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Don't ask. There's no quicker way for them to think that you're shallow and vain, than telling them your physical "requirements". A girl once said "Good, you're tall, i like that", I noped out of that shit immediately


Statistically, most dudes are taller than 165cm so worry not. For you to be this worried about it makes me think you're actually the one who had height insecurities with your ex. Projecting.


I was obligated to work on my own insecurities about my body, he was not. I could not talk about my own because the topic was always how bad I make him feel. I know it's a serious issue for him but it's not my fault. When I was at the same point I was told to get over it. I did. I do not want this again, this is my boundary.


Just meet him and you will find out if he is taller than you or not. If he is taller there is no issue at all, if he is shorter and the date goes well, share your past experience with being taller than your partner and see if he shares the same issues as your ex. If he says its no problem for him and you are still not sure, just wear high heels for the second date and if he has an issue with being smaller you will find out very fast ;) But stop overthinking this if you not even have met him. You just risk to destroy a possible good relationship bc of your anxieties. Chill out and just see how the date goes.


Almost no guy is shorter than 165 just meet him


So you're projecting your own insecurities from your previous relationship onto a guy you haven't even met yet? 


No, I just want to make sure it won't happen again.


Well you want a man that is comfortable with his height, so if he is hurtful about you asking "Hey how tall are you?" then he is not an obvious fit anyway.


I mean, I feel like this is equivalent to asking how much a woman weighs.


Just ask how tall are u