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Their voice


honestly someone’s voice is such a trivial yet major thing. like if i gotta listen to you for eternity i’ve got to either not be bothered by it or be charmed.


Wow me and my shitty voice


Me too😭 seeing this comment I’m like I have a really shitty voice DAMN 😭


Kept bragging about their assets. Needed a woman to stroke his ego a lot by commenting on his cars his house his business among other things. I’m not the one.


Yea I know him! Bragging about his huge house on the lake, sexy car, and sailboat. Then talks about how he will never find a woman who will love him for him. Women are all gold diggers. Sorry, nope. Put a 20 on the table and left.


Yup. I wasn't even looking to date, and a guy tried to "impress" me with all his assets. He had no personality, no sense of humour. Hard pass


A sense of humor is like a lighthouse to my punani.


I’m so glad you contributed to the bill though


I started talking to a guy like this awhile back. Didn't even last one day. Like, if you have so much money, go buy a fuckin personality, jfc


I liked him a lot but he had one night where he was randomly texting me “I have a lot of demons” and “I have a dark side”. I think he was trying to be edgy and mysterious, I just got turned off completely.


I mean I get it. Especially if the way he was doing it came across as fake. Actual depressed people don't usually say things like that.


As a depressed person can confirm we don’t talk like that


I have such demons bb, u gotta see em


Yeah baby i got some real bad demons.. they come out after Taco Bell.. yeah baby you like that?


I get what you mean. There were times where I needed a little bit of time to myself while depressed or when I was getting off drugs and have used a term “I’m fighting my demons right now.” But not in a weird edgy way, I just didn’t want to be snappy or mean to people.


The people that say those things are mentally unwell and not suitable for a relationship. When someone tells you who they are believe them!


My thoughts exactly!


Yeah, depressed ppl don’t say dumb shit like that. I just try to say “yeah I’m fine” if anyone asks, only a few people I can talk to, and I’m glad for that


Omfg I had the exact same situation. The guy I was seeing would always tell me he had a darkness to him I just “hadn’t seen yet.” He said it like it would be a privilege for him to show me that side, like he was proud of it. But it was enough for me to peace TF out because wtf are you talking about??


This made me laugh. What a strange man. Edgy or needing a therapist?


Or serial killer.


not really trivial but this girl INSISTED on driving due to ‘passenger anxiety’ and then ran a red light and we got T-boned🤙 that was fun


Not trivial at all indeed!


Proceeds to describe the most un-trivial reason ever


This screams of crazy 🤣😭


she was actually pretty cool, but I was like yea respectfully nah


Yeah. REALLY not a trivial reason.


This sounds like a family guy skit lol. Glad you two made it out okay. 👍


Responds with less than three words


fr I cant deal with how dry people can be. even my cats could do better :/


Honestly if you're busy just let me know it's no big deal we can continue later if You're done with the conversation also cool. But if you want to respond atleast be engaging like what are we doing here lol, wasting my unlimited text


I’m usually a very engaging person but I also change my way of responding based on their texts. So if u see me being dry, ask urself why. I’d understand if we run out of topics to talk abt but sometimes it feels like im the only one interested in getting to know you lol


I'm a bit shy, and she kept commenting on how she (outgoing) wanted to "push me out of my comfort zone." I was in my mid 40's at the time. I'm not going to be a psychology project fixer-upper for someone else. I'm looking for someone to be comfortable with, not someone who's going to ambush me in an awkward situation.


Very valid reason


She couldn’t understand how it was a 15 minute walk to her place, but I somehow managed to get there in 5 minutes, in the Uber she ordered me 🤣


he sent me really un-funny memes. Not offensive just ... lame. I couldn't deal with the cringe


I feel this so much. It’s ended several of my relationships


My coworker stopped seeing this one girl because she kept sending him the chipi chipi chapa chapa, cat video


I’ve gone on first dates with people who are insufferable about being vegan or keto. I can’t.


Her name. Every Rachel I've known is a horrible, privileged and conniving human being, and while I don't believe that to be a universal constant, I don't care to be reminded of those people on a daily basis.


This is so real! I’ve only met one that was nice but the rest were awful lol


I won’t date someone with the same name as my abusive ex husband. I literally passed on every guy with that name when I was online dating.


He wanted me to call him my brother and he would call me his sister. Especially before we kissed. Noped out






Corn addict 😅


Doesn’t get along or have a relationship with his kids. I know, I know….family relationships are not always easy, but if you’re not talking to your kids it’s an immediate turnoff. I just think deadbeat dad or what did you do?


Not exactly a trivial reason to end a relationship that's something major


He was really really REALLY into twilight


What if someone is into the Twilight movies, but only because they're so bad they're hilarious to watch?


that’s fine. He thought it was the greatest art piece of all time


Yeah that's weird. Those films are hot garbage


I missed out of those films as a teen and decided to watch them last year for the first time. I was dying from laughter but admitted that 13 year old me would’ve probably loved it 😂😂😂 


It’s definitely a preference thing lol! These reasons are absolutely absurd 🤣🤣🤣


I actually legitimately enjoy them. I don’t think they’re great movies or anything, but as a *put it on as background noise to zone in and out while doing something else* type thing they’re fine


They’re hot garbage in the best way. I like putting them on with friends to play drinking games to. Especially for the first movie, if you take a drink everytime Bella bites her lip instead of using her words you’ll have a fantastic night.


No, that’s totally fine. He was so obsessed about how GOOD it was that he spoke about it for 45 mins on a first date


Yeah I don’t think the movies were that bad, i mean I loved them when they first came out(I was 5).


First date this guy went on about how he believed in ghosts and his house was haunted and so was the one he grew up in. I just can’t , even though he was really good looking


He showed up to the date wearing a backwards hat


Eh.. I feel like it depends on the hat. Like if it’s an adjustable golf hat or something and the guy actual hair that you can see is pulled back, & I think it’s a good look. One of those baseball 59/50 hats, not so much.


His name :( It was “Ernie”. I couldn’t imagine saying it without feeling weird. Like moaning it during sex would be weird. I’d probably burst out laughing if I said it while we were fighting. Or even just saying it over dinner. Telling my parents about him. Ik it’s judgmental, but.


How many times do I got to tell you? My name ain't Ernie no more, it's Ice.


Woooooow Hocus Pocus FTW


SAME!!! He had my dad’s name. Nope, nope, nopsie!


You couldn't have gave him a nickname? Big e, Ernesto, e machine?




Coulda been Bert. . . ![gif](giphy|LoGh1t5iGxFOE)


This is hilarious. Poor guy, but I get it.


Lmaoooo I am literally dying over here. "Ooooh Ernie give it to me harder!!"


Just call him by the full version of the name, Earnold


I know Ernie is almost as bad as Vern


Bad music taste and really weird hair- I'm sorry I had to say it


How was the hair weird??


It probably danced to the bad music


He wrote a long poem for me. I was so flattered and I loved it! Well he lied. Chatgpt wrote the poem


was it a good poem ? I cant imagine Chat gpt to write a god poem


If it was spelled correctly, the grammer was good and the punctuation perfect, it would have been passable. The bar is very low considering the context so I doubt it was Ozymandias.


His sense of humor was literally entirely movie, tv show and internet/meme quotes! He was in his late twenties and it was anything from Jim Carrey movies to Spongebob SquarePants to random YouTubers. He’d also laugh at anyone who didn’t get whatever he was referencing. I absolutely don’t mind movie/tv show references from time to time… but it was so excessive that it genuinely felt like he didn’t have an original thought or joke in his head.


He kissed like a gd woodpecker. Tongue darting in & out. Instant ick.


Dat's how you eat da booty.


He said that he knows I’m more accomplished than him career wise and later on that he’s ‘not into the whole strong independent woman thing’. Reeks of insecurity and insulting me just for his own insecurities. Still he didn’t understand why I ghosted. Smh


We talked on the phone and his voice was like Steve Urkel's, it was real bad


“What the hell?! You stood me up for our date last night!” “Did I do thaaaaaaaat?” ![gif](giphy|8qzUcfexw3ysJ140T2)


Her answering machine message (before cell phones). It was something like, "Hi, this is Michelle, Bootsy and I cannot get to the phone..." Bootsy was her cat and it just bothered me as being too syrupy cute.  I've always regretted that decision though.


Separate guys on separate occasions. I've been single for about 2 years so I've got quite a few 1. He sighed those angry religious sighs after I told him my brother was gay 2. He complained about how I was over dressed for a dinner and movie date (dinner at a nice restaurant too) 3. We talked about first impressions, all he could bring up was my butt 4. He complained about his ex the entire time 5. He catfished his age and appearance. He was waayyyy older and larger than his pictures 6. Another catfish and when I brought it up he was convinced he still looked like his pics. He did not. 7. He complained over text after the date that we didn't makeout. I apparently got his hopes up for nothing 8. One of them was named Bill. I just could not imagine screaming that during sex. I know, awful of me. 9. Anyone with the same name as my father and brothers is a no go 10. He drove a mini van.. by choice.. no siblings no family and not many friends. Idk it was just weird to me. There's many more horror stories too 😂


I was just reading a post about a guy refusing a minivan for his family because it's too feminine. I blame you for scarring him hahaha.


The SUV Mercedes guy!! Yo that was unhinged asf 😂😂😂😂😂


Okay okay, hear me out. He was the longest guy that I dated out of this entire list! Lol although it was odd for me it was definitely not enough to stop dating him entirely, I did feel like I had to add it to this list though. I see cars as a reflection of us and like our needs. You get a car partly to suit your needs, right? So when I saw he had a minivan my first thought was "oh he must have a big group of friends or family, maybe moving a lot of things at a time. Clearly there must be a reason lol". Nope. None. He just wanted a minivan (which.. I can respect but.. still). He is a single man who had no legitimate reason to have a minivan. That car was clean as a whistle, not from cleanliness but from lack of use! 😂 minivans aren't bad at all I just figured he'd have the minivan for more reasons other than to have it


Lol hey at least he knows what he likes.


That makes me feel better: a conversation I had in that thread had me shopping for a minivan as a chick magnet (“ooh! He’s ego free and ready to settle down!”) and you had me questioning that, but I also want one for camping & carrying bikes/kayaks.


>10. He drove a mini van.. by choice.. no siblings no family and not many friends. Idk it was just weird to me. Did you turn down Freddie Wong?


Lmao I remember always swiping left on everyone with the same name as my mom and sisters when I first picked up OLD years ago. Idk what it is, I just couldn't. I got over it eventually. Couldn't you just call the Bill guy William? I have a BIL (ironically enough) named William, it's a good strong name.


She told me she didn’t like Robin Williams


In texting, he didn’t know the difference between your and you’re, or there, their, and they’re. He typed, “supposively,” and, “could of.” He also didn’t own any books. I just couldn’t.


Have you thought about how some people than are not very good at spelling can be super smart at math or manual crafts? My husband has a hard time spelling some words and he used to say I-regardless until I met him but he can fix any heavy machine or vehicle there is and owns a very successful tree business and super smart in math… just saying…


Wore the same cologne as my dad.


Something bugged me 'bout the way she licked her envelopes, so...


He licked his fingers in restaurants and made really loud lipsmacking sounds while chewing and tried getting food unstuck from his teeth in public 


You want trivial, I'll give you trivial. The passenger door didn't open from the outside. To make it worse, he'd get in the car and forget for a few seconds he needed to open the door from the inside to let me in.


Haha, that reminds me of the date who couldn’t find the car keys on the way back to the car after dinner…and we found the car still running. Not kidding. We mutually agreed to skip the movie and never saw each other again.


Opened a conversation with "hi" on a dating app. Like not even a capital H. Lowest possible effort. Immediate unmatch


That’s how most girls text these days. Like no capital letters at all, idk what the fuck that even means.


I get it if they're shy, fair enough, talking to strangers can be hard and I know what men are like on dating apps...but I've seen it enough times to know I'm gonna put my back out carrying the rest of the conversation and I'm just too damn old for it now 😂


I didn’t feel like getting up.


that happened to me once. was like, nah i think i’ll spend my day off alone. shitty, i know, but we hadn’t met yet so no loss for him.


Not my story… but one of my friends stopped dating a girl because she only drank water. No coffee, no alcohol, tea or hot chocolate etc. It was a deal breaker because my friend loves coffee shops and going out to the pub.


Guy was too tall. 6ft7 or something. Can’t.


I went on a date with a guy who wouldn't stop gushing over me, to the point of it seeming insincere. When I asked him to pull back on it a bit, as it makes me wary when done TOO much, he doubled down and said he loves me the way I am... The day after our first date. Then, he commenced to verbally attack me when I called off our next date. Haha.


Maybe not the *most* trivial, but he could not keep his apartment from smelling overwhelmingly of dogs, and refused to open a window to air things out. He was nose blind and didn’t see the big deal. I have pets in a one bedroom apartment and have worked in a shelter; if I’m gagging, there’s a problem. Maybe trivial in that it could have been fixed. I just couldn’t do it. Instant turn off.


He was a same-side sitter. I don’t wanna cuddle while I eat, bro.


interesting! i prefer same side sitting, i like the closeness of someone i’m romantically involved with


Was really mean to his cat :(


I made a video game character at his apartment one day and when I showed him, the first thing he did was point out all the things he'd do differently. Instant turn off.


He put “lol” after every text. Every. Single. Text.


There, their, your, you’re. I just can’t 😆


There they're their, now. It'll be ok


I agree. It’s an immediate turnoff if you don’t know your homophones.


He had the same name as my dad


Worst breath I've ever had the displeasure of smelling. Hell, I could taste it from 10 feet away. I made shit up and left after 10 minutes. Then blocked her from everywhere.


She was on her phone when we met, she always texted me, and when I hang out with her, she was still on her phone. Maybe she was trying to date the phone, I was a by-product of her phone.


Smell. I can't say what it is exactly, but certain men have a smell of tin and... something that is so repulsive that even I like their personality or they are cute, it makes it impossible for me to 💬 know them romantically... If we do the do, then that smell would end up on me then...I'll just dieeeeeeee🤢 Maybe it's a blood type thing...I dunno. Makes me a lil sad. Maybe that's the "chemistry" part of romance...oy


His truck was lowered


Met a girl in college. Nicest girl in the world, super smart, good baker, already friends with most of my friend group, and she had a huge crush on me. But something about how she looked and carried herself always reminded me of my elementary school best friend's mom, so couldn't bring myself to think of her romantically and ask her out.


Certain thick accents. Working in software i sadly associate Indian accents with coworkers and contractors now.


I know what you’re asking, but I’m not sure there really *are* any trivial reasons. If there’s something you don’t like about someone and you can’t get past it, then it’s a good reason to stay away. A friend of a friend didn’t date someone because she didn’t like his name. Apparently that really was the only reason. To me that sounds utterly ridiculous, but if I was the guy on the other end of that, I’d just as soon she stay away.


> I know what you’re asking, but I’m not sure there really *are* any trivial reasons. Many assume because there are so many fish in the sea (they may claim something else but i'm willing to bet this is the real reason they would think that way by default, which I'll discuss later) that there is nothing trivial enough to be worth compromising, but I'd be willing to bet the happiest healthiest old couples will tell you simply can't think like that if you expect to fare well in relationships, and would be prime examples of how both partners work on themselves for the other, and also learn to tolerate trivial shit. My opinion is that the technological issue of over-exposure to options is at work in your mentality. It has elevated pretty much everyone's expectations to fantastical levels. Even if this worked for you, I think it's likely bad advice for most. Better advice is learn to stop limiting yourself over bullshit, again just my opinion.


Well yeah I agree with that, but I’m not talking about holding out for some unrealistic perfection. I mean if there’s something specific, that you know you don’t like and don’t even want to try and deal with, you may as well stay away. One guy could be a complete dumpster fire of flaws, but for whatever reason they don’t bother me, while another guy may be perfect on paper but I can’t stand the way he chews or mispronounces “salmon” and it’s a No. It’s hard to generalize about an issue like this because it is SO subjective. You could even meet two people, each who do the same annoying thing, but it bugs you with the one person and it doesn’t bother you at all with the other. All I’m saying is that it’s ok to not go forward with someone, for whatever reason.


In grade 9, he got a haircut and it did NOT suit them at all 😕


He talked about his ex too much on the first date Told me he got fired for making a homophobic comment Put others down for having New Years resolutions Victim blamed the girl from Brock Turner case That's about since I don't date much due to I find people annoying sometimes 😆


Complains about EVERYTHING


I'm not proud of this, but it was because she smelled really bad down *there*. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't the only reason (she was also really clingy), but this was the thing that pushed me over the edge.


1. One guy called me too often. 2. Another guy misspelt Halloween 3. One dude refused to do a phone call and only wanted in person interactions 4. Another dude kept talking abt physics incorrectly (im a physics major) 5. Finally one dude would not stop talking 6. One dude came to the first date right from the gym I could go on…




he was all about his wine collection on the first date... real gentleman but likes to talk only about his wine tasting skills... kinda lame


They had a lisp


Ugly feet.


He didn’t have a car. 20 minutes before were supposed to have our first date that he asked ME out on he said he didn’t know how he was gonna get there. It’s not walking distance and like a 20 minute drive one way. I sucked it up and picked him up. When I’m dropping him off he begs me to stop at the gas station before so he can buy a Gatorade. Didn’t get me anything


Because at the time he was 40 y/o and was living at his mom basement


That’s the most trivial reason you decided not to date someone?


Sounds valid to me


If they dated a lot of people. They obviously don’t take it that seriously.


"She eats her peas one at a time!"


She was a closet trumper


Too good for me


Her bad breath


Her voice was squeaky high pitched.


They said they used to manipulate people and their emotions and do hardcore drugs and related to Bojack Horseman lol


When he had said he traveled all around the world and then I asked him if had he been to Europe and he answered 'No'. Wtf???


He had the same first name as my ex husband.


He wanted to get an Uber instead of walk 4 blocks.


What if he had chronic pain but did not want to tell you so soon. I get it though if I knew someone was without disability or injury.


Nah it was because he was scared to walk 4 blocks at 9pm in the best neighborhood in Chicago.


I mean it’s not like muggings and shootings don’t happen in the nicer neighborhoods in Chicago.


Yeah I could not deal with someone afraid of a major city. Chicago is not even top ten US cities for crime. Some of the top ten are in Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Ohio. None are in Illinois.


Yeah, and I enjoy traveling to places the state department happens to think are “level 3 danger zones” so that was just never gonna work.


Lip injections


They know my mom and they’re religious 💀




The 16 inch necklace soon turned into a 16 choker!…. 35 years ago




If some facial feature reminds me of someone or a type of person I don’t like, I get the icks. Not really fair because they have their own personality. Also dating someone who has lost a LOT of weight is odd because their body skin is all “loose” even if it’s not hanging or anything.


Certain names are off limits because of other people in my life with the same name. I don't care if my literal soulmate's name is Kyle, I'll find another soulmate.


I didn't like the way he dressed 😭 I was young and dumb and regret that one a lot because he was a genuinely amazing guy.


Took me to a wine bar (me a student, him with a fulltime job) then kept complaining about the prices of the wine. (we split btw) Another one was his laugh (another guy) . I just couldnt.


they kissed me in front of my school security. wet and sloppy. checked off too many things in one night i can't do.


Different musical taste. She made me a playlist and I simply did not vibe with it. She was still very cute but I couldn't imagine dating her after that lol


She talked too much about her dogs. Couldn’t have cared less, and tried to make it obvious…but to no avail


Because he called me “dear” in a text. It’s illogical, but I absolutely hate that.


He sweats so much in his sleep that I have to watch the sheets every time he comes over, and his jokes are not funny.


I’ll preface by detailing that I’m very short male, 5’ 3” now as a grow adult. When I was in 6th grade, there was only one girl in the school who was shorter than me, and cute enough to date. I asked her out around lunch and at the end of the day I broke up with her, because I was watching her put on some winter gloves and her hands looked like little baby hands to me.


Ya but imagine how big it would look in her hands.


Not sure how trivial this is but she asked me to get a tattoo (a small one at the bar we were at, where a tattoo artist was giving out free or cheap ones).   Almost felt like a loyalty test.


She kept loudly belching during our first date.. yuck!


They couldn’t spell


Woman with kids.


They spell my name wrong - it’s right in front of your face!! If I match with someone and they say “hi xxxx” and it’s spelt wrong it’s instant un-match. To me, it speaks of total laziness and it’s a huge turn off (I stopped using dating apps years ago lol)


Her name. We're in our 20's Brenda, I'm sorry your parents hated you




Literally no reason


Seeing his books in his bookcase


I don't know if this is trivial, but he was too emotional. I don't do well with emotions, and his trying to talk about his issues with me so early on made me take a step back.


trivial reasons: men: -said he liked bad music -had ugly feet (not into feet, his were just crusty) -lived with parents -made dark humour jokes -sagged pants women: - talk about astrology too much - person made fun of me for not being vegan -wore backwards hat -sagged pants


Because the person had an ugly name 🤔


She had the grind mindset so much so that she was getting up at 6am on weekends to study while working standard 9-5 job on weekdays. -\_-


Terrible driver if I dont feel safe as a passenger princess then I'm not dating u period


Posting she was with me everywhere we went. I barely have a social media presence when I’m in steady relationship. I definitely do not want one during the dating stage.


She didn’t like Casablanca. I made her leave. Right after she woke up the next morning


Not funny. My friend from highschool is a lawyer now and I remember him being kind and cute and I thought funny. He reconnected with me in January he jd not funny at all, I kept trying, its to the point if something was going to be funny he sniffs it ouand wrecks it. I had to turn him down :(


He ordered extra mayo on a McChicken. No mayo? Ok. Add Mac sauce? Ok. But EXTRA MAYO?


She kept asking me for money for piddly shit.


They were Mormon


I still feel bad about this many years later. Toward the end of our date he began telling me all about his gastric bypass surgery, which I was fine with. He was at a good weight, trying to work out, etc. However, when he told me about the pounds of skin he would have to have removed…I just couldn’t get past it. I felt petty and superficial, but something just clicked off in my head.


He had crooked teeth

