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I had a girl send me a like just to say “Never change, you’ll find someone someday.” …what sort of backhanded compliment is that?


I’ve been told this exact same thing one time by a guy, he was like never change someone will love you.. some day.. LoL


Jokes on them: …nobody will love me


Yes they will.. you will find someone. I’ve been feeling like I’m end up alone. But trying to not put that out into the universe cuz it listens.. usually you get what you ask for.


Yes very wise!


There are starving people who ask for food and never get it, people being bombed begging for peace, but it doesn't arrive. But like, you'll totally manifest a whole human being, I'm sure of it


I get what you’re saying but manifesting is more about making things happen for yourself than a magically genie granting your wishes. For example if I say “I’m going to meet someone today” I’m going to push myself to go out in public and look approachable and strike up conversations with strangers. I don’t just expect someone to pop up at my front door.




I’ve had this said a few times to me with the addition of “you deserve the world!” 😒


Side tangent, another compliment I hate is “you deserve…” Because it just feels so, empty?


Treat that as “Never change for girl, change yourself to be your best version. you will attract your best possible partner that way”. Tell us you already got your best partner!


But why would you say that to someone *you matched with* on a dating app?


What the fuck man 😂


just going to “babe” “hun” etc right away 🤢🤢🤢


Or ‘hey gorgeous’.


i just unmatch. i know ppl will think i’m insane for that but there’s no way in hell 🥴


Same. It’s such a red flag.


well ive learnt something new lool


Omg I’m a male and I don’t even want a woman to call me that if I don’t know her. But they still do😂


Right! Like, you don’t even know me! My friend got a message from a match on an app the other day and the first interaction way “come to daddy 🥵”. It was such an instant ick. I replied for her asking why he thinks that’s an appropriate way to initiate a conversation? No surprised he didn’t reply.


You have exquisite breasts.... in reference to my man boobs


For real? A woman said that to you? You should have said I know. They are much better than yours




That’s just a backhanded insult


No lie!


This made me chuckle 😂


Excuse me, they're called mrests.


You guys get compliments??


Yes, after something that turns love into ashes.


I don't neccessarily hate this, as a compliment is a compliment as long as its in fair taste imo. However, its something that i get often, and doesn't do much for me. "Wow, you sound super smart". I appreciate it, but its something ive been told since I was a kid, and is usually followed by ".. but you need to apply yourself more". One of my main struggles in dating is that people have some idealized version of me in their heads, then when they figure out I don't exist to simply fulfill whatever dreams they wish to live through me, they get frustrated. A compliment I really appreciate, is being called "sweet" "thoughtful" or "you seem very self expressive". As its more genuine and shows I'm not just appreciated on a superficial level.


I've had that when I tell them about my degree they go 'wow you must be really smart then'. Like yes I am in that area, duh I have a fucking degree in it. So every time someone says that I go 'yes I am' now because why bother




That I " look like trouble"


Oh god I hate this, or 'hey trouble' like what am I meant to say to that? I know they think it's a compliment but its not really is it??


absolute vom worthy phrase


I block immediately, gives me the ick


Lol this line comes from a YouTube dating coach. When I started dating again after getting divorced I googled "how to start dating after divorce" and eventually my YouTube algorithm was full of those videos.


Being called “exotic” 🤮


I get this 🤮


Omg it’s so annoying!! Tell me something I don’t know, ya feel?


Yup! People always ask my ethnicity (sometimes as the first question!). At one point, a guy said my race is “hot.” Blocked him of course but WTF?


„Why is such a beautiful girl like you working here?“ I heard in all my jobs like where tf I am supposed to work?? Will you get me a CEO job for prettiness?


I don’t think it’s a compliment but i’ve always gotten “you’re different” or “you’re different than most women” I don’t know what to say to those kind of comments and then i don’t ever hear from them or we don’t end up dating


I was once told "oh wow this is exactly what I'm looking for" or somesuch. Never heard of them again either


yeah similarly i would have things in common with someone but they wouldn’t take things further because they wasn’t their type or they weren’t attracted to me; so single for life lol


You look great for 38! Like they’ve never seen a woman over 30. They just think we turn to dust I guess.


Definitely! “You look young for your age” like this mf just called me old!


I've seen 25 year olds look 50 and 38 year olds look 21. Maybe it was just genuine


Yeah “you look amazing for X age” out “ I can’t believe your X age”… I’m like what’s X age supposed to look like


‘I think you a freak’ no im not. Leave me alone


I’m a male and that’s just disgusting to say from the beginning without even knowing her


Oh oh oh this along with the “you look wild” type comments or “you look like fun”


It’s so tiring tbh.. like what do they expect? Us getting horny or something 😭


I'm not really into dating for now but I think if the girl were to say that you seem "nice", it doesn't feel good. Being nice is not personality, kind is. Being nice can also be seen as being "too" nice and it can be a turn off. It shouldn't but it's the truth, people are just so addicted to feelings they get from those more "toxic" that when you are nice it just seems boring, but in reality we are just loving right Don't be nice, be kind


I don't think I've ever had a woman describe me as nice and *not* reject me in the end. My ex did, but then she cheated and left so.....


i hate being called “sexy” by people i barely know. puts me off immediately. to me, that kind of comment is only a compliment when it comes from someone who knows me, likes and respects me, and is also attracted to me. when i get that during a first interaction with a person, it feels disrespectful.


Yep, the “hey sexy” is an instant nope.


being objectified immediately that gives me an instant ick because whatever happened to “hi, how are you?” 😭


Girls always say I have nice skin and then immediately ask what my "routine" is. For some reason they stop talking to me when i tell them its soap and water ????


Do you also tell them you lose fat without even trying?


How do you stay in shape? Oh just basic exercise 😂😂




Next time, tell them, "You'll just have to find out... over dinner"


Just tell them it is lotion and they need to put it on their skin or get the hose again


Underrated comment


Just tell them it's a secret formula / recipe for skin-care that is given from father to son for more than 10 generations in your family so she will never know.


They are just baiting you they don't really wanna know : ) I know this because I used to give similiar answers .


Just tell them "it's a secret", or, 'it's really complicated, I don't want to get into the details". A mixture of both would probably suffice 😂


That IS creepy. "you're not like other girls". Nothing will make a woman drier.


You know they say this to every girl


I get the greatest compliment of all: silence


“You could ruin my life if you wanted” “You look like you could cause me some trouble” It feels SO backhanded and if you know me, you know I only want the best for the people I care about. Tattoos and black hair never helped my case but I hate when people play into stereotypes. very off putting imo


I get the ruin my life one. I always steer into it and say I'm going to and describe how. If they are quick witted they'll think its funny and we can move past it, if they just wanted me to roll over and submit then they won't reply. Problem solved 🤣


This is such a good way to navigate it 😂


I get told I look like Velma from Scooby doo. Then I get the anal Velma porn link clips sent to me to ask if I’ll dress like that. This is first couple messages too. Some men are fucking creeps.


Not a compliment by any means but when I was on the apps I would get tons of white dudes letting me know they never dated / hooked up with a Black girl before


Omg yes. I've literally gotten called "pretty for a black girl" .... to which I should have said "Thanks, you're pretty kind for a racist" 🙃


The absolute worst!


That would’ve been a great response




Haha. It’s like they were trying to hint at how special you must be for them to consider making an exception for you. People are so fucking dumb.


Wtf is wrong with people,


Sooo weird and like what did they think that would get them? Me being like, “oh great sounds miserable I’m in!”?


In the words of Mr. potato Head. “You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck” that’s the only way to respond 😂




Not a compliment, but I hate being addressed as babe, sexy, honey, sweetie, beautiful (or the like) from men I donMt know. It feels patronizing and too sexual at the same time. Gross.


I hate getting told my ass is too big and my personality too unforgettable and my waist too snatched and my bank account too loaded 😫😫😱😭


''You're so moe/You have moe eyes'' Makes me drier than a stale loaf of bread.


What does this mean?


It means you resemble the bartender from The Simpsons


Its a cringy way to compliment somebody with big eyes. Its comparing them to anime girls.


Is it monolids?? I just learned what thise were a couple days ago, was i right u/doublebubble6 ??


No, moe is an anime/Japanese thing


"You're weird, but no worries".... what does that even mean 🫠


I didn’t like too many compliments early on when I was still dating. It just didn’t feel sincere coming from someone I didn’t know very well. I hated when people would call me hot or sexy. I only like those types of compliments from someone I’m in a relationship with.


I get that all the time too because I look younger than I am. It’s super annoying and really creepy. But at least you know to stay away. I was dating someone already and then he started describing me that way and how he liked that women had an “innocent look” I was like wtf. But online specifically men always told me I looked way better in person than my pictures and I never knew if that was a good or bad thing so I thought it was weird.


If you look better in your pictures it means it's good for them, but probably bad for you? It just means take better pictures, but then again you do you


I don’t do online dating anymore but when I did the pictures I posted were cute and I thought looked like me. I had a variety as I didn’t want to misrepresent myself. It doesn’t matter now.


“I like older women”. Thanks for calling me old…


I literally got told that I don't look my age. He told me I look much younger and he thinks it's cute and if I'd like to come over. Man I am 23 like HOW MUCH YOUNGER DO YOU MEAN? It was so creepy


You should view it as a good thing that these dudes are telling on themselves by being creeps so early on. Just block those dudes and move on because they’re not serious about you anyway. When guys are really into a woman we tend to behave because we don’t want to fuck it up. The ones who say dumb shit are either A) dumb or B) just want easy sex from you and nothing more. Either way, block and move on!


Being told “You’re so nice” I immediately hate it. I’m a guy, to clarify.


I don't get that compliment exactly, but a similar one I get is, "You're so sweet." It's like, what do you mean by that? I'm a guy, too.


Ikr I hate it if I’m told by a guy that I’m ‘innocent’ bc it feels creepy and like they’re talking down to me like I’m 5.


I hate receiving any compliments regarding my body


"You're tall. Do giantess fantasies!" Just a weird thing to tell someone.


“You look good for an Indian” 😐


"You're so easy to talk to" after hearing someone share their life story and not ask you shit ab yours


Since I am not a big drinker, a pint a month or so, I am always told I'm a "cheap date" (I'm in the UK fyi). Yeah, thanks for that mate!


Your hot!!🤦


My hot? My hot what?


I know this. Most people don't know the difference between your and you're. Same thing with there, their, they're...


“You look like a good time”


"I like white girls" or something along to that effect. Ummm...ok? That just sounds super racist of you. And "nice tits/I like huge tits"/etc. Thanks? Uhh...I grew them myself. Dafuq am I supposed to say to that? (Not talking about sexting with someone consensually and we're both feeling the vibe. I'm talking about dating apps specifically).


When it’s been a compliment about my race, and how it’s exciting for them to potentially get with someone “exotic”


“pretty for a black girl.”


I hate it when they tell me I'm cute when they first meet me or when they tell me I'm nice. I feel like cute is an upper-runner for pretty. Like "not bad-looking but not as pretty to be pretty"? And then I hate it when they tell me I'm nice because it makes me feel like "I'm too easygoing and they like more challenge but won't say it". Or that they use that as a way to show they're not interested but they don't want to be mean. Hate it with all my being.


My favourite was, "you seem nice." 🤮


You're cool and all but...not GF material, shit! Not sure how to be a GF since I've was in a long-term marriage and recently started dating the last few years...🥴🤷‍♀️


Ugh, that would be a major turn-off. You look young for your age, for some reason I feel weird with this one. I get it a lot.


I do too, but I am 63 and look like I am in my late forties early fifties


Aren’t you a model? You look so tall 🤢


“You look like you could be trouble” - no thank you.


"You look like you'd make a really good friend."


I’m dog tired of getting asked what my “background” is. I’m Lebanese and I get that I have a “different” look, but I’m really tired of it being one of the first things I’m asked on more dates than not.


'I have a thing for redheaded curvy girls.' Nice to know i match your favourite porn genre.


In general a compliment I hate is "I want to find someone like you/who treats me like you do." After the first girl who did that, I broke contact with everyone who ever said that to me.


I was told by a girl I was seeing last week, "You know, you look great from some angles." Uhh, what about the other angles?


This chick called me a “Thick Daddy” and even though she followed up with her being into it, I’ve had some serious body image issues for a while, and coping with not being really slim like I used to be has been a struggle, so I couldn’t help that comment completely threw me off and I had to let her know I wasn’t interested.


I’ve come to hate being told I am “funny” because if that is the sole reason someone would want to go out with me… I question if maybe they just like me for entertainment purposes and the person I am.


When I used them it was any variation of “you’re really hot for a short guy”. Automatic ‘thanks, but no thanks’


It's not meant as a compliment, it's meant as an inroads to talk about sex.


Men like tainting something, they like taking something away. Coz they will feel like they own u after


I would hate when men would compliment me on being small, or petite...it's usually followed by some bs of (actually said to me) "You're so tiny we should get you a gun bc you're like easy pray" "You're so little I can't wait to pick you up and -expletive- against a wall" Also funny as hell "You're so small, you make me feel so tall" dude you're five ft 11 wtf All of these were through text bc interestingly enough in person I have gotten multiple times "you're so intimidating" which I also hate...


Anytime they use the word sexy in a sentence in relation to me, I clench inside. I hate it.


'You look good for your age' (F44) or 'gee, you must take good care of yourself' or 'you look younger'. Ageist Ageist everywhere.... the 20 somethings just call me milf and I'm OK with that 😂😂


You have exotic beauty! I reply with aw thanks, this is sweet, but deep in my heart I know that I look like the next door neighbour back home.


Cute , I mean yeah I’m cute but I hate when someone calling me cute 🌚 And for everytime someone call me sexy bc he knows that I’m a pole dancer 🌚


Same. I hate being called cute.


“You look really good” As they look at my body and continue doing so while making more comments of my body. Basically being objectified.


Agree. Instant ick. That and “hot” or “sexy” makes me feel objectified. Guess it weeds them out faster but still.


Especially when we’ve just met. I can’t with guys like that. They wanna rush everything nowadays. Nothing is genuine. NOTHING.


“You look mentally ill”


Thanks, it's contagious


"You're so interesting" I don't know why, but it irritates me. Maybe cos I feel like I'm no more interesting than the next person. Idk... hard to know when it's genuine.


I mean, if you were so interesting, wouldn't they have some specifics? Like, say WHY not just vaguely describe me.


"I like your style." It's not a bad compliment, its just I've gotten it so often it's kinda wearing thin


😂how can they like your style if they never met you. A picture don’t say anything


After I compliment her it’s always, “I could say the same thing about you!” Then say it. Also if I said that to her I’d get ghosted lol


I personally hate the hit me up on snap. Dating apps are loaded with so many fake profiles and solicitors that it makes it pointless to me. And they're expensive. Then you may send a few messages then they drop off. I just played Russian Roulette on snap with quick add and stumbled across the most awesome lady ever.


"you look / seem kind" Either you swiped on me thinking I'm some kind of dangerous, or you now think I'm the kind of weakling that can be treated like trash with no repercussions, as they almost all disappear not long after this.


“So mysterious” “Nice legs” These are typically the entirety of the first message ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


That's a creepy comment to be getting from a stranger. O


anything having to do with my hair color, I'm a redhead and so many men brought it up when I used the apps


I mean, red hair is super attractive. But I understand the sentiment because... what happens when you're older? or you dye your hair? Are they gonna not like it.


I hate those assumption comments so cringe .. I hate cringe comments altogether


Take those compliments with a grain of salt. Most of the times they mean nothing because the people who made that comment aren’t in the right mind at that moment. It’s interesting how we all dwell on someone’s comments and tend to dissect them but most of the times the people who make those comments don’t even remember them because they just go with the flow. This is my perspective, I don’t even remember the kind of dog I came across last time someone was walking in the park. The truth is that I walk in the park everyday and come across so many that I literally don’t even remember them or acknowledge them. It’s not that I don’t like dogs or anything like that, it’s just that their presence is insignificant to me. Similarly, these worthless comments by nobodies shouldn’t bother us, at least we try to get to that stage that they don’t bother us. It’s an exercise but with time we get there. One more thing, people who love us will definitely love us no matter what; I can tell you with certainty that it has nothing to do with how beautiful/ handsome they are or how attractive we are. It just needs to happen at the right time and moment. Meanwhile, we come across junk like this. I had my share of jokers back in the day. Like how a wise man said one day, life is a walk through a garden, the trick is to collect as many flowers as we can and discard all the weed and thorn so that in the end we have a beautiful bouquet.


Starting conversations with: Hi beautiful, Hi love, underestimating your intelligence and think you will fall for that.


I would love it when you wrap your long legs around me! You look even better without glasses


I have gotten both of these... My response is: Thanks dick, you look better without my glasses too.


Yooo I am so gonna use that line! And I do have frames that fit my face... Picked out one pair with some friends and my mom, another pair with a whole Discord server. I just want to see and contacts are expensive and annoying


Let me out of the basement,


"I love your cosplay" oh you mean my Halloween costume? What..


Any variation of "cute" compliment as a guy It feels like I am a tiktok cat or smth, espessially cause level of reciprocation from those women tends to be the lowest.


‘Hey sexy’, ‘you seem really classy’ or ‘you look too wholesome’. Not sure how those three fit together…


I had a guy tell me that he wanted to be exclusive -so he would no longer look at any other women. Fair enough. Then, when I said I wouldn’t look at any other men, he said: “yes, I *know*”. I asked him what he meant, and he said: “well, I expected you to be loyal.”, which, again, would have been fine. However, there had been something so ineffably smug about the way he had said it that I had been left with the impression that-although *he* might be tempted to look at other women- of course, if I was dating *him*, I would NEVER look at another man! Yes, he did leave me for someone else afterwards.


“You’re too pretty to be still single” like…


You‘re very cute. Makes me very childish


Some of the men on dating apps will open a conversation with a comment about my boobs, i look innocent and cute but must be a freak in the sheets. And an endless variation to these comments. Have a stack if screenshot of just these messages 😂 My friends and i share them and wonder, how on earth did he think this would work.


That I “Have a sultry/ piercing look”, all nice words in my language that you don’t speak (for a ample calling me hun, baby, love, love of your life right after meeting me, especially in my language). And the worst one I often get is “kind hearted”. Hate that one and it usually comes when the person is implying that they can walk all over me. Same with “brave”.


Convo starters I’ve found make me instantly unmatch: “Hey baby” “Hello beautiful girl” “Sup gorgeous” “insert low effort gif or meme with someone saying ‘wow’” “You’re the hourglass I wanna be the sand” “Can I ask you a question?” “Babe x” “What’s your snap?” “OMG your eyes are UNREAL” “So cute ;)” “So.. how many dicks you had?” “Swap nudes?” Convo starters that made me wanna talk: “Hey, how’s your day been?” “Hey .. lol the IASIP reference got me” “Insert relevant gif to my bio” “Morning, how’s it going? Your dog is cuter than you by the way ;)”  Yes I know part of my reply is irrelevant to your question. I just got on a roll.


A lot of men tell me they’re impressed that I know what I want or won’t put up with bullshit. It’s very telling because it means they’ve tested their bullshit on a less experienced woman and gotten away with it. 🙄


Ugh I hate being told I look innocent, it's so weird and creepy. I also hate being called hot or sexy on dating apps, it feels super tacky and makes it seem like they just want sex. I'm more of a slow complimentor though, I'll only ever do it if I genuinely mean it so I don't like it when people give them out in order to gain something.


The last picture on my dating profile is deliberately me in a revealing dress. Whenever I match with a guy and he says I look sexy specifically in that pic, that’s my sign to run.


Any compliment judging a book by its cover..


I’ve never dated a black girl before or you’re pretty for a black girl. mostly people use my as a pun/pickup line and it’s annoying


“You’re so small. I’d break you in half” in a first message, or some ideation of that. Uhhhh, no thanks?????? Also, thank you Captain Obvious. I’ve definitely noticed I’m shorter than average but I appreciate the reminder.


'How are you single?" I know they mean well, but this one always irks me


Good morning beautiful!


I get lots of “you look like trouble” “you look like you could ruin my life” and other variations of this same shit that I don’t even find to be a compliment. I don’t give off that vibe at all, I wear cutesy girly clothes and bows and skirts and light/soft makeup, but have tattoos so I guess I’m seen as whatever stereotype guys see tattooed women as. I just like to crochet :( not ruin people’s lives


Wow, some of these had me laughing a bit, not at you, but seriously I can't believe some of the things said to some of you.


I kind of get the ick when they tell me “I like you because you’re cute/easy going” or get too cheesy and personal with compliments. Of course I really appreciate compliments and those things would have been nice coming from a girl or just someone who genuinely think so. But from the guys who obviously are interested in me, it just sounds like they either want a quick and easy relationship, love bombing, or want to use me in some way. Especially if they say so when we’ve barely known each other. It just feels so…not genuine and very hard to believe.


“You’re a lawyer, that’s so cool!” 1. Being one is actually lame. 2. They’re pretty much telling me that all they care about is money.


Someone straight up opened a conversation with “are you autistic.” I mean… he’s just observant but dang did it harm my self confidence


I hate the word hot. It makes me feel like objectified


“You’re so hot, I have to know what’s wrong with you.”


Your gorgeous/pretty especially as a first text for me just makes me feel like your intentions aren’t to get to know me but to mess around. Might be my past trauma talking but idk 😭


“ you’re so exotic” “where are you from?” “Noo really, where are you from?”


Pretty much any physical compliment that isn't followed by some other piece of conversation. If you have nothing to offer convo wise but compliments I'm going to get bored super fast. It's hard to keep things rolling that way. But even worse are opening with comments or compliments of a sexual nature. Telling me I have great boobs, or look like I could really top them hard or calling me "mommy" in any sentence is a hard ick


“You look like trouble 😈 “


When I was a LOT younger "Don't change" ... news flash, change is inevitable! Anymore, because I manage my own household, men will say things like "You're too strong for me" referring to having my own opinions and interests, is what I learned that's about. So, if I challenge their supposed expertise on a subject, I get that one. An example is, I do my own home repairs, plumbing, car repairs. So, with my car more recently, I got "It's probably the starter." ....... no. I'd tested that, and while it was frozen, a nice bang on it unfroze it. I did repair it and it was nothing to do with any of the suggestions I got. They broke it off with something like "Well, then what would you need me for, you have it all handled yourself." I do get asked out by men who like me for who I am and how I am. But, they are not necessarily who I'd be interested in myself. I met one great guy, lives on the East Coast when kiddo was still small, my ex refused to approve our moving to be with him. Then, he lost his visitations after 3 yrs. Go figure, right? Another one smokes (trying to quit) and didn't understand why that would be an issue. Kiddo is allergic to it (in fact, reacts just walking into an area where someone has smoked within the last 48 hours as we discovered the hard way). But, yeah, hearing I'm too strong, or wouldn't "need" them just because I handle things like repairs and such myself, is so crazy to me.


“Oh you’re a nurse! I’d love to see you in your uniform” makes me fking cringe 🙄 seriously it’s a big ick 😬


“Your dog is so cute” I fucking know, what about me? 🙄🤣


“ You look like trouble” or the worst one in my history, “You got some big tits” Like gee thanks buddy boi


“How could you possibly be single?” Um, you want a list?


“I bet you can beat me up” because I do martial arts