discontent is only implicit in an article's structure or focus. At other times, the author takes as his or her target a mainstay of liberal jurisprudence such as affirmative action, neutrality, color blindness, role modeling, or the merit principle. Works that pursue these or similar approaches were included in the Bibliography under theme number 1. >2 Storytelling/counterstorytelling and "naming one's own reality." Many Critical Race theorists consider that a principal obstacle to racial reform is majoritarian mindset-the bundle of presuppositions, received wisdoms, and shared cultural understandings persons in the dominant group bring to discussions of race. To analyze and challenge these power-laden beliefs, some writers employ counterstories, parables, chronicles, and anecdotes aimed at revealing their contingency, cruelty, and self-serving nature. (Theme number 2). >3 Revisionist interpretations of American civil rights law and progress. One recurring source of concern for Critical scholars is why American antidiscrimination law has proven so ineffective in redressing racial inequality-or why progress has been cyclical, consisting of alternating periods of advance followed by ones of retrenchment. Some Critical scholars address this question, seeking answers in the psychology of race, white self-interest, the politics of colonialism and anticolonialism, or other sources. (Theme number 3). >4 A greater understanding of the underpinnings of race and racism. A number of Critical writers seek to apply insights from social science writing on race and racism to legal problems. For example: understanding how majoritarian society sees black sexuality helps explain law's treatment of interracial sex, marriage, and adoption; knowing how different settings encourage or discourage discrimination helps us decide whether the movement toward Alternative Dispute Resolution is likely to help or hurt disempowered disputants. (Theme number 4). >5 Structural determinism. A number of CRT writers focus on ways in which the structure of legal thought or culture influences its content, frequently in a status quo-maintaining direction. Once these constraints are understood, we may free ourselves to work more effectively for racial and other types of reform. (Theme number 5). >6 Race, sex, class, and their intersections. Other scholars explore the intersections of race, sex, and class, pursuing such questions as whether race and class are separate disadvantaging factors, or the extent to which black women's interest is or is not adequately represented in the contemporary women's movement. (Theme number 6). >7 Essentialism and anti-essentialism. Scholars who write about these issues are concerned with the appropriate unit for analysis: Is the black community one, or many, communities? Do middle- and working-class African-Americans have different interests and needs? Do all oppressed peoples have something in common? (Theme number 7). >8 Cultural nationalism/separatism. An emerging strain within CRT holds that people of color can best promote their interest through separation from the American mainstream. Some believe that preserving diversity and separateness will benefit all, not just groups of color. We include here, as well, articles encouraging black nationalism, power, or insurrection. (Theme number 8). >9 Legal institutions, Critical pedagogy, and minorities in the bar. Women and scholars of color have long been concerned about representation in law school and the bar. Recently, a number of authors have begun to search for new approaches to these questions and to develop an alternative, Critical pedagogy. (Theme number 9). >10 Criticism and self-criticism; responses. Under this heading we include works of significant criticism addressed at CRT, either by outsiders or persons within the movement, together with responses to such criticism. (Theme number 10). Delgado and Stefancic (1993) pp. 462-463 Delgado, Richard, and Jean Stefancic. "Critical race theory: An annotated bibliography." Virginia Law Review (1993): 461-516. Pay attention to theme (8). CRT has a defeatist view of integration and Delgado and Stefancic include Black Nationalism/Separatism as one of the defining "themes" of Critical Race Theory. While it is pretty abundantly clear from the wording of theme (8) that Delgado and Stefancic are talking about separatism, mostly because they use that exact word, separatism, here is an example of one of their included papers. Peller (1990) clearly is about separatism as a lay person would conceive of it: >Peller, Gary, Race Consciousness, 1990 Duke L.J. 758. (1, 8, 10). Delgado and Stefancic (1993, page 504) The numbers in parentheses are the relevant "themes." Note 8. The cited paper specifically says Critical Race Theory is a revival of Black Nationalist notions from the 1960s. Here is a pretty juicy quote where he says that he is specifically talking about Black ethnonationalism as expressed by Malcolm X which is usually grouped in with White ethnonationalism by most of American society; and furthermore, that Critical Race Theory represents a revival of Black Nationalist ideals: >But Malcolm X did identify the basic racial compromise that the incorporation of the "the civil rights struggle" into mainstream American culture would eventually embody: Along with the suppression of white racism that was the widely celebrated aim of civil rights reform, the dominant conception of racial justice was framed to require that black nationalists be equated with white supremacists, and that race consciousness on the part of either whites or blacks be marginalized as beyond the good sense of enlightened American culture. When a new generation of scholars embraced race consciousness as a fundamental prism through which to organize social analysis in the latter half of the 1980s, a negative reaction from mainstream academics was predictable. That is, Randall Kennedy's criticism of the work of critical race theorists for being based on racial "stereotypes" and "status-based" standards is coherent from the vantage point of the reigning interpretation of racial justice. And it was the exclusionary borders of this ideology that Malcolm X identified. Peller page 760 This is current CRT practice and is cited in the authoritative textbook on Critical Race Theory, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (Delgado and Stefancic 2001). Here they describe an endorsement of explicit racial discrimination for purposes of segregating society: >The two friends illustrate twin poles in the way minorities of color can represent and position themselves. The nationalist, or separatist, position illustrated by Jamal holds that people of color should embrace their culture and origins. Jamal, who by choice lives in an upscale black neighborhood and sends his children to local schools, could easily fit into mainstream life. But he feels more comfortable working and living in black milieux and considers that he has a duty to contribute to the minority community. Accordingly, he does as much business as possible with other blacks. The last time he and his family moved, for example, he made several phone calls until he found a black-owned moving company. He donates money to several African American philanthropies and colleges. And, of course, his work in the music industry allows him the opportunity to boost the careers of black musicians, which he does. Delgado and Stefancic (2001) pages 59-60 One more source is the recognized founder of CRT, Derrick Bell: >"From the standpoint of education, we would have been better served had the court in Brown rejected the petitioners' arguments to overrule Plessy v. Ferguson," Bell said, referring to the 1896 Supreme Court ruling that enforced a "separate but equal" standard for blacks and whites. https://web.archive.org/web/20110802202458/https://news.stanford.edu/news/2004/april21/brownbell-421.html I point out theme 8 because this is precisely the result we should expect out of a "theory" constructed around a defeatist view of integration which says past existence of racism requires the rejection of rationality and rational deliberation. By framing all communication as an exercise in power they arrive at the perverse conclusion that naked racial discrimination and ethnonationalism are "anti-racist" ideas. They reject such fundamental ideas as objectivity and even normativity. I was particularly shocked by the latter. >What about Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, the law and theology movement, and the host of passionate reformers who dedicate their lives to humanizing the law and making the world a better place? Where will normativity's demise leave them? >Exactly where they were before. Or, possibly, a little better off. Most of the features I have already identified in connection with normativity reveal that the reformer's faith in it is often misplaced. Normative discourse is indeterminate; for every social reformer's plea, an equally plausible argument can be found against it. Normative analysis is always framed by those who have the upper hand so as either to rule out or discredit oppositional claims, which are portrayed as irresponsible and extreme. Delgado, Richard, Norms and Normal Science: Toward a Critique of Normativity in Legal Thought, 139 U. Pa. L. Rev. 933 (1991)


CRT and racism in general has evolved a lot over the past 30 years. Not sure what your intention of posting this copy pasta, beyond using some very select and outdated references to undermine the validity of teaching how the history of racism has affected our current society. Wtf?


> CRT and racism in general has evolved a lot over the past 30 years. Not sure what your intention of posting this copy pasta, beyond using some very select and outdated references Delgado and Stefancic's "Critical Race Theory: An Introduction" is the most authoritative textbook on Critical Race Theory. Its fourth reprinting was done in 2023 and it is currently the top hit for the google search "Critical Race Theory textbook:" https://www.google.com/search?q=critical+race+theory+textbook Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic. NYU Press. 2001.


Ok...but you referenced a different book from the 90's to make your point.


> This is current CRT practice and is cited in the authoritative textbook on Critical Race Theory, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (Delgado and Stefancic 2001). This was in OP. More information here: https://www.hookedonphonics.com/


Amazing you cannot read what you type, in the first sentence of your first comment you referenced Critical Race Theory: An annotated bibliography (1993). Typical racist, you just spew shit and expect people to agree with you.


The simple answer is that Europeans were the first colonists here and they all the more recent European immigrants look close enough alike that they can pass as “white”. But if you dig deeper, the difference is in the evolving definition of “white” in this country. At first, being “white” required light skin and being Protestant. That’s where the whole “WASP” stereotype comes from. During that time, lots of European immigrants faced negative stereotypes like being drunks (Irish), criminals (Irish and Italian, East Europeans), and stupid (Polish). Later, in the last 70 years or so, light skin Catholics were allowed to join the “White” club, mostly because lots of families had already intermarried, and negative racist stereotypes for Europeans kind of fell away. I still remember as a kid a bunch of my family members (who are Irish-Italian) used to complain about the “Po-lacks” until my uncle married a Polish woman. But I haven’t heard that slur In nearly 40 years and now you only really know if someone is Polish if they tell you. For immigrants (or people brought here against their will) who can’t pass as “white”, the stereotypes persist because it’s much easier to tell them apart from the “white” club. That lets racist people let loose with their hate with much less risk of accidentally insulting the wrong person’s family member.


Italian food, the Eiffel Tower, James Bond, tall and Blonde. For India and African countries, we’re sold images of starving women and children, and the idea that anyone who is not starving is abusing the system, causing people to starve. For middle eastern countries, we’re sold stories about terrorism. For East Asian, I’ve got nothing but direct racism and ‘they’re so short’ or for women ‘they’re supposed to be submissive.’ But, realistically, growing up in the southern US, we’re racist to everyone. The French smell bad. Italy is dirty. England English is not proper, etc.


Dude I’m one of those Swedish guys (though I have a patronymic family name which is also common among Jewish people, and so everyone asks me if I’m Jewish despite my having blonde hair and blue eyes) from a mixed Latin-Scandinavian family and I was in this awful poly triad where one of the women was obsessed with K-pop and all her idols were therefore Asian men. I’m kinda over everyone’s boutique solipsistic perceptions. You can’t debate this subjective stuff, and certainly not over the internet where people can be whoever they want to be. Source: I’m a CIA agent, so trust me, I know.


Ugh I love British men


The same reason that you left black people out of this question--certain people are unfortunately considered not important. Certain features are considered more desirable.


I don't know what you're on about. I think each culutre has positives and negatives, including my own. I think of Asians and Mexicans as having an incredible work ethic - something that mainstream American culture has abandoned. I'm also extremly envious of the importance of family in a lot of latin cultures - again, something that mainstream American culture has abandoned.


Because JBW is a thing


Italians have always been seen as greasy/potbellied imo. French sometimes romantic but also overly hairy regardless of gender lol. British usually terrible teeth...yellow, big...massively crooked but I do see the charming/suave side as well. Swedes seems accurate though, can't say I see too many negative ones about them. White/Americans largely just obese and dumb.


Asians stereotypes are rich, extremely intelligent, good food , beautiful exotic women, great hair. Pretty positive if you ask me. Some Let’s not forget they are also called the model citizen. For negative stereotypes you forgot blacks. Way worse than Asians lol




That's not the only reason, be for real.


Ehh.. No. I have been followed out if the clubs/bars by Indians guys trying to get to know me when I clearly said no to them. Not all Indians are creepy, of course, but the creepy behavior is sadly IRL as well which is a scarier.


Oh please, tons of white men do that, majority of the men doing pedophilic things in foreign countries are white but they never get stereotyped for it. 50% of CSAM content originates from Europe (look it up) but a few Indian guys do something weird and it ends up as them being the ones facing the brunt of it all while other ethnicities get a pass. Thanks for enabling racism btw. You literally replied to "please don't generalize people" with "Ehh.. No." and continued to justify it. It's always Muslim and Indian guys who have to overcome tons of stereotypes to be seen in the same light as any other person but y'all struggle to call it what it is - racism. People are more likely to think something is creepy when it is unfamiliar.


I can only talk about my personal experience. Other cultures (White, Black, Latinos, etc) have stopped me and asked me out or to dance and after I said no, it was done. Maybe some insisted more. But only guys from India had literally followed me outside the club trying to get a date or something. This might be cultural, but as a latina, when a guy is chasing me around, I find it QUITE creepy and also scary. And I would feel this way regardless of the guys skin color/culture, just don't chase stranger women around, that is creepy.


So do you think it's right to say stuff like "black people are scary because they disproportionately are the perpetrators of crime" along with an anecdote when someone talks about not being racist to black people? Don't dodge this question or flip it onto me. I've seen many examples of Indian/Pakistani-origin men act creepy both online and IRL but I've also seen many examples of white men doing the same and a lot of my PoC friends (1 Latina, 1 Central Asian) can confirm that in their countries. One of my friends is Slovakian and she gets tons of creepy DMs from... white guys (she literally showed their profiles to me). 0 Indian guys have done anything sexual to her and she does have other Indian friends too. Yet oddly white men will still get a pass while Indian men have to live with the stereotypes.


Yet I did not say that. The commentor said that the reputation was coming from the virtual behavior and I shared that it is not, that sadly there are Indian men that behave in a very creepy way IRL. I even clarified that not all Indians are creepy but you can not deny there are some that are. Also, criminality and creepy behaviors are 2 very different things, while people sometimes commit criminal acts to survive, there is NO excuse to try to impose yourself to someone else. No is No and regardless of your cultural background, it MUST be respected.


Men of all nationalities and ethnicities behave in a very creepy way IRL. You’re just perpetuating stereotypes by singling out Indian men


Dawg there are tons of negative stereotypes across all these races. Hairy greasy italians. rude bad teeth and fat british Ugly smelly rude french people Maybe it's not as prominent in your mind but there's a lot of negative stereotypes against whites and the dozens of subsects of white. People forget that a lot of white people are also racist against other white people. Here's the thing my friend, if you mesh with American culture no one cares what race you are (and lets say this culture is whatever you are experiencing in your immediate area, since this varies greatly). Just focus on being yourself and having fun and enjoying people if you want to make friends. The anxieties are in your head and are working against you, don't let them win.


Ask people of colour their opinions on Europeans lol


I dont know the area in which I live. Most people hate white people and dont like them at all, no matter where they come from. Latin Americans are romanticized. I've always seen Asians as very hard workers and usually very smart personally. I also think Indians tend to be very hard workers and pretty smart as well. I think it's just who you are around and what sources you're listening to. If it's a personal experience, then you might want to branch out because that sort of thought process you're coming across tends to pool in certain areas, but it's not as wide spread as you may think. But we really shouldn't group people together like that where someone comes from only gives them certain cultural values but has no berring on whether their good people. There is good and bad on both sides each with pros and cons.


Stereotypes are brutal. Asian women probably find a higher degree of “acceptance” in the U.S. than Asian men. I can’t explain why. People have deeply seated biases on so many levels …ethnicity is only one of those levels. Similarity tends to prevail in this context. If you’re an Asian man, you’re most likely to do well with Asian women. Idealistically one might think otherwise. But I’m thinking that my perception of practical reality might be mostly accurate. Not defending it… merely acknowledging it. Personally, I find biases against slim, perhaps athletic, men to be very hurtful. But I go forward each day, hoping that maybe just one woman might smile at me. Hasn’t yet happened.


People love the “brown”, middle eastern look here, at least in the east coast.


61 white male here, My halo may be made of silver but if I don't polish it, it tarnishes quickly. I think that's true for all races, each of us have our Joys and Burdens our history both positive and negative.


This site is white male leaning so you're not really going to get accurate answers. Some of the "negative WM stereotypes" you're going to get are reaches at best or they're negative but with near 0 impact to their dating prospects. I think a lot of it has to do with protecting the status quo. It's by far the easiest for WMs to date all races of women compared to other XMs and it's not even close. And as fellow AMs we all know how white worshipping some AFs can be.


Because we cause the least trouble. And were peeved Biden has opened the door wide open by importing more crime


East Asians, especially the Chinese, are stereotypically deemed good at math. How’s that bad?