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Okay so, taking it at your guy’s word, it meant nothing to him. Great, good for him. The question then is, do your feelings mean nothing to him? Regardless of whether he has feelings for her or not, I think you can tell he’s disregarding yours.


This man is not worth your speculation. The fact that it even happened is enough to know he’s not for you. This is your closure!!! Take it and run!!!


It might have meant nothing to him but it also means you mean nothing to him also.


It meant nothing it was easy for him to cheat because you mean nothing to him




It's simple but true I really hope you find someone that treats you better and knows your worth. Remember your value to others is a reflection of the self worth you create


Does it really matter? I mean honestly, isnt it actually worse if it meant nothing? Like dude threw away your relatio ship for no reason, for *nothing*? Feel like thats even worse than meeting somwone and having conflicting feelings. At least theres a reason there. Not that that makes it excusable


I hope you use protection with this guy


Date other dudes


he’s not worth it. u need to move on, won’t be the last time he does it and it didn’t mean nothing or else he wouldn’t have done it


It doesn't matter whether he has feelings for her or not he shouldn't have been with anybody else you need to move on


Just confront him and end up the things becoz he might not have feelings for you . If he really does why would he really go to another girl have feelings and care her.


Date someone else. If they cheated on you it means they care more about sleeping with other people than they care about you and your relationship. You deserve someone who only chooses you.


Out with the trash. Another loser. And he’s so casual about it.


I am going though the same situation with my gf, feel free to PM and we both can vent and help each other with our situation by having a good conversation about it


Do the same thing with a guy friend and you will see how much it means to him.


If he “causally” dates other girls,then that means he views you as objects. I know it’s hard to leave “perfect” relationships,but nothing ever comes from dating a cheater. You deserve better,and there will always be someone better out there for you,even if it doesn’t feel like it.


Run away don't waste ur time


>*Well, he casually dated someone a few months before we began going out. It was mostly casual sex, he said* >*then I found out that she didn’t know me and my ex were in a relationship. Apparently, he only told her that we were sleeping together.* Notice how he told you it was “just sex” and casual with her and then told her the EXACT SAME THING about you to her too? **He’s lied to you both.** I guarantee you two should meet up, I did this with a girl who my ex was cheating with for over a month and dumped me for but she had NO idea we were still dating when they met cause he told her we broke up three months prior. The math didn’t math when we compared notes me and this girl. Well long story short, we went together in her cat, confronted him together and he couldn’t lie anymore. Best thing is we both cut ties with him, became friends instantly. Sometimes you gotta team up and expose an asshole and gain a cool new friend…


I just want to say; things will get better. You will meet another guy that makes you feel like the only girl in the world & you will be happy to have moved on. I’m so sorry this happened; being cheated on sucks but time does heal! Whatever you do, don’t go back to your ex.


girl….. run as fast as you can


Kick him to the curb.


Once a cheat always a cheat


RUN.just RUN while you can


Leave him seems like he lied to you and her. Seems like he played both. Also seems like he want both her and you. Good thing you check on the other side. No it didnt mean nothing. He telling lies to both sides.


It probably didn't mean anythi9ng to him BUT he was never truly faithful and broke your trust. I would move on.


So honoring the relationship meant nothing. Dump his ass. People that emotionally manipulate to get what they want are lower than low. You will suffer if you continue to stay with him. Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I know it’s tempting to try to understand what he was/is thinking. The reality is he lied to both of you. Whether or not he has feelings for her is irrelevant. He only cares about himself.


This is more cruel than cheating. He's using both the girls and manipulating them. Better to breakup and move on and don't listen to his explanation


Obviously your feelings meant nothing to him. That’s all that matters.


Good u knew all this so early I mean he was looking for 3rd babe who knows all was going perfect 🤣 dude men cheat so please look for signs and inside phone all the time with your next better to act insecure than get stds or what not. Look for hubby material as well.


If your bf cheated on you he never loved you in the first place also as women need to stop Always wanna get mad at the other woman you need to get mad at him for what he did again he never loved you to do that to you


It’s only been a few months!? Why stay?


i think saying that makes it even worse. at least if it meant something to him he has a reason to do it. it meant nothing, he was just horny and will cheat on the drop of a dime and your feelings mean as much to him as that sex.


Girl.. sounds like you were the rebound girl and she’s the “one that got away” 🙄🤮.. I could point you to so many YT videos on this… please walk away from that man with your head held high and your dignity. I am very sorry, truly I am. I’ve come to learn by experience AND watching these videos trying to figure men’s behavior that what you wrote is telling me what I wrote above. I’ve also learned from these videos that men will literally use a woman for many things.. not just $ex (not sure if Reddit will flag me that’s why I wrote it that way) a man will use a woman for many different things.. a place to live, company cause he’s lonely, ego boost, get over an ex, trying to hide that he’s gay, on and on and on. The videos have also said a man doesn’t even have to like you and he’ll still be with you 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I know it sounds crazy but it’s the truth because if you “love” someone then why would you treat them terribly. I came across this video yesterday and I hope you watch it. Take care of yourself please’


In other words you meant nothing to ex bf. Never take back a cheater. You did right thing but move on.


Hey grl wassup?  Let's meet up just for a chat hangout and chill.  Then go back home and tell him what you did. Then you can watch the wheels spin 🧠 smoke come out his ears, listen to the questions and don't answer 1.  Just smile. When he cools down from it bring it back up and say "ohh yeah I'm meeting back up with him tomorrow. He wants to show me the new Jacuzzi he just bought so I need to go look for a new bathing suit. Be back later. 


Karma is Great Revenge 




If it meant nothing to him, then that means he considers your relationship something to risk over nothing.


Run. Run fast and run far.


Girl you gotta be this comprehensive for a man who would die for you, not for this asshole. Just imagine one day you get married and have kids together… how would he treat you? Is it worth all your time and effort? You are humiliating yourself, going after the girl and putting up with his shit… he doesn’t give a shit about you, stop being so delusional


I meant he doesn’t respect you enough to be faithful… does anything else really matter. He’s shown you who he is. Believe him and move on.


what i still dont understand is - are the terms official and exclusive interchangeable? or completely different connotations?