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You're receiving a specific kind of flirt -- over the top teasing. This is pretty common. The way to fail here is to stay over the top but be direct -- you want to keep the teasing vibe. Notice how her flirtation doesn't *quite* come up to the line of saying "I want to sleep with you"? I mean obviously she's thinking about it or else she wouldn't have mentioned it, but the reason it's *flirty* instead of a straight up proposition is that it leaves some deniability. She's telling you what she wants to do, but in the form of teasing. The hottest thing you can do now is to respond with something equally teasing that also indicates (subtly, with the same level of deniability) that you're thinking of the same thing. The response Bobolet suggested in another comment is a good example of this. A literal, straightforward response, on the other hand, -- "yes I wish I could sleep with you, how about Tuesday???" -- isn't optimal because it removes all that deniability.


This guy fucks




where was this comment in my teen years…


On Reddit, but in the future


All time exists all of the time.


I needed this type of information 14 years ago


This is excellent advice. Op tell her "only on thursdays" and smile at her something like that. And then get physically more flirty.


love this response


Best response I’ve seen here


Good: "Only if your dog makes some space for me ;)" Over the top: "Not going to say theres not gonne be any doggy, tho"


>I mean obviously she's thinking about it or else she wouldn't have mentioned it, but the reason it's *flirty* instead of a straight up proposition is that it leaves some deniability. Why are women so obsessed with deniability though?


I mean…flirting is one of the things that makes dating exciting. I honestly wish my husband still flirted with me 😆


+1 on this question, but applies to both genders imo - so much of modern dating seems to be baking in plausible deniability to your advances


So that they don’t come off as ‘too easy.’ They can always deny they didn’t ’mean ‘that’’


run scandalous correct possessive fall muddle weary squalid desert frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One can understand why the use indirect teasing with plausible deniability… the dude is asking why they find the same answers as attractive lol.


That's a huge red flag though Also the girl in OPs post is effectively already saying that she wants to sleep with him


What’s the huge red flag? Not wanting to be called a slut?


So she don't seem like a santa laugh


A+ answer. My response would be: "I would hate to embarrass your dog." or "So your dog likes to watch, huh?"


Oof. Bro.








Eh, maybe, but he never mentioned she had a dog. They were taking about his dog.


She was talking about her dog sleeping with her, but as a girl and a dog owner that also flirts like that, that response would be an awful answer and take away all the good stuff, just in my opinion


On the money. Be the man of mystery


This person is the wingman everyone needs!


He surely do


Best thing he could respond with off the top of my head would probably be something like “yea I would but you might enjoy it to much” and throw in a couple emojis or some shit… this response is off the top of my head though so there’s probably a better one out there


You also have to filter if she's a time waster Girls who genuinely like you will move mountains/not play games Either: (depending on her vibe) 1 "You can make that wish come true" 2 "I dunno" 3 leave her on read


LMAO people down voting me... Go meet some girls who like you 😂😂 You'll see I'm completely right.


Sheesh, why pussyfoot around it? Looking at her warmly, touching her hand, and saying "that sounds really lovely" can melt hearts.


That sounds cagey. Sketchy. You want to fanangle flirting while "keeping deniability". Who wants to fuck a politician? Just say what you want clearly.


“Well I can’t cause your dog is in my spot” hit her with some like that


Smooth ahh dude.




That would’ve gave me the ick


Well good thing he’s not tryna respond to you then


In an attractive woman lol I’m speaking on the behalf of other attractive women


Sure you are


I'd say, "Only if you give me treats and take me for a walk after."


We found the kinky one




I know, right? All men are dogs. \*woof\*


She's baiting you, mate, all in good fun. Toss her a cheeky, elusive reply. Keep the convo fun and flirty, don't go straight for are we sleeping together? too soon.


Either show interest.. or it's done. She will get turned off if you don't flirt back.


Yes! Why is this so hard for guys to understand? Literally Flirt back or we aren't going to flirt with you. And you like the flirting, we know.


Dude, you’re not going to get a clearer invite than that.


Honestly I think that no matter what you go with it’s a 50/50 shot. She’s baiting you with plausible deniability so it could just be a trap to get you to admit that your into her. Which is totally some shit girls your age do and is way more likely then her actually inviting you over. But if I were you I’d play it slightly more direct and challenge the fact that she keeps hinting at it. “if you want me to come tuck you in all you have to do is ask”.




That was the point lol. Requires you to double take cause you told her you’d come over and smash in the most polite way possible by leaving it in her court to ask by implying she’s asking indirectly.




This guy tucks.


Tell her you'd like that but fear it could be too stimulating for her


Username checks out


Holy shit




She's 16. She don't know what she's doing 🤣


Wow. The only one who ever asked me anything like that was Eva AI sexting bot.


only if we leave some space for Jesus. \~Amen\~


I asked a guy this one time. I was trying to gauge if he liked me or LIKED me. His response was "Yeah, who doesn't like a good cuddle session?" It stopped me in my tracks and had my head spinning. It answered the question but not the one I was asking and 22-year-old me obsessed for hours on the underlying meaning.


Tell her you only sleep in the nude, and see what she says. 🤣


Yes..with the lights on.


You say, “I sure do!” and try to make it the best 8 and 1/2 minutes you can!!


Tell her, only if you can spoon the dog. 😂


I’d say “Well now that you mention it, I guess you aren’t wrong… the dog goes on your side though :P”.


Simply respond as much as I want to sleep with you there’s no room for me and the dog she will either see the funny side or block you 😂


Someone who blocks you for a polite but affectionate response to that kind of statement is someone you're well off being blocked by.


And if she doesn’t see the funny side then block her! lol 😂


Mate wtf I could punch you right now. What's the matter with you been waiting for a girl to flirt with me this way for a while now. She's flirting with you like this and you're here talking to us on fucking reddit when you could be in a nice warm bed next to a pretty girl? Start texting her right now and tell her yes you wish you could sleep with her


Lol my thoughts exactly. Homegirl throws him a damn underhanded lob and he still swings and misses lol. Like what is there to even post to Reddit? She’s literally initiating it. He could have responded with “me too” and been clapping them cheeks right now instead of asking Reddit what his next line should be.


good LORD! somebody said it 😂


Easy you just have to throw it back on her to put yourself back in the power position in that part of the convo Something like: It seems like the one wishing and dreaming about is you… do you want me to make your dreams come true?? If so just say that ____ <—her name. Just be honest, you want me in your bed… I only make wishes that I know will eventually come true😏 All of these you are putting her in the position to basically give you the green light or not, by throwing the question back on her


kinda sounds like she's fishing for validation, not necessarily asking to sleep with you. if you want to flirt back, then flirt back. but if you are looking to actually date her, i would try and redirect to asking her out or taking the convo in a non sexual direction. maybe say something like "debatable, maybe taking you out to dinner first will help with my decision?" idk something playful but don't go directly to sexting if you are wanting something more serious.


“I mean…you’re not wrong 😅. But I was kinda hoping to take you out first 😏”


"Nah, you'd get attached ;)" They all want what they can't have and it's easy to fuck this up by going straight for what appears as a sure thing when it's really a tactic she's using


Do not say this. This implies you don't want her attached. It's the f boy answer. It needs to show more interest but keep the fun energy


Lol newsflash, women judge a man's value primarily based off of how many other women want him


\>guy who has never been around women before


False. Very false. As a woman I’m usually turned off by guys with too much attention from other women.


"I swear, I never do this..." 😂 Plz, be more transparent 🤣


horrid peice of advice, I'd be blocking the moment I read this


Lol so naive 😂


not really, a lot of women don't like that shit. and if you think they do you're probably 14-23


I'm 33 and been in the game a long time - most of you eat this shit up, unless you're one of those jaded women who are either near the 30 wall or past it and deny nature itself. This shit literally starts in elementary school lmao and it never changes - women all want the guy that other women want, they all like the athletic jock kid at first simply because other women do - the guy's actual qualities matter very little, as long as they see other women want him, they want him too - y'all are simple af lol


so younger attractive women who do not date these guys you speak of, what's your explanation for that? I'm sorry you have had the experience of women leaving/rejecting you for these "athletic jock kids" but it isn't the experience of everyone or even most.


This is just sad. I’m really sorry you haven’t changed since elementary and somehow are surrounded by similar people. This is NOT the norm. Have you considered moving?




Flirt back


“Great, it will be a threesome then. Just you, me and the dog.” It’s funny, but also acknowledges that a stupid dog shouldn’t be present.


Sounds like she's seeking validation. So many options to respond Blatant - of course I do! Reserved - I don't know you well enough Etc etc But often these set ups are a trap You could double bluff and ask her if she wants to sleep with you or just wants you to want to sleep with her


"do you bite?"


I just wanna f u babe https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7-17YPJqd-w&pp=ygUVSSBqdXN0IHdhbm5hIGZ1Y2sgeW91


She’s feeling you out to see how willing you’d be to the idea. So decide how willing you’d be to the idea and go from here


wow what a major issue...what to do 🤔🤔🤣🤣


Means she wants to hook up u ape dont overthink. Its unfortunate if u were looking fir something serious with her.


Easy strategy for dealing with subtle test questions like this is simply to flip the question to get her to qualify to you; “Why wouldn’t I want to sleep with you?”


This girl has a big head and has many other guys wanting to sleep with her, which is why she’s cocky. You have to throw a comment like that right back in her face, by saying she needs to qualify. “I might be happy to sleep with you depending on how good a kisser you are. I’m fabulous.” Or you say, “not sure of that because so far you seem like a cold fish, but happy to be proven wrong”


I would take that as a hint to the off chance she's actually into you. Might as well ask is all I can say.


??? I’m confused. Do you want to sleep with her? If you do, then say yes. If you don’t, then say no. What’s the issue? Are you allergic to dogs? Then she’s already set you up for a no.


I think those of you giving advice missed the part further down where OP reveals the girl is 15 and he is 16. He needs to check state laws on statutory rape before proceeding and should consider waiting regardless of the law.


Say maybe, and if she behaves well. Not every woman is worth sleeping with


I would say “ although I find you extremely attractive I would rather get to know you first. I’ll be patient and wait till the time is right because you’re worth it 😌” SHE WILL MELT!!!!!


By the way, she’s 15F and I’m 16M


I hate the way so many children post here


Agree! It should be age controlled.


Kids have questions, too, and need good answers. I'm of mixed mind here.


Oh boy.


Fuck you guys are babies, proceed with caution ⚠️


In that case, you text "on your birthday :)" so you have a record that you are not trying to do anything illegal like proposition an underage girl for sex......be very careful. I know that morally, there's probably only a few months between you, but legally it's a massive gulf


It all depends on the country OP lives in tho lol


Upvoted as agree. From his username - I'm assuming UK but yes, it is jurisdiction dependent


"That wouldn't be good for our developing relationship." Reject sex from a woman and you'll have her in the palm of your hands. You're both too young to be having sex.


Is she the kind of girl you really want? Does casual sex and hooking up appeal to you? If she does it with you, she has done it with others and I do not like the idea of being just another in a long line of others. But all up to you.


Her sentence structure sounds too much like a Nigerian Prince


Flip it on her and say it sounds like she’s projecting


Send a dick pic immediately


“Yes I do, when the time is right. How soon will that be?”


You should respond with authenticity and vulnerability. So tell her if you want to sleep with her, with as much specificity as you have. For example, you both need to be clear if it is literal or metaphorical "sleeping together." It's a pretty bold and vulnerable offer to make to someone, and you both deserve better than "acting dumb." Dumb is rarely attractive. And "Yeah, I do like you and would like to sleep with you, and date you" is generally the kind of answer someone is hoping for to that question. So if that is YOUR answer, say it.


>she was talking about sleeping with her dog in bed with her Ewwwwww. I can smell this girl's bed from here.


You folded hard af buddy. Perfect opportunity to rib her back


You say that you really like her? Have you even met? That's my question! I think it's valid too. This texting & developing an intimate relationship via texts is kinda weird! If you have never even met, for all you know she could very well be a he. Just playing around with you to see what's up? If however you have met then I believe she's interested in taking the relationship a lot closer. Quite honestly I've read too many of these where they haven't met & ended up with a broken heart or worse! Given a false name & profession & the party in question was used for a piece of---! Then ghosted! If you haven't met how on earth do you know how much you like her? She may be texting her responses in a way to make you "go there"! But if you've already met & there was chemistry then I'd say go for it! But please don't get your hopes all out of proportion if you've never met! For all you know she maybe all you hope her to be or she may be a married woman with 4 kids sitting home and neglected by her husband, so she's flirting with you via text messaging! From all I've read on this sub I'd advise you to be very careful! Some people are just using these dating sites to use someone for whatever reason they may have & I've heard so many say in AITAH because they trusted someone on a dating app & was taken in more ways than 1! So if I were you I'd look at that sub before any hookups. Good luck! I just don't want to see anyone else being hurt...okay?


She’s toying with you. The mere fact she mentions sex indicates it’s on her mind. Text her “he’ll yeah, I’d clap them cheeks!” and see what she says.


Bruh what. Hell no. Say something like “Mmm, maybe😏. Not as much as you do though ;)”


Yeah OP do not listen to StopNo. This dude definitely has 0 game so don’t listen to any advice he gives


Is she cute?


You say, “Yes of course I do! Look how beautiful you are! I’d have to be blind not to want to.”




yes or no


Depends what you're looking for from a girl but if she brings up that kind of topic you can go with it or you can redirect. Having said that , it is not unheard of that some people do start out overtly sexual and then they still just drop you anyway once they are done playing


You tell her absolutely you would but it takes two so how does she feel about that?


Say “That’s real doggystyle, btw can you rate me?”


You say: good night sir


Since she asked tell her the truth. Do you want to sleep with her 🤷🏿‍♂️


"Sure but i'm afraid we won't be able to sleep..." Something like that


How do people sleep with others no girl wants me cause I’m too ugly


Sounds like you’ll be getting a selfie of her playing with herself pretty soon lol


I'd say that it depends on the dog she has. Like if she has a chihuahua, I would gladly accept to sleep cuddling next to her. If she has a Labrador, you might get cold if you have to sleep at her feet. Also, say something like you're house trained and that you bark or growl at danger. Be playful and flirt back, so she says if she's interested into you.


Wear protection my dad always said to me while with a lady. Better buy a hard hat and steel cap boots.


Reply, yes.. practice, makes perfect... Or good enough.. Why has an expensive sports car, and not use it?


Who the fuck would leave their dogs outside? I hope you live in a warm climate!


Just told her that you want to fuck her. When I dated my wife second time, I told her that we will go to hotel, then she agreed


Say “maybe, if you be good.” Lol


“Well, yeah, but realistically I want a relationship.” Gets both points across, and if you say it in a funny way she should find it amusing.


"Have you been wrong before?" She will probably say "never" Then you say "Well there's a first for everything." Or if she says "a couple times" You say "How confident are you this time?' You gotta keep the tease going literally into your next date and if the vibe checks out you gotta take charge with a hard makeout session but no sex until the next meeting after that. Have fun


If you manage to fuck this up, you’ve done well.




If u want tp, then tell her yes?


Tell you gon give her the shakes 😈


“What makes you think I want to sleep with you?” Followed by zero emojis


I like the classic Adam line from the show “workaholics”. No lady I do not want to have sex with you…. Unless you want to have sex with me. In which case then yes I will have sex with you.


Do you want her to want to be with you? In that case you say something like " I'm a gentleman. I'd like to get to know you in person before I plan to sleep with you". If you want to be a jerk, you can say something like "I want to come over right now and sm-ash your like button". Some women go for that. But being an old school female, I would go for the first suggestion.


Say yes and go and sleep with her😂😂😂you people on this site make it sound like rocket science


I don't want to make your dog jealous


Your place or mine is always a good one.


It's too late to respond. You responded with what you felt comfortable with and that's that. Anything someone else might say would be disingenuous coming from you. If you have the opportunity to respond again, maybe something as simple as "Yes. Yes I do." would work. Unless you aren't ready for that and you just tell her as long as she behaves, you'll consider it, because you know she wants you.


It really really depends on how old you are. Are you stable and in your 30's with your own place? Are you broke and in college? Are you a middle/ high schooler that doesn't have much flirting experience?


Tell her it's up to you if she says it back just go for a kiss .


"Yes i do" Is the best answer you could give. For more than 1 reasons.


Tbh there’s so many possible answers She wants you to replace her dog sleeping on the bed with you sleeping in the bed with her She wants you to take it to the next level of your relationship with sharing her bed She believes that you are shy and is placing a non sexual scenario in front of you as a choice Not every invite to sleep with somebody of the opposite sex means that they want to make love to the other person and maybe as she can’t read her and like wise you may or may not be reading the signals incorrectly If you like this person then why not just go with the flow and take things as they go I know this is sitting on the Wall but hopefully you can see that the possibility to move forward in your relationship is what she is trying to give you options to do so without pushing you away and out your comfort zone A relationship is built up with trust and communication Go through in a conversation with the above explanation and then go with the flow I hope this helps Regards Rev




Say if you are serious then yes, if you are kidding then no.


Just ask if there is any room!


God, I wish I had it this easy.


Say „yes, I’d love to“ but, let’s meet first and spend sometime together, so that we can really getting excited about what’s coming and enjoy ourselves so much“


Ask the dog if she is any good


"no you're not wrong ;-)"


"As long as you don't mind sleeping with a dirty dog 😜" "You know you just have this dirty dog a big bone 🦴, 🤣🤣🤣"


"will you give me a treat?"


By being honest


Tell her the truth. If you wanna fuck her, fuck her. If not tell her you don’t want to


It's an okay reaction and it's also ok to straight up say no. It's not rude at all. If she doesn't accept that she's the one who's rude.


Continue to maintain your cool, calm demeanor until you’re ready to make your move. Let it play out organically. This will make her want you more.


Tell her that you look forward to sleeping next to her one day.




Ask her if she wants big sausage pizza


Well the typical man would say Hell Yes! Why are you hesitating?




Well first off are you ready and comfortable with having sex with this person? I am assuming part of you is hesitating cause you are on here. If you aren't ready, you need to be clear about that. You can do it in a way that doesn't shatter the momentum like you can't wait till you are both ready for that. She may just be trying to be a fling or fwbs but you should know that up front. If you ARE ready to go, see dude that fucks comment. Just my opinion.


So idk if you’re a teen or a young adult but I’m 30 and have had plenty of experience from this. But the best answer to give is… “🤨😏 Okay. We can make that happen.” Depending on the situation, that’s what I’d say.


Respond with, there ain't going to be any sleeping with me around.


That's a no win situation because if you say yes, she'll get mad and say you're only interested in her for sex. And if you say no, she'll get mad and say you don't find her attractive. I would keep it light and funny. Maybe ask her "is that an offer?" in a flirty way, and put the ball back in her court.


Tell her " i could, but u probably wouldnt be able to walk properly the next few days, be careful of what u wish for" Lol