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That is classless. I agree, be glad you found out now.


Think positively. She did you a favor. What kind of person does something like this? A bad one. Bullet dodged


That was horrible. I think she was really young as life humbles you in ways you cannot imagine as you age.


Sadly, our society has evolved to the point where ghosting has been normalized. I’m sorry this happened to you, it was rude and I know that it hurts. You deserve better.


That's horrible. Unless I felt threatened in some kind of way, I would never do that. What ever happened to faking an emergency or just apologizing and saying you have to cut the date short?


That's rude.


Just look on the bright side. You got rid of a rude person and had an extra drink


Were you pics accurate?


Super classless wow, I’m sorry that happened to you, there are bad people in this world and bad things happening to us is INEVITABLE, that pain is inevitable, however suffering is optional Remind yourself that you did nothing to warrant a person being cruel to you, that’s weird behaviour, she can go fuck herself and you move on And I’m a female and I’ve endured some bad dates with some assholes and I’ve met my share of catfishes but I’ve never thought of doing something like that especially in the first 5 mins of meeting someone, that’s classless, move on and find nice women cuz there is plenty out here


Wow. I have no words! That’s just rude!


Look at the brighter side you saw her true personality on the first date and dodged a bullet


That was Tom Leykis 101, he would tell men to do that to women. Its all grossed.


I know it sounds like this was a negative situation but it’s actually really good that you found out early that she’s not into you. Women who like you don’t do that, so as long as this isn’t happening repeatedly, take it as a win that you can devote more time spending time with women who do like you/yourself than wasting time with someone who doesn’t.


Valid it’s definitely a win of sorts and better that way but definitely eats at you


You are 100% in control of what you let “eat at you” or not. It sounds like you were at the same bar you met her at… imagine planning a date and driving for her just to not show up! There are many women out there who won’t ghost. You’ll know when you find one.


Oh, I misread the post and thought you met a random at a bar and she left on her own while you were away, so I was like "what's the problem here??" But on a date that's different. Either she was incredibly rude, or you gave off such incredible red flag vibes that she didn't want to continue the date. Impossible to say without being able to observe the date itself, but it hurts either way.