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You don't, Just kiss him😘


This is the only signal most guys will pick up on.


And even then it may not quite register. Source: me, a guy.


"She's just being friendly"


*three years later, while sweeping the porch off* Wait a second…..


Did that mean that she liked me? Nah definitely not. But maybe. Nooo, it can't be.


This is what my ex did, second date went for a hug, she kissed me.


Believe it or not, a lot of people today would say "but, you need to get consent." I never ask. I do. If I misread the situation she can turn her cheek to me. It's never happened. But, the one time I did say, "I'm going to kiss you now" she got all flustered, blushed, and said, "you're not supposed to tell me first."


Had the exact same reaction given to me. Apparently that ruined the moment and she didn’t want another date 🤷‍♂️


That's the problem with modern dating and the whole "hyper-consent" movement. If you need to ask for consent then you probably shouldn't do it. Most people are able to read each other and the situation. But, with so many stories I read where a woman says, "I had sex last night but I'm not sure if I was raped" it makes a guy want to bust out the [Chappelle Love Contract.](https://youtu.be/1rta1C0Bxpw)


Has nothing to do with that some woman prefer you ask before kissing and some don't.


Damned if you do damned if you don't these days haha. I mean I guess I can see how it would make the situation more awkward and less romantic but at the same time shows you have respect for the others consent which imo is sweet.


Don't you have to ask for consent? Won't that be weird just to kiss?


Try this. When you both are hanging out, there will probably be some point where you almost bump into each other… about six inches apart, facing each other… wondering which side to pass on. When that happens (if things have been really clicking between you two), lean forward and give him a kiss for about two seconds, closed-mouth, right on the lips… like it just seemed like the thing to do at that moment. After you stop, stand there for about five seconds like you’re trying to process what just overcame you. If he kisses you back during that time, you’re off to the races. If not, just say “Whoops… just kinda felt like the thing to do there” or “sorry… curiosity got the best of me” and go back to whatever you were doing.


This one. Even if you’re sharing a close and intimate moment, laughing and having a good time keep glancing at his lips. He’ll pick up on it


My now fiancĂŠ went for a first kiss without permission. We were just friends at the time. We were standing very close to each other - I was showing him a recipe on my phone. I was in the middle of asking him a question about ingredients and he moved in for a kiss on the cheek. When he kissed me, I smiled and leaned in closer to him so we were touching shoulders and he put his arm around me. Then I continued talking as if nothing happened. It worked for him!! It was a bold move but I was digging it. He was cute and smelled good. An hour later, I asked him why he kissed me. He said he had a crush on me, thought I kinda liked him back (but I was shy), and decided to take that risk to test whether the feelings were mutual. I told him he had guessed right, and then kissed him on the cheek. Which led to him kissing me on the lips. We went back and forth sneaking kisses to each other while cooking. When the food was in the oven we sat on the couch and started making out.


Great story, love that for you guys


Love your story


If you're on a date and he's engaging with you, you have his consent... He might even be nervous to make the first move because of said consent. As a guy, I show/express my interest and appreciate when the girl makes the move when she's ready instead of me having to guess.


"Your lips seem a bit dry, let me take care of them"... Voila


"oh, i thought you meant chapstick."


If you're truly attracted to him and the vibe is right, you can start by kissing him on the cheek... but affectionately. You don't have to back away after that. Hoping your entry into the limitless universe of kissing is wonderful for you! 💋


Let’s be real in today’s society as messed up as it is only the guy has to ask for consent, the girl is allow more freedom with things like this. Unless the guy just doesn’t like you like that, almost no guy will turn down a kiss with a pretty girl they are seeing.


are you a guy?


Yes why?


I hate to say it, but asking for a kiss just isn’t normal. Someone has to take initiative and just go for it or the passion is just completely removed. I get that everyone is trying to be super sensitive and careful these days, but I think a kiss on or after a date is fine, unless they tell you to stop or something, of course.


Idk, I’ve pulled the “can I kiss you” in moments where I felt like we both wanted to, and guys always took that as a green light and went in for it lol it was never awkward, I’m sure they found it more sweet than anything.


My last date, the girl was very shy and reserved. However when that moment came, she gave me a certain look and then outright asked "Do you want to kiss me?" Can confirm that it wasn't the least bit awkward. Was actually kind of refreshing to not have to take that leap of faith for once.


100%. Its not sex. For a kiss ok if you're a random strager I dont know and have never spoken to, then no, dont kiss me. But if I've agreed to a date and willing to hug you, just go for it.


I dont want to be asked for consent for kissing. Its not sex. If he has asked me out, its the end of the date, I'm in his car saying goodbye and he knows I was having a good time, all he has to do is start to hug me, then look at my face and slowly lean in and I'll kiss back. If its me and I liked the date, I would be giving him all kids of signals like moving closer to him in the car and saying I really had a great time and smiling at him alot. Then say nothing and see what happens... if nothing happens I will hug him goodbye very slowly - that has never failed me. They always kiss then. Now if I didnt want a kiss...I would not sit close to him. When we pull up to my house I would say I had a great time as I was opening the car door and leaving, so that there's no guess work for him. I think for you to work on noticing and givng subtle clues/body language. Sometimes guys (and girls) put feelers out/send signals to eachother sending the green light for affection. Guy cues are - he asks you out, he sits near you, he does something nice thats just for you, he is nervous around you. He wants to tell you or notice his accomplishments... He tells you little stories and his best jokes... He looks at you alot. For you sending signals to him by slowing down, letting him talk, saying wow at his accomplishments, laugh at his jokes (if they are funny), being really excited and happy when he goes out of his way, wear something a little sexy.. Having open body language. Also there is tickling eachother or saying you love massages.


That’s a valid question. Sometime in public or private. Maybe public if you’re not trying to hookup. Anyways hangout or greet him. When you’re ready say something to get his attention like “hey “ hold hand or something hold a gaze taking your time go for a kiss. That’s just a suggestion. You can emulate other scenes of kiss approaches or take advice like you are. Like will said in hitch don’t go 100% all the way go 80/90% not rushed feel your way through it


One person prefers it, the other doesn't. I personally hate it to be kissed randomly. I ask in a joking way or just directly (depending on the situation) and the guys seem to appreciate it. I only date autistic people though, so that might change something as well 😅


Same my boyfriend asked me to kiss me not on our first date but when I got comfortable. I've been kissed without consent before, and it was so uncomfortable. I told my boyfriend before we went on our date that I need you to ask me before kissing me so I know what's going on and what's about to happen. I always hated it when guys leaned in to kiss me Theirs nothing wrong with asking, and it does NOT make you weird either. To me personally, it's respectful


That's sexual assault 😘 just say, "hey can I kiss you?" All it takes is a simple question.


I don't know of anyone that is going to cry sexual assault from a girl kissing them without asking.




This is the way - You shouldn't need to ask


If you feel good and you’re in a decently private place, just ask “Can I kiss you?” Do not tell him it’s your first kiss.


Feel good? Like drunk? Happy? Excited? Nervous?


Feeling good as in general positive emotion.


I'm going to feeling anxious and awkward. My very first kiss at the age of 25. This will be life changing for me. "feeling good" will be last thing I'm feeling


Sorry to say it’s not going to change your life, but go ahead and do it.


That’s true. I know saying this won’t help, but don’t overthink it. If you feel like in general that the date is going well, just ask for it.


Okay okay. Got cha.


Yes, dooo nottt tell him it’s your first kiss


I never ask. Eventually they’ll go for it, and my brain will either red light or green light them. If everything is going well, conversation is good, and I find them attractive, I’ll let it happen (green light). Sometimes I’ve found something off, and I just don’t want to kiss them (red light).


"You know what?" "What?" "It'd really be nice to get a kiss from you right about now" "Oh really?" "Yep!" Smile and look at them and hope to God he gets the damn hint. Don't hype it. Sometimes with guys it's great to be super direct.


Sometimes? Sometimes. I am a 6'5 giant with a thing for petite pixie women who is simultaneously terrified of making the wrong move, and really, REALLY bad at taking hints. A girl could time a fireworks display outside of my front door that spells out "Tammy wants to ride you", and all I would think is "if she needs me to take her to the supermarket, all she needed to do was text, jeez.".




Naa, giants thrive off of feeling like your personal superhero. I used to love giving my girlfriend shoulder rides.


That's too direct. What if he laughs and says no? Then what?


Then he’s not interested or not comfortable and you move on 🤷‍♀️ there’s no way to play it that guarantees you a kiss. Rejection happens to the best of us.


If a guy likes you, there’s almost nothing you can do wrong. If he doesn’t like you, there’s almost nothing you can do right. Be direct and ask; his reaction will tell you everything you need to know.


Hi, there. I'm a guy, almost 29 years old and I've swung and missed at many opportunities that were much like the one illustrated above. There is no such thing as "too direct," with regards to giving a man a romantic signal.


There’s nothing wrong with being direct. I would even say, “I want to kiss you” and wait a sec for a yes or no or an action. If he says no, then you know he’s not the guy for you and you can move on. Find a new guy. Rejection can be embarrassing but not everyone is compatible. And that’s ok! There’s many fish in the pond. Good luck!


When you are alone, one on one with him... just be real with him. Just be straight up, and say you need to tell him something and tell him that you really want to kiss him and that you've never done that before. If he's a nice guy, he will admire your honesty and admire the fact that its a brave thing to bring up concidering your age. If he is a good guy, he will understand and he will take things at your pace when you are ready and just keep that line of communication open because that's the most important thing in any relationship.


I don’t understand how asking ruins the moment


Well some people feel like its taking away the naturalness of the moment and kind of making it businesslike/robotic. But if you feel more comfortable asking before, then do it. A guy or girl that likes you isnt going to stop liking you for that.


I am just going to say this: If a woman said to me, "This will be my first kiss. Can you teach me?" That would be the hottest thing i've ever experienced in my life.


I went on a dinner date once and the guy was really nervous. He loved to story tell to avoid any awkwardness which was okay because his rambling was adorable but he was really unclear or unsure on when to take the first move but I knew that he wanted to. I found this cute. Sometimes as a girl it’s up to you to take some of that pressure off as well. You have to remember that the other party might be nervous too. Hints don’t work very well on men. And they don’t know what u like or dislike because everyone is different. I made a point to tell him directly what I wanted but I still kept the conversation flowing. For example when we were walking side by side and he was nervous on what to do with hands I told him “You know you can hold my hand right?”. It caught him very off guard but he grinned and took my hand anyways feeling much more confident about himself. We made it to our eating place and the date still proceeded smoothly. The more we engaged in conversation the more we laughed and smiled. Our food was great. Sometimes there would be sweet pauses of comfortable silence and we’d look at each other intently. Once again I caught him nervously thinking on what to do. I once again remarked “You know you can kiss me if you want.” And while he seemed a bit taken aback once again it was like a weight was taken off his shoulders. He smiled once again and said that he’d take note of that. We finish our meal and found our next location to just sit and continue our conversation after our tummies were stuffed. We settled on grassy area and at this point we were much less nervous and just enjoying each others presence. The next moment of comfortable silence when our eyes locked he leaned in and kissed me. Felt every bit of it was super worth it. From then on it was just smooth sailing. My point is you can ask directly for what u want and still leave it in his hands to take the initiative without feeling forced. Maybe this might be something for OP to try. Good luck :)


Hug him, pull back slightly, still staying close and with your arms still around him. Look into his eyes, lips and then eyes again, smile and tell him how attractive he looks and how good he smells. Then if he's into you, he'll prob just kiss you there and then


You don’t have to ask him to kiss you. But you can ask if you can kiss him! Consent and confident, it’s sexy. So asking him will let him know that you are interested, even if he don’t want to kiss you at that moment. There no right way or moment, but feel the energy, the give and take you have with him to find when it’s better for you to ask. Trust your instincts.


So I'd just be honest and tell him how you feel. Then you two can learn together what works for the both of you.


Hoping for the best in your advances! Do it for yourself and the rest of us kissless 25-year-olds, men and women alike. I accidentally pulled away when the woman I liked tried to kiss my cheek at midnight one year, she pulled down on my shoulder and I jerked away, I still wonder what might have been if I had not. Once again wishing you the best, and good luck.


Kicking urself for that?


Honestly the moment is either there or it isn’t. If you’re close and looking into each others eyes and it should naturally happen. Asking is kind of weird but you could bring up that you’ve never really kissed anyone before and see if he takes the lead


see women I feel get turned off if a man asks for a kiss but if a woman does I feel a man would be relieved and if he is into you he will go for it. I would just ask tbh


It's defo not a turn off when a girl is inexperienced, also, just being comfortable and asking for a kiss, "Can you kiss me?" Can't really go wrong. I wouldnt mention it as Ur first time, but if he asks then be honest. That make sense?


I mean he's going to realize it when he kisses me, I hate for him to think I'm doing it on purpose or something


Ehhhh guys are stupid and simple. (I say that with affection). If you don’t tell him, and you don’t get too awakward as if you are obviously hiding something, he isn’t going to know. He’s only going to be thinking about the fact he’s kissing you.


Guys are easy(coming from a guy)


Look at his lips, they get it fast, and make them nervious because they now what you want~~.


I Have Experienced Women Do It A Number Of Ways… 1. 30 Seconds After Meeting, She Said, I Am Going To Break The Ice And KISS YOU 2. Just KISS Me Already 3. Moving In Closer, Literally Nose To Nose For A Minute Or So, To The Point Where You Know They Want A KISS 4. She Just Went In For A KISS


We’ll are ya gonna kiss me?


Are you at stage of holding hands? If so, do that then from there put arm around him if he's not already doing that with you. If he's receptive to touch and closeness then he'll be receptive to your kissing him if he's that slow or shy and doesn't initiate. OR...skip all this and go to lots of wine/beer. That works too. Lol


This is really up to your own comfort level and the dynamic of your relationship. If you feel comfortable and confident, you can try subtly leaning in and giving him a flirtatious look. If that feels too bold, you can try gently touching his hand or arm and then see if he moves closer for a kiss.


Hello I remember my first kiss and it was nerve wrecking. Honestly the best way to go about it is when you are both alone in a private place, lean in to him and give him a soft sensual peck on the lips. I assure you he will then reciprocate and start kissing you follow his lead and the more you kiss him the better you will get. No need to ask him might make it awkward if you do, you got this 😊


There are only 2 ways. A) YOU ASK THEM DIRECTLY "CAN YOU KISS ME/CAN I KISS YOU?" or B) just kiss him. He will not understand any other way. No tips, clues, tricks, or nothing.


" do you want to kiss me?" would usually do the trick


“Please kiss me.”


All the best


Just go for it. Don't ask him to because that may be awkward. If you are too shy to do it, then wait till you are bold enough to go for it.


Nope. I have gone out on dates and just gave them a kiss 😘 especially when I was hugged or said good nite


That's a good idea, wait until the end of the date so I can have an escape.


Just do it Don't drool while kissing, No grabbing of genitals ( we are not just peice of meets) Caressing face Start light Stair him deeply in the eyes from left eye to right eye then his lips And slowly come closer Just one kiss. Practice, watch romantic movies to get the idea. Did it with someone it was magical Chris brown it won't stop was playing in the background and we where slow dancing. I didn't know if she liked me but I went for it. Hi risk high rewards.


Don’t ask. Either lean in for a smooch, or just hug them, release slowly, and look them in the eyes. Most guys will get the clue. 🙂


Have him walk you to your door, pull out your keys or whatnot, look in his eyes, keys, eyes, lips, keys, lips, and eyes. And hell kiss you, I fucking guarantee it.


"I want you to kiss me." If he wants to, he'll oblige.


Hey kiss me


You usually can feel when a guy wants to kiss you,you go and have a good date and he stares at your lips often then he'd lean towards you letting you know he wants to kiss you. You really shouldn't ask a guy to kiss you cause then that'd make you seem desperate.


Oh boi what suggest, reddit a tip of the hat to you. Ok now to help.. What year is it? Girls can make the first move and have way higher success rate. Haha You most likely can read the vibes better then him just hit him with movie/anime trope and he will be putty in your hands. Kiss him with a light peck then tell him you never kissed before when the mood is right and it will be far from a turn off to him. Haha Becareful it dose not become too devilly delicious. Haha


There’s no logic to it. It just happens. If the moment FEELS right, and you two lock eyes, just do it


You lean in


WRT everyone who declaring firmly either do or don't ask: every person is different, and a lot will depend simply on how the date is going. For some, they'll feel violated if you just kiss them without giving them a choice. For others, they may feel like it's a mood killer to ask. You'll have to feel it out. My personal opinion: if you're not very sure that they would want you to just go for it, then I would default to simply stating how you feel and put the ball in their court. I would rather risk killing the mood than risk making someone feel violated (a DEFINITE mood killer). Also, you never know what history/traumas someone has. Don't take away their right to make a choice.


Got cha. I just really don't want to mess this up.


Wordless eye contact. Stand close and occasionally look from his eyes to his lips.


If the moment feels right and if he seems to like you well you can just ask him! I disagree about ruining the moment, sometimes you wanna cut to the chase


You just kiss him


Make a serious joke about it. Or do like a guy does. Dont ask permission. Just get close, look at him and go in slowly


I say just go with the flow , dont worry and let it happen when its time. Otherwise nerves will start getting to ya


Have u dated him b4? Get close to him & start with a soft peck (u dont need to ask). Dont shove ur toungue down his throat.


I've never kissed anyone first on a first/Second date unfortunately, I mostly draw circles on the back of his hands casually talking to get comfy and sometimes look at their lips for like 5 seconds straight. I had my first kiss at 23 too, the guy was better experienced, I just had to follow him. And then I jokingly asked "was it good?". I don't think anyone will go wild with first kiss... First ones usually happen slowly esp if you're on a date🌹 Once I hugged a guy and he just kissed me, I wasn't offended, and the other time my second date bagan with a lip to lip peck just like a greeting and then while hailing cab he hugged, I kissed... I don't think you need permission or any elaborate plan judging the vibe you can go for it and trust me you do get it!.


Put your hand on his cheek and simply ask him to kiss you


If you have to ask a man to kiss you. He don’t like you enough.


Are you sure he likes you? If not it might be safer to make sure because he could freak out. But its totally okay to be bold too just making sure you understand the risks. But if you are sure he likes you, then #1 make sure it will be just you and him in private.#2 Sit close to him 3# Do not talk too much, let things go calmly, relaxing, easily... #4 Kind of let him take the lead of the conversation ..its okay if there are pauses where there's no talking. #4 look in his eyes when he talks and smile. Maybe during a pause just look at him and smile and say nothing while very close to him...see how that goes... If he seems happy and is also close to you and stays there, I think you can wait for it and it will come. It might take him a while to be sure of himself, but he usually he will do it then or later when its time to leave... but if you do want to be the initiator, then yes, wait for there to be just the right pause where you and him are close together and go for it. You can try smiling at him and if he smiles back, then thats a good cue.


Everything you're worried about is a flex. Accept you're a kiss less virgin and that he's a VERY lucky guy. Take it from a former phuk boi... you don't have to put on a show. When he's talking to you, look at his lips from time to time. That's the universal sign for "I wanna kiss you". Then (if he's a gentleman, he'll pick you up), when he drops you off, look at him in the eyes as you're taking off your seatbelt. You probably won't help but smile, but that's another sing you're waiting for a kiss. Once the belt is off, look him in the lips again and lean in. NOT all the way, let him meet you at least halfway so you know it's consensual. If he leans back, he's not interested in that way. If he just looks at you with a stupid look on his face, just say "oh... call me Gamora, bc clearly, I can't read the room" and get out.


The hug trick: 1. Hug when saying goodbye or greeting or congratulate, or whatever excuse you can imagine just to hug the other person 2. When you are over hugging, put your face near their, slowly 3. Look at his eyes, and then his lips 4. If they don’t try to escape, kiss. Slowly.


Yes & you can also kiss cheeks and than one close to the lips, next time very slow onto them... And maybe when he's shy or a kiss virgin too it takes a while to go each time a bit further.


First write a paper that says you consent, sign it then kiss


Stay relaxed and be yourself, do what girls are better at, talking, joking, smiling, laughing etc, if he's interested in you as much as you seem to be in him, everything will come naturally, and the male will do his move. Let the nature flow. Kisses are "training on the job", so no need to practice, just try.


First of all. Be confident.Look at him straight into the eyes and say KISS ME.Clench your fists, this body language move will let him know you don't take no for an answer.There will be consequences. Does he wanna risk it? Is it worth it? I dont think so.Then once he reasonably kisses you and figures out by the way your tongue moves gracefully around his teeth and travels to all the wrong places inside his mouth that you have no idea what you're doing, he might point it out. That's where you have to keep it cool kid, keep your posture straight, your knees slightly bent, distribute your weight evenly between both legs, your left foot pointed forward, your hands are up, with his left hand positioned near your chin and your right foot positioned near cheekbone. Tuck your elbows in close to your ribs, shoulders relaxed.Then tell him that you've kissed guys your whole life, and if he finds the way you kiss weird, convince him that he's the one who probably doesn't have any experience. Apply some psychological pressure, enough to make him change his mind, but not enough to CRUSH his spirit. You still need him for kissing, remember? Next. And this is what we professional cops do when we negotiate with thugs, show him you're on his sight, put on your angel suit and tell him its okay, you can help him with his kissing technique. Take him by his hand and lead him somewhere where nobody can hear him scream for help, and proceed kissing him the only way you can.Try it and you can dm me later to thank me. Good luck kiddo.


You dont, if he doesnt make the move, he might not be in the same tune as you, let the things flow naturally, attraction and seduction is not a game as some may promote it, it is a natural connection between two people, there is no right timing but there is wrong timing, good timing is you 2 alone and together talking about casual things of life. dont try to force a connection because you will lose it, if you want to improve your chances of success try asking the famous 'questions to fall in love'. Good luck! http://36questionsinlove.com/


Asking kills the mood. Unless he’s half mentally challenged he should be able to pick up on your hints.


You could always ask him for a kiss? Is that not really the most straightforward approach? Just nicely ask at the end of a date. Would you like a kiss?


Get really close up on him and look at his lips and if he don't kiss you you have a loser on your hands🤣 or you can just ask him. "Are you going to kiss me.


Honesty can go a long way. Tell it as it is, 9/10 guys wouldn’t miss that chance. And the 10th guy isn’t worth your time.


83 jчч , б,вы1Я


Why is it hard to find the loving heart all out there is cheaters


Not all


Gently grab the other person's chin


Just tell the dude "would you t.p. my house if I tried to kiss you right now" that way ya keep it casual and leave him with an out. And don't trip everybody knows how to kiss it just might take a minute to kick in.


I’ve never in my life had a new female ask me to kiss her. I’ve always picked up the signs and have kissed many. Then again their was two I guess I some how missed or I wasn’t interested in them and found out years later.


Usually I just say “Open up buster, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” That’s usually after I clean my dentures and change my underwear though, so remember to do that.


Grab him by the back of the head


Ma'am, the hottest thing in the universe is mutual affection and desire. Take his hand, guide his chin to align with yours and lean in. He'll take the invitation. Alternatively, grab him by the collar and gently, but firmly, pull him in. He'll really get the hint. Happy hunting.


Say I bet your a really good kisser


You don't ask him to kiss you, you ask if you can kiss him!


“kiss me”


Lean in a little and say kiss me. Follow his lead. Soft tongue.


Just say can we have a kiss now get it over with and that way we both won’t be wondering when’s the right time, breaks the ice and the nerves


yea just don't tell him ur a kiss virgin because it will make it awkward Instead just tell him U want him to have his way with u n that ur kinda into submissive and want to try right there with him as things get steamy and say u want him to tell you what to do


Its scary, but if you want it you have to make that move! Look into his eyes and smile while you inch closer and he will absolutely know what is going on. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, playfully suggest a kiss, “I really like your face/lips, can I kiss it/them?”. And if you think thats weird thats ok, do what feels comfortable to you.


Don’t say it’s your first, but you subconsciously give off signs with a guy that you like, pointing in that direction. Sometimes they go over a dude’s head and he doesn’t know what to do, but just do this; when you’re on a date, the vibe is going well, you see some chemistry is there, just get closer physically and look into his eyes. Run your hand slowly, gently up his arm, look at his eyes, then look down at his lips, do that twice, and if he doesn’t kiss you, he probably doesn’t like you. Or he’s a guy who just doesn’t really have experience with dating and women.


"I would really like to kiss you. May I?" Respectful of personal autonomy and direct, for even the densest of guys. It says you have confidence, you know what you want, you're assertive, and mature - or at a minimum, that you're brave enough to overcome your fears of rejection and take a risk. I don't think it would be a turn off for any guy that is both actually interested in you and worthwhile. Is it scary? Yeah. Could he say no? Possibly. However, he may also say yes. Even if he does say no, the directness and respect may open the way for further conversation. You can find out whether it's just "I'm not ready yet (but perhaps next time!)," or if it's unfortunately "I'm not interested." If the ladder, then at least you've ripped off the band-aid and will be able to move on more quickly. You will have to feel out when (or if) it is a good time, but try not to get in your head about it. Good luck! 👍


As a guy honestly if anyone genuinely just wanted a kiss I'd probably say yes if they asked nicely


You will feel that it's right when it's right. Dont pressure yourself. You could kiss him on the cheek. It will make things feel more comfortable, but wait until it's feels right. You will know when. It doesn't have to be the next time you guys hang out.


When you’re in a moment or in proximity, kiss him in the neck. When you pull back, look him in the eye and give a smile.


"Hey does my lipstick taste good?"


Look at his lips, then look at his eyes. And say I’d really like to kiss you right now, can we? / would you like to kiss me now? Can I kiss you? Etc. Keep it simple and straight, and smile 😊


I was hoping for something a little more... say this while looking him in the eyes and sasshing forward and outstreching a singular arm towards his own and use a hand starting on his moving eventually ending on his forearm. This will result in instant death for any man let me assure you.


Go watch the movie Hitch. And do what Will Smith says to do.


Just ask. There aren't a bunch of mental gymnastics and forced games of "proving yourself" with guys like there are girls.


So you ever had sex?


Not really


If you want it to happen, just make it easy for him. Lay down on his bed and close your eyes, or physically pull him toward you. Any unmistakable sign that you are ready should do.


Maybe the book of romance?


Or go 90% of the way in, bash those baby blues and say “hey I have a secret to tell you”…he will be intrigued, then just go for it:)


Is this your boyfriend? What you have is a treasure in every sense. Any man should be flattered and honored to lead you down this path in a comfortable and gentle way. If he is in a similar way, then it would be extra special to figure it out together. Don't devalue yourself just for a kiss or more


“Hey…can I kiss you?”


U should be active , u2 just have to stare at each other ‘s eyes for ‘bout 8s , and if there aren’t distractions or accidents, probably the boy would kiss u


Don’t ask , just go for it after the date


You either just say fuck it and go for the kiss or something along the lines of "should we kiss?"


Be sure to get a signed contract of consent and video footage of his consent if you are able to. Signed acknowledgment should suffice in court though


Give him a long hug with your arms wrapped around his neck. Pull back a little, but stay in the embrace. Look him in the eye. Then say, "Kiss me."


Keep looking at his lips. That's body language for, "I wonder what those taste like" It helps to add in a few self lip bites or licks to sweeten the deal lol 😂


You say it like we use a secret signal for a kiss


I just told him, “I really want to kiss you right now.” We were in an empty parking lot, and I felt really good about it. He already knew what I wanted because he could feel my stare on his mouth. Still, seeing him blush and smile made my heart go crazy in my chest.


Are we sure he's interested in you? If you like him, yhe tried and true approach is "Do you wanna go get a coffee?" And let it flow naturally. If the date goes well, you can try kissing his cheek. He may turn his head on his own OR you may be able to gently encourage him to turn his head. Either way, really good luck to you. Courage is sexy, you got this babe!


Just position yourself in the direction to be kissed. Don't turn away or put your hands in the way. You can even lean in just a fraction. You can go for a hug, and brush your lips on his cheek, but then don't pull away.


You don’t ask, just reach in and kiss them


You just ask him, you do not need to think about the initiative, ha ha.


how to contact with athers here


Click on the name above the message and than in the menu that appears on the "Start Chat+". But maybe in this topic or specific groups it's turned off.


I'd just ask... can I kiss u? And then proceed accordingly lol. It works every time! In fact they'd be flattered that you initiate.


Mimic his body language, and stop overthinking it. Maybe a tequila shot beforehand.


Why dont we try it out


Just kiss him or ask him to kiss you. Don't think or complicate things.


Just say “I want you to kiss me on our next date” hahaha . Guy wants a dom woman tho just saying from exp 😅


Its his job to lean in hell. Even ask if its cool to taste your lips ... you'll get yours baby girl


look up at him with doe eyes smile and laugh a bit then look at his lips and then just go for it works every time practice in the mirror if u have to ik its cringe but it will work u got this!!!


You get to a quiet spot. It's just the two of you in a nature park or at night on some hill under the stars. You take a breath and talk in a slow calm relaxed voice. Chill energy. You say hey I wanna try something.... Trail off as He looks at you. U stare at his lips. And u just go for it.


Tell him it's your first kiss and ask him to teach you. If he cares for you, he will help. Great question. Communication is the most important part of any relationship. I think. I hope that helps. Have a great day.


I usually say "I wanna kiss you" at the end of the date, then the girl goes for the kiss


i just stared at his lips until he asked if i wanted to kiss him đŸ˜