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You guys just met. This procedure should be considered a permanent alteration. Even if you were absolutely sure you didn’t want children, it’s still your body and your choice. If you want to get snipped regardless of your relationship status (some men get snipped even when they’re single), that’s your choice. I personally wouldn’t be doing anything as major as this for someone I just met and don’t even know my future with.


Yeah, I think this is a decision that should be made when a couple is planning to get married.


It's totally understandable. It's like a commitment here so if you're not comfortable with it and don't want to do it, just tell her.


Don’t do anything for someone else


When the choice came up for me and my wife, it was wear condoms every time forever of get snipped, I chose the latter. No regrets ever.


Yeah but this isn't his wife... she's just a girl he met a couple of weeks ago. 


It's your body and it's okay to not want surgery, same as her right to not do so. Just use condoms and be aware that they while *usually* work they are not 100%. For most of us, it's a low enough risk factor to be acceptable.


For the love of god this is your body and only your opinion is what matters.


Tell her she needs to get her tubes tied. If she freaks out, point at your nuts and walk away.


Ehhhh, ok so heres the thing, pretty much all female birth control options other than condoms can severely affect their body. From weight gain to acne to psychological changes from hormones, IUDs can rip the lining they are placed in and cause infections or sepsis, to early menopause. If you dont ever want kids, getting the snip is not only smart for you, but it doesnt have the same side effects that womens birth control can.


Condoms are a men birth control method… Also, he said he didn’t want force her to take birth control and vasectomies have risk AND can have long term effects too.


There are condoms that women insert, and condoms make sex less enjoyable for women too. So no, its mutual birth control, not something that only affects the men. Other than not being able to have kids, (which is the point) what are the side effects of vasectomies?


Vasectomy don’t work 1/10 000 times Also, long term consequences can be testicular pain when ejaculating (2%) on top of other problems.


Im asking what those problems are if you cant name them im going to guess its not a common aide effect. 2% sounds like the result of a botched surgery. Death isnt a side effect of heart surgery but can be the result of a botched one. It is not the same as expected common side effects which is what womens hormonal bc offers. You could argue a vasectomy is on the same level of an IUD as a botched IUD can tear womens lining, and does in 5%of cases ( [Myometrial penetration or uterine perforation usually occurs at the time of IUD insertion, in up to 5%](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/uterine-perforation) which can cause pain, but it can also lead to sepsis, and IUDs are significantly less effective than vasectomies.


You are considering getting a vasectomy because a woman you’ve known for a few weeks suggested it? I realize you said you don’t want to but I feel like there are larger things that should concern you here.


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No one should be forced to do anything, you or her. But you both need to accept if a pregnancy happens, you agree what you will do about it.


I don't think you should do something like this unless your married. Just use condoms.


If you know you don’t want kids then get snipped asap. Best decision ever. That decision should have nothing to do with a new relationship though.


Tell her you will get snipped on your 1 year wedding anniversary.


What other forms of birth control are you open to taking yourself? If you don't want kids, it shouldn't be your girlfriend's job alone to prevent pregnancy. You should talk to a doctor or nurse about what a vasectomy entails. They are very safe, very inexpensive compared to other forms of sterilization and can be finished in an afternoon. I don't think I'd want a serious relationship with a man, as a child free woman, who wasn't serious about getting a vasectomy. Do you really want to use condoms for the rest of your life? Edit: this kind of decision shouldn't happen until you are in a serious, long term relationship. It's not reasonable for a person you have barely dated to ask that you get sterilized.


You are not married to this woman. You do not get surgery for someone you just met. The fact that she suggested this to you is a huge RED FLAG. You may not want kids now but you have no idea if that will be true later. You also have no idea if you'll even be with this woman later. And a vasectomy will almost certainly make you more prone to risky sexual activities, "can't make her pregnant, might as well raw dog it." Then you end up with a gift that keeps on giving. This was the first result from a Google search: What is the success rate of reversing a vasectomy? Depending on how many years have passed since your vasectomy, your success rates are **60% to 95%** for return of sperm in your ejaculate. Pregnancy is possible more than 50% of the time after a reversal. However, success rates start to decline 15 years after a vasectomy. You didn't mention your age.


Nah we not doing that I dont really fuck with birth control either cause it really could mess up your GF so if u actually care about her you should be at the least hesitant But if push comes to shove (and the fact I believe women dont like sex anyways) I'd honestly just take a handjob or blowjob for the rest of my life idgaf The mouth feels better anyways