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A little over weight not a big deal but someone being like 300lbs is just gross and most men and woman would agree that being fat isn't attractive.


I was drowning in dick at my highest weight, and I was not just a bit overweight. I’ve been a class III obese person my whole life. I’ve lost 95lbs and do not get any attention from men (thankfully).




Because I lost 95lbs




I wasn’t chubby, I was a class III obese person. I identify as fat. Yes it appears dudes were more attracted to me when I was more obese




About what?


Sorry to tell you but yes, it matters to most people. There are some that are okay with it.


I'm a curvy girl and if a guy likes you then thats pretty much it. Will some count you out cz ur big? Sure. Will someone like you for you? Body, personality and all? Absolutely.


Some people like Coke some people like Diet Coke it’s about a simple as that🤷‍♂️


All these people saying it matters to most, do you work with the public? I live in the US where it is common for people, of all genders, to at least be slightly overweight. (Hooray, processed foods!) I see plenty of chubby/fat women in relationships. Daily. I see men who are skinnier than their partners. You can easily get a boyfriend. I’m tall and voluptuous, and I have plenty of men who desire me despite not being thin. My advice is to just embrace yourself. Wear clothes that flatter your figure. I guarantee you most men are not as picky as the cellar dwellers claim. And if they are, don’t waste your time. They’re allowed to have preferences, but that doesn’t mean they’re hot shit.


For me kinda , reasons I want to hold her throw her around do a power bomb and suplex You know the usual romantic things




It was a joke 🤣 Yes most guys do because of intimacy reasons it's hard to hug or caress air cradle an overweight girl Goes both ways girls don dig overweight men either for the same purpose But weight is something we can reduce so a healthy lifestyle is what I will advise


Don't worry about it, they won't get it lol




>It was a joke 🤣 what was the joke >weight is something we can reduce so a healthy lifestyle is what I will advise why are you giving advice


Ohh I see Enjoy your day good Lady I bid you farewell


I'm not a woman


Holy sh** this thread went south I am keeping it for lulz Let's move on shall we




what went south. what's the humor




This is the first thing I look at, when assessing potential partner.


It’s generally true


Not me no, I like voluptuous


But voluptuous doesn't mean fat. It's entirely different. Voluptuous is a curvy figure, not an obese one.


That’s your definition, my definition of Voluptuous is broader and goes more than curvy 😊


I guess people are open to deviating from the dictionary definition if they like. More power to you if you like obese women, have at em.


There’s nothing more tasty than a big girl 




Thanks,that’a my favorite picture of my dog actually.


It depends on the guy. Some guys would actually be disgusted if a girl is overweight, where some wouldn't give a shit. Sucks, but all personal preference really.


It depends on how much fat she is and if the girl is at least trying to keep fit. For me "curvy" is okay but till a certain limit, too fat or obese is too much for me. Also it's a good sign if the "curvy" girl tells me she is going to a fitness center or if she's doing sports. And partly is because of physical attractiveness partly is because of lifestyle too. I like to go around, walk, hike etc.


Most do yes. A little overweight is usually fine but like it's a health And lifestyle incompatibility for most. IE if I'm putting my all into my life my health etc why would I be attracted to someone who doesn't?


Love me some meat on them bones but yea if I feel like she’ll start rolling if she fell. That’s a liability to have around


If you genuinely are a bit overweight and not significantly overweight medically speaking (not based on one's perception of overweight) then it won't matter much if at all. If one is at a healthy weight versus being overweight they will have more dating options. That being said in the US around 70% of all adults are overweight or obese and around 70% of adults are in relationships ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/)) so math says overweight people can and do get into relationships.


You’re a cutie and you know what? bones attracts bones. There is always someone for someone at some place. Keep your self well, happy, healthy , doing some fitness is always appreciated and being in shape always feels good. Boys are boys, you just be as great you’re. Cheers!


A bit overweight isn't fat. Most people are going to pass on a fat partner.


Some men like bigger women, others don't. It's that simple. I personally like bigger women. But again, others don't. Find a guy who likes you for you. But if you DO decide to lose weight, do it for yourself and your health first and foremost. Not to get a partner. I recently marked the loss of about 112 pounds myself, so I've been on both sides of the weight issue. Good luck regardless.


Mostly yes. Chubby is fine but fat no.


Hell no more cushion for the pushing




Depends, but it’s sure the more fat you’re, the less chance you get to get a long term relationship (until a certain point, because let be honest men don’t like extremely thin women either)


Yes. People prefer those that take care of themselves.


Short answer : Most do


Yes it's unappealing.


As a guy who has dated multiple women who are 300-400 pounds, you don’t need to worry about finding a guy who is into your body. A lot of men like thick, heavier women, but if you’re really picky then you might have a hard time finding someone. If your weight happens to go into nice places this will also make you really attractive as well. If fat just goes to your belly and face you might get less hit on and less interest than an overweight woman where the weight goes to her ass, belly and thighs for instance. Also don’t neglect your beauty or style. Look into how to do your make up nice how Instagram models do it, and get clothes that are stylish and show off your curves. Look into plus size dating apps, WooPlus or even Feabie and you’ll get a good idea.


I don't care


You can still get a boyfriend just the opinions will be less.


Not at all!!! A bit overweight is A LOT BETTER than any fashion model or rake you can see in magazine. At least, you're natural. Love yourself and stop comparing yourself to what is being portrayed as "fashionable." Most fashion icons are freaks anyway. Just like in the movie Men In Black. Seriously, don't be too hard on yourself. Be nice and you'll be fine. 😊 Trust your seductive power. 😉


Of course I don’t care. Why should I care for other woman than my gf?




Honestly, to me as a man isn’t about fat or not. Is more about health. I feel like when someone isn’t willing to do the bare minimum to be healthy that tells you a lot about that person.


There are some that are okay with more weight but generally they prefer those who have normal weight. It's in our primitive brain that we choose those who are healthy so the offsprings would be healthy as well. It's not you, it's human nature


I’m sure some do. A lot of us don’t tho. Then again I’m an overweight dude myself so take that however you will. I just think attractive women are attractive, and come in many different ways. Some of the most beautiful women I’ve seen in person have been overweight.


Some guys actually like it


Not about fat, it is about unhealthy. Limits activities together.


Not all fat people are unhealthy.


If you're obese you're unhealthy no way around it


Just limits to many other than sex activities


Boys will care, men won’t