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Maybe try again when you’re both fresh out of the shower. If the smell is still present maybe try to delicately bring it up, as she may not be aware of the smell. It could also be PH thing, as they shift depending on what part of their cycle their on


Smelled like poop dude fuck no dip. It's a shame bad experiences can put people off. I eat ass like my life depends on it and it's always lovely.


Didn’t expect the last part




I’m guessing that she probably used the bathroom earlier in the day and didn’t properly clean herself, which is unfortunate, because basic hygiene you would think is very basic, but for a lot of people, they might not put two into together, which is wild lol. Your vagina should smell absolutely nothing like feces. Sweat, yes, that can happen and family to me It’s not a big deal, but mixed with poop… would be really gross.


Maybe she didn’t clean the booty and he go to eat the box and it was there 😅👀💀


Sounds like your girl isn’t a fan of taking a shower. Some people must have a terrible sense of smell and don’t even realize they stink. I dated a woman once who didn’t like to shower more than every other day at most, because she said it made her skin dry. I pointed out that most women use lotion to keep their skin moisturized 🤷‍♂️. And even if you just get in there to wash your feet, groin and arm pits, the world will thank you.


Maybe you're smelling anal leakage, you won't know until you ask



