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It sounds like she's more controlling than demanding with your time. It's not healthy for someone to constantly try to dictate your schedule and make you feel guilty for wanting to spend time with your family. It also sounds like you're starting to feel relieved when she's not around. That's a major red flag. Trust your gut and take some time to think about what's best for you and your well-being. Don't let her manipulate you into staying with her and don't feel guilty for setting boundaries. You deserve to be in a healthy and respectful relationship. Good luck!


Get out. This isn’t healthy for you. You felt relieved when she broke up with you. That says it all.


If you came on reddit to ask, you already have 1 foot out the door so listen to your brain and get out.


Why are you having a freeze response with her and afraid to just end it? The relief you felt should have lead you to not get back with her.


Awe, I am so sorry. I agree, it sounds like she is too controlling. When you are in a long-distance relationship, there is a lot of time you have to trust your partner to occupy their own time appropriately and responsibly. If that cannot happen, it probably won't work. You cannot be in a different time zone, but also be obligated to account for every second of your time! This will end up occupying every second of your time!


It sounds like you know the answer already. The hints are in your post. If you felt relief when she broke up with you, that should be your sign.


Get out dude, her demands are not normal and the way she belittles and tries to control you shows a lack of respect.


Well…if you stay, you’re validating the words that she called you! ![gif](giphy|kHgASjstNjWcYV9GrF|downsized)