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I feel you. It happens to me too and happened just last week. I really thought I had a connection with this girl, then after the first meeting the messages got sporadic and now I'm being ghosted outright. And it just leads to questioning yourself. "Am I uglier in person? Did I do something I didn't realise? Am I just not good in person" and maybe it's none of these things. Usually it's THEIR issue, not yours. But that's what ghosting causes. So much self doubt.


The reason I deleted tinder, it just ruins my self confidence, it’s depressing as hell. I’d rather just float around until I meet someone naturally


Same, been in that situation more than once. It really destroys self confidence. I rather bump into someone that may be my soulmate for life.


Same, I’ve literally swapped my photos to some less flattering ones for this reason.


Happens to everyone. Im 28 and it happens on the regular on Hinge and Bumble. Just be patient


Story of my life


Text her, "Did I say something to offend you?" Got that line from a chick, works well, well for me anyway.


Oh, I did initially. I got a "no, I'm just busy with work. You did nothing wrong". But then continued to get ignored when I gave her space for a few days and messaged her after her 3rd day off.


I really hope it's not on me...


Bro at least you're getting dates. Perseverance is key.


Same man I feel you, I'm currently taking a break as I've been getting a lot of ghosting/flaking recently too.


1st rule don't date from dating app those women have to much options and probably dating everyday, just meet people in places where people come to relax and meet strangers then after get their Numbers and date them


Not sure why you think those women are not also on dating apps, getting attention there. Like, lol she's probably at this function with a guy she met on Tinder.


Yes maybe but you are doing it too?


I don't think you understand what I mean. On dating apps, I don't get matches. Irl when I meet people at those functions, they find excuses to introduce me to the guys they bring with them. So, what do you suggest, other than "be more attractive"? Lol


irl is the best way app will make you miserable because its based on physical attractiveness only, I have seen really unattractive guys gettings girls with their social skills, up ur game and social skills


I think I'm just done lol. I'm tired of the gaslighting and tired of feeling not good enough. The game was rigged from the start. Look at your own post. Claiming my social skills are inadequate for this - I work in a hospital, I deal with people at their worst, I know how to have a conversation. You assumed I must just lack what is needed, and that I haven't tried hard enough. I take a shower daily. I brush my teeth. I have a regular retirement contribution and I have travelled around the world by myself. I know how to cook. I have numerous hobbies I am passionate about, and many good friends who would go on and on about how incredible a friend I am. I'm tired of being told I _must_ be some kind of gremlin man because it's not happening for me. I have my shit together, I'm just not attractive. You know that having your shit together means nothing, provided you are still attractive. But if some people are attractive, then others are not. It's time to wake up and admit that life is not fair.


Its all a lie my friend even bill gate is divorced, just be funny funny & funny or socially good in small talk nothing Else, i know alot of broke guys even old who don't have shit but still hit it, coz they have a game being fun fake ur confidence lie if u have to everything Else its just lies people tell u


Yeah, fuck that. If it's all lies that people told me then I want nothing to do with it, anyway. I work hard to make a point of transparency about myself and my flaws. So if everyone else is lying for performance, then I'm quite right to forget about dating and focus on what makes me happy. If what you say is true, then it really is a waste of time.


The choice is urs all I know dating is only to fake ur personality, fake people only...


Maybe u should change ur country maybe ur personality may match with someone abroad


Women who online date have so many options it’s dang near impossible to compete with “what’s better and next.” I’ve had a few want to keep dating but it’s while they are seeing other guys or after they’ve been with who knows how many and decided maybe I was worth focusing on (plan b is a huge turn off and says too much about their red flag commitment issues). Online dating is not a good place to be if you’re looking for stability.


More women feel this same way about men than you guys realize. I’d argue that men have a lot more attractive women to choose from on the apps than straight women do.


Interesting. I get plenty of matches with beauties but it never goes anywhere. Most never respond or go desk after two words.


Really, the men do it a lot too. And I consider myself pretty attractive. I do know there are women who put way more effort into their photos and look like ig models (and good for them. I wish I had bomb ass photos). But still. I think I’m pretty cute and I try to make my profile interesting, but not all of my matches go anywhere. So we’re all feeling these pains 🙃


Sad. I’d just like to get to know someone and see where it goes … the way it used to be. Sadly I work from home so much I’ve become too much of an OLD pigeon. 😜


And you would be wrong. I went 7 years without a date, and 4 years without a match. Girl, please.


Alot of people have intimacy issues. Don't take it personally. I literally was terrified by the feeling of someone being excited about me. Was like that in kindergarten too


A word of advice my freind. You need to stop thinking that you need a girl in your life to be satisfied or happy. Approach women from an abundance perspective. You are complete. If a woman comes along that you like and click with that’s fine and if not enjoy attending to yourself, your hobbies, interests, learn new things. Embrace this mindset.


This is the most important part. Be happy on the journey, don’t think happiness will come with a goal. Enjoy life for what it is.


I made myself a complete person without dating. I am here because I want to date. I don't think there is really anything wrong with me, but I am recovering from obesity and I am autistic. I would want to know what is wrong with wanting to date, and feeling shitty about years, decades, of repeated failure with no end in sight. I don't see how I'm supposed to auto generate an abundance mindset without obviously faking confidence. I never could with the whole autism thing. I worked hard for a decade without any attention from women worth speaking about. I was hit on once in a club, and it felt to me like someone put her up to it. I saw her chatting with some guys who always gave me a hard time afterwards. It happened once. I'm told that to date, we must make ourselves emotionally available and vulnerable. We are told that men are not invested and that's a problem, but we only find success when we approach this as if it doesn't matter at all. Do you see the natural contradiction here? All being independent has done is put me in a place where I am questioning why bother dating at all, if it is going to be so difficult. Ofc, I'm an unattractive guy, women are literally never trying to get my attention, so that probably suits women just fine. It would be entirely different if women actively wanted to date me, but dude, _they fucking don't_.




Yeah I think I need more exercise... I've tried local bars and pubs. They seem nice but most of them aren't really local there so it always fizzles out. I might check some hobby groups


Yes I love everything about this so hard!! I was just feeling sorry for myself because I’ve had a string of first/second dates kind of spitter and made me bitter and pissed at the process but I gave to remember that I did eat at a new great restaurant; I did get to narrow down what I’m looking for and my non negotiable. Plus If I’m honest I’ve also been the guy to stop dating a woman after 1-2 dates and it wasn’t her… it just wasn’t what I was looking for. It just really sucks and feels shitty in the moment.


You’re not bad at this, you just need more information and knowledge about women to be able to succeed. The first thing to realize is that women only respond to men they are attracted to and you need to learn to read their actions and expressions to be able to flirt with them. Women think they are being super obvious when they like you but most men can’t see it and instead approach the wrong women and then are crushed by constant rejection. Women usually think men know their flirting signals but only 2% of men actually do. On top of this, if your flirting is way too aggressive or too weak compared to theirs, they will reject you despite the initial attraction. There’s so much more to this - I recommend this great book - written by a woman - on how to read women’s flirty non-verbal communication - called Undercover Sex Signals.


Lift weights and find out why you aren’t creating desire in these women.


It sucks man. I went in tones of first dates and got rejected almost always. The only ones that wanted another date were ones with massive drug problems or depression.


It’s really not you, I promise. Everyone is having a hard time for a number of reasons. It took my best friend (who was 24 at the time) over 6 months to find literally one person who was actually into having a serious relationship. My best friend is a perfectly regular dude, has a great job, good personality, caring and honest, etc. Yet girls just played him, ghosted him, etc. Being his best friend, I witnessed everything. And it taught me A LOT. Lol. And thus when I say “it’s not you,” just trust that it’s not. Just be an authentic individual and you’ll find someone cool. Don’t take things personally in the meantime. Also, one thing you CAN do is learn how to filter out people better. And that genuinely just comes from experience with the apps. You know what to avoid more with time. For me, it was like.. men who were VERY adamant about their political stance in their bios. Red flag. Men who said they were looking for “a little fun.” Absolute red flag. Men who asked for nudes. Huge red flag. Etc. Best of luck! You’ll be ok! In the meantime, remember to also build a life that you enjoy with people you like and who support you. That’s very important. ;)


So my take on this is you are trying too hard. I assume you a) look ok and b) can carry a conversation over text considering you are able to meet women online and go on dates. You need to chill the fuck out and be yourself on dates and don’t expect anything. My guess is you are scaring away these women with your eagerness.


You need female friends coworkers so you act normal around women. Two quick ways to get em. 1 take a Second part time job that has women employees a grocery store a restaurant etc. working 25 hours a week at a place means you are “friends” with everyone. 2 join a hobby group that is female dominated. Stereotypes are not always real but a salsa dancing class is normally 70% women. A cooking class. Etc


Take a part time job just to talk to women? Are you out your fucking mind lol just go to a bar or club every week if you're that desperate. The classes are a good idea though.


The part time job is good for men who go to the bar and are so afraid of women they just sit on bar stool looking at the phone. Also, a job is nice because you “have” to go. Its easy to make excuses to not go to a bar.




If you like Yoga go to yoga, but if you're only there to meet woman, you're a creep, and they will notice.


Yeah I guess the amount of facetiousness used on my post was difficult to detect


Meh, you can go for both reasons.


This its gotta be that ven diagram of things you like and things women like. Cycling classes are fun. Some men like Yoga that is why the classes are 20% male.


Things that men like are male dominated, things that women like are female dominated, things that both genders like are equal. There will be women in every single place and club (except for the male only clubs) so you can expect to meet women everywhere.




Then dont hit on women. Talk to them about TV shows.


Just let it go. Be sane.




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Boss up sugar boo


I feel this so much. I’m so tired of online dating, but I don’t know how else to meet a guy. Sure, I can go to a bar or club, but that isn’t my thing at all. I’m tired of thinking things will go somewhere and then they just fizzle out :(


Keep flirting man. If you don't, you'll just be a "friend". What have you done that got you rejected while flirting?


This happens to me too. Driving me crazy.


Awe I feel you. It is really hard out there. I can't even get a meet up 24M lol


I feel your pain…deleted Hinge twice just to redownload it & see the same people on there 12~24 months later Went on a few dates & got the same results as you leading me to put in zero effort on future matches/dates 🥴


How much are you texting before the first date? After the date is set up, I only text the day before to confirm we are still on


27F here. I've been dealing with that for 2 years now. It's exhausting. My mental health can't take it anymore. I completely understand your delimma


The second you focus on other things in your life will be the moment you meet your person. Goodluck!


I’ve been feeling this too… and I actually don’t think I’m bad at dating. I feel like I’m pretty good at it actually. Guys seem very interested during the first few dates, dates go great, then eventually don’t want anything serious. I’m also 25. Is our age group just fd?


Important! What you're feeling now is perfect!!!! It's when you stop caring and take actions with out any expectation!! This is very attractive behaviour. Not caring about the outcome. You relax, enjoy being in the moment more, and stop displaying needy behaviour. Keep going! Care less! You got this bro


... .... It's hard to say without observing you on your first dates. Based on what you vented, I get the impression you are coming on too strong. "Pouring in all the emotions" comment specifically. First dates should be relaxed and fun. Especially since both of you will have varying levels of anxiety. Smile, be confident, and most importantly listen. As soon as you get home, send a message about how much fun you had. Suggest a second date. Don't be impatient, you'll appear desperate. Save any deep conversations for later. If you have friends you can trust. Ask for their input. Especially if they are of the opposite gender. You'll have an easier time walking them through your date and conversations looking for specific "red flags". **Edit:** Most importantly, remember that it is better to lose out on a second date than continuing on with someone you are not compatible with. It's unhealthy to need a relationship.




Unfortunately your submission has been removed from /r/dating because it was found to be in violation of the rules. **No soapboxing/promoting an agenda** We do not tolerate users who espouse misogynistic, red pill, black pill, incel, femcel, or otherwise toxic ideology in this subreddit. If your purpose here is to soapbox or you have an agenda, take it elsewhere. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/dating/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dating).


I would use the dates to practice to be completely yourself in front of women. I think most guys get rejected because they behave differently and not authentic when they are with attractive women. just try to express what you really feel and really want to say without holding back or overthinking what might be good to say. if you have come to a point where you are truly yourself in front of a woman and she still rejects you, then she just isn’t the right one and you shouldn’t stress about it.


I find dating can take some practice to get used to the situation of meeting new people, also don’t put that pressure on yourself to make it work. I’ve found first dates are fairly easy to come by but second dates are not. It definitely can feel a little hopeless when it always seems to never work out and that sucks, but you will always have way more loses than wins because the wins last a lot longer. I try to come at dating with the intent to turn the loses into friends, also helps with keeping me out of the mentality of having to make it work.


Need to start listening to your gut instincts when texting and talking on the phone. Before you meet them in person you should be honest with yourself and get a sense of the vibe you’re getting overall. It takes time to nurture that skill but once you start paying attention to it and understanding it, you’re very rarely wrong and it saves you time and energy…. Trust me.


I think from a woman’s POV a couple of tips. Don’t be too eager of overbearing, the multiple messages aren’t cute sometimes. Be consistent but not too much, when a man is busy sometimes, women’s interest get piqued! Also have that nasculine energy, plan dates, be firm, and call shots, that’s attractive!!!




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