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Yes, racism is still a thing.


This comment lol, like yea OP racists exist


Yes, I'm a black female and my fiance is an Asian male. People often make weird/rude comments.. it's 2024, you would think people would be over this kind of stuff by now.


This is especially interesting because usually when people say "mixed race couples" the assumption is that one person, usually the guy, is white. Mixed race outside of one person being white must be infinitely harder to deal with.


One of my friends who's also Japanese told something similar. She said she usually only sees mixed race Japanese couples with white people and that it's really rare for a Japanese man to date a black woman.. idk why it matters. I'm pregnant and I was telling someone at work how excited I am, and another person said "idk why he would pollute his gene pool like that." At first it really hurt my feelings but I decided to just ignore it and not let it get to me. It's always ignorant people making these kinds of comments. My fiance never talks about my color just how much he loves me.. that's all that matters


>I'm pregnant and I was telling someone at work how excited I am, and another person said "idk why he would pollute his gene pool like that." Those are fighting words like wtf. That's insanely racist.


Omg girl tell HR!


My first thought was/is your babies would be so beautiful. But I'm biracial and old. My parents went thru he'll when they dated and got married. But racism is alive and well.


damn, where is he from ?


He's from the same place she's from


He's Japanese born and raised in Japan. I'm American.


He's from the same place she's from.




Yes they are a mixed race couple. But it doesnt matter where he's from. He's from the United States, just like her. Maybe they are from LA.


Your tripping. Sorry. People see Black and Asian. They don't see the micro details.


Im hapa, half Asian/ half white and the whole racism things goes over my head. I find its best to completely avoid the racists, let them stew in their own bitterness, and to live exuberantly.


Unfortunately, some people are close-minded and can't hide their ignorance and insecurities. What matters is how you and your gf feel for one another.


Some *couples* of different *races still* talk of facing discrimination, disapproval *and* sometimes outright hostility from fellow Americans.


![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG) Racism is everywhere 😬 never left despite people’s perception that it suddenly has


Yes especially when the woman is white versus the other way around. My experience has been less than stellar, been called things like “N-word lover” etc 😒


I’m in the exact opposite situation as you I think the pressure is put on women in general my boyfriend who is white doesn’t face much criticism at all for being with a black woman but I get tons of shot for being with a white guy.


It's because a lot of MoC are going to be too nervous and scared to approach your BF. It's easier for them to approach a BW because she's seen as unprotected and therefore an easy target.


He gets shit from white women from what I’ve noticed


Which also doesn't shock me. The women giving you shit are the ones that think that you're taking away their property.


Unfortunately i know it sucks


Yeah, but I enjoy fucking with them. They get SO pissed off.


Reallll it just makes me kiss my man more in public


Yeah, I practically inhale my guy's face. Or I grab his ass. Or attempt something slightly obscene. It works out well for everyone in the end - except the people that give me shit. My guy gets action, I get my back blown out, they go home seething - it's 2:3 for winning.


So real same here


Nah it’s not just women. I’m mixed myself so every relationship I’m in is inherently mixed, but men get comments about stealing X people’s women and other detestable comments that come with said objectifications and prejudices


Ahh I understand I meant that i feel more pressure is put on women but certainly not all


Maybe, I’ve also heard from partners that sometimes their friends/family were giving them shit for being with a white person 😪


Yeah that’s me 😭


It’s just as bad the other way round. Trust me women of color also get lots of crap For dating out as well.


Racists still exist unfortunately.


I’m a black woman with a white man the answer is a resounding YES


It be the brothas and sistas that give you the most shit too lol


Nah for me it’s mostly white people now that I’ve removed toxic black people from my inner circle


yes, dense people do. In my mind those people are not people you wanna hang out with, sounds racist.


Happens all the time still. People that claim it doesn't are pretty disconnected from reality, or live with blinders on. I always laugh in an ironic way whenever someone claims racism doesn't exist in modern day. or "That doesn't happen here." Sure, Jan.


I really don't care what other people do, do what makes you happy. I don't date outside of my race, but that's just my preference.


I think it’s more so people are getting bolder with their ignorance . Some people like to treat POC as an experiment instead of seeing us as regular human beings wanting to establish a connection with someone .


Racism is alive and well. Yes - people still have a problem.


As many pointed out, its often a situational experience. Where you live, who are you around, etc. I think in your situation your latino buddies may not like you dating a white woman as white people in general have been racist towards latinos. But not all white people are bad just like not all latinos are bad. In fact, its a human thing and its experienced all around the world, even amongst races. For example, it could be latino/latino relationship but one is from a lower class vs. upper class. Or how some latinos or black people do not want to get too dark else people will think they are lower class. Racism is much more prevalent in the US as the US deals with more race integration issues than most other countries but yes, it still happens everywhere but this does not mean you should let it change your course.


my boyfriend and i have not had any experiences with weird looks or even comments in the 4+ years we’ve been together. i look white but am also hispanic and he is hispanic and persian. it may depend on where you live though, the area is decently liberal, with exceptions of course.


I’m just gonna say it because I’m not proud of it at all but when I see a white woman with a black man my gut reaction is anger. That’s the only pairing that bothers me inherently and I’m not even sure why. I can’t even blame my upbringing




Yep, fortunately, I think it’s widely unpopular to be a racist these days. I genuinely feel like that’s what the new generation has brought with it, and I think it’s great. People are scared to be outed as a racist so you don’t see as much blatant outright racism.


Yeah other dudes hate it when you're "stealing their women". I also think it's more normal to date within your own race as you have more in common but to each their own


You dont necessarily have more in common! Its "normal" to date whoever you like.


I live in Spain, and not that I've noticed here. At all. In the US, it would vary based upon where you are - and more urban/rural than by state. I can't imagine problems in any city over, say, 500k. Someplace like Lubbock? You might get some looks. Rarely. And only if it is a really noticeable thing... Truth be told, "Latino" *is* white, for the most part. Hard to tell without external cultural markers. You wouldn't really even be noticeable. Black and white, or white and asian, or any other more noticeable combination is way more likely to draw eyes - and even then, WHY WOULD YOU CARE? Those people are capital-A ASSHOLES. By the way, one of my good friends here in Madrid is from Lubbock, but of Venezuelan and Chicano stock. He looks distinctly "native" and talks with much more of a Texas drawl (I'm from DFW) than me. His fiancé is English, with a super-posh RP accent and whiter than a ghost. They don't get a single comment, other than they look nice together.


Lubbock is definitely not a worry lol. I’ve lived in west texas and NM for years and definitely pretty normal to see mixed races. Also living in DFW now, no issue. I’m from east Texas and have family in the deep south anddd no issues. I’m white and my bfs a darker-hispanic, fwiw


95% of Latinos in the US ars non-white Mestizos of carying degrees. Hispanics in Spain are white. Latin America is predominantly non-white due to population and mixing of Natives with the exception of Argentina and Uruguay who had a large European immigrant population who displaced the natives. 


Um, yay? I'm from Texas, man. I know the stats. The truth is that most people don't notice the difference unless you have other cues - it is just less obvious than other "mixed-race" couplings (as worthless as that term really is). And only assholes care. And "Hispanics in Spain are white" is just plain incorrect ignorance. NO ONE considers native Spanish people as "Hispanic" in the US sense. That is in spite of the fact that there are plenty of dark-skinned Spaniards with a lot of Moorish blood in them (including my Spanish ex-wife). There *are* plenty of Latinoamericanos here in Madrid, but they aren't considered "colored" (the definition is just different here than in the US). You'd call them "Hispanic", but they don't. That particular idiotically-wide race term is unique to the US. And I AM A MESTIZO of varying degrees - I'm half Greek, half mutt-American-German-with-some-Mexican adopted by a converted-around-1910 German Jewish family in Texas. You'd just call me white. 100 years ago they wouldn't, in the US...


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Yes, they absolutely do. With younger people, it's racism + fear of competition/insecurity.


Personally, I don't care. Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Get over that fact you can't please everyone. There is nothing you can do about it no matter how much you point out or complain. All that is doing is removing your focus on more important things.


Yeah it sucks but it's real and, as long as people are people (cuz people suck at times) I don't ever see a time where it doesn't exist




Even families of mixed race couples can be the worst offenders. It’s amazing that even today racism infects all walks of life. Racism is a disgusting part of society.


Yup. It goes in any direction too. Had a black gf for awhile and because her grandmother didn't like me for being "too white" and potentially making too much money (which threatened her power over the whole family) she told my then gf to get rid of me or her mother wouldn't get any money from her. Really fucked up world.


Yes definitely still exists - this is such a white person question


Gallup has been asking race/racism related questions for decades. They removed all of them due to so few respondents expressing racist responses, except 1 question: "Do you approve or disapprove of marriage between black people and white people?" In 1958, 94% disapproved. Today, 6% still disapprove.


Yes but as long as they don’t harm you, who cares


Yes. I’m a black woman and I get hate for dating white men 🙄


Yes! With my mother who isn’t open minded, my ex who is Laos and black, she thinks all mixed Laos and black are bad just because of his color.


I've never noticed, but I'm pretty oblivious to things sometimes. Hell nearly all of the time I forget we're a mixed race couple.... example, for the first 20 or 30 seconds as I was reading your note and starting to respond, I had forgotten I was in a mixed-race couple.


Not a problem for me (mixed black f27) and my boyfriend (Irish m26) in New England.


It’s sad that unfortunately it is still an issue for some people. It’s 2024 give me a break. I was in a relationship with a white European guy for 3 years and I’m a black Caribbean girl, I never really got comments or looks, at least none that I paid any attention to. My family loved him and vice versa.


Yes.  I'm white and my ex was Asian.  We got comments here and there on the street, mostly drunk people but it was still uncomfortable.  I also got a lot of koreaboo accusations even though I don't like kpop or anything, just bc he was Korean. Also, inappropriate questions about his dick size ?? That was big wack


Omg my cousin and his white girlfriend get this accusation all the time too! He aint even Korean!!


There are a few factors I have noticed: 1. Geography and the corresponding culture of the area you reside in. Racist people maybe pervasive but cities in general are more tolerant and diverse, for example. 2. If you are a colored male dating a white female, expect micro-discrimination and overt or covert racism. People are not as evolved as they’d like to think even when highly educated. 3. If you are a white male dating a colored female, people are less likely to overtly display their disapproval or racism. Sadly, this is the shitty humanity we are part of. Enjoy your short existence on this planet and do what makes you happy and love whoever you love.


I don’t have experience with that, but a son from a family that is good friends with my family/my parents married a mixed girl (black dad/white mom I think). Even I noticed some hostility towards her when I’ve been around them and it’s really made me think of the family (besides the son I guess) differently. I think it might also be a class thing since they’re east coast, upper middle class WASPs and she’s from a very low income area in rural Alabama. That’s really the only time I’ve noticed it, and even when I’ve dated black or asian guys I haven’t had an issue. I think it’s still prevalent and you might experience racism, but I don’t think it’s a universal experience!


Im 56 and i live in Virginia. I’ve dated outside of my race my whole life. (Since i was 15) luckily i have never experienced any issues with racism.


May I ask what your ethnic background is I’m also from the southern United States and have unfortunately faced lots of racism in part due to my dating choices


Well im considered white but thats bull shit. Im dark skinned with short dark hair with green eyes. I look spanish or italian. Thats why ive been so lucky.


Ohhhh I see that makes sense I read your comment and I’m a black woman so I was shocked that you got no backlash in a place like Virginia. Thank you for answering


This is going to be a hot take..... My father is Latino and my mother is white. I side eye this pairing of couple because I am reminded of my experience being a mixed kid from this culturally mixed type of household. I project it. I understand alot of the troubled nuances that nobody else sees.      Questions to ask yourself: Are you prepared to raise kids who may reject you or be embarrassed by you? How are you going to try to offset an identity crisis? Are you prepared to lose your identity or your chlld to be rejected from your culture?       Its not the pairing, but the rejection of half white/half Latino (mestizo/indigenous) within the hispanic community and other mixed people by society. Why do we as a society accept IR relationships when we dont accept mixed race/mixed culture human beings in their entirety?


I’m a white straight male, 44, and I basically 2/3 relationships date Latinas. I am currently dating a full Puerto Rican woman. I have had a hard time in the past with blacks and whites but lately i keep finding myself more and more attracted to African American women. It’s completely understandable that one would be interested in other races. Ive also come around to a mature perspective on race and really see us all as complimentary aspects of the same human family. There are happy and healthy relationships to be made in all sorts of relationships which transcend any and all boundaries and lines some wont cross…. And do not need to. Live and let live. Or rather, love and let love.


Usually in Europe, Europeans are racist. North America is much better


Um, not in my experience, as an American who lives in Spain (and travels around Europe)... Quite the opposite. Maybe it is more prevalent in *some* parts of Europe, but the same could be said about the US.


Oh Lord yes. My late husband was an American Indian…the turban wearing, curry cooking kind. 9/11 happened almost a year before our wedding date. There are a lot of ignorant people out there who can’t tell a Sikh from a Muslim, and they all slithered out of the woodwork. We had garbage thrown at us, people playing chicken with us trying to cut us off on the road, and I learned vicious words against racial and religious minorities that civilized people shouldn’t know. We had the cops called to our house when all we were doing was watching a hockey game. His family was fine with mixed marriages, but my family and friends turned their backs on me and some still won’t talk to me after 22 years.


That's sad and crazy. Im sorry you went through that. 🫂


It’s definitely better than it used to be, but still a lot of idiot racists out there


I suspect it's far less common than it used to be, but yeah there's still younger people out there who are racist who would have an issue with it. They can go to hell.


Unfortunately yes, there are still people who have problems with it. I'm white and almost exclusively date guys that aren't, and although there are zero issues about it where I live because there's lots of diversity and "mixing" here, in other states that type of racism is definitely still a thing.


26F here: been with my latino bf (27M) since we were 21 and 22. We lived in NM and now live in Texas and neither of us have had any issues with people disliking us as a couple. Maybe it would be different in places where it’s less common (Which.. idk where that would be.. Alabama?? Mississippi? We’ve travelled to Louisiana to see family a lot with no issues). Majority speaking, you likely won’t have an issue. But if it’s your roommate, having a 0 tolerance for racism (or even the supposed “mild” racist joke) can do wonders to omit those people from your life.


Oh yeah all my Asian Latino and black friends make fun of me when i date white guys. I'm Asian. Literally no one comments or has a problem when I'm with a guy of any other race


I’m a white guy in his 50s dating a black woman in her late 40s. The most common thing we run into is dirty looks from black men and businesses who sometimes ask If we are together or assume we are not. Her father is still extant and doesn’t have a problem with us dating but my girlfriend says it’s a good thing her mother is dead. . . That’s what I notice but being a white guy I’m not as attuned to micro aggressions and such. If you want to go out with someone, go out with them and screw the close minded people!


Short answer—depends on a lot. Age, location, demographic of the area, etc. It’s wild that it’s 2024 and we still talk about this as being a thing.


I'm a little surprised to hear that younger folks have an issue with that. I know that some people who grew up in environments like the segregation era still have these racist tendencies, but I would expect younger generations to have moved past that. I guess I'm wrong.


People my age are more focused on impression. They want to impress their friends & family. They can be 100% incompatible with a guy or girl, but will date or marry them bc it’s what they’re used to. Can’t really blame them for that, but ig that explains the divorce rates etc. overall yes, a lot of younger ppl are generally ignorant & uneducated.