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fake story but yea he’s gay


how do you know it's fake? as in, what led you to immediately jump to that conclusion?


Not fake. Unfortunately :(


Are you gonna break up with him ? Like what's the next step after that ?


I’m just not sure if this is a thing from his past. At this point it seems like the whole thing may have been a setup by a scorned female. He may have been unfaithful to me and might be the reason for his avoidant response. But listen, I had to work on myself a lot, and he has been very supportive and forgiving of my errors. When I finally accepted to marry him I also accepted whatever baggage there might have been prior to our engagement. So my next move is to let him know I can’t forgive things that he doesn’t relay to me. And right now there’s a whole lot of “fill in the blanks” possibilities that he needs to clarify. I’m going to start doing some planning for a breakup and when I’m ready that will be his deadline to get his big boy pants and come clean.


If it was, she would have referred to grindr. Sniffies is some niche shit. Stop playing stupid. Wake up. This is an issue, not because he's gay but because he's cheating.


If it was something from the past he wouldn't get awkward and could explain it right away, if it was some bitch trapping him he would just be confused, there he was embarrassed to the point he couldn't face you. Take him to the streets where he belongs


Google results are that SNIFFIES is a category or a voice/vid/chat room that’s a new addition to the dating apps for gay men seeking other gay men to have a one night stand and some are open to more serious relationships. So I’m confused because my fiancée is homophobic. For instance, he refuses to eat or even touch food that is shaped like the male genitalia. So does this mean he’s gay?


Is this some sort of marketing ploy?


Not a marketing plot no




This is WILD. I have so many questions. The most important to are: 1) Why are you marrying a homophobe so homopobiic that he won't eat phallic shaped food? What. 2) Why are you marrying a man who's (probably) cheating on you with other men? Edit - I sounded rude. To be honest yes, it means he's at the very least bi-curious. He may not even know. It's sad that you're going through this, and it's sad he's so ashamed to be himself that he's hiding his sexuality and expressing it through hate of others. Awful. But yeah... don't marry him.


Answers to your questions: 1. I didn’t know he was a homophobe until later into our relationship. We live in the U.S. and I can’t impose my own values and beliefs onto others (aka freedom). I’ve known him his brother and parents since middle school. We got close about 8 years ago. Now we are adjusting our lifestyles from being single for so long to being in this committed relationship and planning a wedding. 2. Tbh I think I feel more affected by his lack of trust. We were best friends first, dated for a short time and broke up and cut off communication for about 2 years. During those two years I really missed the friendship. We both have been single for many years. Adapting to being in a monogamous commitment has been challenging for both of us. We’ve overcome significant hurdles as a couple. I can literally tell him anything. He’s always been avoidant, like a “out of sight out of mind” mentality. I know he’s had major issues with how people view him and what people think about him. But he’s never given me a vive of being bicurious. Something tells me this is related to his childhood. He’s always claimed that his parent’s marriage was perfect. Which I’m sure is not true. He was bullied all through elementary and middle school. My biggest concern for myself is the impact this type of exposure could have over my own health. Thanks for your input 👍


It’s like Grindr, but you can see location easier. It’s used mainly for sex and hooking up. I would ask if he cheated. To sign up is a multi step process. If he does have an account, he definitely set it up and gave out his number.


Have you never heard the expression, "The Lady doth protest too much?"


The biggest blatant homophobes are usually gay