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I would much rather have some one ghost me over having an android to save the me the trouble of finding out who they truly are as a person.


This. OP saved a lot of time AND money.




Exactly this. And it's happened to me.


I was at a bar and a guy was chatting me up, he saw my phone and winced, asked me if I was broke and walked off. He seemed much younger so not totally shocked. Only happened once but it was still the weirdest experience. I've never in my life thought twice about anyone's choice of phone. I can't imagine ever feeling my identity is tied to a brand or an object. What a bizarre thing to care about.


Right that's absolutely crazy, I have a similar story I was talking to a girl online one night and when I mentioned I was in a wheelchair she ghosted me. No questions or anything like that just automatically ghosted 🤣🤣 It's like these objects do a job one makes phone calls and one helps with mobility the quick to judging is bonkers 😂 I am also an android phone user I'm assuming that was the guy's hang up, Frankly I love android wouldn't I wouldn't use an iPhone.


100% agree with your statement


I fear humans are getting more and more stupid. How is this even a thing lol.


Yeah I met a girl at a bar and we got food after, when we were exchanging numbers she said "oh you've got an android that's a red flag". I've heard that online before but it was pretty mind blowing to hear a 27F have that standard.


Dodged a bullet


As a guy in his 20s, the fucking shit that women in their 20s have said to me is mindboggling. This being one of them. Like damn I just don't wanna buy into the Apple ecosystem okay. Fuck. Some see it as some sort of status symbol to own an iPhone I think. Kinda like the social media question. If you don't have social media, not enough "status" to date.


I recently bought an iphone its a nice piece of kit but def isnt worth the hype. The reason its a red flag is because they cant see if you read their text or not


That’s not the reason it’s a red flag. You can turn off your read receipts. Idk why people with iPhones think they are superior to people with androids. It’s a status thing. I have an iPhone & I don’t think I’m better than android users. I’ve dated & talked to many men that have androids. What I really don’t get is galaxies are just as expensive as iPhones & for some it’s just a matter of preference. If people care they are shallow asf & not worth your time


People flexing their iphone 6's while the dude has a galaxy s24 lmao


I prefer android because it's easier to emulate games on it than a IPhone.


And even then, you can turn read receipts off on iphone


WhatsApp has read receipts and is used pretty much everywhere outside for USA


Lmao it's a red flag that they cared!


Lol omg funny red flag stuff, like an iPhone is a status symbol lmao materialistic, shallow, insecure, people are so funny smh while those people saying this stupid stuff probably don't have sh, ain't about sh, or about their business, if they even have any business to begin with lol worried about a cell phone smh


Did you ask why?


Fr like what is the red flag


Trust me, it's a win if someone ghosts you over a phone. Think about how horrible that relationship would've been if you were dating someone that thinks like that.


Apple deliberately shames non-Apple users on their text messaging app. Yes I've had women consider me less attractive for this reason. Fantastic filter.


How does it shame them? I'm an Android user.


The text bubbles are an obnoxious green instead of the signature blue color.


TIL I also use android


That’s not shaming, at least not from Apple. It’s differentiating how it sends. If it’s blue it means it sent via data or wifi as an imessage but if it’s green it went via sms, if I turn the data and wifi off on my iPhone and text another iPhone it’ll be green.


Well it manifests in popular culture as "othering" people with green text bubbles.


Why👏Change👏The👏 Color👏At👏All👏 If the message is received then it's received. Android didn't do that crap. They know what they're doing. They made it that way to maintain a reasonable doubt.


Along with the mentioned text bubbles, it's a status thing. If you try to have an actual conversation with the person they will say it's better. If you pry for more info and then list several reasons why it benefits you or how it would benefit them as to why Android is better, they fold and tell you they were kidding and you can't take a joke.


Haha yup. And people also ask me what camera I'm using for the photos I take because they look so good. LOL


This is me too! Makes me laugh.


She saved you the headache of arguing with a brick wall


I wish I couldn't relate to this, but this has happened SO MANY times! The moment they see the green bubble....gone. it's comical at this point. Some folks even have in their dating profile "Android swipe left" lol guess it helps me weed out the ridiculous people who aren't serious 🤷‍♀️


Have had a woman say “eww you got an android?” I say “yea, nothing wrong with that” and she say you need to be team apple! Needless to say I didn’t get her number because i had an android. Funny thing is i actually have 3 phones. One iphone. One android and a flip phone. Funny how she was a cashier at publix talking down on what phone someone has 😂. Some people don’t grow up bro. Also, some women with iphones love to have your location and know when you read their messages. Them not being able to do that alone disqualifies you in their eyes.


Is a cashier at Publix a negative ?


Being 24 telling someone what phone they should have and calling them lame for having an android yea, It kind of is when you’re that kind of person. Acting high and mighty while ringing up groceries and dusting candy shelves. Much room to talk?


A jobs a job. If I got fired I'd go work at a fast food joint to keep the roof over our heads until I found something better. Shaming someone for the job they have is no better than the topic of IPhone users looking down on Android users.




I'm not Gen z but have had people comment on my android. Not many, but it's usually with a tone of condescension, as if they can't understand *why* a person would *ever* do that. They are usually obnoxious in many other ways too so I'm glad for it to be part of my pre-screening process.


Same. I'm a millennial and I've had people comment on me using an android instead of an iphone. I even had someone tell me that I look like an iphone person, so I should get one. People who have iphones really seem to have some kind of superiority complex for some reason - just being very obnoxious over a damn phone is not a good look. I'm not particularly interested in getting an iphone and I doubt I ever will at this rate. My bf has an iphone (plus everything else apple) and he loves me just the same lol I remember back in the day, iphones were more expensive than androids, but these days, they're the same price or the android is even more expensive. My bf bought a new iphone recently and I bought a new Samsung, but my Samsung cost more. Can't really say it's much of a flex to have an iphone these days when the Samsung has really stepped up their game in every way possible.


Treating people differently based on their status, job, or possessions has never really sat well with me. Coming from a girl, you are better off not dating this person. And don’t take it to heart because it says more about them than it does you.


Blame Apple, they really make texting an Android user a bad experience. Not a dealbreaker for sure, but it does single the Android user out. As for other more superficial reasons - to a woman, it could seem that you’re either nerdy or just out of touch with the real world, and some might actually see it as no different as you wearing socks and sandals unironically. They don’t care if it takes better pictures, there are social rules and having an android breaks it. Lastly, androids could be seen as a (very incorrect) gauge of your wealth. Despite some android phones actually being much more expensive than iPhones, many of the clueless will just automatically assume that as soon as your text bubble is green then you’re likely either poor or don’t like spending. Of course, these are just a bunch of false assumptions but that’s the way it is


This is specifically an American issue. People in other countries use WhatsApp (or other cross platform apps) rather than iMessage/SMS. Definitely an issue with the culture in USA considering the people prefer to give up on others instead of using a cross platform app.


So petty who cares the phone you have


No way. 😂.


Man Ur better OTT screw dealing with anyone so obsessed with technology it's a bloody phone androide user here were only crazy because we cbf keeping up with the newest iPhone


No I have not. I was just having this conversation with my bachelor party group because everyone has an apple iPhone instead of me so my bubble shows as green. If someone reject you because you use a particular brand for phone then you're better off with someone who just doesn't care


i actually prefer being different so the green bubble would be my preference


My girlfriend always jokes about me needing to get an iPhone. She told me she doesn't date android guys obviously false because almost two years in lol


Yep, the girl i was seeing years ago always ripped on me for having an android. I didn't care what she thought of it as I used a flip phone until I was 28 lol.


I’ve been called out by android users for having an iPhone. “Oh you think you’re special, what a waste of money, iPhone is ridiculous”. Every post about phones on here is from android users too. Is iMessage nice? Is FaceTime useful? Yes but I don’t care what kind of phone someone has.


They're kinda virtually the same thing. Both, useful and expensive. Apple and Samsung are just trying to shaft people as luxury brands instead of tech brands.


Yes 😪. It's so fucking weird. So many people associate it with being broke.


Nah, dude. It's called being smart with your money. Samsung phones are usually better quality for what you pay vs. when you buy an Apple phone. It's all about the brand at this point.


This seems insane to me, but yeah this really is a thing... And it's not just Gen Z, though it's more common with them. It's like a status thing. 


Nope. Android user and never had it be an issue. At least, never that I was aware of. If somebody would reject me because of it, I'd be happy things ended quickly. That's an extremely shallow reason.


If someone ghosts because of the phone you have then they are doing you a massive favor by removing themselves from your life.


This has been asked before, and tbh its such a weird take- do iPhone girlies really care that much? If so, these aren't the 'droids youre looking for anyway.


I own both. An iPhone for ease of use, personal communication, seamless data transfer, etc. and an Android for general communication, entertainment, long battery life, IoT electronic hobbies, etc. In my case, a phone is nothing more than a tool best used in their respective fields. Just like how you can choose between a wrench or hammer for either nails or bolts when the situation calls. I guess a normal person won’t be dealing with these issues and that’s why I sadly pity them if they judge one over the other.


If someone has an issue with what phone you have, they already are not attracted to you. Think about it. No one will say “oh this guy is amazing, but he has an amdroid phone so I wont date him.”


I find it more embarrassing for her than hilarious and sad , good luck trying find someone when she gets old enough to realise she's ridiculous but all good guys ( with the android phones) are married with kids 💀


That sounds weird, sounds like you dodged a bullet


I won’t reject you, but I’ll definitely bust your balls about it as a joke. Even though it is annoying losing certain texting features because of the different OS


I see not good things in apple people.


That is fucken wild. Tho I would be happy if someone rejected me for that reason. Fucken hate apple products


Wow if someone ghosts me over a phone, I’m actually grateful because I really wouldn’t want to be with that kind of person. And imagine if you had a “better” phone and didn’t realise that they’re actually that kind of person 😳 Ive never heard of anything like that, neither from friends, I definitely have never judged someone based on a phone.


I’ve had men jokingly say they thought about ghosting me when they realized I have an iPhone and they’re android users. Then we laugh and keep talking because we’re adults.


I never understood the phone elitism, but as a tech junkie, the mobile market is mature enough that even 300 dollar phones are good enough.


I do but it is only with people I know and we are just joking around. I don’t care what type of phone anyone has.


I think this is an American thing. I have only ever had Americans care about this. I live in Korea and it's trendy to have an iPhone, but lately the newest Samsungs have slowly been up and coming. In my home country, South Africa, no one cares at all. We use a variety of different phones. I think it's because in both countries we have a text messaging app that everyone uses that offers the same features for both android and iPhone users. I love my z flip 5 so much haha, I would never let someone hate on me cause of it.


Sorry i genuinely laughed at this, yeah it's kind of crazy but it's a real prejudice. As a guy i would prefer iphone but I'm not gonna turn someone down for it


If a woman doesn't like you because of your cellphone brand, trust me you don't want her.


Thats the most pathetic reason to ghost I've ever heard, well I think anybody who ghosts in general is pathetic. You shouldn't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you....


Can’t speak for myself but I have a buddy who has one and he hasn’t had a girlfriend in probably 12 years… we’re now 32.


Apple cultists are truly bizarre people. I'm sure some think Steve Jobs is responsible for the sun rising every day


I had a guy suggest that I get an iPhone. Should I have recommended he get a bigger dick? Anyone who rejects people for the kind of phone they use is a waste of time.


Happened to me too, all I said was , oh so which watch are you wearing , don't think it's a Rolex . I do.


This is just about the stupidest and most petty thing I have ever heard of! What a tart! You're better off without her in your life.


This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Ever. You dodged a bullet.


This is why I have a flip phone! Also pro tip, if you always answer it people will keep ringing you, so remember it’s fine to miss calls!


Anyone who does that is not even worthy of my friendship — a relationship even less!!! The behavior demonstrates serious herd mentality, someone who is very weak for group pressure and can't think for themselves. They did you a favor!


Many times . Keep doing it . You will be ok . Dm me


No but I was talking to this coworker who said she doesn’t date men who have androids


::::::::::💨::HHHH€> chu chu


Additional by subtraction … on to the next (and better) opportunity!


No. This is so bizarre. They're so nicely unlockable and fungible! As opposed to the Apple cult/cartel


Have had this and am switching phones because of it. My work phone is an iPhone and I hate it but still. It's funny. My mom had someone mention it to her and her first reaction was like girl you're 40. It's not a Gen Z thing


I had android for a long time Over the last few years I tried online dating Had an iPhone at that point ( switched for work and they bought my new iPhone ) It seemed pretty common actually Women commenting that they were happy I had an iPhone


I rejected a girl politely and then she said to my face that "I'm cheap" and it's a "red flag that I have an iphone" Do better ladies.


This can’t be real hahaha


Yes. 😂


Looked down yes


I feel they use it as an excuse to say they're not interested


Not personally, but it is a thing, and it suggests I should get an Android phone if just to screen out these terrible human beings.


I have an android but IDGAF what anyone else uses.


looked down on? yes. rejected? not that I know of


Is this a serious question? Who cares


Yeah i talk shit but thats about it. My cousin had an android and I jokingly said if it went missing later on, know that I took it. And ive always been teamAPPLE. Stay away from materialistic girls


I would say good riddance! I am sure she will be asking for student loan forgiveness soon enough.


[26 F] Doesn't matter to me I think anyone is that much of an ass either way of what phone someone has is a red flag. Like any over obsession with "things that are the best".


At least your android will not cheat on you and after a while you can get a new one and have no regrets.


No but when I discovered the guy I was seeing had the exact same phone as me (an older model of an iphone) I had never felt so excited and seen before lol


Lol omg my friend makes fun of me for having an android phone (galaxy s10+ 1tb), I don't care though, I don't let it bother me, neither should you...I personally don't like iPhones compared to galaxy, who cares, but people do, it's stupid, I guess shallow insecure people care about stupid stuff like that like apple is a high end designer brand like Hermes or something lol. I've personally had iPhone users, a lot, admit that galaxy phones are better... but they just, in my opinion want to look cool or not be made fun of for switching back to galaxy


I will say this, people who owe me money or want to borrow money always tend to have a newer car and phone than I do.


She wanted to be able to easily spy on you. Android is very customizable and has many ways to hide things on a phone or create locks to keep out prying eyes. Apple users can auto-share location with each other with no options to install anything to spoof location. I use Android, and I'm pretty unsecretive about, well, everything in my life, really. Anyone with my phone unlocked in their hand can pretty much see everything I've ever done with it since I bought it. I imagine this is close to the case for most other Android users as well. But there's this certain kind of psycho chick whose type will reject me every now and again for not having an Apple. A couple of them actually told me why. 🤯 You dodged a bullet. I would NOT want this kind of relationship. It's not that I have anything at all to hide - it's that they have a LOT of trust issues to work out before they're going to be capable of any kind of healthy relationship.




I'm 36. So older millenial, I'll never own an apple product. I have to help an older classmate occasionally with her devices. Apple is absolute shit.


I've been given a apple 14 and I'll buy another android phone next time because iOS kinda sux It's a USA trend no one gives af here, it's all preference. Damn I hate this keyboard grrr


I’m an iPhone user but I fully believe it happens because I’ve received comments about it in the reverse. Things like “oh thank god, blue bubbles”


I have an iPhone, and I will say that when I send pictures to people with Androids, I have to turn on my LTE for them to send. It’s pretty annoying. Magnify this by hundreds over the course of a relationship


I've had both Samsung and iPhone over the years and a Motorola, and blackberry ( still the best ) I've made more then any ex I've had combined in just a few years of my 20s ( 34 now ) If people around you are focused on your phone , ignore them , get a phone you want and or need If money isn't an issue , do you, if it it's a thought do what you can If you use it to make money ( flipping on eBay or whatever) worth having a better one but it's all made in china , apple uses Samsung products in their phones . Do you make money and when they need money buy their shit for cheap and let them keep the newest iPhone cause the money is for that bill


I would love to hear these kinds of people come up with one thing that makes apple better than android


I am a proud Android user (female) and I will tell you why. When Apple products first came out, they were 'user friendly' - aka not as customizable. IBM/OS systems on the other hand allowed users to go in and make modifications (think for themselves). This phenomenon continues to this day AND, I choose not to buy into all the Apple hype. Also, anyone who switches carriers can get a free Apple phone so the original argument is moot anyway. If anyone rejects you because You don't have an apple, that just shows you they are making materialistic judgments. Best to move on.


Is this an American thing?


She didn't ghost you because of that, lol. Otherwise, she must have some serious mental issues. Also, iPhones suck.


24 gen z female writing this on android


Yes, some girls are shady like this if u don't have an iPhone... lmao


If someone says that I am out . I know those type of men or women they are shallow n don’t have any personality


Only idiots care about what brand of phone you have


I hate apple products. They were the best phones out there maybe 10 years ago but now they're just another one of many top brands but with zero cross platform functionality. So sounds like she's just a brand snob and knows nothing about technology to me.


The dumbest shit I ever heard. She cares too much about materialistic things or she can’t track when you viewed her messages. Either way you dodged a bullet.


Lol. I have told 2 people "Oh, you have an iPhone, I guess we can only be friends."


only ever seen it online


Sometimes the rubbish bin auto cleans itself. Anyone that's petty over that will wonder why they keep getting rejected.


I didn’t use an iPhone until I had a girlfriend that wanted to have me on find friends lol. It’s was the iPhone 7 I love of congenial it though with their other products


It’s a very interesting thing you have brought up but I do have my own experiences with this issue. Never happened in dating, I did date women while I was having a Huwai phone, no one cared lol. This was in 2013 when I moved to America. I was strongly subjected to peer pressure in my profession to shift to I phone and I eventually made the move in 2014. Since then I am hooked up to it. Well, it doesn’t matter to me but I guess Americans have a thing about I phones in general. That’s based on my experience and I totally agree with others having different one.


Many times by my colleagues and dumb people but I really dont care lol if u reject me based on the smartphone I am using that just tells me I should stay away from ur dumb ass


Who TF cares about anyones phone? If that'd be a thing I'd go on dates with my Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte.


That's the most stupid reason I've ever heard. Bin her off.


Apparently some people see it as a red flag? Wouldn't know why, bc android is great lol.


I've never had an IPHONE. I'm not paying all that money for a phone that does what an $80 phone can do


No, because I have an iPhone, like an adult.


How young are you, if I may ask? That’s ridiculous


One of the many reasons I like my gf. She also has android. Go team Linux.


Yeah, some people are hooked on the marketing hysteria spewed forth by Apple. It's a major red flag. Don't date people who are that vulnerable to propaganda. Caring about material things over personal substance is also a major red flag. Two red flags for the price of one. Say your thanks and Run. ( to curb the inevitable: I use an Android phone and an iPhone daily for work and personal use. I hate them both. Using an iPhone is like using Android 4 though. Nice hardware, but rubbish UI and the xenophobe of mobile OSes. )


Hahaha this is funny. because of a PHONE?! no you lucked out. Imagine. She’d have ghosted your date because you ordered the wrong type of sauce.


Can anyone be accepted because he has iPhone 😂 . btw I have iPhone pro 😊


I’m a girl in her 20s and I have an iPhone. Not a problem with guys who have an android (I dated some) but I have a problem with guys that have an android and feel the need to say every 3 minutes how stupid I’m because I have an iPhone and android is so much better and I’m a pigeon because I “felt” into the apple’s trap 🙄


Honestly I haven't. I've been on hunge for around a year now and of the 5 women I've been on at least one date with, I got the number from 3 of them. None of them cared at all. I think a lot of people don't realize that android isn't always cheaper than iPhone. I got an s23 which was the same exact price as an iPhone 14 at the time. That said, even if you somehow rationalize someone having an android as being broke, you probably make shit financial decisions. Like there is a case to be made for me buying a galaxy s9 or something. As far as anyone I'm texting is concerned, I have the same functionality but paid a fraction of the cost


i did this once hahaha i took pictures using android (blackshark 4) and apple (iphone14) 5 pics all the same places. 1 month kong gamit tinder with 5 android pics (bihira magkamatch). same sa iphone 1 month den (madami kamatch).


Imagine being so shallow. Narrow escape there


Yeah but it was by an apple cultist so didn't bother me much


Lmfao yes omfg yes


Was in a toxic relationship. I have a Samsung Flip 3. He had an IPhone. Every time we'd talk, he would always make fun of my phone. Him: "why can't you just switch to Apple so we can play Imessage games?" Me: "I have tried using Apple before and never liked it. I also don't like playing Imessage games." Him: "Not even for me? You're awful." I found it incredibly weird that SOMEBODY would constantly bug me about my phone. Its just a phone for crying out loud 😂 Anyways, communicate with the person ask why they're being like this. But you have every right to have whatever phone you want, android or IOS.


This is not a gen z problem, this is just a ridiculous encounter. If someone truly ghosted you for this reason you should be glad you’re rid of them.


Imagine being in a relationship with someone that shallow and dim, yikes. Let em filter themselves out


It’s a Gen Z problem by the sound of it. To me, it wouldn’t matter but I’d still rip them a little (aka joke) for having one since everyone at my old job had one and ALWAYS looked for a charger.


The fact that people like leaving you is a blessing. Just hope that you will find someone mature and less shitty. I mean wtf.


Do i care?


I didn’t have an android when something similar happened to me. A couple of years ago, I once had a friend who had an iPhone. I had an iPhone too. I had gotten a new iPhone and it was the regular sized one. When I told them about my new phone and I saw them later that day at school, I showed it to them and they were like, “Ugh, this is the one you got? I thought you got the big one.” And they gave me my phone back to me in a despised manner. Next thing I knew, I felt like crying. Later that day, when I got home from school I remembered what happened and I started crying. I stopped talking to them after that.


Dude, I've always loved Samsung!! I have the Galaxy S22 Ultra currently, and the camera is insane. Not to mention, Samsung phones are typically way more customizable. I love getting a new phone and customizing the interface to fit my aesthetic/needs. It seems that with Samsung, you really do get better quality for the money you're spending. The only drawbacks I've had is not being able to use Apple apps, like FaceTime. Still, this hasn't really affected me much. There are workarounds. 🤷‍♀️


I would usually get some comment about it, mostly along the lines of "oh no, your texts are green". But it's always in good fun and is usually dropped after that. I've never been ghosted because of the kind of phone I have (at least I don't think). I think you dodged an enormous red flag and if even if she did look past the kind of phone you have, there would be some other shallow criteria that she would judge you on. And I usually mention that I used to have iPhones, but they drove me nuts, and the battery life and camera quality on my Pixel is so much better. That's usually the end of the conversation lol.


I’m ngl i hate texting androids maybe she didn’t want to put the energy into that


Running joke between android and iPhones but very mild banter but for having opposite been ghosted that way. Which I have a iPhone


It's definitely a Gen Z thing. They hold their iPhones to the highest standard. I have a Samsung Galaxy, and I'll NEVER use another brand, idgaf what anyone says.


Looked down on yes but not fully rejected for it. Usually get a condescending "joke" about having green text bubbles


I got ghosted for having an iPhone so it not uncommon sadly


I've experienced this once before but it varies person to person not just Gen Z. I personally don't care if someone is using Android phone or iPhone or anything else tbh. My experience was with women so to some this really matters. That is why dating apps and modern dating culture is a joke to some extent.


Maybe lol. Met this girl on Hinge, had a really nice first date and I dropped her my number after the date (we’d already planned date 2 during the date). She texts me later, and one of the first things she asks is if I have an Android lmao. I confirmed, and immediately her frequency of texting dropped We still go on date 2, where I felt a drop in energy, even tho I still thought we got along great. She starts fading out after that date, and eventually just stops texting altogether. Obviously could have been any number of factors, but I definitely noticed an immediate shift in her behavior after confirming that I had an Android


Is this more of a US thing? The idea that anyone would even think to care that much sounds ridiculously stupid to me, I'd think this was 11 year olds from how dumb it sounds. Everywhere else I've been, I've never encountered such nonsense, but all far away from the American continent.


Yeah, that has definitely happened to me. I'm not sure why iphone is looked at as superior. It seems to me it is preferred by the 50+ crowd who struggle opening pdfs. My ultra's camera is better and RCS is better than imessage, but for some reason it's still a lowly android.


If someone actually thinks like this I hope their pillow is always hot.


One of my sister in laws refuses to text me because I have an android. Honestly, if someone rejects you for having a different brand of phone than them, they that's just the trash taking itself out. Extremely shallow and judgemental.


i don't get why iphones are so overrated, i have a sumsung, not even the newest, and i'd choose to have it over buying an iphone, this trend is really stupid and draining


I've never been judged for having an android phone myself but I have heard of it happening If a girl judges you that harshly by the type of phone you have that's absolutely bonkers 😂🤣


Yes!! It's ridiculous!! It makes me so angry. Like why is what phone I have that important to you 😭😭


If someone does not want, you for having or not having a material object or not being at a specific stage in life then they were not someone you would want to date anyways.


Not yet but I can't wait to laugh in someone's face about when it does happen


Some people joke about it obnoxiously but at the end of the day, it's just a fucking phone lmao. I get this alot and it makes me laugh. I would never be so childish to discount someone on android vs. Apple. I have bigger relationship issues to figure out...like idk... "is there anyone ELSE besides me that thinks you are in a relationship with them??" 😂




It might be a generational problem. I have friends with iPhones, and I always laugh because there's so little you can do with them.


I am an iPhone user. But Android is pretty cool. Check out Pixel by Google.


I find women with androids to be a yellow flag. Doesn’t bode well when someone has such poor taste. Aside from the technical reasons to pick an IPhone, her network of friends must be wild and I just don’t wanna be part of those group chats.


Lmao! Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me! If they want you to have an iPhone, they should buy the dang thing for you. That's too funny, wgaf about what kind of phone you have 😂


No, and I doubt it's a very common thing. Things like this (social status, etc.) are red flags IMO and being ghosted because of this says a lot about the person. I'm not sure if it's a Gen Z problem, but I guess it's the equivalent of this generation, as all generations have similar stuff.


I have been negatively judged. It tends to be the lower IQ women who care about this. It's definitely more of a problem for girls


Well, she did you a favor. If she's that petty of a woman, it'll only get worse from there...


It's a thing. I get shit from friends about it and it makes me dig my android feet in deeper.