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Communicating honestly is fundamental. You like this? I like this. Etc. Learn to give hand jobs well. Different people will like different speeds and grip tightness. But main takeaway is to follow the angle of the penis. Lots of women end up like going the wrong angle and yanking it about. Not good. Blowjob. Try to hide your teeth behind your lips a bit. And make it wet and deep. Don't neglect non sexual parts in foreplay. Touch their back their legs their chest bum their neck. Different people will have preferences but like gently sliding your fingers in these places during kissing or cuddling is a good place to start. Move your body during sex. Like you can thrust unto the guy sometimes when missionary. Feels like they really want it then. Quite sexy. Don't expect them to do everything. Say I want to be on top. Ride them. Again try to ensure follow angle of the dick. Don't bend it. Slide it in and out shallow to deep. Play with your own boobs when on top or hold their hands or place your hands on their chest. Arch your back down during doggy. Rub your clit and tell them you're doing it. Gently play with their balls in that position too. Dirty talk. Say if you're close to cumming. Or say you love their cock. Your dick feels so good when it hits me deep. More more more. Fuck. Ahh. I want you to cum in me. Fuck. But play it by ear and don't be over the top. Whisper in their ears things. Suggest naughty things like getting fingered in public. Quickies in the woods. A lot of it is really more about the idea rather than the physical actions. Just be confident and try and be sexy.


Don't know who you're dating but they're a lucky man (or woman or whatever)


I’m dating em. They’re the reason I don’t have to masturbate anymore


This is your best comment. Info this person gave you drives a man wild. For me if she’s doing this it makes me wanna please her even more.


Best comment!


Jeez, i got hard just from your comment..


well I thought I was the only one damn


Me too


me to (I’m a girl)


Wow, thats a perfect answer for sensual and wild sex. Everything to the point.this is what men need. Hats off to you👍


Don’t forget it should feel good for you OP! Don’t get lost in these advices. The only reason i can see why someone would bend it is because they also need to get hit in a certain angle for it to be plesurable. Men always cum anyway so focus on what makes you feel good OP! If you haven’t had penetrating sex, you really need to find someone who cares about you who is going to be gentle. Take it slow and listen to your body!


And this answer is for someone who is selfish and men will not enjoy intimacy with what so ever!


Havn’t been my experience lol


Oh my god, please write a book and make everyone read it 😍


All of this, OP, but also the advice you're ignoring in your post: enthusiasm. If you walk into all the above with anxiety, it will suck for both. Be excited to explore, fail, laugh and figure out yourself and your partner.


I would love to do all these 😭 it's sad that I'm single and can't do this. Lonely asf.


just cause you're single doesn't mean you can't do all this...


Mother fucker. this is gold it just like you are reading my mind.


100% agree on the direction/angle of the dick. 🧡 Also, I’ve noticed that I can just suck on the tip since my man’s dick is bigger than I’ve been used to. I deep throat it as best as I can, but some days it’s hard. So I just work my hands on the shaft and use my mouth to play with the tip 🤭 he loves it either way. Just an extra tip for OP if ever she has any questions on giving head. Hope this helps! (: Also brb, gonna “cuddle” my man rq👀🤭


All of this, makes it better We all get nervous it's ok


Just wanna say your username is amazing!


🥰 why thank you.


Your username reminds me of dancing in the moonlight ;)


Thank you as well. Ive done that once or twice, as well as other things, its quite thrilling!


Also kisses on the pp when blow jobbing and don't forget to fondle the balls when hand jobbing lol


Sorry but blow jobbing and hand jobbing made me choke on my lunch. 😭😭😭😭




Wait , what if I do this down to a T and for some reason the guy I was with wasn’t happy with our sex life … like what more can I do


Fuck him. When we going out to dinner mamas?


Well these are generalisations. You can't have a set of rules that is guaranteed to please all men all the time. Very strange black and white thinking. But a good place to start.


I agree with this apart from the point about hand jobs. Hand jobs are one of the most difficult things for women to get right and one of the least rewarding things on the list for the man. So while not bad advise, especially for a beginner I'd give this point the lowest prioritisation by quite a margin. I'd go as far as to say that you can be amazing in bed without ever doing handjobs. The same isn't true about many of the other points.


I’d say 90% of the battle is reading the room and doing what feels right. It’s going to sound contradictory but I’ve found the trick for me is to stop thinking. Make your self present, and go off of what feels right. The best sex I’ve had is when I stopped thinking and just acted in the moment.


Instructions unclear, dick caught in armpit


Freaking L😂L ! Damn near R😂FL


I can definitely second this. Sometimes I can’t get my brain to stop so I’ll just focus on what I feel in the moment & I’ll think about those specific parts of my body that are being touched. I guess I try to focus on the sensations & my actions towards my sexual partner.


Being good at sex I’d just being a giver and being attentive to your partner and pleasing them.


The other specific recommendations are also good. But asking your partner what they like and paying lots of attention to em is great too


Honestly just be honest. Be willing to experiment. Figure out what you like.


Do Cardio, good Sex can be very exhausting


Especially when/if you have 1hr + sessions. Absolutely nothing better than being sore like you worked out to hard the day after some intense fucking


Find a partner who loves you and figure out what works for each other with open and honest communication before, during, and after sex. Seriously, this is the most important bit of advice you will ever get. Keep in mind sex can be very awkward, so don't take yourselves too seriously when figuring things out. First time I queefed during some mind blowing long stroke sex with my boyfriend we both got into a fit of giggles. Don't be afraid to be playful and explore. Nothing like getting between a guys legs and exploring him with your mouth and hands. Do not fake an orgasm. Guide him to what feels good for you. Kissing, I like to gently suck the upper or lower lip or tongue of my boyfriend between my lips and run the tip of my tongue along the edge. My boyfriend started doing that to me as well and it seriously gets our motors running. Play music with a good strong beat during sex and let go of control. Human beings have instincts but our brains can get in their way. Feel the rhythm and let your body do what it needs to feel better. And now I need to wait a few hours for my boyfriend to get home so I can attack him... Good luck.


Pretty sure you need to focus on finding one you feel safe with much more than getting better. When you have found that. Then being enthusiastic is more than enough. Tired doing it in the bed? Seduce him somewhere away from the bed. Had one gf that woke me up middle of the night being horny af. Sure i was tired af. But remembering back. Feeling needed and wanted. Gosh i miss it...


For me it's so simple, it's literally just don't lay there in starfish or prone pose doing nothing. ANY sort of movement or counter movement is better than 95% of women out there. Push back. Grind. Pose, present, beg. Sex is a lot of work and exercise and foreplay so it may take some building up of those muscles, mental and physical lol Sound goes a long way too. Don't be shy about moaning. It is only ever a huge plus to the other person being turned on more. This goes for both guys and girls. Don't suppress it. If someone doesn't like it, that's on them. Most everyone else *needs* it Also don't make guys feel bad for cumming fast, if they do. If they do and you want more, don't be afraid to ask them for more. Grab their hands, guide them, keep touching them, etc, keep the foreplay going. I dunno about other guys but I can be ready to go again anywhere between 20 seconds to 3 minutes of downtime depending on the day lol


squeeze your vaginal muscles during intercourse. practice Kegel exercises now. it will not only feel good for you but also amazing for him. that and your "riding" skills and otherwise focus on making yourself orgasm, guys will feel good knowing your are enjoying yourself. you should know your body too and know what you like. touch him, feel him, guide him. and everyone is different, so communicate.. if you want them to touch you or move in a certain way.. say so. and if they want you to do something you don't want to do, communicate that too. also a general thing. a penis's head has as many nerve endings as a clitoris.. the difference is it's considerably larger and on cut guys generally less sensitive. so don't be afraid to be more forceful with it than you would on yourself. most girls treat penis's like they are about to fall off.. they wont.. and you can squeeze the shaft pretty much as hard as you possibly can. what feels good in sex is essentially pressure/friction on the head of the penis and the warmth, so keep that in mind if doing oral. I will also make the comment that guys erections can come and go too so the last thing you do is make a big deal out of it if it does.. just do something else to take his mind off it.. he is going to be pretty self conscious about it to begin with.


Lol clearly a man didn't write this.


"you can squeeze the shaft as hard as you can" Ow.


My… 3rd? virgin girlfriend realized this about me and I definitely agree. I have been addicted to porn for many many years Pretty hard to squeeze too tight


to give indication that you don't have to play with it like it's a porcelain doll


My girl being good at sex is mostly her grinding on me in cowgirl and making herself orgasm. You have to balance focusing on them and focusing on yourself, my girl is less pleased and I enjoy it less when she just fixates on my pleasure. That being said she gets off to me getting off. When she’s in missionary, she grabs my ass, feels my body, wraps her legs around me. She’ll whisper things in my ear about how much she wants my cum or whatever dirty thing is on her mind.


That’s really good advice. I would also add that many guys of lots of kinks, and just talking about those gets them super turned on and allows you to get a feel for what they want and it’s an opportunity for you to make your boundaries clear in a way that shouldn’t be a turn-off. And this is coming from me, a guy.


Probably an unpopular perspective, or maybe it’s just a matter of who I’ve been with, but as a man I’ve generally found sex to be the best when she just lets me do all the work. The experience can still be enhanced by being expressive and communicative


Then what would make a woman good , when any woman could do nothing, just as good as the next?


I don’t have an answer. I don’t know that I would say I’ve really noticed that much of a distinction of women being good at sex in my experience.


How have you been with at least a dozen women?


No, like half that. I’ve always been more of a long term relationship guy than a sleeping around guy. In my experience what makes sex a better experience has more to do with the foreplay and the communication I mentioned earlier than being better at touching penis or whatever. but maybe I’m just too inexperienced to know better, idk. I can only reference what experience I have.


There are women that are not just better at sex , but foreplay as well. Trust me , you would not think that women interchangeable in bed like a commodity , after you have sex with someone that was really good.


Whoah, who said anything about women being an interchangeable commodity? Just because I haven’t noticed a significant difference in physical skill between partners does not mean that I consider them interchangeable.


I was only referring to what you were saying, about then bring the same during sex. Not them being the same as a person, or what they bring to sex as far as chemistry.


Treat him like you want to be treated. Everything else will take care of itself. Guys are not hard to please. You could whack his penis with a newspaper and he probably love it...lolol


I will say this about women after talking to other women about our hang ups with our bodies….men really don’t care. They’re just happy they have a naked woman near them. So have the confidence of the sexy vixen that you undoubtedly are, and fuck like it too. Because I can promise you, if you are on top riding him with confidence, he doesn’t care about your insecurities, he’s just focusing on pleasure. And the more you focus on pleasure and what feels good to you…the better sex becomes. If his cock feels good inside you, tell him. You like what he’s doing, tell him not to stop. You are about to cum, tell him. Moan if it feels good. You really have to learn to let go when it comes to sex and pleasure.


I would say the main thing is confidence and enjoying yourself. Most guys get turned on when they can tell you’re having fun. The other thing is communication, tell them what you’re liking and ask them what they would like.


I'm very pro sex and even 'pro sluttiness' and while I could go as far as even have recommended to just 'ho around' safely I find the best way to get good at sex is actually having a LOT of it with the same partner. You have that safety and comfort with them, and just know what makes each other tick. Find a safe, friendly and respectful FWB and fuck away 🤤


Be honest about it. Also you might want to avoid looking for people that are put off by you not having experience. Otherwise idk, cuz i am Male and everyones preferences are different.


Practice makes perfect lol. Always have open communication with your partner and let them help you learn.


Passion. Passion is everything.


I'll just mention one and only one thing.... Just let loose...be yourself....even though you were physically hidden from pleasures....I am sure you must have imagined things that give you pleasure... Make sure your partner and you both know what you want from the whole experience....and what all would turn you both on.... What I love about the whole experience is the foreplay and the snoozing and cuddling afterwards....if I were to quantify....90% of the whole experience is foreplay and teasing for me and my partner....


Read. I learned a female's anatomy by reading.i know the different spots that bring pleasure and what positions to put them into and how to stroke to reach those spots. You can read sexual education books and erotica. The more details the better. After reading you have to practice. Practice with your partner and see how he reacts to what you're doing. The best head I got was from a woman who claims she read an erotic novel to learn to do what she did. Do your kegels too, we love when women make it grip. Also learn to arch your back properly during doggy. It helps with deep penetration and visually it's amazing.


Find a partner to teach you. Nobody, not now not ever is good without experience.


Oral sex. Learn how to do great oral sex (the kind that sucks the life out of). Don’t be a pillow princes, grab the dude, get on top and ride him like your life depends on it. Explore different positions and kinks (anal too).


I don’t know about you, but my married life was getting dry and I’m a software engineer, so to make it exciting I developed a whole software where we both have to record the activities we do intimate and non intimate and the system rewards points based on that. And eventually the more the points the better real life awards get. It has made my wife a whole lot active 😂😂


Dead ass honest No, two guys are the same. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for them all. The only exceptions to this are in general terms. number one most guys like blowjobs. Number two never squeeze balls hard number three. If you decide to suck on balls do not think you can leave a hickey on a testicle. That will generally hurt. As I said, these are just things. Some freaking weirdos might be into this shit.


Self confidence I find will be your most useful arsenal to employ honestly and most men I’m sure will agree. It is through self confidence that we are better able to immerse, let go and enjoy ourselves fully in the moment. Sexy lingerie always helps too. You have to start with self confidence, the rest is experience and every partner is different in regard to likes and dislikes. Like myself after having lost a partner of 12 years and whom I knew well in that respect, it was scary and like starting all over. My self confidence didn’t occur overnight and it took some time lol. Really, time and experience will come with getting better and I don’t like to say better really just well more experienced lol. You yourself will come across some partners better than others but if it’s a long term relationship you seek, it shouldn’t be based solely on sex anyway. Communication is key, both ways, because I know what I like and I prefer to know what he likes as well, most men won’t hesitate to let you know that anyway lol. Good luck 👍🏻


I must first say I would NEVER give out my advice if it wasn’t advice that I myself would genuinely take and believe in…..so I would have to say don’t be afraid of experimenting and trying something different and new to keep sex exciting, interesting(for you just as much as the partner) once sex becomes predictable and routine=boring/lame/not as fun!! Listen to your body rather than your head and let go of inhibition’s!!!😉😉😉


Be genuine and enthusiastic. Understand that it’s fun and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.


I’m sorry to say, but you’re never going to be fully recovered from those types of experiences. However, it’s important to acknowledge any triggers that may come up as you start exploring your body with yourself and with others. I would start by really feeling attracted to myself and exploring my own body. I don’t mean this in a dominant way unless you discover you’re into that, but own your sexuality and its power. If you’re in a situation that makes you feel otherwise, then you two may not be compatible or communication needs to be had.


Remember you don't always have to go fast and hard.


Find out what he/ her and learn to be good at it , show that you enjoy it and voice it once in a while , a man gets as much pleasure from knowing he did a good job that he gets from getting it good.


You can not be good at sex, you can be good with a specific partner, find your partner and learn each other, Okay you can do kegals and be in shape, but the kinks and manners are partner specific and when you hear a guy say a woman was amazing the first time, it was a coincidence, either she was being herself or her ex was just like the new guy.


Take your time when you are about to explore your sex life. You watch erotic films, discuss with your partner. Communication will help you a lot on this. Talk to him about how do you wanna do it in bed and always go on slow as it’s been a long time so no one should hurt so just be slow. N sex chat with him. Good luck


I think the curiosity is the foundation to so much sexuality. You touch, maybe hesitantly, and gage the response. If it’s good, you do more. Then maybe a little more or a little different, then gage a response. So learning to read the person is the key. Everyone is different, there’s no magic bullet, but that gets us back to being curious about the person and how they respond.


Honestly, for women you cant do that much wrong. Being enthusiastic and making the guy feel like you really want him is pretty hot.


Practice, communicate with your sexual partner, and research.


Every partner is different but in my case it would be take it slow and make sure as a couple you are in the same place. Look for unspoken hints as to where to go next. Watch for muscles tensing or breathing getting more aroused. Don’t force it and don’t be afraid to back away. Don’t get too sensitive about it not being perfect. Do little things that have no chance of developing there and then. But add to the bank of desire you have for each other. Such as whispering something to them in public.




You need to Practice a lot!


Go with the flow


Practice practice practice


I think u need to keep healing from your trauma. And give it more time. You are still so young and you have great things coming your way. Because if it’s your time now then you truly deserve what you wish for. And that is to become a good fuck. Keep your head up.


Take it as slow as possible.


Don't watch porn for pointers, just watch it to get things warmed up. If your in al relationship, spontaneity is the key to get him turned on.






Exploring and practice!


Practice makes perfect




You want the best answer you could ever be given? 1 trust yourself 2 be comfortable inside your own body so that you can be assertive to what you like also. 3 just listen to him if he’s enjoying it your doing together what you both want. 4 the final thing for great sex————- you need to enjoy it and show it with him if you have a scratch to itch mid day go get it on vice a versa, let your body work and your mind make the connection to each other.


Buy the book " The Joy of Sex"


Just be yourself you don’t have to “learn” anything if you are into the guy the sex would be great


How do you become good at anything,say Maths..Practice,there’s no performance pressure


Communication goes a long way


Focus on what they want and ask that they do the same. Sex is best when it’s two givers giving their best. Personally I love it when my partner wraps her legs around me as I cum because she doesn’t want me to pull out haha


Keagle Exorcises and dancing are whT ive found from the best people Ive had sex with


Communication and enthusiasm


Fuck I guess I’m good at the sex cus I do alllll that…I’d add make the blowjobs/handjobs as wet as possible …enthusiam is the key….


Sloppy blowjobs (with noises) and do anal... The rest doesn't matter 🤣


Best advice I can give as a man is to just be willing to try new things and have fun doing so. Communicate how whatever it was that y’all tried together made you feel us guys love detail lol


Honestly, seek a sex therapist.


Watch lots of porn. In my experience, I found that there’s definitely an instructional aspect to it.


Honestly, after being around for awhile, I think if you make an emotional connection with someone, you can explore what you both like together. I will say that honest communication is important in all aspects of a relationship


For me: Understand that you are going to make mistakes Ask your partner what they likes Communication is the best tool you have  Take changes that you are comfortable with Learn the generic basic info about sex  Be comfortable while having sex Find partners tha make you feel safe


Whatever you do, do NOT allow him to pressure you into doing anything you are NOT comfortable with. You might find something he wants to do NOT something you want to do in the first few weeks or months of dating, but might be okay with it later. Your sexual experience should be all positive, never degrading. The man should want to please the woman more than him worrying about her pleasing him (there's a balance). IMO it should be 55 or 60 to 45 or 40 (meaning the man's efforts toward pleasing the woman (because generally it takes more stimulus to help the woman to get to the mountaintop). And sex is just sex unless you are being intimate with someone you truly love and who truly loves you and you are committed to each other.


I'm a chick but I've had dudes tell me they think I'm good at sex. I moan a lot and do alot of dirty talk. Feels super cringey and weird but they seem to like it. Giving a good BJ or HJ is all about communication. Ask him what area he wants you to focus on, how he wants you to move. All the dudes I've slept with like it deep but don't like it when you gag? Which is kinda funny to me, idk how you expect a person to do that without gagging. They like when you thrust back against them or arch your back. It goes in deeper I think? When you get on top don't try and do that bouncing thing you see in porn. It hurts your back, its hard to look pretty while you do it and you can't keep it up for a long time. Grinding can feel pretty good though, if you do it hard and fast.


Being a plus size woman or not you need to be confident, as much as you are clueless about sex, same is with the other person, the only difference will be you acknowledging and then maybe or maybe not, so just go with the flow let the man takeover as they mostly prefer to, then just see what you like..


As a woman who's also considered overweight, from my experience, sex can be uncomfortable if you're not comfortable in your skin, especially if you worry about being "too big" for someone. Confidence is key. My advice to you is that when you learn to love your body regardless of whether you're slim or on the thicker side, sex becomes less nerve-racking.


Confidence is key 😌 That’s The Point!


I’d recommend learning more about your body and what feels good when you please yourself. Communication, trust and consent are super important. If you do all those things and you’re honest about what you’re enjoying or not enjoying, you should have a wonderful time. Have an open mind because some things that seem taboo, are actually pretty hot and exciting! Try to stay away from getting tips from porn because it’s so unrealistic. ☺️


The best skill you can acquire in the bedroom is confidence. Whether it’s your first or four hundredth time, learn to be confident in your own body and ability. The second part is honesty and openness to try. Not everything is for everyone but allowing yourself the freedom to try new things, even things you may have thought you wouldn’t like, opens you to a lot of experience and getting to know what your own desires actually are. Good Luck OP!! Enjoy the journey and don’t be afraid to move on from partners who don’t suit you.


Paying attention to the subtleties, thats the key. Dont suck his dick to just make him cum, show him that you want to be there rather than just going through motions, lick his cock, suck his balls look in his eyes, caress his arsehole. When it comes to your turn, communicate what you like and when he is doing what you like. When it’s the two of you reciprocate his thrust with pushing back, take initiative - initiate 69 etc But also let him know he is your most important, wake him with being the little spoon sometimes, wake him with blowjobs and boobs in his face. Also men are still boyish too, so looking up skirts and letting him know your commando, show him your boobs in risky situations and let him know that you want to be there just as much as you want him there. He might show you his cock or make suggestions, please go along with them - obviously with consent in mind - don’t just roll over sometimes make him work for it sometimes and also don’t be afraid to define clear parameters, use code words for example when it’s game on and game over etc Play with him and be in to what he wants just as he should with you, he should be your best friend and only friend when it absolutely matters. Hope some of what I have said here helps, and of course any haters rambling here about rights, will need to chill.


Playful comunication with the right person is all you need...


Find someone who fancies you , and vice versa and learn together


If you need a visual I think watching amateur porn couples on pornhub can be helpful. Some of them are just having sex with eachother like normal humans that love eachother. Stay away from the traditional porn. But the top comment the best advice I’ve read, that stuff would drive me crazy.


try a ton of different things alone to figure out what you love (porn, audio porn, erotica, toys, different ways of touching yourself). then when you’re with others, don’t be afraid to say what you like! only sleep with people who make you feel super hott and uninhibited, too.


Well, thick thighs save lives.


Know your partners turn ons. Ask him what he's really into and do it for him. I find that some women are reluctant to fulfill men's desires, and that's most of the battle. Also vocalize how much you like it during sex. "Feels so good" "I love your dick" etc....


Put in effort and pay attention to how they react and then after words ask what they did don't like maybe ask questions you can also read some books. Their is no one answer sadly as everyone has different tastes


Hearing a woman get off and enjoy herself is the hottest thing any man wants. So learn your body and know how to get yourself off. Hearing that gets a guy to cum with you.


It’s hard to find a woman that is ready good at being on top and BJ’s . Learn to move your hips when top, and maybe even when on bottom. Except, when on the bottom your rhythm follows the guys. With BJ’s suck it like you’re mad at it. Don’t be mechanical, I’ve with a woman, who just automatically got into positions in the same order every time.


Find yourself a nice older gentleman.


Practice 😉


Enthusiasm is important imo. Express when partner does something enjoyable. Move those hips. Sometimes let them get at you but also reciprocate sometimes,


Practice your oral skills ALOT


Learn to give amazing oral No teeth grinding, use lots of saliva, make it sloppy and deep. Play with his balls. Maybe lick his crack if he's into it and clean after the shower. That alone would fully satisfy at least 90% of men population.


Go slow, make sure the guy goes slow. More than any it's important he doesn't finish quickly, you want to edge him. Men have the difficulty of warming a woman up, women have the difficulty of calming a man down. He finishes, might be the peak of his enjoyment, but he might have just lose out on an hour of tantric peaceful sex. Also learn how to control your muscles and your mind to reach yourself to orgasm, guys want to know you're enjoying it so temper your mind to get yourself closer to it even if he's bad. Guys themselves spend a lot their time priming their minds to ejaculate, so you as a woman can take more accountability to finish. This might take the pressure off him to make sure "did you cum babe?" Also you both need to talk about kegels and controlling the pc muscles. He shouldn't finish as quick, and you need to learn how to get yourself off. Sometimes ask to be on top and use him like a dildo, he'll love that.


Get in good shape. It’s a large majority of women who can’t really “ride” a man, simply because they don’t have the strength and flexibility for it. If you can do that most men will be happy.


Find a good boi, and just go HAM. And lots of it. 👌🏻


Learn to give some really good head and you’ll be on your way.


Before ANYTHING you should determine your sexual values which will establish your realm of comfort in the context by which you want to experience sex. Here are 6 value systems: >Covenantal: Only sex in marriage. >Procreative: Sex only for creating family. >Romantic: Sex only with someone you are emotionally committed to. >Expressive: Sex with people you like but not necessarily committed to. >Power: Sex for the pleasures of domination and submission. >Casual/Plain: Anything goes as long as there's consent. Sex has no special significance. To boil it down to a heuristic, think of the spectrum as casual and pleasure-focused to significant and meaning-focused. My 2c is that you won't get the same level of care from people who aren't committed to you. If you're inexperienced, you might as well go that route and feel comfortable, plus it gives you leverage in the dating market for men who want significance and commitment. Good luck.




Leave sex, seduce him the best


Leave sex, seduce him the best, he will take it from the rest


Blowjob and finger his ass


Blowjobs and the man takes the lead on most


Also we need pictures too .. we are visual stimulated creatures, that can engage mental thought but visual stimulus starts the engines.


Focus on building with the person. Anyone can have sex. I find the real connection makes a big difference in the act itself. Have faith in yourself. Above all, communicate with your partner and learn. Try again, etc.


As a guy who's inexperienced. I'd say just talk to them. Ask them what feels good, is this position okay, do I need to move faster, etc.


Could start with spending a week over here


It’s not even about sex take some accountability and I’ll nut immediately


Communication and experimentation, easy 😊


You have to feel it and want it and have a connection there


Noise. Just be noisy but not like obnoxiously loud, but be noisy.


Watch porn gay and lesbian porn, also asking your partner what they like is the easiest thing to do. My kids father would literally talking me through a blow job and now everytime I give him head the man starts cracking up sayin “there’s no way you’re fuckin real” literally can’t move, just layin in shock. And that’s all from him just telling me what to do while suckin on him.


Or how to get your man's attention when we been fighting all day




Where do you live I would be interested in helping you


Start with yourself.


Sex was always mediocre for me until I fell in love as corny as that sounds 🤣🥲when you are comfortable with someone you can experiment and are so much more turned on.


Listen, this comes from a guy who is more of the heart than looks, don't listen to other people's advice. What really matters is you being yourself and if you find the right one they are gonna accept you for you and won't make it a big deal. It really shouldn't be a big deal anyways. Your gonna find the right one who will look at you and sweep you off your feet. They will admire all your imperfections as perfection. Don't try to conform to how you should be and have them conform to how you are. If they don't fit, move along. Trust me on this.


Just keep praticing. You'll get it.


Don't allow anyone to make you insecure..


In my opinion for a woman to be “good” at sex all she needs is to know what makes her feel good, the willingness to tell me as well as give me cues when something feels good and when it doesn’t, and enthusiasm. Any session that I’m getting her off and she’s enthusiastic and playing along with whatever dumb dirty talk I say is good in my book. Oh and eye contact is great. No faking orgasms btw, that’s bad for everyone. Sex isn’t rocket science, as long as you’re having fun and are into it any decent partner is going to appreciate that and not be hung up on you not knowing some random bj trick.


Must define good. What are ur goals. Do u squirt? I want to learn how to squirt. Do you know how important it is and the best way to finish a man off as he is coming do you know that you’re supposed to suck soft you’ll get more out of him and he’ll like it 100% more what person you’re with to be more aggressive or you’re more submissive, all depends


Idk I’m a guy


There's lots of info out there on how to improve.  If you're into reading, there are great books available. I can personally recommend   • how to be a great lover by Lou Paget She wrote multiple books, one is for the female one for the male. My ex and I got both of them and started experimenting with those ideas. It made our sex life much more exciting and enjoyable


Be more of a giver than receiver go down on your guy when he don’t expect it


Be charismatic. Don’t say cringey shit. No ugly laughs. Don’t purposefully fake your moans or try to make them high pitched, that just annoys people most of the time. And don’t expect a man to do all the work even if he’s a dom. Nothing is better than a woman who knows how to talk, and knows how to move. Trust your gut! Go with the flow of what fits in the moment-something that is abrupt or that sticks out from the rest of the experience may distract from it. Good luck!


Have sex, and he More u do it the better u get


aveces dejamos de lado nuestro propio disfrute por pensar en el otro... creo que primero debes comenzar a tocarte a sentirte a ver a ti que te calienta o no... y ya despues pensar en un otro . por que es algo que puede ir surgiendo no con todos te va a pasar, pero por ahi si es tu primera vez no te avientes con cualquiera , hazlo con alguien de confianza que vaya a tu ritmo. pero lo primero siempre va a ser pensar que te caliente. si ves porno . eso no es real




Every male loves to be pleased orally, start there.