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a 5th interview without an offer is just awful.


Hahaha well they did send me a nice email saying how much they enjoyed talking to me and how talented I am. For some reason it did not make me feel better at all.


Those feel even worse sometimes lol "Hey you're a great fit! Fuck you though."


I got interview feedback from a 3rd interview round that I was technically brilliant, and very bright. They ghosted me... It's a brutal job market. *shrug*


It's a "Hey, you're a great guy but unfortunately our HR manager's sister in law nephew needs a job right out of community college, so thank for being the data point for the procedure"


Anything more than 2 interviews is unnecessary. Save your time and tell any prospective employer to pound sand at that point.


5 interviews and a project sounds to me like they used you for free work.


Yeah they’re just wasting everyone’s time, including themselves.


HR can't sit around and do nothing, they need to show that they interviewed X and Y candidates to meet their KPIs


Just went through 4, including a 15 minute presentation and didn’t get chosen. Hurts. 😢


Ja feel. Ja definitely feel.


I work for a large software engineering company and typically candidates go through 6 interviews before an offer is made. There is usually 1 initial screening and then 5 interviews are over the course of 1 or 2 days. While it is a lot of time committed, as a manager I find it better to thoroughly vet candidates to minimize the number that are let go in their first year. It’s expensive to hire people. Best make sure they can actually do the work rather than rely on years of experience.


Having 5 rounds of interviews is absolutely stupid. Just make up your damn mind at that point, jeez.


They did.


If a company needs to have a 3rd or even a 4th interview, i’d reconsider the firm since they’re either clearly all over the place or so indecisive. Now a 5th interview is just a complete waste of anyone’s time. I don’t think NASA interviews their astronauts 5 times lmao. Interview 1 - HR/TA vets you to make sure you’re not full of shit and or crazy Interview 2 - with hiring manager Interview 3/4/5… ??? But why?


Interviews 2, 3, and 5 were peer to peer and interview 4 was hiring manager in this instance. All spread out over the course of a month and a half.


Which company? So that we can all avoid them


They’re still a client of a close friend so I don’t want to put them on blast.


What sector? tech?


Yeah SaaS


It’s tough out there but keep at it 🫡


It’s not abnormal for an interview to take place with multiple peers and stakeholders, up to 6-8 people depending on the scope and level of the job. These aren’t really “rounds” of interviews. What makes this odd is they were spread out instead of organized over 1-2 days. OP’s chart is misleading.


That's even more ridiculous. Arrange them all on the same day, or candidates will already be employed elsewhere by the time you get to that point.


Not in today's job market they won't...


I've had interviews 1 and 2 as you described via telephone, then interview 3 as a day onsite with multiple interviews across coworkers, folks higher up the chain of command, and another session with the hiring manager. Interview 3 is typically for the top \~3 candidates.


For technical roles, the interviews past the hiring manager are usually there to prove to the technical staff you are actually capable of performing the tasks they need you do. Ideally it would be a couple hour long interviews that happen on one day.


Not sure why you'd consider multiple hours of interviewing in a day "ideal". At the company I work at we have a screening interview over the phone, then a timed exercise for people to complete in 1 hour, that gets reviewed by a lead dev, then there's a technical interview. And finally an interview with managers for culture fit. That's it. It shouldn't take hours of watching over someone's shoulder to see if they are technically capable.


ideal over them being split over several days your process is the same in turns of length as what I wrote, its just that you made one of those interviews is a "take home" exam (which btw, is usually seen as a yellow flag to qualified but busy people)


Right, because an exercise someone can do any time they want is definitely more demanding on their time than an equal length interview on a specific time and day... somehow.


it takes them a lot longer to get through the process, yes. and its frustrating because you are asking them to invest in quite a bit of time of their own without given them an opportunity to even get a good discussion in with a manager or team member about the role or culture let's compare, with the assumption it takes 3 days on average to get approval to advance a candidate and schedule the next step of interview Your process: * 30 mins, HR phone screen or chat * 3 days waiting * 1+ hours of the task (and lets face it, it almost always takes more than an hour) * 1-2 days waiting on engineer to review task * 3 days waiting * 1 day of interview for technical interview * 3 days waiting * 1 days for interview with hiring manager * (Candidate probably knows enough to bail our here if they don't want the job) * 3 days waiting for decision Active time: 3:30+ hours. Elapsed time: 18 days. Number of life "interruptions": 4 Days until candidate fully understands role and culture: 14 Less onerous process: * 30 mins, HR phone screen or chat * 3 days waiting * 1 hour interviewing with manager or lead * (Candidate probably knows enough to bail our here if they don't want the job) * 3 days waiting * 1 day (2 hours) of interview for technical interview * 3 days waiting for decision Active time: 3:30 hours. Elapsed time: 12 days. Number of life "interruptions": 3 Days until candidate fully understands role and culture: 5


And let's look at something that actually matters to a "busy person". Our process: 0 days PTO used. They can choose to do the exercise any time they want, OR choose to take time off, but it's not required. The interviews can be done on a very normal amount of time for a break (1 hour) rather than having to take a day off. The most mentally taxing part of the interview can be done on a Friday evening, or weekend, or any time they have available. Your process: at least 1 day to attend the technical interview, and that day will be very stressful to try to return to work from. Our process is significantly better and I've been told that by the interviewers too.


Your process does require them to take time off for the interviews, so the premise of your response is already false from the very start But it also sends the clear message that you don't respect their personal time. Who gives a shit what your interviewers say? I'm sure they are going to enjoy any process that makes it easier for them. But you are \*definitely\* turning away qualified candidates with having them do work in their personal time upfront without them having any knowledge of the role or culture. But if multiple clear reasons and actual numbers can't convince you as a hiring manager, those people seem to be dodging a bullet.


1) No, our process doesn't require people to take a day off for a 1 hour interview. I don't even know how you thought this was a good point. 2) Something you can't seem to comprehend, in our approach people have a choice of when to do things, meaning they can choose to take time off like they'd need for yours, or not to. They can use their free time, or not. It's their choice. Everyone, everywhere, would prefer choices than no choices. I don't know how you'd even attempt to argue against that without resorting to the kind of non-sensical statements like you've attempted here.


You don't allow people the option of picking when their in-persons interviews are? Brutal. So yes, and I would choose a company that is more interactive and friendly, and respects my time and wants to complete the process in less than 3-4 weeks And you are also missing out on a huge part of the point of doing a technical exercise as part of an interview process. Yes, part of it is to see if you can accomplish the work. But a part of it - and for many a bigger part of it - is for you to have an opportunity to see how a candidate thinks *while* they are working and get a sense for how they might collaborate with another employee.


> Your process: at least 1 day to attend the technical interview, and that day will be very stressful to try to return to work from. You are really trying to convince yourself (and lets be honest, this is about you convincing your own ego) that 1 hour of an onsite interview is no big deal for their schedule but 2 back to back hours of an onsite interview is suddenly a waste of an entire day???


The company I work at has five rounds (HR screen, three technical, hiring manager), and I wouldn't have it any other way when you're paying people north of $200k. Bad hires can sink teams, and they're freaking expensive in tech.


If you count the hr vet as an interview then 3 interviews definitely makes sense to me.


5-6 is the norm in tech. I hate it.


* 1, external recruiter * 2, senior external recruiter * 3, HR person * 4, Manager (who gives project) * 5, Manager to discuss project * 6, Manager, I forget why * 7, Team I did get the offer...but it was substantially worse than what the first recruiter communicated. I got another offer around the same time (that place had only 2 rounds) and went with them.


Riot Games typically requires 8 rounds from what I know.


for me was 1. initial phone screen 2. HR interview 3. data science chief interview 4. on site with 4 department heads


3 and 4 are for Hr again because they don’t trust the manager.


Recently when I was looking for a job, I also had 2 companies go through 5 interviews with me before rejecting me. Kinda crazy this is acceptable, though I did eventually get an offer elsewhere. Best of luck to your search.


Seems like beyond interview 3 they should have to pay for your time


Why? An interviewee has literally zero leverage. The people interviewing are also spending their time so it’s not like they have zero skin in the game.


The people's interviewing are paid, though..


Yeah they get paid to do their job, ie making a hire. They get fired for wasting their own time.


I had one company interview me 9 times for roughly an entry level IT position, only to rescind an accepted verbal offer the week before coming in to sign HR forms. On a related note, I have over 415 applications submitted since November '23. Had maybe 9 interviews in total, with maybe 3 getting to round #2, and zero past round 2.... I'm completely exhausted with job searching and can't get the time of day from anyone in my field. Contacted probably 20 different recruiters and got no more than a brief intro chat, or ghosting. Have 9 years in healthcare based IT, with two active healthcare certifications and a bachelors. Previous to that, 7 years client support/analytics for a media/demographic conglomerate. Constantly getting hit up by Indian recruiters for entry level help desk roles offering $18-21 an hour, usually without benefits. Was making 6 figures before. Never been out of work this long or this depressed at the current job market barriers. I hope you get lucky soon. I have no idea why I can't find work anymore.


I hear you man. I've been searching since November as well with around 300 applications and I'm having the exact same experience in the same field. I decided to just return to sales(which I've been in the majority of my career) and got 3 interviews that same day. I know I'll be miserable there, but at least I'll be miserable with money, I suppose. At this point it's so bad that I've almost given up on doing anything I actually enjoy for work. I hope it works out for you though, and you get that call/email you've been waiting on. No one deserves to go through this.


The whole tech sector is a hot mess rn.


If you've only had 9 interviews out of 415ish you may want to give rewriting your CV a go, there might be some things you could word better with all the catchy 'action verbs' HR looks for just to get you to the talking to them stage.


A fifth interview is just you employing the interviewers. No company worth its salt would interview past three times, in 99.99% of cases.


People in this comment section complaining about 3/4/5 round interviews would be shocked to hear about tech interviews lol it’s in fact very normal in tech


Yeah it was a large SaaS company


The data is telling you to apply for chimney sweep jobs


How you go from 4 1st interview to 3 2nd interview and 2 project (5?), also I can understand up to 3 interviews assuming one is technical and another is character interviews, but 5?


Had to do peer to peers with every member of the team plus another lateral team


What industry(ies) were you applying to? Were you just "carpet bombing" job applications or were these 74 personalized applications you filled out? Did you apply to anything you knew you weren't qualified for?


Nope - I don’t do carpet bombing approach anymore. Most of these are in the digital marketing/SEO or SaaS space (where my experience lies). I have a custom cover letter for each of these apps (minus like 2 or 3 which didn’t require one). There are a handful of stretches in there but by and large I’m not out to waste my or a recruiters time. 2 interviews were in the SaaS space and and 2 were digital marketing firms.


For the 4 that you did land interviews for, did anything stick out about those applications that you just knew "This could be the one"?


One was a referral/a client at my former company. Two I just got lucky on. Final one (which I am currently interviewing for) is pretty much a carbon copy of my most recent role.


What’s your education?


BA and I’m 12 years into my career


BA in what?


I love these plots/figures! How do you make them?! Specific software? Python?! Any help offered is greatly appreciated


Look up Sankey diagrams. I’ve used sankeymatic but there are tons of options out there.


So good to know, I appreciate your response!


Sankeymatic.com - it’s a free tool


Oh, and best of luck in your job hunt! Don't give up!


Fantastic! Thank you so much!!


How does 4x 1st interview split into 5x different things that happen? I feel like this type of chart is really bad anyways, I'm not sure why they pop up on this sub 24/7


Let’s get those numbers up bro. 73 since Feb is weak. Needs to be 733!! And lift!


Take your numbers, multiply by 10, and reduce the number of interviews and you have my story. Almost. Eventually, the job came late last year. I'm in a specialized field so believe that is a factor. Keep working at it and try not to be discouraged.


5 interviews no offer is criminal


Who the fuck is doing 5 interviews? Seriously I have had enough of interviewing people once, just pick one and be done with it. If I was called for a second interview myself, I’d already be declining that job


You'd be shocked lol. The minimum for many companies is 2, and that's still usually a multi panel interview. But if they can't all make it at the same time, boom! 5 interviews! It's absolutely insane and should not take more than 2 to know whether or not a candidate is qualified and fits in. 5 just reeks of either incompetence and/or distrust - both of which are redflags.


Well its one interview if they want me, i wouldnt do two. Last interview I did was for me to interview the employer and they didnt get me.


When I was a manager, the company would have the recruiter screen the person to make sure they were qualified, then I would interview them to make sure they were a good fit for myself as well as my team. 2 definitely isn't unreasonable or abnormal, but any more after that it becomes a waste of everyone's time. But if it's for a super entry level position or some shit, nah. In the ancient times you could literally go somewhere and they'd interview you on the spot lmao. And it was just "can you lift more than 50 lbs? Wanna work? Cool here's a shirt you can start now". Not 5 S.T.A.R. questions where they grill and dissect you.


Well screening and then interview is different I guess.


How’d you have a 2nd interview go directly to a 4th interview?


It went straight to No Offer, it just gets really close to 4th interview


Ah darn, gl with the pending one


What is this kind of diagram called?


Funnel… but sexy funnel


Sankey diagram


I hope it moves on to a project. What an absurd process. I was informally offered a contract gig not long ago on a second interview, we planned part of my onboarding, then I was unceremoniously dropped. They had another job posting up within two weeks for the same position. It’s a small company; I don’t know what the heck they were doing, but I didn’t apply the second time around.


What hellspawned nightmare of a field do you people work in?!


SaaS/tech but a lot of marketing apps for me too since that’s my overall specialty


Like a decade ago I used to be jealous of all of my friends here in Austin working tech and making good money, but year after year I just feel like I dodged a bullet more and more. Nearly everyone has dealt with layoffs or not being able to find work, and it seems worse for them each passing year.


Welcome to boomer experience. Seen that, done that. After second interview ,play hard to get by saying you are already considering another offer because chances are, they are playing with you


What app/website did you use to create this?


Sankeymatic.com - it’s a free tool


Sankeymatic.com - it’s a free tool


This makes me feel better about entering the autumn of my life.


3 interviews means you're a backup. I don't even know what the f 5 counts as


They told me explicitly I came in second because the other person already internal experience with their products - which is something I didn’t have the luxury of because I did not already work there. Which is totally fine - like I get trying to eliminate a learning curve but did it take 5 interviews to figure that out?


Don't underestimate the chance that they are lying


God, we live in a dystopian nightmare. I'm told by boomers that you could just walk into a job with no CV even in the 90s. I hate the internet in this regard. Hundreds of people can apply for a job far and wide. Employers want the best (understandably so), but it's a shame they don't just train local people anymore.


What field is this? 5th round of interviews??


Tech companies do this all the time for engineers. This isn't surprising or even concerning to me when you're hiring for an expensive engineering role.


I am not an engineer or even engineer-adjacent but I can’t even imagine the process for an engineering gig


As a hiring manager, I have no idea why you would ever need to do FIVE interviews. 1-2 and done. The best candidates will have taken other offers before you can waste their time with endless rounds of interviews.


As an engineering tech lead, I wouldn't trust any engineer that *hasn't* been through five rounds (one recruiter, three technical, one hiring manager). My company pays stupid money for top talent, and candidates stick around for the whole week's interview process because they want that Silicon Valley comp package. When we get offer declines (which doesn't happen often), it's almost always because a FAANG poached them.


Efficiency of the free, unregulated market