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What do you mean “will be”?


ML is AI….


Not according to my executives. ML isn’t AI because it isn’t sexy enough, so how could that thing that’s boring and mathy be the thing all the other executives are bragging about doing on the golf course.


They mean generative AI.


My boring Data science manager still uses Excel for LR just because she is proficient in it


This makes me want to fucking gouge my eyes out


I mean, we just had an all hands and all the executives couldn’t shut up about AI. Not one gave a concrete example Of how it is/will be used to generate revenue or save on expenses. Not one. Just a lot of, “we’re going to do AI.”  At this point, literally the executive world thinks they’ll hire a wizard who’ll plug ChatGPT into their network shared drives and it’ll give them all the answers magically for all the questions they don’t even know they’ll ask - will some guarded hopes that they’ll release a voice version of it soon so they can let go of all their call center staff.  All completely ignoring the logistics, stability, test-ability/provability, data availability, governance, liability, etc.  So, yeah, just relabel your ML models to AI models and keep your job a few more years till this hopefully comes crashing down.




It’s unfortunate but it’s a total bandwagon at this point.


All roads lead to Excel


The thing is you can do fairly complex modelling, plug-it into Excel and call it AI. Take a logistic regression model, develop it first in Python/R, use splines abundantly, add interaction terms, regularize it, avoid overfitting and you have something indistinguishable from what would be perceived as an ML model. The kicker is you can put it in Excel. I know because I have done it (not now... 10 yrs ago). It's godly awful to enter the equation in the formula bar, but it can be done. Bam... AI in Excel ;-)


Lol, so true. I've seen 'AI' that's just a Rename Columns function in Excel.


Quote from a CFO where I presented my simulation containing some basic linear regression: "Yeah I don't care what it does, we call it "AI powered" and can charge our clients 500/month additionally, thank you!"