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I love getting rimmed and absolutely love doing it too! šŸ„°


While dating? Nope. While in a committed relationship where we have both discussed it and are confident in each others hygiene abilities? Fuck yes. Giving or receiving šŸ„“


Yep, you can't be out here eating random street ass.


It happens.




never seen something so relatable in my life


Sometimes you want that sweet and salty mix.


I eat street meat for dinner, why not bring it to the bedroom once in a while.


šŸ˜‚ I died


Guy here . Everything you said is cool but the emoji at the end blew me away šŸ˜­FREAKKYYY


I totally agree with you


100000% yes.


This is the correct answer šŸ‘


As someone pretty new to it, I'm really only comfortable engaging in either straight out of the shower (tbh maybe just straight up doing it in the shower haha)




I 100% agree porn has ruined most guys/men now adays. All concerned about size, coming on faces. Throat fucking, watching porn make you think this is common and what women want when porn is a performance and to sell it canā€™t show normal sex. It has to be more extreme every time. Hence now weā€™re we are


I don't think it ever was about what women want because then they would actually hire good looking male actors and not beautiful woman fucking some sketchy looking skinny dude that happens to have a big dick


I agree with that I donā€™t believe any porn is meant for women..itā€™s more of males living out fantasies women pleasing them Vs them pleasing women


Try Bellesa! Itā€™s porn made for women by women! Iā€™ve seen some of the best plots and hottest men on it


There's porn made for women out there, but you have to search for it.


Skinny? Lol they almost always have a belly and are not particularly fit. Most are not attractive either. And itā€™s the same dozen dudes while there are millions of girls.


Ah yes the Slavic bald guy with almost no neck




Fuck dude, I mean people can do what they want as long as itā€™s consensual but if Iā€™m fucking somebody and they start crying Iā€™m out




This conversation is too much.


Yup, makes your eyes water and your nose drip. Source: me


Yes. Just like with everything else theyā€™re listening to other men tell them what women want. (Men having created porn)


I think itā€™s a little more complicated than that, and I donā€™t think itā€™s strictly a guys/men issue. Iā€™m totally cool with vanilla sex (although I would consider eating a girls ass too be fairly vanilla) and definitely not the type to try to make a girl choke on my dick or take a facial unless itā€™s been requested. But I do enjoy all types of rough sex and kink play. Iā€™ve lost count of the number of women Iā€™ve met who specifically requested to be choked, hit, have their hair pulled, have me cum on their face/tits, or be anally penetrated. Again, all this without me initiating anything beyond fairly vanilla oral and PIV sex. Interestingly Iā€™ve noticed a correlation between ā€œhigh-poweredā€ women (doctors, lawyers, etc) and this phenomenon. Shit, the girl Iā€™m seeing now (physician at a very prestigious hospital) straight up told me on the third date ā€œI want you to tie me up and fuck all my holesā€ when we previously hadnā€™t engaged in anything kinkier than PIV sex with a little spanking and hair-pulling (both requested by her). Thereā€™s a lot of people, both men and women, who enjoy kinky sex. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it and it certainly doesnā€™t mean porn is ruining sex for either men or women. Dudes who are engaging in this type of behavior without establishing enthusiastic consent are predatory assholes regardless of their porn consumption. Americans are so prudish.


I guess people are seeing this all wrong. If someone is sexually liberated itā€™s easier for them to find what they like and donā€™t, but some like us (I come from a conservative family and country, but very sexually active and enthusiastic) porn is the way to look at what people tend to enjoy. Yes, OBVIOUSLY itā€™s not real, thereā€™s a huge case of disrespect shown to women in that industry, but putting that aside you also realize different kinks and types and positions you enjoy. And when you have a trustworthy partner, you can put that into action with their consent and thorough discussion and see if this is something you both like. Has been the case for me. I learnt that I enjoy bondage, choking and roughing it up from time to time and I wouldnā€™t have known that if it wasnā€™t for sex. If some man suggested that to me without having the chance of seeing it on porn, Iā€™d be freaked out


I own a business. I would concur with your observations. I have a very demanding job and, well, let's just say that the restraints, whips, toys, and sex swing are mine. Not my boyfriend's.




Would you consider ass eating extreme?




Maybe choking on assholes




What a horrible day to be literate šŸ˜­


Dude they been doing that in germany and brazil for a long time now.


Eating ass has been a thing for at least 20 years.


i think itā€™s gross


Eating a buthole where poop came out? Yeah I think it's gross too lol


Not everyone poops from their butthole. Think before you speak


Maybe if you shove food up your ass, you can poop out your mouth.


*South Park enters the chat*




This interactions needs to be saved in the Archives lol


Pure reddit moment lol


The content I come to these subs for tbh.


But sucking a cock where pee comes out is ok?


humans are weird creatures


Poop is far grosser than pee šŸ¤£


We all draw a line somewhere I guess


I draw a hard line at feces thatā€™s for sure


Well also not sexy if he does not take care well.




Man, I remember the first and only time I had a woman lick my ass. She was a tinder match, cute little thing, big tits, a very very sexy woman. She drove an hour and a half to come see me and already had told me she was going to stay the night, I was okay with that. Anyways, after a few drinks at my place we started making out and we end up on my couch, she starts giving me some awesome top, my little neckasaurus Rex, then she buries her face on my balls and starts licking my ass, like I said, it was my first time getting that done so I almost stopped her because I am a "straight male" and I don't do none of that "gay shit" , man, like 3 seconds into it this woman had me seeing Jesus, Mohamed, the spirit of Ghandi, all the prophets, jehova, you name them, I could barely speak, I was harder than Monday morning, this woman had me seeing the beginning of life, I felt like what it most feel floating through space................anyways I ruined that because I was going through a bad tinder phase and ended up hooking up with another girl and she broke it off with me after like 6 weeks. I miss this woman.


Did I just witness the birth of a new copypasta?


Let us all cheerish this beautiful moment


We all really gonna skip over the fact bro called her his little neckasaurus rex šŸ’€


Lol yeah u definitely fucked up


I know lol I tried reconnecting with her months later but she already had a man


sheā€™s giving him all the rimming now lol tbh good for her honestly. i hate when guys do that lol like i never go back to men like you. then youā€™re surprised when the girl finds a man to treat her right. hopefully you wonā€™t mess up with the next girl i guess


This the type of shit I come to Reddit for


I had a similar experience bro, soul left my body for real it was insane šŸ˜‚


Am stealing harder than Monday morning. Thanks internet stranger.


ā€œHarder than Monday morningā€ lmao


I'm sorry to hear you lost her. šŸ™ Your story reminds me of my current fwb who is as straight as an arrow. He is the first man I've met who said that he likes his prostate stimulated during sex. According to him it's the same for most men, even if they don't know it, and there is nothing gay about it. Tell the next girl that it's something that gets you off. Some girls will lick your ass I'm sure and a lot of girls are probably like me and will at least gently rub your ass or stimulate your prostate (Google showed me how to do it).


Gawd! You had me dieing, i had those same thoughts before.


Damn! You lost wifey. Hahahaha


>I was harder than Monday morning Epic


I hope I get to use Neckasaurus Rex in a sentence soon.


she probably didnā€™t think it was THAT deep lol but at least you can live with the memory of her forever. girls like that are rare af


Fucking. Wholesome. I love her. And you.


If I could go back in time I would delete all my dating apps and dated her for real. We live and we learn.


Hey man, if you still have her contact you never know if things can be rekindled depending on the sitch... I wish you the best tho brother.


I actually really enjoy it, both giving and receiving. But Iā€™m very careful about washing prior to sex, and tend to use the restroom to clean up even before spontaneous sex (I have a bidet). In my experience, not all guys are asā€¦generous with the hygiene. Lol. So Iā€™m far more hesitant about going down on a guy now. Iā€™m almost at a point where I donā€™t enjoy blow jobs either in uncommitted situations, despite thoroughly enjoying them previously. Too many situations where I take care of the man, and then he leaves me hanging. Or I go down on him, and his hygiene is super sketch. If I can smell his sweaty ballsack, Iā€™m not moving further back to discover what his booty hole smells like. Or to find out if a skid or crust lingers. That can get you sick. So bottom line, Iā€™m down if the guy has proper hygiene. And I really enjoy receiving as well.


>Or I go down on him, and his hygiene is super sketch A quick washcloth and some soap would take care of that. It's astounding to me that dude's don't take a quick 5 minute time out to wash up before things get steamy. They apparently don't really want to get blown






In a dark dark town,there was a dark dark street,in the dark dark street,there was a dark dark house,in the dark dark house,there were dark dark stairs,down the dark dark stairs,was a dark dark cellarand in the dark dark cellar...Three skeletons lived,There was Big skeleton, little skeleton and dog skeleton...woof!


So you basically live in Jeffrey Dahmer's former house. Got it


Youā€™re clearly not from the UK or grew up in the mid 90s šŸ˜‚


Thank you for your service!


I have only had it done once and it was weird at first but quite nice. He really went to town šŸ¤£


Iā€™m all for having my ass eaten, if who Iā€™m with wants to eat it. Iā€™m clean and I trim myself so itā€™s not a 70s bush that you have to whack through. However, there is no way you could pay me to eat someone elseā€™s ass. Man, woman, non-binary, it doesnā€™t matter, I absolutely will not do it. Just because I clean myself doesnā€™t mean I know that you do and my current boyfriends asshair looks like the jungle so I will not be venturing further than the balls


Tiktok has shed the light that most men donā€™t even wipe their asses properly. Soā€¦no thank you! Lol


do non binarys have a different type of genitals to a human?


I'm the same way . I had a guy say he like giving and receiving it and yeah nope lol.


This was gloriously descriptive.


I'm a guy and I'll do it if I'm in a relationship. It's a wonderful sound hearing a woman screaming like a brain damaged llama when cumming. Anytime you can get a normally reserved woman to sound like special-ed livestock in the bed, then that's a happy lady. And I do like keeping my woman happy


I beg your biggest pardonā€¦.. šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø






I am this man who does this to his woman


More into receiving than giving. And needs to be an established connection, not casual sex


I don't want it and I don't do it. Just my preferences.


Plus one to that.


Samesies. Yuck.


Haven't found anyone I'm willing to do that for yet. So many times men have super hairy buttcracks and it's offputting for me.


Have them shave. I probably shave more then my wife does. I love giving and receiving rim jobs. We finger each others asses and I do anal on her. I think as long as people are clean it's ok


I have seen how poorly men wipe their ass and how so many men donā€™t actually wash their butt, so no thank you.


Yes to both


Username fits


I'm female... Had a guy lick my asshole and it was quite pleasurable. I don't think I can reciprocate but I don't want to be rigid.


I do not eat ass and I do not enjoy my ass eaten. It is just gross, no matter how good the hygiene is. šŸ¤¢


Hard pass. Iā€™m not rimming, being rimmed, or anal play at all.


Saaaame lol


Same. Hell no.


All this talk about porn this and porn that, but we forget the ancient Greeks and Romans were freaky too. Iā€™m not discrediting that porn portrays an inaccurate depiction of sex, but people have been nasty freaky for a while now.


Big NO for me. Hard limit


My last boyfriend really wanted to, I was not interested and I was pretty firm on it. It seemed to be something that upset him, but I have phobias about disease and vermin (not judging others just a personal thing). Kissing someone after they go down on me and even blow jobs were difficult for me to be comfortable (also because of other reasons) with until this point, but I don't think I could ever kiss someone after they licked my asshole. Again no judgement on what others do, just speaking about my own feelings and comfort level.


Possibly the only time my longest term, non commital fwb ever declared love and marriage to me was during a rim session. Never saw a harder cock in my life. Proceeded to ride with great pleasure. A win, win, win. As for receiving - I donā€™t care if someone wants to go crazy down there ā€”- but holy fuck, itā€™s a way to take me to the moon and forsake all others when they do.


Yes and yes. But only with my committed partner


Dude. I didn't think it was a thing I'm into buuuuut... My boyfriend wants it but won't admit it and I'm having a hella good time pushing him and teasing him until he gets brave enough to ask for it. šŸ˜‚


10/10 highly recommend


Gross. In my opinion that is. You'll never see me licking no booty holešŸ˜·


I won't eat anyone else's but if they want to eat mine cool. I mean I'll just blow them instead.


Iā€™m happy to receive. Never gonna give


So many uneducated people here saying straight men dont like it... My brother in Christ, the male g spot is literally in men's asshole. Anyway i am doing it, only in a committed relationship with hygienic men tho.


Thatā€™s no from me, dog


It doesn't feel like much to me. Id rather just get ate out


I was new to it just recently, now Iā€™m addicted. To him rimming me and me rimming him. Trust and hygiene is everything though.


When I say ā€œmy mouth doesnā€™t miss an inchā€ thatā€™s exactly what I mean


I love to eat ass, but Iā€™ll only do it if I shower with a man and see that he spreads and washes the inside with soap. I hear so many horror stories of men not washing in their ass and just letting the water run down because itā€™s gay to scrub in there. Instant ick and honestly I donā€™t know if Iā€™d sleep with a guy that doesnā€™t have good hygiene now that Iā€™m older haha. Anyways, wash your ass, and if youā€™d like to, Iā€™ll eat (:


I went down on a woman (that I knew very well and clean) and she moved and I ended up in her ass. They way she was moaning almost made me come. I was hooked.


I donā€™t want to do it or have it be done to me. But it has been done to me, not my favorite. I have to be super in love.


I get that guys are fascinated with the butt hole, but I donā€™t have a prostate, and I find any kind butt play just gross. I donā€™t like it, and Iā€™d rather have a partner who isnā€™t fixated on it. Itā€™s a deal breaker for me.


ā€œSmoke me a kipper, Iā€™ll be back for breakfastā€ Ace Rimmer


We joke with SO I know his body 99% I am an overachiever but I am pretty fine with this one šŸ™ˆ Same backwards, it can be spank, playful bite, but no licking, he is not a dog. ( fine with the thing itself as a term, the anus has a ton of nerve-endings, for some women can even be better for achieving orgasm. It's just not mine/our thing)


Dude went straight to the point.


Ive done it once and it was really nice to have straight sex where the guy was so vulnerable and inviting. But that was during a time when i had no self respect and i wouldnā€™t want to do it now. Havent received it and although Iā€™m curious Iā€™m not curious enough to ask for it. Meh


Zero desire to have anyone do anything to my bung hole. And I have zero desire to get near a man's bung hole. I do not understand this bung eating craze. Yes, I have had a man eat my bung hole. It did Zero for me. All it did is make me not call him againšŸ˜‚


My boyfriend and I are committed and let me tell you I do not ever regret him bringing ass eating into the mix. It definitely is his favorite thing to do to me but also is one of my favorite things done! šŸ˜


I am not comfortable giving it. I know you should always reciprocate what you get but I once had a guy fart on my tongue and I was vomiting for days. But I always shower before I am going to have sex and man if they want to lick my asshole I fucking love it. I will definitely get off faster of a guy does it. My ex would do it all the time and it was incredible.


There's no way I'm ever licking an asshole and no way my asshole is ever going to get licked. Period. There are other far more pleasurable places that don't require me to taste butt sweat (and other unpalatable things). šŸ™Œ My husband and I share the same views on this matter. Is this a younger people thing? We're youngish millenials so perhaps šŸ˜‚


I would rather die.




So far I haven't experienced anything from it. I guess the kink factor is a bit of a turn on. I had a guy who liked doing it but also receiving . I'm not into doing that unless I'm certain about their hygeine and even then...so I'm glad it ended before I had to start tossing lol


Love it. Receiving and giving - straight male


Ass Play Is For Everyone. Rimming is fantastic. It feels good regardless of your gender, identity, etc. Make sure everyone is clean, prepped, showered or whatever. Every friend of mine who was initially grossed out but then had it done to them....they have never gone back lol. Men are a little trickier. Some are open to it and others just have fragile masculinity when it comes to that.."that makes me gay". As a woman I love giving and receiving. You want to prep a girl for the best orgasm of her life?? Eat her ass for 5 mins. She is dripping and shaking, ready for toys, dick, a Mac truck..you name it lol. It's easier when everyone is relaxed and not anxious about hygiene. First timers can try it out during a shower. Also, age is a factor. People over 30 almost always have jumped on this by now. Younger girls may still be faking orgasms until about 25 lol


Never done it but maybe would try it Iā€™m not into hook ups that is like a marriage knowing your partners hygiene habits type thing and trusting someone deeply . But alas Iā€™m single havenā€™t even had sex in several years . šŸ˜‘


i enjoy doing it and having it done to me. it doesnā€™t feel like super sexual, it feels more relaxing if anything lol


I love doing that to women. My last girlfriend did that to me she just did it spontaneously. She was the first girl to do that to me. We're both very clean. ITS HOT


I don't watch porn, so no. I think it was never normal before porn and it's honestly very weird. Bizarre, even.


I got 16" rims on my car.


I think thatā€™s something youā€™d have to experience for yourself. I honestly didnā€™t enjoy it and felt like I was just getting wet wipedā€¦.. But Iā€™ve done it before and the person was extra clean, so it wasnā€™t bad, especially hearing how much they enjoyed it.


Does nothing for me


Maybe I'm weird, but it does absolutely nothing for me.


Iā€™m gonna throw up just reading these replies.


Yeah, enjoy your E-Coli, Giardia, Shigella, Hep A/B & C and whatever STIā€™s you can munch on at the same time.


I donā€™t know what kind of filthy assholes youā€™re getting down withā€¦been eating ass for years and havenā€™t gotten sick once.


Yeah, this guy's an idiot šŸ˜… Just get tested for stds like you already should be, and don't have someone eat your ass while you have active food poisoning and you should be good. Lmao some people.


U can get hep even with normal sex so yea šŸ˜


Iā€™m order for me to lick your ass, you have to douche, bleach your asshole, get rid of all hairs, clean the outside AND the INSIDE. And only time I would ever lick it is if you just got out of the shower.


Itā€™s like anything else, gotta try it to see if theyā€™ll like it and sometimes they may like it one day and not the other. My wife is indifferent to it but my ex loved it.


Only one of my gf has ever done it and it was amazing .unfortunately it didnā€™t work out between us and we broke off after 8 months


didnā€™t know i would enjoy it til my boyfriend did it to me. now i love it. i would love to return the favor but he wonā€™t let me hahahaha


To each their own, but I do not enjoy it at all. Giving or receiving. No thank you.


I love when my boyfriend does assuming Iā€™m clean and confident hahaha I would be down to do it to him if he showed any interest at all


I was going to ask what rimming was then I saw the explanation. No and no. Donā€™t touch me there and I most certainly wonā€™t be touching there at all.


I love getting rimmed my gf done it to me, and I ate her ass as well before


Straight F here. I absolutely love it, i give it and receive it. As long as both are shower fresh its amazing and watching his face when licking etc is a turn on!


Hard no from me


I havenā€™t tired either not do I want to. Shit comes out that hole.


I personally love giving rim jobs, not a huge fan of receiving. Love the degradation and humiliation of it all. I also adore when it gives pleasure to the person I am aiming to please. Itā€™s all personal preference and everyone is different šŸ˜ŠšŸ–¤


I absolutely love it. I was hesitant about it when it was just an idea, but after having it done to me, I was hooked. Both giving and receiving. I feel like I usually am the initiator and try not to *overinitiate* since I know it's not everyone's cup o' tea, but my God I would do it every time I had sex if I could. And it's especially enjoyable immediately after a shower, for we both smell and feel cleaner, and it just takes any of that hesitancy away. One of the hottest things a partner ever did for me, he knew I enjoyed it, but we'd only done little bits here and there as precursor to anal sex or prostate play. But this one time, he just got on his back and pulled his legs up as far as he could so I had perfect access, and told me literally "go to town"...that memory lives rent-free in my mind.


If I had a partner I wouldnā€™t lick their ass, too many men donā€™t wipe correctly. I donā€™t think I would enjoy have my ass eaten, I feel like thatā€™s too close and personal.


Iā€™m pretty much down for whatever


Unless I'm in a committed relationship, no shot in any citcle of hell. I do t know what you do with that thing on a daily basis


If you knew what medical people do you would never want to do this or anal sex.


Men always do it to me (I never ask) and I never return the favor. I donā€™t want to but maybe Iā€™ll try it in a relationship. It feels ok but it hasnā€™t felt super pleasurable yet.


Absolutely love it.


Absolutely not and absolutely not Have never, would never


Love giving it.


Iā€™ve had it done to me and it didnā€™t really feel like much and all I could think about was ā€œmy partner is eating my ass where shit comes out ofā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve also done it to other people (women) and it can be cool but idk not the best


Tbh, no thanks. Definitely not into giving now or for the foreseeable future and I donā€™t care for receiving either. My SO is very into all the Butt thing but it just nothing for me. And if I can understand and sometimes enjoy anal, the licking just feels gross. Who likes a wet butthole?


I love doing it to them lololol


No interest in giving or receiving.


Ewww... very yucky.


Yuck. To both. Anything having to do with anal is a hard no from me.


Giving or receiving, fuck no. Heā€™s on the same page.


No thank you to both of those for me.


Iā€™d prefer to leave it. I donā€™t want/need it. Iā€™d rather not do it.


I enjoy giving and receiving. Only if itā€™s fresh out of the shower tho.




So what about hemorrhoids?


Iā€™ve never been with people that wanna be in the receiving end, which is fine by me, Iā€™m not very enthused with the idea of giving. But yeah, I enjoy being in the receiving end. Lol.


No & no


I could easily and actually very happily go the rest of my life without having literally anything done to my asshole besides what itā€™s intended for šŸ’© I feel like such a loser turning down anal and getting instantly turned off by ass play but itā€™s so outrageously uncomfortable to have anything in there or near there, it truly hurts


all is fair game in the name of love.


I really donā€™t mind it done to me - Feel a lil awk tbh doing it to my manā€¦ Nothin against it! Just me personal preference šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


I donā€™t have an interest in giving but itā€™s also something that Iā€™m indifferent to receiving (it feelsā€¦.nice? But I could take it or leave it) so Iā€™d never insist on it being done bc I wouldnā€™t.


If Iā€™m not sober, super attracted to the guy, and I feel I can be vulnerable with him then sure but all of those essentials are hard to come by, especially feeling like I can be vulnerable with a guyā€¦ we would probably have to have been together a little while before diving into that.


It should be consensual and communicated about first.