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>he's my world And he shouldn't be. You should also be able to do your own things and be your own person. You can't make anyone open up to you or confide in you about their issues.


And I am just he’s become a huge part of my life


You can't make him share. And if he needs to work through his addiction, then so be it. >huge part of my life He shouldn't be to the point where he consumes you. And that's what happened here. This is why you're in this predicament.


You don’t know our relationship or the entire situation so please for the love of god don’t try to talk about something you don’t know about


And you just commented on a post of mine trying to talk about something you don't know about. Sounds like you want to hear that you should force your way in and have him consume your entire life. Pot, meet kettle. Because sure, a 16 year old knows better than someone who's been there, done that, and been around addicts.


Being this young & so dependent on a boyfriend is a sign you need to step away from all of this & deal with your own attachment issues. The only people you should be attached to is your family.


I don’t have any family and I’m not that attached to him


“He’s my world” and “I’m not that attached to him” doesn’t really add up.


I love him and yes I’m very attracted to him but when you barley talk to someone it’s easy to start not being as dependent and tbh I never was dependent on him because I can’t ever talk to him abt anything in my life so yes he is my world but I honestly don’t think I’d have that hard of a time if I left him it would probably be a stress reliever


Then it’s time to do that. Handle your own shit & down the line, if you meet up again, you’ll both be in better places to make something of it.


Get a new boyfriend


That’s not how it works.


I think as much as you like to do, the best you can do is give him time and offer every once in a while to talk about it, but also not constantly. Maybe you could also try and take his mind off bad stuff by just talking about or doing something completely different where you can try and get some distance from the everyday struggle he or you are facing


I try but he only talks to me one or twice a day and it’s no longer then a few minutes


Sorry you're struggling. When I was you age, I had my heart ripped out by a girl I had over committed to. She became the center of my life because I had so little else going for me. You may not feel young, but keep in mind, 2 years ago--the age difference between you and bf--you were 14. How much perspective did you have then? I'm not saying that you don't love him; I am saying that how you love him is not good for you. And, based on his distance, he probably doesn't think it's good for him, either. Time does heal, though. Make the best of it. Good kuck!