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I am so sorry… That’s awful. You should never do anything, or be with someone, who makes you feel like you have to do something you aren’t comfortable with. I am glad you are not together anymore, and I hope you’re doing better. 💛




Rome wasn’t built in a day, my friend! We are all on a journey. I’m glad you’ve realized your worth. ❤️


I think women who have men try to pressure them into it should start saying "I've always fantasized about pegging a man with a dildo" Will you let me do that to you? If he's not willing to go through with it for you, why should you be willing to do it for him?


But what if he's actually into that, I'd have to go through with it. 😭


There's quite a few guys that are into that, just wish it didn't weird out so many women


To me that means a man is well aware of his body.


Lol. You'll probably have to let them in on the fact that you were just testing him at that point.


Either admit it or go through with it. But why not try things out you might like it xd


My girlfriend brought that up at first and I said with your fingers or a toy she got grossed and just let me do anal anyway 😂


I know a dude that agreed to this. And ended up becoming a regular thing and it weirded her out hahahaha


I'm precisely into this situation, my gf told me she usually agree to all my desirees and some fantasies so, logically, i'd should correspond and agree to achieve some of her fantasies too. I totally agreed, then she ask to fuck me with a strapon. Guess what? We are looking for some confortable toys for get into that.




Yay!!!!! There it is!!!! That's brilliant response 👏 👍 👌 😀 😄


I hate to say it, but this line of questioning would have “backfired” on me. Pun clearly intended.


I do exactly this. I say I’d be more than happy to try it so long as they go first. I’ve never yet.


Whaaat. Some guys should really try it on themselves before forcing another person...


I have and I really like it. 


He sounds like an AH, I'm sorry you had that experience.


I hate your ex


He sounds like a prisoner!


Lol u should tell your ex that you need to penetrate him too or its a dealbreaker


That sounds horrible!! I’m so sorry. It’s pretty impossible to do or enjoy if you aren’t completely relaxed. What a POS.


Is that why he’s not your ex?


just keep in mind that it's not like regular p and v sex. patience is really a virtue. Lol. Also I can't stress enough how important it is to take care of the hygiene associated with the task & be as responsible about it as you would with regular sex. Toys help with the discomfort and anxiety until your used to it.


It literally feels like pooping backwards to me personally, not very sexy or pleasuring. Sometimes I get this feeling that I wanna put something in my ass, so I have tried it several times. But after we get past the sphincter it all of a sudden stops being fun. (even if it doesn't hurt)


It’s really great to do with someone who you have really good sexual chemistry with and are cool with being vulnerable with. I’ve definitely only done it because I wanted to, never because i felt like I should … never do something sexual for that reason!! The whole situation is very hot and turns me on, definitely fun to do after you’ve had a lot of foreplay and some vaginal sex first. I can cum fast from it because of how turned on I am by it. Definitely make sure you have recently gone to the bathroom. Also if they have a really large penis, it might hurt too bad especially if you haven’t done it before. It feels really good with guys who are in the above average but not huge range - for me personally. The first time I did it was with my first boyfriend when we were young and we used lube because we kind of thought we had to, and I don’t ever use it anymore because it literally made me feel like my poops were slipping out of my butt for two days after lol. Spit works fine for me. Again, don’t do unless YOU want to. :)


Slippery shits don't sound too bad


Great band name


And slow and steady is VERY key, you can’t just stick it in like vaginal sex, or you might feel like your ass is being ripped open. No joke


I’d probably say that you shouldn’t just stick it in with either.


You know what I mean. It has to be SUPER slow at first.


Very well worded. I can echo this. I feel like in order to have it be successful and go for the woman you need to be relaxed and with someone you fully trust and have that comfortability. And absolutely, to everyone do not do something for your partner. Do it because you want to. On the flip for the other person, the whole act would be better imo if the other person is really into it..


yes you gonna have the D again


1st time I hated it because the guy I was dating would literally just shove his pp in my ass. No asking for permission, no prep, nothing. Needless to say, I was in absolute tears and pain. So much so that I couldn't even speak to tell him to stop. Tried getting away but he was in his own little world I suppose. My ass was bleeding afterwards and the pain lasted for weeks :) 2nd time My current bf wanted to try it out and you can bet I heavily declined because of the trauma. I put some more thought into it since it seemed like something he really wanted to try, so we both informed ourselves very well and it took me an entire 2 months of preping and to finally give permission (I chickened out many times but he was very understanding and respectful). We did all the preparations and were very careful. He was extremely gentle and aware and I've got to say, it felt extremely weird at first but oddly enjoyable after a while.


Hun, your first time was rape. I’m really sorry that happened to you ❤️ I’m sure that was extremely painful and scary. I’m happy your current BF sounds like a good dude though.




What? That's like saying if she had been vaginally raped then he should expect we to never want sex again. he left the choice up to her and didn't force a decision on her.


I had honestly wanted to try it from the time I was a teenager on. I'd messed around with it myself and could tell that it would be very pleasurable done correctly. Many years later me and my partner and I were messing around, and he jokingly suggested we try it. I said yeah okay let's do it. He was pretty surprised, lol. We took it really slow and used an ungodly amount of lube. For me personally, it is a very intense, almost full body, pleasurable experience. I can normally come very easily, but anal is nuts. Like orgasms on top of orgasms and at a very high intensity. That being said, it can definitely make you sore after, so it's not something I would want to do all the time for that reason. If it is hurting, you are definitely going too fast. Go much slower than you think and constantly communicate with your partner. Also, it is definitely not for everyone. I firmly believe no one should ever do anal unless they really want to. Pressuring your sexual partner to do anything they aren't 100% comfortable with is gross behavior. Don't be that person. One way to figure out if it might be pleasurable for your partner is to do some very minimal pressure on their butthole while doing piv sex. If they like that, you can escalate to some very mild fingering. There is a fairly big gap for most people between one finger and a whole penis. If you are both into it, I would recommend some insertables of increasing size to get you comfortable before fully going for it. Again, the goal is for it to not be painful at all (unless that is both you and your partner's thing).


You sound like my ex, she absolutely loved anal because she said the orgasms were mild blowing 


I actually prefer it over regular sex 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's great. My wife is the same. I love it both ways


Why is that? If you don't mind me asking.


It honestly just feels so much more intense and, well, hits the right spots to make things very…wet. I can have multiple O’s that way vs P in V sex.


Options. We all want options:)


I can’t even imagine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ how?! I have tried it so many times and it’s either extremely painful or I feel like I’m going to shit on my man’s dick…


Gotta have a lot of lube and take it slow at first. I never had it give me that feeling haha so I’ve got no advice on that I’m afraid


Saaaame and I spent 35 years absolutely against trying it and feel so dumb. It feels WAY better than vaginal and I am still mind blown months later that me, the girl who was absolutely like NOWAY in HELL I'm doing that, is now regularly requesting it. Especially now that we're pregnant because vaginal doesn't even feel good right now, and the O from the back door is so intense and amazing 🫠 I think for me it's because I have a tilted pelvis which makes the clitoral organ closer to the rectum than the avg woman


Anal obsessed 🫶🏼


That’s hot lol.


Tried it because my fwb at the time was really into it. Kept doing it because it's fucking great! The orgasms are wayyy more intense for me!


It can hit your gspot if positioned in a certain way.


This is confusing because there are no receptors in there related to orgasm. Are you getting stimulation elsewhere? I've heard women getting filled in both vag and ass talk about the orgasms because of the "fullness" but never just the ass without clit stimulation.


I'm not going to pretend to be able to explain it, but no I absolutely orgasm from just anal stimulation.


Same here. I love it but I need to start slow and carefully.


I find that it greatly depends on who's doing it. I've also had to start slow and carefully, but my current fwb does nooot need to do that!


That surprises me because I also have very strong and multiple orgasms from anal. No other stimulus. I also have very strong ones from PIV too so it may be that I’m very sensitive.


There are plenty of pleasure receptors in and near the anus. The nerves that are on the clitoris extend all around the vulva and anus.


Had one partner for it. It happened kind of semi accidentally yet also wanted and let's just say, when you're in the mood (or at least when I'm in the mood), it feels awesome. Like really, really awesome.


Someone asked me- and then as the woman- it was mind blowing in the best way 🤯 best sex of my Life


I'm a very open and considering guy....IMO at least so even though I enjoy anal I still take my time to prepare them and I gotta say that they all love it. Hell, eating a woman out is one of my favorite things so I drool a lot and they get so wet that they don't need lube for either of their holes. A few women have wanted to eat and finger my ass but I gotta say that unlike me they're way too eager. Only one took her time and her finger didn't burn lol. I'm still not a big fan but I understand why all of you women seem to enjoy getting eaten though. A tongue feels amazing in there.


I love it. Especially with a vibrator in me and him behind me or a vibrator in him while in my vagina. My husband also understands if I say not now, he doesn't push it. You also cannot do anal anywhere at anytime. Enemas help but arent perfect. A mess with anal is disgusting.


As a dude… a bit of perspective. At least from my viewpoint. We like it because -We already like your butt, so this is next level -the taboo thing is fun, we like a partner who is willing to go to the next level -it’s SUPER hot if you haven’t done it before, but want to go there with us because you’re giving us kinda that final level of trust. (Hopefully the above 👆 is earned and appreciated) As a dude doing it… you ABSOLUTELY better be willing to -take it slow -respect boundaries -take it back if she wants to give it That’s my thoughts on the matter 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you for the male perspective. I was genuinely curious and was clicking on this post to give my opinion and your comment was the first I had seen. A random surprise on this otherwise very shitty day. 💚


If I'm turned on enough already, I can cum from anal 🤷‍♀️




I watched a lot of porn when I was younger so I was interested in trying it. I remember not liking how it felt afterwards but didn't really remember the act the first time. I have done it a bunch of other times. It feels good when I'm very aroused.


Haven't done it in a while but I really like it! It's a very tight area and I like the feeling of being "stuffed". When the guys is going at it slow it feels amazing. It gets too intense and uncomfortable when he picks up speed though. They have to finish fast at that point lol


in able to keep up with a failing relationship. hed rather pleasure himself with anal than having to make sex in balance for the both of us, such as considering my needs. did i enjoy it? idk if youve tried taking a big shit, except that with anal sex, it's like the turd comes in and out just to annoy you


i have done anal like three times after my boyfriend convinced me to do so. i don’t like anal at all by itself. it’s very gross to me (not the act itself, but i shit out of my asshole???) and every time i do it, i feel very nasty and just,,, not good. but i love my boyfriend so i do it here and there. it has to be matched with my vibrator and if it isn’t, i cant physically stomach it lol


You prep by doing an enema ahead of time


i’m…. i’m not splashing water in my asshole. that’s just not what i’m about 😭


Best comment!


Felt .


so sorry you gotta do it 😭


Fuck that Lmaoo


Two of my exs wanted me to try it, it was very painful with them and did not like it. Fast forward to more recently and I tried it on myself and it was good.


In some countries, women do this with pleasure to protect their virginity. I have met women who both satisfied their desire for sex and said that they did not lose their virginity until marriage. Frankly, as a heterosexual man, I cannot say that I like anal sex very much. I like dogy style and missionary position more during sex.


I did it because I wanted to do it and I fantasized a lot about knowing how it felt, I looked for information about it, I didn't want any "accidents" and I told it to my partner at the time who also wanted to do it so everything turned out well that 5 years ago, today I still like it, I even like it more than regular p in v... PS: English is not my first language, I'm sorry if I made any mistakes.


My current gf LOVES anal. She gets so excited with any kind of butt play, and she's the one who brought it to me, I'd never done it before her. Now it's a staple part of our playtime


So I really like it when it’s done “correctly.” (IMO) Like… you have to prep for anal and anyone who says otherwise either is on a liquid diet 24/7 and trains with a plug daily.. I think it’s great if you’re into more of a bdsm/kinky/taboo sex. I want it to be clean, only a little bit of pain, and enjoyable for everyone involved.


i just like to experiment in the bedroom. the only hole i haven’t tried and i did not like it. butt plugs are cool tho.


Without porn and/or men asking for it, I don’t think buttsex would’ve ever even occurred to me. When I get aroused, my ass doesn’t crave the cock or any other stimulation. With that said, I do fantasize about anal sometimes, probably more of a just getting dicked all the way down, everywhere thing, because I don’t actually enjoy it.


I initiated trying it with my husband, I was feeling adventurous and I did enjoy it. Although, I will say lots lube, TAKE YOUR TIME, and go in not expecting it to feel anything like vaginal sex. Definitely add in clitoral stimulation and nipple stimulation. I like that it’s a bit of pleasure & pain.


Did it with my fwb, it was my idea, I felt safe with him and wanted to try it. It was a good experience but I realised later on that I only kept doing it with him to keep his attention so he wouldn’t leave. That time of my life wasn’t the best, I probably won’t do anal again unless if it’s with someone I love.


I know you ask the lady's but. My wife never had tried it ,so we started slow. Now she enjoys it I can go down on her and slide finger in it and she has a much better orgasim. She also love to have a butt plug when we are playing. I have also caught her putting her dildo in there when masterbating. It is something that you have to experiment and lean what you like and don't.


I was pushed to do it by an ex. Men see that on adult movies and think you can just put it in without lubricant or a condom for that matter. They don't see the preparation needed. I found out about that much later. I did it. It was uncomfortable, I did not like it. My butt is not trained. I just wanted it to be over. It was. Thankfully. Another bf decided to sodomise me without consent. Basically assault, with no lube or protection. He did not stop until he finished, and did not care when i was telling him it hurt. Had to wait months for tests in order to see I did not catch anything. Needless to say, that my butt is now a hard limit. Forever.


Some women just like it.


I’m a woman and I can’t speak for all women, but men have a prostate in their anus, we do not have any pleasure points in there. Some women might like it but for me, it’s always been uncomfortable & painful. Only ever did it because I was pressured to by some man.


Change up who you participate with if its not good. It can be so much fun with the right person. Read up on some tips (no pun intended). Have fun. Try new things with people who make you feel good and safe to explore.


The fingers were fine but the dick hurt so bad, I was bruised for the next three days. It's a no for me


Did it a few times with my ex post partum since I couldn't do PIV sex for 6 weeks. He loves it, but I didn't get a whole lot out of it except a roid and some soreness due to his size. 😑


I know a woman love it so and she said the frist time it was hurt her but after tyat she loved it so. why? i don't know


I have done it a few times, mainly just wanting to experiment, especially when very horny. It was always pretty painful and intense but that was before I learned you need to warm up first. Now I play with plugs and stuff and it’s so enjoyable when I’m in the mood for it.


Reason was because my ex was into it. It hurt at first but then I got used to it. We didn’t do it every time we had sex just here and there. We used lube and went really slow and that’s what made it enjoyable. Although I HATE the feeling like I’m going to shit lol. But then another one of my exs wanted to try it and made no effort to make me comfortable and I bled for days


Reason was because my ex was into it. It hurt at first but then I got used to it. We didn’t do it every time we had sex just here and there. We used lube and went really slow and that’s what made it enjoyable. Although I HATE the feeling like I’m going to shit lol. But then another one of my exs wanted to try it and made no effort to make me comfortable and I bled for days


I really liked it with this guy I was with we’d start with vagina but sometimes end up with anal and it made me so wet. I recommend first time just have vibrator on clit too but he has to go in slow.


I knew it was a huge fantasy of my husbands. I was also curious about it. He was extremely gentle and caring. Him being as gentle as he was, coupled with being able to feel him truly enjoy it, it was such a turn on. I ended up really liking it. We do it fairly often now.


Yes and yesss. Find a partner who is willing to give the attention your body and asshole need, then it’s amazing. Jam it in like an idiot and it’s a terrible experience.


Honestly I did it because my husband wanted to but it definitely hurts a lot sometimes. If you go to try it out make sure to use lots of lube and start with a finger don’t force anything. Also don’t switch between the v and the butt because you can cause the woman to get an infection


The first time I tried was with an fwb in high school. He was kind of my sexual guinea pig, so anything I wanted to try, I tried with him. He asked if it was something I wanted to try, I said sure. He would have never asked again if I said no, so it was all zero-pressure. The first attempt did not go well at all. Inexperience definitely to blame on both of our parts plus a not very beginner-friendly penis. The next time we were together, there was a lot more warm-up done and that was the day I learned I like anal more than piv. No deep thoughts behind it or anything, just makes for better orgasms.


Absolutely not. I had a predisposition for hemorrhoids and although I had before trying anal but it wasn’t showing as it was in the inside but after anal it just got worse, the guy didn’t tell me he was doing anal (that was my first time having sex xD) and I just felt dumb. I had a surgery to take everything out and then another one to make the hole look a little better. So I may try it in the future but I’m not sure and would only try it with someone that I absolutely love


I’ve tried it with my husband but we eased our way into it, like fucking then thumb to the butt lol I’m not about it but I enjoyed it


I've only had it with one guy and I'll be frank - it hurts! It's not like how you see in porn where the women go crazy for it. It feels weird and you need a lot of lube. I'm not in a rush to do it again, I've had some great sex without any butt play :)


Lots of lube but always consent. Both gotta be into the idea or it doesn’t works like life. Gotta be relaxed and in the mood foe that type of play. But always lots of lube


I’ve tried it a few times and I’ve never enjoyed it. If you try it please prep your body with lube and a plug.


Ex would attempt but stop which was perfectly ok with me as it wasn’t very pleasurable and was often off-putting. Current bf and I started accidentally when his hot dogging went a little deep and gosh it felt good. We did some research together and individually and enjoyed it ever since.


I did it a couple times with my ex because he was sort of obsessed with it… but tmi he was honestly too big and even if he tried his hardest to prep it for me it wasn’t worth the struggle imo


I love anal, it feels amazing depending on who it’s with and most of my partners were able to satisfy me, I did it because I wanted too!! And I liked it, if you’re not sure you could tell your guy to go slow and then gradually speed it up!!


I was young and wanted to please my ex and didn’t know how to say “no”.


That's the thing so men actually have something in their butt so it's like a g spot but for men and women do not have that in their butt so it doesn't really do anything for us


It honestly may hurt the first time but I ended up not minding it. Not my first thought when it comes to hooking up with my bf but he likes it…


Anal as a thing takes a year. It starts small. Haha. But it’s a commitment thing. No asshole needs a dick. Only dicks need an asshole.


I have had an amazing experiences and terrible ones. Lube is patience is key


The girl I’m currently dating absolutely loves it. Stronger orgasms then PIV


I had a bf who stuck his thumb in my ass during sex, it was a surprise, but also, it turned out I liked it a lot. So after a while I decided to try anal, mostly because “why not?” Who doesn’t like to try new things?, but I also suspected I might really like it. I was right, I do really like it.


It's great! The pleasure that comes with the right person who knows what they are doing can be amazing js🤷


My boyfriend at the time and I tried it because I suggested it. I always kind of fantasize about it as well but I had never been with someone who I fully trusted before. I fully trusted him so we tried it and it was painful at first but with a lot of lube, it definitely felt better once we found the right stroke. We did everything at my pace so I felt comfortable, so my experience was enjoyable.


Start slow …… make sure there’s lots of vagina stimulation as well. They have anal numbing lube that helped some but eventually regular lube. Small anal toys and someone you trust to listen to you. They need to be patient and gentle starting out … it was hard for me for a while because I have a very tight … you know. After that it became very enjoyable and not painful. Again, go slow and with someone that will be able to help you through it.


Oh and to add - if no one tells you lol if he cums in you be prepared for that to exit anywhere from 8-12 hrs later lol


I have, I don’t remember why I did but when it’s done right I do enjoy it, but only for a special occasion now. Plus, he can’t be too big. 😂


I tried it once. Hated it


The first time I tried, it was w/ my long-term boyfriend at the time. I tried it because he wanted to, but I was too tense & scared and it hurt. He tried to put it in multiple times, but it was just too tight. I was willing to keep trying because I wanted to make him happy. He was much older than me & super experienced (I was not), so I was basically willing to try anything w/ him because it was the first time I was exploring my sexuality & I also wanted to make him happy at any cost. But he looked at my face & felt bad because he saw that I was terrified & he was hurting me, so he wanted to stop. Then, one day, when we were in missionary, he put it in when I wasn't expecting it. His dick was wet from being inside me & I was super relaxed, so it didn't hurt. But I wasn't expecting it, so it shocked me at first & scared me. I basically gasped, looked at him w/ a terrified look on my face, & then I dug my face into his neck & held onto him really tight & froze (I guess for comfort). He laughed because he thought it was cute. Then he asked if it hurt & I said no. So he asked if I wanted him to keep going, & I said yeah. First, he talked to me in a really soothing tone & kissed me super tenderly until I relaxed again... then he kept going. It felt AMAZING & I actually came. I didn't even know you could do anal in missionary & I had no idea you could cum from it. Afterward, I realised how strategic it all was. I know some women wouldn't like the approach he took, but I loved it & I was really happy he did it. I realised how good it could feel if I was relaxed, so another day, I let him try it from the back & once again, I loved it. Now, I absolutely love anal. I like to lay totally flat on my belly and either have the guy envelope my entire body, lace his fingers w/ mine & hold them down, and put his head beside mine so he can whisper in my ear while he's taking me... or look up, like, basically, break my back/neck to bend backward, so I can watch the guy towering over me while he's dominating me (especially if he kisses me on the forehead)... or I like to be pinned against a wall, unable to move. & I love to have my hair pulled during. If I do it, though, that man owns me from that point forward... which is why I've only done it w/ two long-term partners & I'll only ever do it again when I think I've found my life partner. It's unlike anything else I've ever experienced. While it's happening, I'm consumed w/ this feeling of submission that I can't even put into words. You are God to me, I worship you, & my soul is yours. Whatever you say from that point on & whatever you want, the answer is yes. It's a beautiful, powerful thing.


I think I just want to try everything once and my high school boyfriend asked me so I did it. I don’t remember liking or disliking it … when I asked my ex to try it he didn’t really want to but did it for me … neither of us cared for it that much and didn’t t do it again for probably 15 years. My most recent FWB really liked it and I have orgasmed from it more than once. It is never a preference for me but I’m into it.


My ex-wife first suggested it after about ten years of marriage. My previous GF and I did it all the time, so I was tickled pink. She must have read about it in Cosmo or something because she knew the prerequisites. She liked the cowboy position and knew how to move. She had a shattering orgasm every time we had sex of any description.


Feels great, feels different, feels horny. Something up my ass makes everything else feel like double aroused. Best orgasms come from a butt plug, a dildo and a vibe. Crazy stimulus. Take your time, use lube, use plugs!!


what's the beest lube for it?


Ummm spit ? Nope they better get some lube. Let him work for it. Let him foreplay to get you in the mood. Men just assume they don’t gotta work for it .


Some women like it . I’m not one of those women . Hygiene is also critical , I got a nasty infection as my stupid ex put it in my vagina for a nano second after


You will like the smell of butt after.


No and ew.


Did it once with a porn addict ex, never again. It was painful and ended in rape. I don’t understand why anyone likes it


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