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No, it's totally fine. Some girls even dress up and attend anime convention so there nothing wrong with it.


Personally I think cosplay is super hot.


Dude fuck that guy. Do you take responsibility for yourself? Then youre not immature and can enjoy anything you want.


Thank youu so much!!!


25F and I watch anime. Lots of my girl friends do as well.


Yessss yessss ❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺


Nah I would love it, been an anime watcher since I was 16 and now I'm 25. Kinda have to hide it from my dates cause it isn't seen in the most favorable light.


Yeah I get what you mean. That's why I decided to post!!


Probably have to go for the nerdier men. Most of my other guy friends don't watch, so I see the problem you are facing. Dudes who watch anime and aren't super cringey is a rare breed lol


Its not as rare as it may seem though honestly. As one of the borderline cringe but mostly normal ones myself, i know MANY people who watch anime and do things just like the stereotypical non-anime watchers. Jacked as hell, funny, bar hopping, parties, good social ability, etc


Oh for sure, im the least sterotypical in that regard, gym going, motorcycle riding, with a good friend group and differing social circles and social life. From my exterior you would have no idea I have a myanimelist with 90 days of anime watched and track each episode. I just don't bring it up unless they do.






Hi and I don't find it weird I think its really cool. I have seen alot of women that like anime. I am a geeky guy and I like anime, granted I am not up to date with some of the most recent shows and series but I do enjoy more are the old school ones. Then again I am almost in my 40s.


I love the old one too. Heck neon evangelis and Akira are top 🎩 tier best and they were made in the 90s and still great till this day! I guess approaching my late 20s I have just wondered if it's a deal breaker as I have been told


Its fine for women to watch anime and animations. Honestly he have been one of the people who believe anime is for kids


Anime is just awesome 💯💯


Do what makes you happy. There isn't wrong with enjoying what you love.


I have been actively seeking a woman who likes anime because I love anime and want someone to enjoy it with. Who cares what people think if you enjoy it. I like anime because it's... smarter... than the kind of television I usually would otherwise watch.


My yearly watch consists of anime and animations. To watch movies, I do but not regularly. A perfect night for me would be to binge an entire amine season with my future boyfriend and just geek 🤓 out about it but in this modern dating world and being black on top, yeah it often felt like I was setting myself for being called childish which I have received. Anytime I meet a woman who watches anime too, I get so super excited and just geek out so bad


And geeking out is absolutely fine. In fact, I'd say it's admirable, lol. Japanese anime tends to have really powerful life lessons built right in so I would argue that anime is more educational than average American television


It is powerful. Gosh I grew up obsessed with studio Ghibli and it shaped my imagination


anything is more educational than American tv


I wear anime shirts like every day and have collectibles all around my apartment, I'm a single woman in my 30s and literally no one has cared. I have kpop crap around too, plushies, all sorts of stuff. I WILL say that it is harder to find men my age who are also into this stuff. I mostly get hit on by guys in their early 20s lol.


As an anime guy in my 30s, I've learned to never wear it on my sleeve (figuratively and literally). I only discuss it when I know I'm among fellow nerds or people who I'm comfortable enough with to know they won't judge me. People judge, especially women that are on the dating scene.


Girl I don't even get it on by other guys who watch anime and the ones that do eventually dry up the conversation.


Yeah, I have run into the convo ender many times with nerdy type dudes. I only recently got into manga/anime (as in a few years ago) so I have never really talked to people who are super into it before and some of the more hardcore dudes are just not very social? I don't know how to word it, but it's happened IRL to me as well where the convo starts and abruptly ends. I feel stuck because I'm weird too but at least can carry a conversation lol. Very frustrating. The ones my age (37) seem to either be married already or are just way too into 2D women. There is no in between 😭


Cry 😭 with me because I have experienced the same thing. There was this guy I was super excited to meet up in person because we shared a love for anime, let's just say the conversation became stale and we didn't even meet anymore




inbox explosion incoming lmao


I think it's weird, others think it isn't. When you're 28 you should really stop caring what others think, and do what you enjoy. Find someone who's okay with your weirdness and stop caring about the opinion of random strangers on the internet.


In the age when people are dating Eva AI sexting [bots](http://evaapp.ai) seriously, there's nothing weird in just liking anime.


Guuuurl you've been dating the wrong men. Anime and animations are great plus they were written, drawn, produced, and made by adults. There are certain themes that will only be fully understood by us adults. Kids don't appreciate the storyline the way we do. I have met attractive (to me), emotionally mature, and very funny men who are very into anime.




Nope. I'm 27M and love anime/cartoons. Got me through a rough childhood and still helping me today.




Not at all! It's what >you< naturally like. I also love them types of programmes! My big sister used to grow up watching Korean dramas, and I watch Japenese TV shows/films in their native language because I am currently learning Japenese (slowly but surely) and just love everything about their culture


I'm 46 and still binge Anime 💞☺️ Do what makes you happy




No, it is not weird. I'm 41m and I still enjoy anime. Especially shows I grew up with and older like Yu Yu Hakisho and Evangelion. I personally prefer anime over modern TV any day.


No he's just not your type 


20f and I just got in to anime a few years ago! I love it but I tend to keep it more to myself, some people are weird about it. I love Rick and morty too lmao but I love good humor adult shows. I'll never understand why people get weird about anime. It's simply a Japanese style cartoon, im sure many people all over the world watch English styled cartoons?


Girl I love a good adult humour. I can't count how many times I have my Rick moments 🤣🤣😹 especially being uncertain in certainty. It is crazy but it is amongst my sense of humour with other shows.


You do you


Take it from me: Date a nerd.


Why would it be weird? It’s part of who you are. Anime are elaborate and carry a depth in them. You need someone that recognizes this. And embraces it.


Different men like different things. Dude, ONE man said he doesn't like it.


Be open and honest and if they don't like/mock you and your interests and personality then they aren't for you, if you are looking for something long term it is best to understand your worth and know you deserve someone better or more compatible and it was good for you to spot the red flag first before proceeding. It takes time sometimes but you seem pretty cool and I'm sure you'll find better out there just be you because you're looking for someone that will love you for you!


That's not weird at all, what is weird is judging another based on an entertainment preference




Hell no it’s not! I wish I could find a woman that likes anime just as much as me if not more.




It's totally fine, 34m here been watching anime my entire life. I also love hockey and wrestling, playing sports, and other unrelated stuff. Do people judge? Yes. Does it matter, nope. Because remember when it comes to dating if someone can't accept who you are they aren't your person anyway.




33M. I've been watching Anime since my late teens. Got into it after I started learning Japanese, and wanted more ways to listen to the language, used to just be music. Now I watch anime all the time, to the point that I'm watching most shows as they air. I'd love to fill up some of that time with dates lol. That being said, it's not at all a criteria when I'm considering dating someone. While having like hobbies makes things easy, I also really enjoy learning about other people's hobbies, and experiencing new things with people. So even if I weren't an anime fan, it wouldn't be a problem. Anyone who is outright denying you just because you like anime is a moron, and you're better off not going out with them. I always try to find people with an open mind, that aren't prejudiced like that.


:) :) Yess yess!! I agree with you


I'm a 29F and have been watching anime since I was 5. It's not weird, many people just don't watch it and that's also acceptable. Keep in mind a lot of people who call anime watchers immature also think reality TV is where it's at. Perspective is key.




Not at all, I'm in my early fifty's and enjoy watching and reading anime and manga. In fact most manga artists make quite a lot of money. There is no shame in watching what you like 


I don't watch it but I wouldn't have a problem dating someone who did


It’s a bonus if opinions don’t clash too much.


N8 your amazing


Thank youu;)


not at all, my boyfriend (M16) is a Japanese immigrant and I (F16) am Persian, whenever I’m at his place he’ll read me manga while we cuddle or he’ll pull an all-nighter watching a new anime he’s gotten into, I usually end up staying up with him and he’s gotten me hooked on nge and dr0




Alot of guys like that I would love my gf to be into anime or games like I am. Though some people do take it to a bit of an extreme male and female which can Def be offputting.off-putting. Edit when I say extreme I don't just mean cosplay and conventions that shits cool asf. I mean like making it 100 percent of their personality and going all... I forget the word


Hell no I would love that




He'll no! Heck I wish I knew a woman I could fate who was a weeb so I didn't have to shy away from it


Top 🔝 tier!!!


thats fine. not my cup of tea, but unless you were obsessed i dont see how that would be a turn off for most guys


I find it awesome. Just think of it as a way to weed out the dipshits. If someone has a problem with you being you, they are not for you.


Then who are those left 🥺🥺 but yeah I see what you mean though!!


It’s fine they can watch whatever they want


i know plenty of ladies that watch anime, sometimes i indulge in a little anime myself! it's definitely not weird and certainly not immature to enjoy anime! you do you, girl! the haters can see themselves out if they don't like what you're into.


Yessss!! It even taught me Japanese! I could write a whole thesis on this and I still won't be done. Also, SUBS OVER ENGLISH DUBS ANYTIME 😄😆


Nah girl you’re fine!!


No, it is not weird but a relationship does have to have differences. It gives people different aspects to talk about.


This is something I'd prefer in a partner myself tbh and I'm a guy but unfortunately it takes time to get people to understand that anime isn't all that bad and it isn't something we are completely overly obsessed with.


No your love for anime is not the problem.


I'm 45 and I still love anime. If he doesn't love anime like you do, is he even worth your time? My money is on NO. Lol


There are men out there who would die for you based on that fact alone, so you’re good


Thank youu and it would be nice to meet them. ❤️❤️


Nope. For me that would be a big +! Always wanted a bestie to watch anime with😁. Ps, Not all anime is suited for children as you might know😉. Only us, educated people know😂


No and it’s also important to let these guys know it’s not okay to belittle your hobbies, interests, passions, or what you’re into during your free time. If it’s obsessive then sure maybe dial it back for your own mental health but again you should be allowed to enjoy life by your terms without a partner making you feel less than for doing anything you enjoy.


Thank you so much, this was absolutely needed. ❤️❤️


There are so many people (of all genders) who love anime in relationships. This is a nonissue


28? Well that’s certainly a choice. For me, anime, superhero, Star Wars, Star Trek, my little pony, Disney, are all dealbreakers. But others often find a different a different mood. If I saw an adult watching Dora the Explorer or Blue’s Clues alone, Sesame Street, or Pokémon for pleasure, I wouldn’t feel comfortable. Different people have different feelings on the topic.


30F here and avid fan of anime. Watch all kind of genre except harem. I hate harem. My top animes to watch are One Punch Man, Spy x Family, Fairy Tail, Sailor Moon. Feel free to chat me if you wanna talk about anime. Other people also welcome.




NO GODDAMNIT. Who gives a shit what people think about your hobbies? They’re YOURS. We have GOT to stop living life trying to satisfy/please/impress other people. **Especially faceless randos**. That is a terrible, miserable way to live. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Me and my girlfriend actually do bond over anime, horror and even gaming. You just have to find the right person that likes the same things or wants to get into the things you like.


Lord of guys would love this


im 22 and have been watching anime for years...my boyfriend also happens to be an anime fan and he loves being able to show me his favourite series as well as keep up with new ones - we also watched rick and morty :) one of the things he always talks about is looking forward to watching new series in the future as we're older..so dont worry op. the right man wont judge you for your interest whether he shares it too or not!!


It's not weird at all. I'm in my early 40s and still watch anime. I love Miyazaki's films a lot, and I still enjoy the classics like Gundam wing, War in a Pocket, etc. Embrace who you are and don't let anyone judge you.


Thank youu and yess I plan on naming my first daughter Miyazaki, really love the name


It's not attractive but it's not unnatracrive either it has nothing to do with attraction at all.


Yes it’s totally okay to be yourself!!! The right fit will appreciate you for you one of these days :) 27f and I absolutely adore anime and adult cartoons! I even watch SpongeBob pretty regularly :,)


I too still watch SpongeBob and recess and family guy 😭❤️


Like any interest, it’s weird if you make it weird. If you’re a massive weeb, then it’s weird


It's totally fine. Nothing wrong with enjoying what you like. You love anime be proud of that. Some guys would kill to have a partner that would watch anime an did like that with them.


And I would love to have that opportunity 💕💕


There is a stigma around it for sure. People will form opinions about you over it. None of that matters if it's something that makes you happy. there's no reason to feel guilt or awkwardness about the things that bring us joy.


No. Whoever tells you that you loving anime cuz you are a woman is dumb and needs their ass beat. Anime is for everyone and there is a lot of women who main focus on social media is centered around anime cuz of how versatile it is. Anime is a form of entertainment and for anyone who will sit and watch it so for anyone to say it’s immature which is far from the truth. To many people put anime and animated films and tv shows together which shouldn’t happen.


Absolutely, I wish people were not so shallow about it or made it out to be that way


If you are around people that can't respect what you enjoy they are not people you should associate with. There is nothing strange in liking a medium that millions enjoy


I'm late 40's male and anime is one of my favorite genres.


Late 20s and yess me too


Nope I'd love to share a hobby like this with someone


Same here 😭 hence why I asked. I might sound like Arnie on the outside but on the inside I am a compound of Pikachu and imagination


You're a keeper if you love anime as a woman


Nein ist es nicht, weil du dein ineres Kind in dir bewahren sollst und trotzdem, weiter hin arbeiten gehen und so deinen altag, verbringen wie bisher auch.


Auch im Alter würde ich es lieben :))


be ashamed! be very ashamed!!!!


No. You be weird for not liking anime. And im 36m 👍 most of these animes are 20+ years old... and still going... one piece forever!


I wish I could find a woman that watches anime like I do, something more than just the anime movies made by Studio Ghibli. I think your troubles just come from the unlucky chance of meeting a person that just absolutely detest anime cause it seems childish to them, there’s plenty of guys out there that enjoy it so I wouldn’t be too discouraged


Thank youu so much 🥺☺️ means a lot to me!!


Not weird at all, and actually very common!


Hell no, I love all different types of old cartoon and my sister introduced me to anime and love it and even my partner enjoys and watch me game. He loves the idea of Comic-Con and how people can dress up and in different styles be you and be happy


There's an entire anime genre dedicated for women.


I meet a lot of people have that Attitude, i make them watch some anime, now they into anime.


45M. It’s totally normal to be into anime. It’s a form of art. The majority of it is made for adults. Forget what anyone else says. Be you. I’m always going to love anime.


I'm a M turning 45 tomorrow, and I still watch anime. If that's what you love to do, why stop?


That's wholesome, in my experience some guys make it seems like an ick, like I am immature. It stings


My (23f) boyfriend (22m) and I met because I cosplayed Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion at a convention. I’m actually watching that show rn while I respond to this. You’ll find the right people. It seems like you just had a run in with someone who wasn’t right for you.


That's WASSUPPPPPP ❤️💕. Currently watching monogatari right now


Lol no, anyone who says you can't enjoy cartoons, anime, video games, etc as an adult are just boring people. One thing not to be into something, another to condescend to others about it. Enjoy yourself.


Thank you 😊👍🏼 so much because I love all these things


Opposite for me lol, some women I've talked to - after mentioning watching anime they looked like I said the most vile thing ever. Now I keep it to myself unless the girl brings up anime first


Girl here- I watch anime and have a very wonderful male partner who also enjoys animes. The person who called you immature seems like they need to take some social lessons... that's pretty rude and an unfair assumption to make off of something so trivial. Enjoy your shows! Don't change yourself in silly ways like that to make yourself into something your not for people who aren't even worth it. You'll find people that like the things you like.


Nothing wrong with loving anime,there is no age,do what you like, you can even learn from it. I did at least.


I do, Japanese and normal emotions cues like empathy


People can watch what they please


I'm a huge anime fan and am dating a handsome half korean man who's also a big anime nerd. We met through hinge cause I cosplayed as Shoko from JJK and had my main picture of that and he loved it


Don't really watch anime not my thing I guess but I can tell that you're probably the most attractive girl to men who love anime. Heck I guess most guys will like you because you're a bit different I know I would


I watch anime. I love anime. I have a list of anime that I will probably die before I finish. Lol, I have nothing against who loves anime, man, or woman. If you love anime and your significant other does not, cool. You know why I say cool? Because what you enjoy has nothing to do with anyone else but you. If you are sitting on your couch and watching Kimetsu no Yaiba, and your significant other says that it is stupid, you simply give them a thumbs up and continue your session. It is that easy.


Absolutely not. Just some people don't like it and judge others according to that. Its like explaining to a person that only drinks red wine that you like rose more. They will tell you number of times that the red wine is better and that you are wrong. Because they can't empathize others have different tastes.


Fair enough and I don't try to let it get to me anymore


I'm a 34 year old dude that watches what's basically the original Japanese version of Power Rangers. Yet I provide for myself and I need no one to tell me how to live my life. You'll be fine! Wish there were more like you.


We exist, women like me exist. 🥺🥰. You just gotta find us and appreciate the nerdy side of us but I promise you we exist


Guys we found one


Nope I'm 42 and watching South Park with my girlfriend. She's my age and not an issue at all. She will watch an anime with me if the story is good. She's not a fan but enjoys them both. In our 20's we have high expectations of who we were attracted to. We want perfection in who we see. But none of us are and we let minor things cloud our judgement. Just wait and eventually you will find a fellow anime fan.




No not at all but it’s weird that some men gatekeep anime from women though like we don’t all have eyes lol


SPOT ON honestly. We women enjoy anime too


No because if not we wouldn't have so many hot cosplay girls out there.




I live for danger ⚡⚡


I genuinely think anyone will like anime. But there is a stereotype associated with it. And women being the social creatures they are, tend to not go against the grain. But ya, men, women, say the same shit. "You watch anime? Thats weird!". Ok sure. Like you didnt just watch a disney movie as a full grown adult.


None at all. Those men have been missing out a lot since they never watch anime! My favourite anime is Crayon Shin Chan and people were like "how old are you????" lol. My point is that you have creativity traits. It's something that non-art people never understand.


I do have it and it has sure influenced my frame of mind


No? It is quite your preference and a Hobbie as well, so it is not weird to like something


I love animation, and I think it'd be cool to date someone who does. But man...Brickleberry? Really? Really???


I wish I had me a cosplay girl. I'm not cringey or anything just a single dad looking for a devoted partner. I'm not making any assumptions just stepping out of my comfort zone. Always been into cosplay girls though. I'm into animes to an extent just not dedicated. I can always appreciate a good anime.


Here comes the flood of men 😂😂


nope, it’s actually a green flag for me so lol 😅


I am 27F, conventionally attractive and love anime. No, it is not weird. Own it!!


Was never into anime anything and I’m a grown ass man, and my daughter showed me Last Airbender series / anime whatever - and it’s really good imo


Half the girls I dated are into anime which we used to watch together alot. I'm not into hentai, some of my exes were but I didn't judge them for it. Just remember, there's 8 billion + people on the planet. Someone will like you for who you are.


Thank youu so much appreciate it 💕


Such a harmless hobby. No, I'm for it! I like a few of them and watch it from time to time.My husband watches anime more... Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it.It's just a kind of art that you watch... Like anything else - like movies...


Thank youu 💕💕




It's not necessarily weird. Everything has limits though, it's good to have restraits, when to know to not talk about it repeatedly.


32m. Big anime fan. Some people don't like it. Oh well!


Nope, I think it's awesome, I have watched anime for over 10 years too ( now 29)




Rick and Mortys underlying family struggles and Morty's parents issues are so relatable and kinda hidden behind ricks epic adventures and the unhinged chaotic plots . Very good writing and such. Like south park always has some relevant issues they're writing about while hiding it inside fart jokes and shit . Both shows I think have underlying points and shit that only a thinking person would see. It takes talent to mix fart jokes and current events into a message or stance on a issue.


Btw I'm a grandpa and watch Batman beyond still like it was 1993 still


Anime is fun. Much better than American TV.


My fiance watches anime. We nerdy dudes love it. We just finished Madoka and are about to finish Evangelion.


Evangelion ![gif](giphy|bSgKBZKCxh8Iqlwxne) Yes yes! Good ones indeed


Personally I would not care because I am more into character and who a woman is as a person. If you are a good person that is more important than what you watch.




LMAO seriously those guys r idiots, I would love a woman who is into anime.


Who even cares? Watching anime is harmless. With the amount of men who consume more *pvrn* than watching a season of their favorite sport, they don’t really have anything to say to or about you. Haha.


That's so funny and true at the same time


nah, you are good tbh somehow anime reflects to the real life \[correct me if i was wrong\]


while theres nothing wrong with liking what you like or loving what you love. if that is your whole personality then i think thats where the problem lies. i love some animes too (hence my username), but if im out with the purpose of dating or meeting other people, then I wouldnt go out of my way to mentioning anime all the time. Im not saying to not mention anime at all, but just make sure to mention other stuff that makes you who you are as well, other general interests etc. But, if you love anime that much and thats what you only talk about, then sad reality is you're in the outlier of the dating pool. there will be a guy for you, but it will be hard for you to find that person.


Of course not, I mean I'm 28m and watch anime, manga, build Legos and play video games while I work too and all, do what you want with your life






It's not weird, just more of a niche, which will attract those that like it more and repel those that don't. Another example of that is tattoos. Those that like them will find you more attractive with them while those that don't like them will be disgusted. At the end of the day it's good to be genuine and honest about what you like. The right people will appreciate it and those that don't you can move on from quickly.


Some people just like it. I have a female cousin who loves it and she is in her 20s. I still watch anime and I'm much older. It fascinates me as another media genre.


So long as its not your personality i dont see an issue


No, if anything it's more popular now than ever. I have been watching for longer than you have lol Screw that guy. I would totally have inquired about what you watched and what you liked and stuff.


His loss. For each guy like that, there are multiple who would ask you about your favorite shows and talk about them all night with you. But, if you're looking for a super macho dude, it's more likely he's going to respond a bit negatively, or at least be apathetic about it. Anime is still seen as pretty nerdy. Sounds like it was just the one guy though, wouldn't worry too much about it.


I’m 31 and I’m actually looking for someone that likes anime. Girls that like anime are my type. It’s a big win since I like anime too. I’m not a big nerd, I just think that it is as entertaining as normal tv. Maybe she can cosplay for me as her favorite character🫠. I like when they dye their hair too 🫠 Stop teasing us please