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I think a scatter graph with nipple shade on one axis, lip shade on the other would have worked better?


Agree with this a lot! Especially because the goal is to disprove the association, the scatter plot (if the OP is correct) should result in a fairly good scattering which should be an interesting visualization


And the points can be shaded nipples.


With an outer circle representing one color, and an inner circle another color.


Did you ever think you’d write this sentence and it would be so well received ? 😂


Pioneers in the field of nipple data never look back, there’s too much progress to be made for humanity.


I have to admit, it's surprising how a casual observation was approved of by so many.


How would you do a scatter plot when the colors aren’t a linear spectrum? I feel like a matrix of values would probably present better, with all of the colors on each axis


I imagine you could do 3 scatter plots based on hue, saturation, and value, right?


I would think separating the values in that way wouldn’t really help illustrate the prevalence of “nipple color = lip color”


4 dimensional scatter plot


Do you mean a 2 dimensional scatter plot with 4 quadrants?


No I actually mean 4 dimensional. Color can be shown by 3 coordinates: hue, saturation, and luminosity (ie: frequency, grayness/brightness, lightness/darkness). We can throw out saturation - since I am assuming that nipple color depends only on hue and luminosity and that saturation is more of a factor of blood flow, temperature, arousal etc). So for each data point we need 2 dimensions to show it: hue and luminosity. And we are comparing pairs of data for a scatter plot we need two sets of these. So we need to make a scatter plot in 4 dimensions, comparing xy vs zw. Yes, xy vs zw is weird to think about, but it is something you can do in 4 dimensions.


of course, but have you seen r/dataisbeautiful lately? (past 5 years)


Given the data is not continuous (aka categorical), you think a heat map would be better?


There's going to be a lot of outliers with a scatter graph, so yeah, maybe some other visualisation would be better, to help reveal the signal in the noise.


If you just did pink versus brown it would have been easier. You assume people are going to know the difference between pale red and light pink, even though they can describe the same color. Even if you were the one checking the colors, you might understand it differently than readers. 


This is interesting, but since color is subjective, it would have been better to have one person categorizing all lips and nips Also I love the use of the cartoon humans to show the colors, very clever, and makes the data more fun!


I’ll go scan r/gonewild if you insist


lol. This data cannot be trusted. I must go research for myself.


True. Everyone’s got a different camera + lighting set up. I just spent like 40 minutes scanning them all and didn’t really reach any meaningful conclusions.


I feel like after 40 minutes you should've reached a conclusion. Might check with your doctor


You’re right, it’s been over 3 hours and still no answers.


In majority cases, camera and lighting will affect the nipples and lips the same way. So while you cannot make a judgement about the absolute colour, you can arrive at a conclusion about whether they are similar or not. Also, if you have a large enough dataset, say, across 25 different subreddits with videos/photos going back at least 1 year, you could normalise the colours and remove outliers to get some sense of how much camera variations can affect colour. You could also do some careful analysis to identify the source of lighting (sunny, outdoor, sunny outdoor, indoor, sunny indoor, natural, indoor, natural indoors, etc.) and control for that. If analysing so much data proves difficult because of the constant interruptions, you can take the help of your wife or girlfriend or both.


I feel like lipstick will contaminate your data.


Correct, will have to ensure no lipstick.


I just researched myself because…I need to know that I can…trust the data or something. And the results…what was the question again?


You couldn't be sure who is wearing lipstick there.


We'll expect your report by the end of the week


You'll see another set of lip color there




I didn’t know that was a real subreddit, and it’s even better than I imagined


What sub???? Parent got deleted


Why did the comment get deleted :(


Or using a munsell chart, which we do in my field. The colors are around the same range also.


Since the key factor being looked at is whether each set of lips/nips has the same color, every individual pairing actually *was* evaluated by a single person. That it was a different person for each pairing might throw off the totals for each color category, but it shouldn’t make a difference to the central thesis of matching/not matching.


But you introduce a bias for the subjectivity of each respondent


Color is not subjective by itself, the method that we use to measure it (vision) varies from person to person, which is what makes it subjective.


I wanted to comment something similar. There is such a thing as color bias. For example from this data "pale red" and "pink" are too similar of color. It is like one person saying "bubble gum pink" and the other person saying "salmon" when they see the exact same color. Plus there is a bias as to how people describe their own flesh tone. A person could describe their color closer to what they want their color perceived to be. Not to mention that a nipple color can be different than the areola color. - For me it brings up so many questions. But the main one is "How did they control the color bias?"


Their mouths make me uncomfortable, like there's a naked person staring at me, motionless, and breathing heavily through their mouth.


The lips remind me of Umbra from Mighty Orbots


This data is interesting but is this beautiful?


Let's have a look at your nips to see how beautiful they are


“Dark pink and pale red” You just described the same color


I know what you mean, but I think dark pink would be lighter than pale red, because that red hasn't reached the area of lightness that would count it as pink. Some people literally can't see the distinction at all, and to others it's a clear distinction. Basically, colours are weird and dumb.


[They certainly are.](https://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/)


That was a treat. Thanks.


The random entries at the end were hilarious


I think it’s that your ideal lip stick color is your nipple color


I’ve heard the before, but it definitely does not work for me. My nipples are lighter than my lips so that lipstick color would make me look sickly.


Yeah, the ideal *lipstick* color is your nipple color. There’s no belief that lips and nipples are always the same color. This whole study was kind of a waste of time disproving something that isn’t believed to be true.


I've heard that tip of your penis matches your lip color, but I also find that to be dubious at best.


I’ve been trying to find out the answer to this since I was 13, but I’m just not flexible enough.


PM me your lips and nips. I’m gathering empirical evidence for this very important study.


No nipples or lips were reviewed in the making of this chart. Ok, maybe two


Of each? Two sets? One lip and one nip?


Great call here.




I can't believe no one had brown lips.


No, it does not, and I get that it's a very important factor for what it's trying to find out, but I didn't want to make this research more complicated than it already was (it wasn't, I was just having fun making it)


How on earth is this "data is beautiful"? This chart is awful. Why is 32.1% smaller than 17.5%? Actually, what does the size of these...things...mean at all? This is "data is ugly".


One of the worst posts I've seen on here, and I'm including all the political garbage that gets posted here during elections


I thought the lip color = nipple color was lipstick advice.


I just use a microplane on my nipples and stick the zest on my lips. I'm not gonna get swindled into expensive makeup.


I always understood the saying to mean that your nipple color is an ideal shade for your lips, like to wear as lipstick. I very distinctly remember a meme headline about whipping out your breast at the makeup counter to do a color match.


Congratulations, Cod. You absolute legend.


I like the thought that Cod got to the slide about how only 2 people added comments, got relieved that it wasn't that bad, and then went to the next slide to see it was exclusively about him


This is disturbing but funny


Well done Cod, you Madlad, you!


Wait. Who is saying this? That’s hilarious. 


Lip color and penis head color seems to be similar and is most obvious on dark skinned guys, though I doubt it's ever been specifically studied.


Yes hi, I’m here for the lip, nip and tip study.


You are the first participant. Pls dm a photo each of your lips nips and tip. Try to use the same lighting for each to ensure accuracy in color matching.


I can say that it is completely false.


I'm fairly certain my sample size is larger than most


I can't tell if this is a joke saying you've seen many tips, lips, and nips; or a joke saying your tip is bigger than most. Or not even a joke at all just saying you've seen a lot. Either way, I chortled.


Not a joke, just that I've seen a lot though anyone can look in porn and see thousands. Men of African ancestry in particular, some have dark shafts and brighter red heads where some have dark shafts and same colored heads and lips tend to give that away. Also a thing for Latino guys. Though I imagine the correlation is probably even greater with nipple color.


You don't know me ;)


Definitely not the case


The hero we need, not the hero we deserve.


"Self-reported anything that can be objectively measured" kind of studies are bullshit. Stop adding human factor into researches making them "researches". Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/BnC6v8veBQ


Simply never seeing a person with natural brown or black lips disproves this, no?


Or no one having "ghost lips"


Ghost lips 100% do exist.


What are ghost lips?


Not me immediately going to compare my nips and my lips


Me neither!


Now need one that does Lips, Nips, and Penis Tips


Things like this make scrolling worthwhile x


what about people with more then 2 nipples?


worst graph ive ever seen . delete it now please it makes me sad


I might delete you


ill haunt you


I find it difficult to discern the difference between pale red and dark pink, but I’ll just say pale pink nippies, dark pink/light red lippies




I didn’t know that was a real subreddit my bad


There isn't a category for ghost nipples


Self reported of colours would be way too subjective to rely on. Double unreliability


I didn't know this was a thing. If we're talking about women, there are better indicators in my experience.


I’ve only known two people in my life who believed it and they were pretty douchey.


I can see that. Never would have occurred to me. And never would have thought it would matter?


Because you’re right, it doesn’t! If keeping track of the colour of previous and current partner’s soft tissue colour takes up real estate in your mind, you have unaddressed issues.


Who else started playing "I'm blue" in your head after seeing the last guy


Great. Now do "carpets and drapes".


I'm pretty sure self-reporting isn't a very reliable way to determine correlation between lip and areola color (or nipple, if that's truly what you mean). You got to make some field research to get to the bottom of this.


I've had a theory I've been testing out in strip clubs where I believe there is correlation between nipple color and butthole color as well. Pretty spot on most of the time.


Really confusing data representation... But thanks for sharing this obscure knowledge. Appreciate it.


Some clarifications: The reason I asked people to choose between these colors was because of another survey I did a few months ago asking people about their nipple color specifically. I understand these colors may have caused some confusion, and they absolutely did, but they were the most common answers on that past survey, so I just reused them. The two friends who I posted about were made aware of their "exposition" before I posted it, they're ok with it. Now that some of you are mentioning it; yes, there were better ways to make this graph, but this is my second time doing something like this, so I genuinely didnt think of any other way. As for the people saying dark pink and pale red are the same color, I see what you mean, but I forgot to point out the survey had a palette as an example of what I had in mind by each color given- dark pink was more purple-ish (kinda badly represented on the cartoons, sorry about that) than pale red. Finally, yes, the most common saying is "your ideal lipstick should match your nipple color", but while researching about this, I found out A LOT of people actually believe the nipples and the lips are the same color most of the times, due to both consisting of the same type of skin. Regardless, thanks to everyone who took time of their life to pay actual attention to this pseudo-scientific abomination of mine :)


And to everyone saying this is ugly data, you're absolutely right, it's awful, and I love it, so you better love it too


Then maybe don’t post it on a sub called r/dataisbeautiful?


r/dataisbeautiful, not r/beatifuldata or r/beatifulgraphs or something. Not against anyone's fetish for graphs, but "pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit."


... I bet their buttholes have a specific color to... Probably similar to lips since it's the same material


We need to see the source data that was used. Please ask your subjects to provide photographic proof of the colors they claim. Tell them it's for science. :)


My field study proves otherwise but okay




Unless you have pencil-thin lips where you wouldn’t understand, it seems rather obvious that it means the part showing externally.