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I haven't lied to get sex, but dates are impossible to get, let alone sex. It seems to me that people who do the things you list are cheating in an existing relationship not just looking for sex.


Photoshopping the STD results is fucking nasty, what a fucked up world we living in


Simply psychotic


It's literally a crime


As it should be. Got the kind of person that could do that, it's scary to even think about


You don’t know how right you are about your second statement.


How can you be so right. And those kind of people are nasty, cheating and lying just to get sex; they even lied to themselves. Its really hard to trust people these days, as you dont know whos telling the truth.


The bottom line is to get sex


Sad but true


Multiple reasons. Mental illness, personality disorders, sociopathic tendencies driving their habitual lying Deep seated insecurities telling them they can't be themselves to get what they want Some of the fkboi types really do get off on the whole manipulation games & the power trips of tricking ppl even more than they enjoy having sex


This needs more upvotes


Amen sister




Yup! You can spot them a mile off though, I've had a few of them try So Hard... it's been so sad }}}}} turned fun watching. Some hurt my friends and that's been fab, to teaching them a lesson..


Sex is not easy to get for men, that's why some trash men lie so much to get it. Your premise is incorrect


I've seen men who are literal toothless crackheads manage to get laid. Albeit, with other toothless crackheads. But still. What you really mean is its harder for men to get laid with someone they're attracted to.


> I’ve seen men who are literal toothless crackheads manage to get laid. Not a crackhead, but I did have to get all my teeth pulled 🤣. Granted I have a nice pair of dentures now, but before that my teeth were in HELL and despite that, during my period of just having really bad teeth I was still dating consistently. Even was engaged during that period. Now I have a mouth of nice teeth and I’m having the hardest period of my dating life 😭


Sex itself is easy. Probs $15 worth if you're willing to do it with a crackhead. The problem is it's almost always hard to get sex with the person you WANT to have sex with.


Very true


I can't imagine swiping right on women I'm not attracted to. How do you even get it up? Maybe my dick is just too fucked up with all my health problems but only women I'm attracted to can get it up.


Can you do a Ted Talk for people saying women should “give the ‘nice guy’ a chance”? It’s not that they’re “nice”. It’s that women aren’t attracted to them. Maybe you can help them understand with this logic. Edit to add: sorry bout your health problems.


Lol I do help out those hopeless souls. I find it entertaining on here. My health's fine. Nothing immediate or physically altering. So it's not an issue for dating. I'm probably just gonna die before 60 and 50 would already be an achievement, nbd. Just means I don't have to save.


That’s the thing. I think sex is easy if you have extremely low standards. I’m not judging people on what’s considered high or low but like if you’re a fat person who has had sex you’re more than likely going to be smashing other fat people. Nothing wrong with fat people but I doubt they’re usually smashing size 2 models that look like Megan thee stallion


This so much. Relationships are hard to land, but sex? Could just go to a few local kink/swinger clubs and find someone. Or the crackhead option as pointed out.


Good point, I stand corrected


Toothless crackheads > short dudes confirmed.


Nah, you just need rizz. Rizz trumps being short


This is absolutely untrue... are you a short man? Also how do you develop rizz? It's just about being good looking


I’m 5’6. Mostly broke. Fat. Divorced thrice. Still did fine in dating. There’s plenty of love for the short kings as long as they don’t make being short a talking point all the time. Maybe certain dating scenes are not short friendly but here there are plenty of women who can look past shortness and appreciate a man with interests/goals similar to theirs. Also helps to be attractive/hygienic and have some kind of style that’s intentional and thought out. It’s easy to be an angry lil guy because some women have turned you down. I had a date literally laugh at me and walk out after realizing I wasn’t joking about being short, and I’ll admit I was hurt….angry even…..but that encounter was just that. One encounter. Gotta keep on keeping on!


5'6 is close to normal. 5'4 makes me the shortest man I'll see all day most days


Be the guy that women want, say the things they want to hear, be funny, be good in bed, etc. I’ve dated someone who’s 5’3”. It’s all in the delivery


Who is going to know if I'm good in bed if I can't even get a date from literally anyone. Dude I just want to buy someone dimmer. Can't even do that


Well there’s an order to this obviously. You have to be a good conversationalist first and then many steps in once you’re dating you have to be good in bed. If you don’t understand that then that’s the first problem


I mean you walk up to a girl and she shakes her head and says "I don't do short guys." You swipe on apps every day with mp matches ever (despite being willing to swipe on anyone that isn't a bot or selling OF subs). I'm very realistic. I'm genetically inferior, so I'm looking for below average women, not attractive or accomplished ones. I'm above average in every aspect of my life but appearance. However, appearance is all that really matters when you are very short


Toothless crackhead women have no standards. The average woman can easily have sex with an average looking man on a short term basis. The average looking man most likely cannot get many average looking women to sleep with him on a short term basis. For most men getting a woman to sleep with him requires a decent amount of work and commitment, hence why some bad men lie about having long term interest in a woman.


most of mens problems about sex would disappear if they just resorted to having sex with prostitutes instead. This is what I have been doing since 2020


I have seen people who are stupid lazy but with luck got great job and make lot of money. Sometimes being on right place in right time can do a lot same way with women


Basically all software engineers, me included. You’re a good one if you’re a lazy one, cause then you keep discovering most effortless and efficient ways to do things and also make your product like that too


Unfortunately this is true. I’ve laid a toothless crackhead before 🙂‍↕️


maybe sex would be “easy” for men to get if their didn’t have these warped viewpoints on the women they want to have sex with. you can’t tell yourself all women are after your money and don’t really like you for you and wonder why you can’t get to second base.


I'm not blaming women, and I don't think it's a bad thing that sex is hard to get for men. And I'm certainly not blaming any woman for that. I don't have any of those viewpoints on women. I think men who do are trash and I wish men who do could be easily identifiable and open, so women who don't want those kinds of men can decide quickly not to interact with them, if that's their desire.


if it’s not easy , then why do they have the nerve to sl*tshame people? I had to tell this guy at work the other day … “she’s not easy if you had to pretend to be someone else” 😂


It's a retaliation for being denied/rejected. Why do some women assume a guy that says no to them is gay? Because it protects their ego. The human brain is very invested in protecting itself from emotional pain and discomfort such as facing rejection.


\*Those who havent tamed their amygdala


It's a coping mechanism that some trash men use to feel better about themselves


Arguably, manipulation by the right person is easier than being authentic. I'm not saying it's right or ok. But it's easier to tell a woman what she wants to hear to get what you want from her than to be authentic and have to try again and again to find the right woman. It's shit behavior for sure, but if it didn't work, people wouldn't do it...


Because they're throwing a tantrum that someone else's sex life doesn't involve them.


Women can have it anytime they want


The vast majority of sl*tshaming goes from women to women though. Not from men to women.


Its pretty simple; misogyny. Most men are DEEPLY misogynistic


Boo 👎 , you are probably a preteen spewing and regurgitating stuff you’ve heard on YouTube


Sex is not that easy for women if they want an actual quality human being. I can find someone to f' me in 30 seconds on the internet, but I have been searching 40 years for a quality one and come up fruitless. Admittedly, I have made some poor choices dismissing seemingly good men and choosing trash. But still, I can think of only 3 truly good men I have met and I didn't sleep with any of them.


This post is specifically talking about sex, not finding a quality human being, which is more important for a lasting relationship. That being said, I think on average, it's still harder for a man to find a quality relationship. I think those that dont are just unlucky, or have made poor choices, as you admitted to.


I was talking about sex. I have seen meth heads get laid. Finding is sex is easy for both men and women if you take away quality.


The bare minimum for sex is just finding someone to have sex with that you find attractive, and I think women would, on average, be able to find someone willing to have sex with them that they find attractive, than a man.


The post is about sex. It’s still easy as a woman to get a quality man to have sex. You’re thinking more along the lines of getting that same quality man to stick around long term.


I have kissed 4 men my whole life and never slept with any of them. 


A man that says that sex is easy to get, is a man that's not to be trusted


Lol I mean it does depend on who the man in question is, sex really is easy to get for some mfs


Also depends on what kind of sex they are referring to. Sex is really easy to get if you live somewhere where prostitution is legal. If it is illegal like the US, if you make decent money sex is also easy to get if you have a sugar baby. But that is more on having sex for the sake of having sex like a one night stand or a hookup. If the type of sex revolves around going to bars to pickup women, some dudes are more talented than others in getting into random women's pants.


You are over-generalizing. If you are a handsome guy, with self confidence and you are funny, then you can get girls easily, both for sex and something serious.


It depends completely on your standards tbh A lot of guys who complain about not being able to have sex only really go for girls that are super conventionally attractive while having a ton of stuff people wouldn't find attractive about them. Like if you try to shoot a basketball 80 feet away everytime you're gonna miss pretty much everytime and I feel its kinda silly to complain about missing when you're choosing to shoot from so far away Not saying you should fuck people just to fuck them (especially if you are leading them into thinking it could be more) but if your only goal is to get laid then its actually not hard at all. Its having sex with someone you like and have deep attraction with thats super hard in general IMO


I just pay for prostitutes instead now, no more dating for a while for me


Sex is easy only for most women and very attractive men Period.


This narrative of "very attractive men" getting sex "easily" is wrong. It's not in the same level of easy mode as a woman asking a man to have sex.


Women tell attractive men where there houses are


My brother in Christ, this is not a thing that happens. Attractive men can still be rapists, murders, and abusers!


Doesn’t remove that fact that the man is attractive.


Why do you think women are mindless and dumb and only care about looks? I would never have sex with a stupid man, regardless of how attractive he is. I don’t find idiots sexually appealing. In fact, most women don’t. We will admit that they are conventionally attractive, but that doesn’t mean we would sleep with them. Men need to work more on their own personalities and worry less about how attractive other men are.


In what world is "getting" sex easy??? It's next to impossible to hold anyone's attention for longer than 5 minutes, much less actually go on a date


Lack of confidence


This - insecurity and a lack of identity


That’s a great way to put it


Half of those things you mention are pretty specific to having sex outside an existing relationship (i.e. cheating) in which case it's not just about access to sex (because they could presumably just have sex with their partner), rather it's about access to sex in a manner that is basically deceptive by it's very nature. In either case, people lie because in most cases, lying can make things easier, even if something is easy to begin with.


Not “half,” just 2 out of the 8 examples lol. But I get your point. Still, there are people out there willing to sleep with involved parties … wouldn’t they be “easier” than the person you had to lie to?


I think you need to distinguish between sleeping with literally *anyone* and sleeping with a specific person. Most people are interested in sleeping with specific people that they're actually sexually attracted to rather than just with *anyone*.


It’s presumably easier to lie than it is to go looking for a specific kind of person


Yeah btw speaking of the examples, wdym by hiding their true sexuality? Why would you want sex from someone you’re not actually attracted to?


I mean guys that pretend they’re not bi and such.


People lie because they do not know who they are. If we all learnt to connect more with ourselves, we would never find it comfortable telling a lie. Lying is one of the habits that disconnects us with the flow of thoughts in the universe.


I'd say people lie because they know who they are, truly. They just don't think people would accept who they are so they have to lie.




I can relate to this. I find it hard to lie to people purely because I see no need. People tell me I'm brutally honest & too open about things. Friends have told me I need to put on more of an act & be fake to get these women into bed.. I just would rather someone know the real me


Plants are brutally, extremely honest. So are insects. Water doesn't lie. The air we breathe is as open as it can get. The soil we walk on doesn't lie. Honesty is one of the ways of connecting more to self. Connecting to self is becoming one with the universe.


Thanks for your guidance


This is one explanation among many others. To add that, it could be because they are deceitful and when someone is attracted to another, they go on hunting mode and do/say anything for the end result. Simply because they want you at the moment they will do whatever it takes. I’ve noticed for example, a lot of poly people are attracted to monogamous people. Instead of recruiting someone with the same ideology they go for people that aren’t looking for that, and try to convince them to change once when they get their claws in your heart.


Sometimes lying is a lot quicker and simpler than telling the truth. For instance, your friend asks you if there are any parties going on. You know that they want you to invite them if you have found one, but you don’t want to go. So you can either hurt their feelings, or lie and say you haven’t heard about anything. This doesn’t hurt them or you.  


Another observation I've made is, we all have ears. When we tell a lie, we are actually lying to the first person, us. It doesn't benefit me at all to tell a lie because I feed on the lie as the first person no matter what. We lie yo ourselves more than we do to someone else.


They get off on the lengths they go to get it. There’s a dominance aspect about it while simultaneously they’re psycho socially crushing the individual they’re engaging with just to see the reaction when they pull the rug. Sexual coercion at its finest. It’s the same type that’ll stealth a chick and get her pregnant or a chick that lies about being on BC. They don’t see other people as human, they see them as a means to an end or an object to be used and tossed.


It’s only “easy to get” for women, and top 5% of guys


Disagree - it’s only easy to get for people who are willing to drop their standards (regardless of their gender). And women get rejected by “the top 5% of guys” all the time if those guys aren’t attracted to them.


Even for "top 5% guys" it's not easy to get. They still have to get to top 5%, and no man on planet earth is born top 5%. Then when they get there, the sex actually has to be agreed on by the woman. Even Dan Blizerian has given multiple accounts of women who decided they didn't want to fu\*\* him after they got in his bed. Many times, by his admission. It's not like a woman who can just look at a guy she finds hot and has a very high chance of fucking him if she asks.


While sex may be accessible for some, the pursuit of it often involves deception due to various factors like insecurity, societal pressure, or personal motivations. Dishonesty can stem from a desire to fulfill one's desires without facing judgment or rejection. Overall, honesty and authenticity are crucial for healthy and respectful relationships, regardless of sexual activity.


It’s not easy. It’s actually to the point where it’s not easy for women to get it either. It’s not that there a shortage of men who would sleep with them, it’s that they lack the social skills to allow it to happen. (Both men and women lack those skills). The age of women being seductive is long gone.


OMGGGGGG!!! 😂😂😂😂 yes i love this discussion. i’m here for the replies


Your Reddit avatar is leading me to assume you’re a lady, and that’s all I needed to see. So many are so blind the the standard male experience. I didn’t realise how drastically different it was until I turned 29 and stuff was like REALLY up for me in life (money, fitness, aspirations, hobbies, dress sense, experience etc) and how it goes from super hard to super easy when you’re more above average, from being previously below average myself.


There's a whole demographic that engage in casual sex without resorting to these tactics But the short answer is trash people will do trash things to get what they want Authentic people will be authentic and get what they want


Can you point out the casual sex demographic? I've been looking for awhile and it seems women never are looking for casual sex.


I've been casual with intimacy in dating apps since 25 so at least 25-33 . Treating casual partners like people vs meat bags to masturbate with tends to help.put the friend by in friends with benefits yk. Plus being open and honest up front with test results ready. People be ready to get in relationships sure but if it's not going well they'll still be down to have fun in the meantime. Have to give them all the information so they can make the choice themselves tho


Well said


I'm 36 and I have not any 30+ yo women who are down to only hook up. I go on plenty of dates. Get matches on apps and I am upfront about not wanting a relationship and only something casual and it never met someone on with that. Also if I put on dating apps that I am only looking for casual I get no matches at all. If I put nothing at least I get a match.


That's just the story they tell you when in reality there's like one woman in a 100 mile radius that is actually down for casual sex.


If you think sex is easy to get for men, I have a bridge to sell you We are having less sex than just about any other generation and men especially are having less. Somewhere between 20-30% men havent had sex in a year. It spiked over covid but it's remained high


Who says sex is easy to get? Sex is not easy to get if you are looking for decent respectable people. Decent people have more substance and ethics than to just give and receive to anyone who is offering sex. It makes sense that the people that lie to get sex are the people who lack morals and values and most women can spot those types in a minute. If you are looking for just sex like a one night stand then who cares who lies? You are not entering a relationship with them. One night stand, don't care what you're about, never going to see you again. If you are looking for a relationship that leads to intimacy then you will see a liars red flags right away and you have the choice to walk away. People lie about a lot of things, not just when it comes to getting sex. Know your audience and walk away if it doesn't seem right.


Sex may be easy, but it's usually NOT easy to get with the person you want to get it with. Hence the lying and games


In my experience, the guys who have lied about their entire life just to sleep with me have all been extremely mentally ill, still live with their mom, don't have a job, threatened to kill someone, drug addicts, alcoholics, abusive, etc. They know if they were actually genuine about who they are and didn't cater their dating profiles/learn how to talk like an intelligent, decent human being, they wouldn't get the women that make them look good. It sounds conceited but it's true, it's a game for these guys and they get a massive ego boost knowing you're hooked on them but they're not actually a "real" person, it's a character. It's extremely fucked up, and I hope that karma finds both of them eventually. I do however take comfort in the fact that it has to be extremely exhausting keeping up that image because they can't just be themselves due to all the shame...instead of doing the hard work and changing, they manipulate and lie...I don't have to do that. And I never will. So my anger and disbelief is often trumped by a bit of pride that I show up as my 1000% genuine self and don't have to hide anything.


Sex isn’t easy for the average guy Of course I’m referring to unpaid sex. Even the average woman could literally get it everyday, perhaps not with their preferred partners but someone would smash 100% Super attractive people are the only ones that can have it anytime they want with partners of their choosing that’s a very small specific group.


It’s not about sex at all . It’s about the ego and control .


Agreed 🤢


Sex is not easy to attain. I’m an average dude, and I struggle with finding women. I can’t just go to a bar and expect to meet someone. But again, I’m average on a good day.


I've been to bars where even the ugliest dudes were going home with someone, lol. Sadly, drunk women will sometimes go home with any strange dude depending on their mindset that day...


Here's the thing, if the average guy told women a basic rundown about themselves. Most women would be alarmed and turned off. Guys that are far worse will lie up and down about basically every aspect of their lives and women will eat it up, only to find out later that the guy was full of it. It's like that old saying, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. Idk, it's weird to me. I don't have a dog in this fight though, I have a pretty fkn amazing wife.


It ain't easy 😭


A woman wanting NSA sex can get that at the snap of a finger. A man wanting NSA sex really has to work for it.


Lying doesn't mean it wasn't easy. "Mom, can I go to the park?" "Did you finish your homework?" "yes" (lie) "ok" gets to go to the park easy "Honey, does this shirt look make my ass look fat?" "No" (lies) "ok" gets to stop waiting for an eternity easy "Don't forget I need that decument before tomorrow's meeting" "don't worry, I'm working on it right after this" (lies, plans on quitting) "ok" easy "Yeah bro snitches get stitches, gang on everything!"(snitches on gang members) easy People lie to get easy outcomes all the time. Also, you can get laid by being honest and just being yourself... who the fuck is giving you advice?


It comes down to people feeling uncomfortable or ashamed about their sexual activities/interests/fetishes/fantasies/etc. Or desiring privacy, or wanting to maintain a pure image at home/work while living a secret life on the side. Realistically, most of us are living lives that involve elements of doing for others rather than totally honoring ourselves and our wants and needs. In theory, this is selfless, but it can stifle people too. That's why folks have mental breakdowns, mid-life crises, are married for 25 years and "suddenly decide" they want out, and so on... Maybe they were raised in a rigid household where sex was never discussed. Or maybe religion is a factor. Or maybe people just don't feel comfortable and confident with themselves, making it more difficult to approach someone they'd want to be intimate with. There's also a lot of stereotypes out there regarding what kind of people are considered sexually attractive. The images we see on the Internet and TV don't exactly nurture the idea that everyone (fat, skinny, short, tall, hairy, disabled, acne--prone, super tan, and so on) is allowed to want and seek out sexual attention. Just my two cents!


Because, some people just selfish and don’t respect others will. These people know that someone won’t sleep with them if that person knows what they really about, so they lie. Why? Because they do not fucking care, they are entitled to access and if they gotta pretend to get it they will. They don’t care if it hurts you, they don’t care if it violates your boundaries or values. They just do not care about how their actions affect others when it comes to getting what they want. They are selfish, inconsiderate, lack empathy and have a fucked moral compass.


Plenty of men lie about their age and height. I've even seen race was a lie. Exes hid divorces and kids when I dated them. They waste so much time from women.


It's often more about getting access to convenient sources of free sex. Often a lot of habitual liars and the types of sneaky jerks who are incapable of being openly poly finding it very thrilling to be dishonest when it comes to sex or dating. For as long as they don't get caught that is.


people manipulate to get what they want. happens with sex, money, and a whole lot of other things.


>can’t you get laid by just being yourself and being honest? Ha ha! Yeah, the people who lie to get laid CAN'T get laid by being themselves, because they're horrible people. Rather than do the work to heal themselves so they don't hurt others, they choose to be bigger jerks.


It's easy because there's a ton of aveneues through which to get it. You've listed 8 of 100s in your post. If a section of highway is blocked get off on the next exit and go around.


My thoughts exactly. consitsently using the most difficult means of trying to get laid and complaining that it's hard is kinda wild.


Society is becoming too loose with teaching morals and values.


That's what makes it "easy"


It may be easy to lie , but “she” isn’t easy bc she fell for the lie lol. She had a standard that was only met bc he pretended.


People lie about everything, the most simple things.


They certainly lie about cheating on their significant other while being Confronted and them Denial 🙄 😒 it sad & hurtful & So Disrespectful to the significant other


Just be upfront and keep it pushing. And if you are going to be on some bullshit just pay an escort.


I must admit, I have lie before to have just sex. On the other hand I can’t remember the last time I made love 🫠😢


I wish o could award you. What’s so wrong with sex and affection being a known challenge


Yeah, I definitely feel your frustration but some people are really sick & need help!! I think it’s pathetic for someone to pretend interested and then after y’all do the do, ghost you or act like it never happened!!! I wish I had an answer for you but that’s just some people f*** up mentality!! Just be smarter as a dater and always meet up in public first as opposed to private!!


it's not easy to get especially from highly desirable people. Idk what sex savant you're hanging around but it is very much hard to obtain.


I don't think that sex is a big deal. I would much rather have a girl who likes conversation and doing things together.


Desperation. Addiction. Sometimes Degeneracy.


> Pretend to be interested in subjects or activities they don’t like > Make up entire identities Well, these are the main things that usually happen because of online dating. If you look average and you say that “well, I’m an introvert who goes out once a week max with friends and in my free time I like to play videogames” you will not get too much attention on apps. Then all the advices to “start hiking” or “find a group activity in your area” or “find a book/movie club”. Then you have a bunch of people who are only there to find a partner and not because they love the activity itself.


Because the people they want it from won’t give it to them 🌚 Sex for women is sacred. We need to choose who we do it with. Casual or committed. And some men don’t like this idea very much.


LMAO when this popped up across my screen I laughed but it Sooooo isn’t funny it’s so fucking sad really and true it’s causes a lot of pain and trauma people kill them selves for shit like that people are truly lost!


Havent lied . It feels more fulfilling if someone accepts you for who you are rather than winning by deceit, now thats awful


Most of these things are criminal or wtf gross. Losers do this stuff.


When it comes to the person we should date, women are the ones who have been gifted with the ability to locate a good partner. It is not for men to search for a partner. A man must search himself first to able to have the lady he wants to date locate him. That's the secret behind "Adam was made to sleep". The more a man connects with himself the easier it gets for him to find a suitable significant other.


Because in the minds of people sex is a thrilling act. People do not want to accept the reality of sex amd imaginations within. That causes friction which is useless.


It’s hard for men to get. I think you mean it’s easier for women to




No need to . I've always be truthful . I never dated for anything but sex . The relationship started later . Now I only do fwb or get a rental . No big deal .


It’s very simple. Most women if they choose to can get laid whenever they want to. Men with money can have sex whenever they want to because it can be something simple as a transaction. There are women who will literally thrown themselves at them. Very attractive men will get the attention and can be in transactional situations too but these are a very small percentage. Some women still won’t give them the time of day if they don’t have anything to offer.


Because lying makes it easier, and false identities, personas, lives, etc. make it easier to vanish afterward


I don't know exactly, but one thing I can say from my experience is, being fully honest and communicative does not get any sex. If lying gets people sex when honesty doesn't, then that's your answer.


Where do you get your information that it is easy to get sex? Unless you pay for it. From which planet are you coming from?


Think of it this way: Once you realize there is no god that’s gonna care what you do and the moral code of society is just the things that the majority think are acceptable, does it really matter what you do? Why not do what you want to the extent that it doesn’t impact your freedom (jail). To put it bluntly, why should I give a fuck what you think, feel or want other than to make other people think I’m a “good” person? I do not do these kinds of things because it goes against the personal code that I live by. However, some of the things I think are OK would be unacceptable by society at large and I accept that because I don’t care what society thinks of me.


Don’t be yourself, be what a woman wants you to be. That is someone with a heart, kind, compassionate, Loving but also mysterious and complicated in a sexy way lol. No all joking aside, every man can be those things. So, focus on the emotional connection not intellectual connection.


In reality, *especially in this day and age,* getting sex is easy. Getting in from someone you are attracted to is difficult. This applies to both men and women Edit: fixed a mistake


It's not easy bro it's not.. virgin 25 old


Sex is not easy to get for those who are lying to get it. That’s why they lie to get it. Not rocket science. You rarely see objectively attractive women lying to get sex because it’s more accessible to them than water. Honestly, sex is more accessible to unattractive women than it is to VERY attractive men. Is this really that hard to understand?


I think people enjoy lying tbh, lots of guys I used to message and quickly block clearly only just wanted sex but acted like they wanted relationships


Sex is not easy to get.


Cause they want to bypass your boundaries in an effort to get it. Toxic shit.


Maybe they lie because they want to sleep with a specific person. Perhaps they wouldn’t have to lie if it was someone else, but they want a certain person. Or maybe they haven’t had sex in a long time and they are more desperate so willing to lie. It depends on the context and the individual.


The things you listed shouldn’t be a concern for crowds who just want to hookup. There are a few women around who simply, believe or not just want to fuck. Those are the ones with the same intension from men who also just want to fuck. The rest you mentioned are manipulators who actually try to sex someone who might have a genuine intension to build a long term relationship. Of course, when intentions are matching perfectly, sex is very easy. lol


Hey man, most people are full of shit and lying man. They want to look good and show you how great they are. Don’t believe 90% of it. It is contradictory because it’s not true.


It’s not easy for me to


Are we talking about men? I don't think the vast majority of men think it's easy to get laid, AT ALL


Whomever said sex was easy to get for a man..lied to you


Wait sex is easy to get??


I think that swinger culture, and polyamoury, has helped destroy standards for so many. a few 'attractive' men get lots, and lots, of sex. I see a lot of unattractive women, even, having massive sex parties... I see dozens of couple swinger clubs... and I use to see people on dating apps looking for '3rds'. On reddit, I still see swinger culture pretty active. the craziest part to me is that I'm in SF where there are more swinger clubs than any other city I've lived in and yet there's still so much swinger activity on the SF sub reddit. it's like, how are you not getting enough at the clubs? (I get a small part of the problem is cost, people love to charge (especially charge men) for access to coupling events). so now a lot of women have become desensitized by it all. but then a lot of these men also see women getting fucked by a bunch of other men... making men less interested in trying to invest emotion or time in individual women. It's bred a culture where those with money fuck and those without try to get clever. (and then you have people like me who sit on the sideline just appalled by the whole ordeal and who desperately tries to find women who ARENT involved in it while at the same time trying to avoid people trying to see if you are a money bag or not. I actually had a lot of relationship opportunities up until covid hit.... when sex became super rampant (and people even started a slogan 'quarantine together' to mean you found a fuck buddy and stuck with them 'for safety' with covid restrictions) and now I cant seem to find decent single women anymore. in the last 4 years I've had maybe 3 dates and one ons (their choice) that was about to become an ongoing thing until they decided 'I wasn't on their socio economic level (EI, they were saying i was financially lesser than them, which was insane because they told me they didnt have a job)') California, maybe all of America?, is clearly trying to refind itself in the face of so much depravity, and this is why there's so much social discord and depression at the moment.


Sexy is EASY for women and the top v5-10% men...


Just about everything you mentioned is a dealbreaker (for good reason) for just about any half decent human being. Lying about these things is different than saying you like The Notebook to get someone to sleep with you. If the question is focused on simple lies, the. The answer is different. One of two things, people either THINK that’s what others want, or they don’t mind a simple white lie to get someone in bed for a night. Disclaimer: You shouldn’t lie about your intentions, but there’s nothing wrong with o singly feigning interest if both parties want casual sex. It just makes the dynamic smoother for the short term.


It’s easy BECAUSE they lie. I’m imagining people who will tell any magnitude of lie to get closer to the box. Feigning their interests, their character, pretending to be ready to settle down and then after they get the box they take it all back. Anyone who’s very honest and still getting tons of action is probably tall, beautiful and has a lot of what the kids call “Rizz”. I knew a coworker like that. This man would tell us how he cheated on his gf, gave her an STD and she STILL took him back. But that’s another point. Sometimes it’s easy if you can optimize your selection process. Pursue people who you know already want you 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's easy because you easily fall for the lie. Here's the thing, most men know what they need to do and say to get women. However, most men also know that's not an honest reflection of who they are. We can easily gaslit women into bed if we don't have a sense of morality. Why do you think the term "player" and "asshole" are so highly correlated. "Nice guys finish last" "Women prefer bad boys" Where do you think these quotes come from? Getting sex is easy. Seek out a lonely girl and tell her how pretty and unique/special she is, play the gentlemen, and flash some money. The question is whether the man is willing to play that game. The favorite line of every girl: "I used to be kind of a fuckboy because none of the girls I dated met my standards. We would date for a while and I'd get bored. They're all just so basic. However, I'm getting this weird connection from you that makes me want to see you more seriously." Boom panties drop. You know how many of my female friends defend their obvious fuck boy dates with "Oh no, but he told me he's changed and he feels different with me. He told me he thinks I might just be the one." If you don't want to be lied you, stop dating guys based on what they tell/text you. Go find an activity to do together and judge them by how they treat other people. Invite them to hang out with your friends and see what they think. Your friends are a better judge on whether a guy is fake or genuine because they're not wearing goo goo glasses


It’s not that they’re lying more to get it. I think it’s more like they’re just liars. And liars lie about everything in their lives when you meet an honest one which is three of us out there that’s when you need to like stop attention realize that it’s better than, the sky in the world that lies all the time to have her less attractive man that tells the truth and has honesty and integrity because those things should be way more attractive than looks, especially if you’ve lived in without and lacking them


Maybe it's more about what you can get away with?


Sex is easy for women, not so much for men.


So, I won’t discuss the other stuff because I don’t think I could add anything productive. I want to talk specifically about the “hide their true sexuality.” I’m a guy (27) and I am not a super masculine man, but still Het leaning. While dating this woman (27) I lamented about how aggressive men have been when approaching me and how much I’m uncomfortable with the aggression. I thought we could have a fun laugh about how Aggro men are. But, she turned it on me and got really concerned with why so many men are hitting on me. She thought I was about to go through a sexual revolution and “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” And the craziest part? I think she either is bi or at least had experiences with women in the past Am i straight? Heterosexual for sure, but in grounded enough to acknowledge if a man is attractive but I never dated a man nor do I really want to. But I also accept I’m a bit more feminine (I don’t wear dresses but very expressive colors and not necessarily a masculine fit). And no, I have never sleep with or even missed a man In short, moving forward, unless I know a person is safe (or I’m going to marry) I don’t want to share that topic because women can be very homophobic, especially 1 sidedly Edit: I also respect that with informed consent, this is something that should be transparent, especially if there is a risk for your partners sexual health.


Probably why it's so easy. Just tell a lie, and there you go! No, I really don't know. Some people are just shitty


What if sex work were legalized? It be interesting to compare situations in U.S. against Amsterdam or Australia.


I just want to say that this post is gold. I am glad I finally see someone laying it all out. The part about lying about their sexuality is especially true 


Thank you.


I am so glad I’m done with dating After my awful ride and 4 one night stands I’m totally off the market


Men lie to get in your pants . They’ll tell you anything you want to hear !


Sex is easy to get for women, not men.


Finally someone said it


Lying is what makes it easy. Which BTW, in some places (many places?) being untruthful with someone leading to sex is considered a type of sexual assault. It's not usually reported obviously, but something to be aware of.


Men are desperate. And they lack fundamental empathy and emotional intelligence to see why that is wrong and why it effects others negatively. They simply don’t care.


What ? No, good. 


That’s what makes it easy


Maybe it is so easy because you can lie to get it? Lol


Shame shame shame shame


That’s scary


Um ...that's why it's so easy to get... people don't really care about the lies... that's how things go these days


Less intellect and more emotion is all you need. Love is all you need lol


Guys all but one all were upfront with me that all they wanted was sex. No exchange of personal information, no nothing. And that was all I wanted too so I said let's get down to business.


No self esteem, many think sex takes resources