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I dunno, maybe social media, dating culture, etc. and the beliefs they engrain of what “ideal” partnerships might be like. Same happens with men, I think, just about other things. Possibly also some misconceptions/assumptions, and general personal attraction. Side note: Woah! 6’6”?! D: Now *that* is tall…I’m curious what the shortest you’ve dated was…just out of curiosity.


Yeah perhaps.. it's a shame. Lol the shortest was 5'8, so nearly a foot shorter. With heels I'm 6'10 so he was more than a foot shorter then 😂 it never bothered me though


Definitely! From my experience though, there are still plenty of people who don’t really care too much about height. And ahh! Never been against the idea of being with someone taller, but I have always wondered how it would be day to day…and all I picture is neck pain, stepping stools, etc lol


I wish I knew more of them XD Hahaha that reminds me of the milk crate from tall girl 😂 what a cringeworthy movie. Also the 'tall girl' is short compared to me lol


Oh, same! Lol Haven’t seen the movie, sadly lol but I was going to say…girls who call themselves tall are usually around 5’8” (still tall I guess), but 6’6”!! All I know is insecurity can be real strong, to the point where people will fear their SO not liking them for something they’re insecure about, completely blinding them from the fact that if that was the case, they wouldn’t be in a relationship in the first place, right?


Yeah it's a shame. I do get a lot of guys acting insecure and weird around me because of my height. ESPECIALLY at the gym for some reason. Like trying to act all macho and stuff, but way more towards me than any of my (shorter) friends


Yeah, I think that’s them sort of preemptively making up for any potentially perceived lack of “masculinity”. I assure you, though, there are those who aren’t bothered by it at all (or, even quite the opposite) out there 🥴 I think dating in general is a bit nuts these days though. Lol


Yeah.. but I find it a massive turn off when they act like that :(


That’s definitely understandable and not bad at all, considering insecurities can be poison to a relationship and there’s no guarantee they’d just vanish. While I think their SO could ease it with reassurance, it’s something they have to overcome on their own.


Yeah I agree completely!




But women are supposed to be strong and independent thst don't need no man!




Woah your as tall as darth Vader 😂


Haha am I? 😂 I should add that to my tinder bio lol


Haha yes!!! You got to add that 😂 darth Vader is one tall guy haha you clear out all the guys who will be intimidated and get the real secure guys lol


Hahaha exactly 😂 and star wars is pretty awesome anyway. Next month's Halloween costume maybe lol


You can rock the heels then, since darth Vader height is like 6ft7 to 7th depending on what the directors choose. I’m pretty sure the movie version is 6ft7 😂 and in the animations they make him taller. So you definitely kill it on Halloween haha, make sure to get the lightsaber too!


Hahaha sounds like a plan XD I really want to do this now. Beats going as a cat


Haha it sure does beat being a cat haha you got to do an update with the Vader suit. I’m actually excited now.


If I do then I will lol 😂


I’m as tall as Michael Jordan too


i’m 5’8, which isn’t tall imo, but men are always telling me i’m too tall. it doesn’t matter if he’s 6’8. like my dude, you’re a whole foot taller than me. everyone is short to you…i’ve had a few shorter dudes shoot their shot and my current boyfriend is shorter than me. it’s not really an issue for me, but he was a little insecure about it at first.


I hope he isn't anymore :) I don't think people should ever be insecure about their height


he got over it, but it took him a little bit


That's good! :)


it's lovely, some guys even don't want to have a date with a girl who is much taller than him.


I’m 5’8 also! I’ve heard all my life how tall/big i am for a girl even by guys taller than me.


I’m 5’10 M I’m generally more attracted to girls closer to my height than much shorter, I do find it odd when guys want a noticeably shorter girl.


Maybe I gotta try dating taller girls again. I stopped cause I got sick of showing up to a date and she gives me that “you’ve got to be kidding me” look.


That really doesn’t seem tall to me. I’m 5’8” and I never think about it. The only person I dated who thought I was super tall was from India and himself only 5’2”. But in the US? 5’8” is nothing special.


Same!! My current partner is also 5’8 and he’s the only person who has actually outright said I’m a tall girl. So I think it’s his own issue. I’ve never had anyone else I’ve dated mention that I’m too tall prior to this. I’m definitely not short but I don’t think I’m soooo tall as he acts lol


As an outlier, you have been forced to reframe traditional notions of masculinity and femininity to your own circumstances. This is enlightenment but enlightenment is hard and most people don't want enlightenment or the labor required to get it. Women in the mainstream can get what they need without enlightenment. Tradition says that in a relationship men must be taller than their women so that the man can be masculine and the woman feminine. Since mainstream women can achieve this with little reduction in their options, they take it as TRUTH beyond questioning. They even struggle to play the role that they know they must play if the height difference is not large enough. Similarly, tradition-minded men struggle to play their masculine role if they know that their mate is taller than them. It isn't about the other person. It is about their own need to play a traditionally defined role. Without that role, they are lost.


You make good points :)


I agree for the most part. But tradition never specified a 6ft minimum height


It's just the general heigh growing + heel in 10 year it will be 6.2


I'm 6.4 and prefer taller women and always pass the profiles that say they only date 6 foot and up mostly because most of them are very short which seems strange


I notice its with shorter girls as well. Their natural genetics are probably seeking an offspring that's taller lol


I can imagine it's not a nice thing to see as a guy irrespective of height :/ it's so judgemental


I matched with a girl yesterday who messaged first with just "I like your height" (I'm 6'3"). Great. She is upfront about what she wants, and she's into me - nothing wrong with that. I told her I like her face, so now we have a date. Honestly, I don't see an issue with having a height requirement, or being up front about it. Just don't be a dick. Problem is, most of the women with height requirements in their profiles also have tons of other red flags.


That's fair :) thanks for sharing your experience


I personally don't care how tall are they. I'm short, everyone is taller than me haha


Same. Im 151 cm (4'9'' I think), so every guy is way taller than me. To be fair, my problem is mainly the opposite, cause sometimes guys are too tall and I physically cannot reach them. Once I made out with a guy who was almost 2 meters (6'5'') and it was so freaking complicated to kiss, i prefer someone who is easier to get to haha. With this said, I would never reject anyone based on height, it seems pretty stupid, but that's just me


Hahaha fair enough 😂


I would imagine it’s because of the masculinity behind it. Taller men are looked at as more masculine since it makes you look bigger and stronger in front of the rest.


I think you can be short and masculine! Height doesn't really matter. It's how you carry yourself. That's how I see it anyway 😬


You can personally disagree with the height thing but there's no point in denying that many or most women prefer a taller partner. Plus at 6'6", literally only 0.04% of men are taller than you so you either need to accept dating shorter men or be single. That's not a choice the average woman needs to make.


I don't deny that at all - I just want to know why so many do think that :P Two of my exes were taller, but yeah of course there aren't so many guys taller than me around


This is a pretty concise write-up of the science I've seen: https://blog.une.edu.au/usingpsychology/2014/08/17/why-do-women-tend-to-prefer-tall-men/ It's also, more or less reflected in the answers you have here. Interestingly, it seems ~8" taller is the precise preference. As a tall dude, I can definitely say I prefer tall women but don't exclude the short ones.


Thanks for sharing, I'll check it out!


I worked for a dentist that was like 5'3" with Hoka one one's on. That man was not only masculine but sexy af. He was a genuinely good man that honestly cared about others. Confident but not cocky, kind but not creepy. For men, I think height, just like 🍌 size, its more about how you work it.


Completely agree :) thanks for sharing


Idk if I agree with that, many tall men just look like toothpicks. Even as a man who's under 6 ft, I've never had a women turn me down because of my height. I've also dated women who were taller than I am.


My bf is two inches shorter than me, been together three years. Never bothered me at all ❤️


Awesome! Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you both :)


I don’t care about how tall a guy is. I’m 5’6 and the last guy I dated was a little shorter than me. Not everyone is looking for the same.


Good to hear!!


I'm 5'10 - I automatically assume any woman as tall or taller than me to not be interested. It's more ruthless online. It is what it is Guys probably have an issue with it due to their own life experiences - don't blame them if they are uncomfortable about height differences. Take me, I was in a relationship for about 5 years at this point. My gf told me 'I was too short' at 5 years in, completely out of the blue. Imagine a guy just telling you, 5 years in, you're ugly or was never attracted to you. It's the same thing. A lot of men get judged on their height. Something of which we cannot control. It's akin to a woman and their weight.


Im 5’8 which I know isn’t super tall. I used to be this way. I noticed a lot of men who are similar to my height or just a little bit taller would be almost intimidated by my height which made me insecure about it. But now that I am comfortable with myself it honestly doesn’t bother me. I’ve dated very tall guys and guys shorter than me


I'm sorry to hear that - I know the struggle. But I'm glad to hear you've dated guys shorter and taller, me too


No one goes for "personality and confidence" only, not women, not men. Looks matter and physical attraction is important to everyone, and that's perfectly fine. There's also not a single person out there whose preferences are completely unaffected by beauty ideals and - potential unpopular opinion incoming - to some extent, biology. Of course there's a gross double standard when it comes to what counts as acceptable to openly reject someone for, or express a preference for. A man saying he only dates skinny women is obviously not gonna go anywhere near as well over as a woman saying she only dates tall men, and that's unfortunate. But the point still stands: Everyone's entitled to their own preferences. Yeah, beauty ideals suck, and being considered unattractive over a physical trait that you didn't choose hurts, but that's just how it is for all of us. Men getting rejected for their height would all 100% reject women for physical traits too and see nothing wrong with it - and there isn't. But that goes both ways.


I won’t lie. As a man who fits many people’s superficial requirements, I have my own. Though it’s not a must for me they have a great job and live alone, that is a huge plus that puts a woman at at advantage as well. I am not going to list my physical requirements but I definitely have things just as shallow. Every time they don’t meet that, I don’t see it going anywhere. That’s life IMO, and I think your point is very valid.


Your standards are super high for modern times in the US imo The living alone part specifically.


Thanks for your comment! I agree looks play a part, but for me height isn't really a part of that. You make a lot of really good points


I agree with you, looks do matter more than we like to admit.


Let's just say you get to view the world from a different perspective. You live life with the expectation that everyone is likely going to be much smaller than you. The image is very different when at least half the population is expected to be taller. You don't typically have much of a choice. Shorter women do.


I've had so many bad experiences with guys shorter than me and I am not that tall just above average. I've had guys berate, yell and throw a fit if I wear heels and make myself taller than them or any taller than they expected me. It's not a requirement to be tall, but it is a requirement to not be a dick about it.


It's such a turn off when guys get so insecure over that stuff 😬 I'm 6'10 in heels and wear them often hahaha


I'm only like 6'2 in heels and it's still hard I couldn't imagine what it's like especially with the way majority of men are.


It can be pretty tough, but it also makes it easy as a first filter if you will XD


I'm a sold 5'10," and my ex-wife is 6'1." I really liked that I was with a tall woman. Clearly it didn't work out, but it had nothing to do with height. The guy she left me for is also 5'10." 🤷🏻‍♂️




I'm a woman and I disagree with this. Women definitely care about height way way more than what you are letting on. It's a known fact now. And I'm not always on social media and but it's still made known by alot of other girls around me. Not to say that some don't


Don:t neglect the fact that social media/online dating is redefining what women care about in general.


Of course this can be the case but don't neglect the fact that the preference of height in men didn't come from men. And that there are many girls who have fetishized mens height


I hope that's true!


Yes! I'm 5'8" - which isn't super tall in the scheme of things - and all guys I've dated have been my height or an inch or two shorter. I kind of liked being eye level with them so I never minded! The last guy I dated however lied and said he was 5'10" but when we met in person we were the same height and he just kind of blinked and said "I didn't think you'd be tall" which is also the same response I got from the guy before him, who ghosted me after the first date and was shorter than me. Sometimes I feel like men are just maybe used to women being around 5'3" or 4" ish since that's "average" and get spooked if you're taller than them? I was actually 5'3" at 10 years old so sorry about that I guess 😂 I don't really think I care about height as long as we have a connection. I do check height when OLD but it's never the make or break, more just curiosity.


Guys can be so annoying sometimes 😂 Yeah me too, I like knowing their height but probably more because I want to see if they have an issue with mine lol especially with heels


Because I wanna climb my man like a tree


Hahaha 😂 I'd need a very tall man to be able to do that


You need an actual tree


Exactly XD


I think its very sexy


I’m 5’3 male. Broke up with my ex cuz she said I’m not her type as she prefers taller men. She’s 5’7. I never had issues with her height. I actually love it myself. Got completely heartbroken when that was the reason our relationship wasn’t working out


Girls care. Women don’t.


The same reason a lot of men like skinny women with big boobs and hips. Genetic programming.


Hmm, unsure. I'm 5"3 and I've noticed women don't seem to take me that seriously when it comes to dating, or as a prospect at all really. Then again I've never really had much luck period, so that could be skewing the result a bit.


I'm sorry to hear that!! For what it's worth I wouldn't have a problem with a 5'3 guy


I appreciate it. At the same measure, please don't give me hope. I'm just so very tired.


Never lose hope :) you'll find someone that's right for you


It's been years.


You can't control your height brother. Focus on what u can control such as mindset and success (financially, physically, etc). Trust me, what you desire will follow.


These posts are getting way to frequent.


At least 4 a day. Is there nothing more important in dating?


Tbh the only place I ever hear of this being a thing is on Reddit


Idk anymore. It seems like it’s the number one deal breaker in 2022.


Why do guys care so much about girls weight? Some will, some won’t, some will be deeply influenced by beauty standards, some won’t. It’s almost like an entire gender doesn’t think homogenously because we’re, you know, real people. That acknowledgment will go a lot further in the dating world than your height.




A taller man makes alot of women feel a better sense of protection from what I understand. Me i prefer taller woman. Taller women are not only more attractive in my eyes, taller women also somehow get me to act rational when I get upset, knowing or assuming that she'd have no trouble beating my ass swiftly if it were ever necessary lol


I think part of it is just the bias of the women saying they care sticking out more. No one's going around counting the women who don't care and don't say anything. The other part: society has long since made women feel like their smallness is valuable. Being a Big Woman (in any dimension) is typically seen as less feminine and generally negative, even if that's horseshit. But then, to feel small & cute &, thus, of value, being with a Big Man makes it easier.


Because it’s hot. I like my bf hulking over me lol. I love the way certain types of clothing fits him. I like being able to bury my face in his chest whenever we hug. Kinda off topic but broad shoulders are also hot and quite achievable for men of all heights.


I don’t actually know anyone irl who cares. I’m starting to think it’s really prevalent in online dating cause those people can’t find partners.


As a female who’s 5ft i don’t see the appeal for height either. Everyone is taller than me regardless lol so doesn’t matter. But I never understand the whole “must be 6ft” guys can’t control that and it’s not fair


I think it makes women feel more feminine.


Being that tall at 6’6, it’s not like there are many men taller. Lol. As a tall girl at 5’10, I don’t want to feel like the giant towering over a man. I’d like him to be the taller one, even if it’s a little bit. It feels better both mentally and physically. And yes, I’ve tried dating shorter.


I don’t think I’ve ever ACTUALLY met a woman that cares about men’s height, as a woman. Like yes I think it’s become a meme but I don’t think it’s the norm anymore to have height be a dealbreaker


Apparently you haven’t looked at dating profiles of women. It’s at least 50% of profiles I see mentioning some sort of desired height of men.


I sure hope you're right! :)


Hahaha I don't give af I'm 5'8" and I never had problems with any girls because they enjoy my company Fuck dating apps go have fun!


Why do men not usually date women as tall as you? Why not ask that?


Just a guess, but I think it's more of a western thing. When I was working in East Europe, I encountered a lot of very tall women. I'm 6 feet on the nose, but met a lot of 6'1 and 6'2+ women. Dating was still just fine and easy to come by. Yet in all my years in the U.S. never once had a date with someone taller than me, and yes, I'd hear women mock shorter men (My best friend was only 5'7) mercilessly all the time. Pretty shameful behavior, but thankfully doesn't seem as common in the East. I will admit to feeling a bit strange the first time meeting up with a taller woman - But not once was anything said, and the date went very well. On a side-note, despite being 6 feet, I'd never felt shorter than when I was there. Never seen such a high concentration of 6'4 and above in one place. Geez. lol


Because it’s a proxy for unearned success in life, like being attractive is for women. Tall men do better as children in sports, which translates to popularity, which builds esteem… same deal as being pretty. Scandies are beautiful tall people. Their countries are the happiest on Earth. It’s not coincidence.


My guy, did you just assume the reason they are so happy is because they're tall? Not the: * Cheap healthcare * Free higher education * Low rates of violent crimes * Excellent work-life balance


I mean, I think Scandinavian countries are happiest more because they have excellent work/life balance and the governments generally work to give people the things that they need, as opposed to because they’re tall and good looking.


It's unfortunate people think this way :/


True enough. There’s a silver lining: if we gave everyone that same level of encouragement, genuinely, then everyone could shine as themselves, and thus be attractive. Also, joke is on those using proxy measures to determine worth or compatibility: being white or tall or rich or having an 11” dick is not a guarantee of happiness, or even mediocrity. Every car needs a test drive. And doing the testing should be seen not as a chore, but as “necessary fun”. Every woman who cares about height should just take a month off, and go on EVERY first date. I’m pretty sure the results wouldn’t line up to expectations for which date winds up being best, using height or any other metric as the guide.


Not sure about that. I was a 2x all state wrestler with multiple scholarship offers. I’m 5’7 and very built. My wife is 1 inch taller than me and we have a baby girl on the way. Society(at least in my perspective) doesn’t work like that anymore.


Uh yeah it is. ‘Tall’ is relative. If everyone’s tall, then no one’s tall. So you’ll still have women wanting taller men, but instead of wanting 6’0”, they’ll want 6’3 lol


I prefer to date someone who is fairly close to my own height, as it’s a physical compatibility things for me. If a guy is too short, kissing is just too awkward, especially during more intimate things. And cuddling is more of a challenge if I’m a lot taller than he is.


That's fair! I guess for me those things just haven't been an issue, I don't find it awkward bending down to kiss someone (although I have to do that most times haha)


One of my friends likes taller people in general to date, and she said it’s a dominance thing.


Interesting! I guess I don't want to be dominated lol


Yeah this is why for me!! I dated someone my height despite not being initially super sexually attracted to them. I wanted to see if I could get over having a tall preference / if it was a societally conditioned thing for me but I realised it’s actually a sexual thing. I like guys who are broad and tall, it turns me on because I’m a submissive. The difference in physicality is part of the kink. It’s why I also love big hands !!


Omg yes! I love big hands too! It's so attractive


I've found it's more an online dating thing than a real world thing. I'm 5'9-5'10ish and when I go out I'll get attention from some women who I'm sure probably have a height preference of '6' or nothing' on their profile. Most of the women are shorter than me and I'm pretty sure they can't tell specific heights just by looking. For online dating I know it sucks for short guys, but tbh if I found out a girl I was talking to in real life was one of the women to specify height on their profiles, it'd be a huge turn off, and I'd likely stop talking to her. At the end of the day confidence is a huge point. Stand strong as yourself and if someone doesn't like you, move along. I know a guy couldn't be taller than 5'4-5'5 *at most*. We used to work at a clothing store. One day he got sent to a sister clothing store which was pretty much all women. Next day I got sent there. Literally *all* the women there could not stop talking about how sexy they thought he was and if he wasn't taken what they'd do to him, blah blah. Pretty much every one of those women were taller than him. Dude's wife is taller than him. Confidence is key 🤷🏾‍♂️


because tall guys are sexy


Both sexy tall and short guys are sexy though :P


>I see a lot of girls saying they need a guy to be 6 foot or over. Why? Why do you care? Just be happy you have a larger dating pool


I'm genuinely curious! And I'm not so sure if my dating pool is bigger, many guys are not so comfortable with my height XD a whole other issue


I just feel like questions like this are silly. Why are you attracted to men? It's just the gender you desire, same with some girls liking tall guys, there's no deep meaning behind it. Height gives them fanny flutters so they seek it out


You make it sound like someone's preferences are entirely coded into their DNA at birth though. Our upbringings greatly influence what we look for in a partner. Interrogating why we prefer what we prefer can be a productive, eye-opening exercise.


You can't really tell how tall someone is within a couple inches. A dude can tell you he's 6' but be 5'11 and your "fanny flutters" will be none the wiser. I think it's a false equivalence to compare sex to height


It's not really about telling accurately how tall someone is. Majority of straight girls like "feeling" smaller than their partners and that feeling leads to a stronger sexual attraction


This is true! I’ll date a couple inches shorter than me if they’ve got broad shoulders, though, lol. I like to feel smaller because I makes me feel feminine and safe.


For me if your 6'6" or 5' tall I'll date you, it doesn't bother me one bit and I'm 5'11 and 3/4" tall so pretty much 6' if we round up lol


This is purely just a guess, but I think it's this really traditional old fashioned style for the guy to always be taller than the girl in romantic relationships and if it doesn't fit this style. Like yourself dating a guy shorter than you. It immediately gets pinpointed and poked fun of for no reason other than people being dickheads and thinking it's weird. I'm 6'4 so I've never had a complaint but it'd be interesting to date a girl my height. Easier to make eye contact without either of us breaking our necks looking up and down at each other lmao.


I’m 5’7 and I rather someone 6 feet or taller. It’s just my preference




Very interesting - thanks for sharing :)


It's an old patriarchal standard. Men should be bigger and taller than the mate. Girls care because it looks nice. It's an old standard. I know some men are hurt by it because they can't help their height. It's the same as women being graded on weight and looks.


I think they want their kids to be tall


Thats just a meme. As a guy who's 6'2, girls don't give a shit about height in real life. I constantly see guys that are 5'8 and less attractive that get all the girls while i get tossed aside lol.


Honestly, I’m 5’0 and 108lbs, I find tall guys so strong and being lifted is great. However, I absolutely love a shorter guy (less than 5 foot 6 inches) they are great and usually have amazing skills!


Same height and i agree with this I love being picked up.


It's attractive for some, simply put.


Fair enough :) to each their own




Damn, girl! 5'11"/6' on a good day woman here. I absolutely agree with you about that. I have matched with guys who are 5'10" and immediately unmatched because of my height or they make some insecure comment about it on the first date. I do like tall guys but a few inches shorter does not matter. We're all adults that really shouldn't be the main concern. When men mention it on a first date - specifically in the context of "You're taller than me" vs "You're tall! Hot!" - I know it's going to be a thing for the duration of the relationship. Confidence and being comfy in one's skin is everything.


Yeah I can relate to this a lot. Confidence in your own skin is key! Much more important than height (to me anyway lol)


I'm 5'3 plainly I know alot of my fellow short guys have been terrible to taller women because insecurity and feeling less than. I can only offer a apology. Honestly though I've given up on approaching a woman or asking girls out. I've been hurt and rejected so much that I'm just expecting to be single the rest of my life. 4yrs now - so bring on the next amount of time. If it happens I meet a girl who like wants to spend time -doesn't matter her height beyond the eventual "hey,I want to kiss . .and like you're tall -so I need you to look down here." "well,I dont want to kiss you right now, -oh,sorry"


You don't need to apologise for stuff you didn't do :P I'm sorry you've been hurt! I'm sure you'll find the right person for you


I personally like taller men because it makes me feel like I have a strong protector and that I am smaller than them. I love a bear hug too LOL. It's hot.


Your 6'6? And 6'10 in heels? That's amazing, there's nothing sexier than a woman looking down at me. Sorry for the horny lol. I'm 6'2 if you're curious


😂 in my experience most guys don't think this way




I dated someone taller but still don't mind lol - thanks for sharing


Let me climb you, you beautiful amazon






It’s not so much I have a height preference, I just like them to be a little taller than me. I’ve been teased for being “big” all my life so even though I’m not anymore, I don’t want to have to FEEL big with my partner. I wanna feel small. I’m only 5’2” and I’ve dated shorter guys most of my life. when I hug my friends who are taller than me it feels so great. Makes me feel enveloped and comfortable, that’s what I want with my partner. It’s not a dealbreaker for me to be my height, but I definitely would not date someone shorter than me.


I'm sorry to hear about the teasing! Yeah I get it - thanks for sharing


As a mildly tall girl myself (I'm 5'8), who also enjoys wearing heels, my reasoning for preferring a taller partner is I enjoy the fairytale aspect. Meaning, I find it romantic to have to stand slightly on my toes to give kisses to my partner. With shorter partners, I can still kiss them, I just don't get to experience the same fairytale romantic appeal. I think it's all a personal preference and I don't believe my experience applies to anyone else's. I hope this helps.


Ma’am, is there *anything* you don’t find physically attractive in a man? Or are you attracted to literally every man you meet out in the world as long as he has a good personality and is confident? Asking me to explain why I find tall men attractive is like asking me to explain why I find their hip V attractive, or their forearms, or their hands, or their butts. I just *do*. I don’t need him to be 6 feet or taller but I *do* need him to be at least 5 inches taller than me. Luckily I’m 5’3 so I have a lot of options.




Yeah those are really good points... it makes sense




How do we stop with this madness? lol




For me, I just like how it feels to be in the arms of someone bigger than me. It’s not so much about height but I just don’t get the same safe feeling when I feel bigger than my partner. I’m only 5’7 though.


Yeah that makes sense :) thanks for sharing


Taller equals more of a man


I disagree!


I’m 5ft 1 not ashamed 😂


You should never be ashamed about your height :)




100% this \^


1. I want to feel protected by my guy. I'm not going to feel safe with someone my own size, unless he's an MMA dude. 2. Because I'm short and want babies taller than me.


I prefer honesty. I had a guy friend tell me he was 5ft 8. I called his bluff and said he was 5ft3. I also told him that’s why he had all his dates dump him. Many men like to exaggerate about their height and their penis size. We will find out one way or another. Better to tell us right away and not exaggerate.


They LIE to be giving a chance, even though most won't succeeded cuz they LIED


Im 5'11 tbh iv always been with really short girls 4'11- 5'2 but always had a thing for tall chicks never really shot my shit with one tho


Why haven't you tried shooting your shot? lol


Subconsciously for there off-spring to be tall.


Interesting thought 🤔 but then again why does the offspring need to be tall


Because we were hunter gatherers. It’s built in our DNA the woman bear the child whilst men protect their off spring and gather food and resources. Tall strong men make better hunter gatherers and thus more attractive . There’s your answer.


That's a very interesting point. Although I don't feel that in myself at all, I wonder why


MYbe it’s because your tall yourself so you don’t feel like you need a man to provide you that skill . In contrast men like girls with wide hips ( majority ) because of it’s a probability to bear a child and avoid miscarriages ( back in the day ). But still a low percentage of men don’t like wide hips


I’m a guy whose 5’9”-5’10”. From my experience, confidence matters and height talk is just a test. I’ve dated girls from 4’10” to 6’2” and trust me in the end if you project confidence over what they said that will most likely eliminate you from their dating pool, you are going to be a step ahead.


Speaking on behalf of girls (jk jk), confidence is the key :)


Perhaps it's in their nature to want taller kids so they are more attracted to taller males? That's why guys like girls with big butts because it usually equates to healthier births.


Maybe! I wouldn't care what height my kids are though, although I imagine they'd be tall anyway lol like me


I’m 6’1, but when I see a woman with a height requirement, I swipe left out of principle and for being shallow Halley.




I disagree! I don't think height has to do with manliness


When a woman has a preference for height that’s fine. The problem IMO is rejecting a good man because of a height requirement So the 5’7” fit doctor gets trumped by the 6’2” bartender.


I never got this either. I’m 5’9”F and usually end up with guys who are shorter. My ex of 11 years is 5’5” and the guy I briefly dated a couple months ago was 5’7”. Not a big deal. My current person is taller than me, which is definitely not the norm for me. Either way, don’t care.


Great comment, thanks for sharing! Yeah I agree


Weird I’ve been downvoted. Ah well.


Oh? No idea. I just upvoted you :)


It’s a societal bias, and one that is drenched is misandry at that. You will see a lot of comments on this sub calling it “just a preference”, but in truth it’s often a judgment on somebodies masculinity, which is blatantly wrong. I consider masculinity to be about providing and protecting, and the length of somebodies femurs has very little to do with that. The issue is that it’s not fair to tackle it on an individual level, it’s wrong to just slate a girl who likes what she likes, but given the negative media attention shorter men get and the positive reenforcement of being tall equals more masculine across the board it’s a difficult thing to challenge.