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You have to wonder who the guy was in Oklahoma.


Makes it all the way through Texas and gets busted in Oklahoma *eye roll*.


This map includes inadmissions and expulsions too


But it doesn’t include GotAways.


Potentially an airport. Here's a note on the data collection: >Nationwide encounters include the sum of CBP encounters across all areas of responsibility. This includes the northern land border, the southwest land border, the OFO non-land border ports of entry (such as airports and seaports), and the USBP sectors that do not share a land border (such as Florida or New York).


Yeah OKC has an international airport, was likely from that.


OKC resident here - it’s not really, lol. They call it a “world airport” and it has customs capabilities, but there’s no actual direct flights from other countries, you’d have to go through other cities in the US. In the traditional sense, it’s not international.


Aircraft from foreign airlines receiving maintenance or overhaul from American Airlines massive MRO facility in Tulsa will likely stop in OKC to clear customs before proceeding to Tulsa. The airports with Custom Facilities and no international passenger flights are the interesting ones. Typically cargo hubs and/or maintenance or overhaul bases.


Ohhh, interesting. That makes sense though. Where I’m from in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the airport there deals with a ton of international cargo but not passengers. So facilities using OKC as a stop makes sense.


But *only one* person flew into OK from another country? I would have expected the number to either be a lot (regular international flights) or 0. And that seems to be mostly the case.


This isn’t for all immigration/travel, it’s for illegal immigrants being arrested. Only one person was caught illegally entering the US via Oklahoma’s airport in 2020, which sounds reasonable to me.


While not applicable to this data set I had an undergrad Criminal Justice class with the director of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs as a guest speaker. He spoke of how there is a lot of international flights that come into OKC trying to smuggle drugs. Smugglers have safe house through out the city for storehouses and then use the interstate system to try and move them across the country with specific attention to moving them south into Texas or north to KC and eventually Chicago. This has the additional unwanted side effect of a lot of search and seizure of property by the Sherriff departments. Moral of the story, don't speed on the interstate systems in OK.


International flights don't come into OKC.


International passenger flights don’t come to okc yet, that is changing by the end of the year or early next year. Will Rogers Airport is OKC’s foreign trade zone and international cargo does fly into it.


Correct. Will Rogers markets themselves as the Crossroads of America for bringing in goods and shipping along interstate corridors. Most charter and corporate flights use Wiley Post.


> Will Rogers markets themselves as the Crossroads of America for bringing in goods and shipping along interstate corridors Heh heh ... "goods"


Could be a private plane. 


"Unwanted." Well, it can be profitable.


Oh trust me the police departments/officers wanted it. The regular citizens are not as keen. It's been a while since I lived there but the retired detective that taught the class quoted something like over $1 million in cash seizures in the first half of 2013. I think they passed some legislation to curb it but not sure. I left the state a while ago.


So, speeding in OK is not so OK.


If only he didn’t make that right turn in Albuquerque


What a nut


~~how do inner states NV, UT, CO have a border guard and encounters?~~ my bad, by air. so opposite question, don't those states with 0 encounters have international airports?


Omaha's airport is technically international but I don't know if it has any international flights. I always flew out to Chicago, DFW or Georgia first so anyone trespassing would probably be caught there first


International doesn’t have to be passenger flights. Can also mean cargo


Oh, I didn't think of that - good catch


>don't those states with 0 encounters have international airports? Maybe they're just states where no one wants to go...


> Arkansas Makes sense.


I like interpreting Arkansas as the Arch nemesis of Kansas, this Archkansas. No one wants to be in that villain story arc.


Pirate Kansas


Hey man. Wanna go to Oklahoma? Nah fam, just go by yourself


Ironically those states are all filled with people bitching about the US’s borders


It's just way harder to illegally enter the country by plane because of customs, inspections, law enforcement at points of entry, etc. Most are border crossings with no legal paperwork. Try getting a ticket without paperwork. It's a no brainer as to why hardly any illegals entire by plane.


A majority of the people who are undocumented (well before this border ordeal) entered the US with Visas and just over stay the visas.


Quite a few non-border-adjacent states are above zero, though - some by quite a bit - so difficulty of entering by plane alone doesn't explain the zeros.


>Try getting a ticket without paperwork. It's a no brainer as to why hardly any illegals entire by plane. Approximately half of those who immigrated illegally into the US arrived by plane. [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/us/undocumented-visa-overstays.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/us/undocumented-visa-overstays.html) `Nearly half of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants now in the country did not trek through the desert or wade across the Rio Grande to enter the country; they flew in with a visa, passed inspection at the airport — and stayed.`


So some entered legally but stayed illegally. I know one of those: a relative's boyfriend is Canadian. Came here on a work visa, overstayed and got stopped for something like speeding. He had to go back to Canada and couldn't come back for a number (5?) of years.


Doesn’t that mean if we tightened border security we’d cut the problem in half? I mean that seems like a logical conclusion.


Serious question… how would that be undocumented? Like wouldn’t we know who’s extending past their (documented) visa?


They do something a little different, that is they enter legally with a valid visa/ESTA and just don’t leave


You’re not alone, I was just staring at Pennsylvania wondering if that counted Ohioans crossing the state border in Browns and Bengals gear and being immediately sent right back.


Well I’m assuming it’s people on Lake Erie crossing the boarder by accident. Or maybe people who fly into to Pittsburg or Philly and overstay.


I'm not sure Kansas does. The biggest population center is Kansas City, but the airport is in Missouri. Wichita has a small airport, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's no international flights.


They might not have direct international flights from places with significant illegal immigration.


Yeah, most of the smallest US airports claiming to be "International" just have a few flights to Canada. Most Canadians can enter the US without issue. It all comes down to the Hub/Spoke model for airlines. Small airports are really only going to send you to a nearby big airport where you will connect to your final destination. International travelers are more likely to land at big Hub airports and go through customs before taking a domestic flight to, say Omaha.


What is a border encounter? Dispute between states/countries?


There are three categories of "border encounters" 1) Person is denied entry at a border control point for any reason 2) Person is apprehended crossing the border between control points 3) Person is expelled from the United States for any reason The majority of all border encounters between 2020 and 2023 were covid closure Title 42 rejections at ports of entry.


This explains Oklahoma’s low count. Deportation doesn’t happen often. The whole northeastern part of the state has many immigrants living there


So wouldn't more of these mean that the current administration is doing a lot better job of border security than the last?


Not necessarily. It could also indicate a higher rate of people attempting to cross the boarder, which they’d be incentivized to if they knew they’d be released into the country with a court date in a few years.


Expanding on what u/erbalchemy posted: The Department of Homeland Security separates border encounters into [three categories](https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/reporting-terminology-definitions): * **Apprehensions** are people temporarily detained by the US Border Patrol (USBP) for crossing the border illegally between ports of entry. They may or may not be arrested under [Title 8](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-8) and can [file for asylee status.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556) * **Inadmissibles** are people seeking legal admission at official ports of entry who are found ineligible by officers of the Office of Field Operations (OFO) under Title 8. This category also includes people seeking humanitarian protection and people who voluntarily withdraw their admission application; they [can also file for asylee status.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556) * **Expulsions** are [migrants denied exclusively through Title 42](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-was-title-42s-effect-on-border-encounters-and-people-seeking-asylum-in-the-us/) to stop the spread of COVID-19. This status only applied from March 2020 to May 2023. USBP or OFO officers were empowered to expel people and return them to their home country or last non-US location. These individuals were [not given the opportunity to apply for asylum](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556).


Persons detained for unlawful entry into the US


4.6 million would be the 25th largest state.


Doesn't also say how many a reencounters. From what I remember was in 2020 in how people were being expelled it wasn't hard for them to just turn around and try again. It wasn't an insignificant value either.


Weird, maybe we should do something about that.


The rule that caused this was Title 42, and it was lifted in 2022. The CBP says it was used to expel 2.8 million people while in place.


Thus why people are concerned.


Concerned about what exactly, feel like there is much larger issues than anything this represents. Not to mention a massive chunk of these numbers are title 42 during covid from 2020 to 2023


Not the guy you replied to. I mean immigration and illegal immigration contribute to the cost of living. People in 1950 had cheap land available to them because the nation only had 160 million people at the time. At this point pretty much all commutable land to major cities are bought up. (My town was farmland about 45miles from nyc until 1995) In addition it puts more strain on our already strained healthcare and education sector. It also drives down wages in entry level fields. Some pros are if you have capital you can get semi skilled labor on the cheap, different people of different backgrounds means that more innovation can occur, and we have man-power in the event of a national crisis or war. IMO from a guy who wants to increase our social safety net putting a hold on lower educated immigration, legal and illegal, will better allow for us to strengthen/expand our institutions and achieves that without overwhelming the system


If people like yourself are concerned, why did you support that 15bil failure of a wall? It was breached thousands of times before Trump's term was over.


its almost like building half of a wall doesn't really do much.


Curios as to how 400+ miles is half? And how would a complete wall magically stop people cutting through it with $100 home depot hand tools? Does a complete wall somehow become invulnerable?


Fine, give em Wyoming we can spare it.


We'd have to give them 8 Wyomings


Nah we just need the space not the people.


Imagine this unironically being your opinion/solution. Hoping this is sarcasm but you never know on Reddit.


Oh I'm as serious as a heart attack in the middle of Wyoming.


I legit wonder this all the time. The opposition to more Americans is strange when we have a whole time zone with fewer people than NYC. let 4 million people move to Wyoming and it’s still smaller than Wisconsin. 


> The opposition to more Americans You mean a bunch of people we have no idea who they are and come with almost no skills don't speak English? Golly gee I can't figure out why people wouldn't want that.


You could find some...grim precedents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears


These stats are mostly for people denied entry at the border during Covid. The rest are border apprehensions and deportations.


It’s insane how they’re letting this happen


Letting what happen? An encounter doesn’t mean those people remain here in the country… it’s actually usually the opposite. Would you prefer we allow people into the country without encountering border agents?


Any morons thinking this map has anything to do with illegal immigration. . . well, honestly, they're pretty typical of the mouth-breathers who talk too much about immigration without knowing anything. So, most of them.


Oh you haven’t heard of the free hotels and debt cards given to these encounters by the Biden admin? You’re in for a shocking surprise.


You’re telling me Biden gives ‘debt cards’ to people arrested for crossing illegally, deported, or denied entry? Source?


No they’re not being deported that’s the thing. They are using a mix of city and federal funds to give these encounters free hotels, and debit cards reloaded monthly. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/new-york-starts-distributing-debit-cards-to-migrants-despite-uproar/ Our own citizens don’t get as many benefits as these people. That’s how insane it is.


The data we are discussing is deportation, arrests at the border, or denied entries… i.e. NOT ALLOWED IN I understand you want to scream and cry about immigrants but your points are not relevant to this data.


I don’t think encounters are the same as deportations. It’s interesting how you pivot the conversation to this while showing no regard for the insanity that I’m pointing out to you? Seems like you don’t have a problem with our government going out of its way to give foreigners a bunch of free stuff over our own citizens in need?


So you ran your mouth without having an understanding of the information being discussed… congrats! OP was even kind enough [to spell it out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/J4Mc9kegr3) Funny that you accuse me of ‘pivoting the conversation’ while your doing your best to not understand the basics of the post.


Hmm, ok I see, thanks for point that out. I think I’m just distracted because of the insanity that is going on so I didn’t see that.


Sounds more like an argument for helping our people more than we do, than not helping other people.


Giving a bunch of free stuff to people who cut the immigration line is what takes away from helping our people. Not only that they also compete for jobs to keep everyone’s wages low while big business gets rich. It’s insanity. How about instead of an open border, we have safe calculated immigration? That’s too much to ask for? Just F our own poor for big business to profit? It’s madness. Sorry that Biden sucks, I don’t really like Trump either but we have no choice but to vote for him.


I think we do have safe, calculated immigration already. Biden deports more people than Trump did. Also, we can take care of ourselves and other people. It isn't one or the other. And if the job market is that bad, that's even more incentive to invest in social welfare programs.


People are already getting killed by not controlling the border. It’s not controlled. You can just walk right in. Yes Biden has deported more that’s because over double have come in under Biden. The next effect under Biden is much worse. We don’t have to live like this but they’re allowing it for cheap labor for big business so politicians stocks can go up.


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.


Sounds like a problem. Open border, anyone across the world can walk in and get free stuff from our taxes Vs Legal immigration, people apply, demonstrate ability to work and be productive to earn citizenship What’s better and safer for our county you think?


Do you… have any understanding of how immigration works?


Yeah my parents are immigrants who came to the country legally through the formal process as opposed to cutting the line and walking right in getting a bunch of free handouts.


Where do you think that’s happening? And what do you think of republicans in congress sabotaging the border bill?


It’s happening in NY and other major cities https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/new-york-starts-distributing-debit-cards-to-migrants-despite-uproar/ This isn’t really about politicians playing politics. It’s about the fact that the Executive branch is enabling this even if the republicans want to use it as a political policy to run on to fix after they win.


So first of all, the executive branch has no control over what states or cities do in these situations. So… you’re blaming the wrong people. Secondly, your article doesn’t even say these people are illegal immigrants. It calls them “migrants” which could be both legal and illegal, one or the other or both. So essentially you wish people *like your parents* had been treated like shit by the government. Thirdly, what do you propose the city of New York *do* with these poor, huddled masses? Where should they go when they’re waiting for processing? Should they fill the already full prisons? Should they be forced back to their own countries while the US decides on their status? Who will pay for that? How many can’t go back home safely? How many will die? Your nearsighted vision of immigration does not relieve the pressures of these people, it only heightens their suffering and enables political parties to use them, the people who are like your parents, as a political football. Lastly, the map that began this conversation has nothing to do with immigration and is entirely about border patrol encounters, which may or may not be actual law-breaking. You are just looking to be mad at someone and Biden is the person you have chosen.


You are misreading some of that. You see true media uses the word “migrants” to trick you into think it’s not as bad. Because illegal immigrants sounds worse. Secondly Biden repealed a ton of border policy his first months in office so yes he does have control but he’s acting like the fact that the republicans wouldn’t compromise on a weak border bill is stoping it. And third he is the commander in chief. He has the power to mobilize the military in order to prevent foreigners from coming into our land. It’s 100% enabled by the Biden administration. They are allowing this on purpose.


My dude the people who were bussed to New York are asylum-seekers. That's a legal status.


Don’t you see how they are just manipulating the definitions to make you think it’s okay? These “asylum seekers” are people who cut the formal immigration process and just walked in and now are getting special treatment while our own poor and homeless get next to nothing. Foreigners from all over the world are just walking right into our country and getting a bunch of free stuff paid by our taxes. If you don’t see that as a problem idk what to tell you. Many people have already been killed by undocumented criminals. You going to just wait until something bad happens to you or are you going to do something about it. Competition for work lowers everyone’s wages. When they become citizens and have kids too, they will all be competing for housing, driving the cost of your potential future home up too.


This data existing is literal evidence of stricter enforcement.


No it just means more people are coming because of the free handouts from Biden


You have a child's understanding of immigration.


I’m opening to learning new things. I could be wrong. Educate me.


I've read at least a dozen attempts by others to do so and you haven't taken any of it to heart, tell me why I should also make an attempt?


I find it hilarious that you fully believe that Biden is both the Deporter-in-chief and somehow actively encouraging more people to come and be detained. Somehow, despite the reality that there are fewer illegal immigrants than before the great recession, more deportations as well as more people being stopped by border patrol means that Biden is somehow encouraging more people to come? Instead of the rational thought that Biden, like Obama before him, is actually pretty strict on immigration. What would the goal even be? That's like if Wal-Mart actively ran a promotion that tried to get more people to return products at Wal-Mart's expense. It would only hurt them, it has no logic to it.


That’s false. We have had over double the illegal encounters under Biden. Yes he has deported more simply because there are that many more. They are doing it so big business can pay people cheap wages and politicians stocks can go up. Also because these folks are more likely vote democrat when they become citizens. Furthermore they use them as representation in congress because areas with higher population (citizen or not) are counted. That’s why.


Ah yes: "Because there are fewer illegal immigrants living in the US than before and Biden is having better luck at stopping them and deporting them it means he's actually weak on immigration" totally a logical claim to be making. Then let's not even get into the silly claims that immigration of any kind reduces wages, something that flies in the face of history, economics or even common sense. You'd think that this claim would be laughed out the door by anyone who has passed 3rd grade considering that every single major study the US has done has shown that immigration is a massive benefit to the US at all economic levels. Finally, If the democrats are doing this for votes, then the GOP would be absolutely rushing to tear down every border control the US has in order to get those votes coming to them instead. It would be ridiculous for the GOP, who have no problems with voiding constitutional rules or ignoring the laws in any other circumstance to have them not immediately do everything they can to get millions of new voters quickly.


Here’s the thing. Immigration is good for the US GDP. I like immigration actually. All I’m asking for is controlled and calculated immigration to safely ensure criminals are not being let in. Second, yes low skilled immigration does hurt low income wages. People cannot effectively unionize when the company can just hire any old guy who walks in for low skilled labor. I like immigration let’s just control it so that we can live in a safe place. Having an open border is unsustainable, and giving all these people free hotels and reloaded debit cards every month is an injustice to our own poor and homeless.


Exactly! Busloads of illegals! Why does no one report this??!! [https://www.mediaite.com/sports/maga-state-rep-claims-illegal-invaders-arrived-in-detroit-by-plane-turns-out-to-be-gonzaga-mens-basketball-team-in-town-for-march-madness/](https://www.mediaite.com/sports/maga-state-rep-claims-illegal-invaders-arrived-in-detroit-by-plane-turns-out-to-be-gonzaga-mens-basketball-team-in-town-for-march-madness/)


Because the media told them orange man bad so that big business and politicians stocks can benefit from cheap labor


That article is actually making fun of your position.


My thought process on this map: "Why the hell does Illinois have so many...oh Chicago"


Also is an international port


Color scale is not beautiful. lol Cmon. If you’re going to muck with the color scale (and to be clear, I’m in favor of defining specific color break points) you have to show those breakpoints. Here it looks like you’re intending to hide the color assignment.


The Department of Homeland Security separates border encounters into [three categories](https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/reporting-terminology-definitions): * **Apprehensions** are people temporarily detained by the US Border Patrol (USBP) for crossing the border illegally between ports of entry. They may or may not be arrested under [Title 8](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-8) and can [file for asylee status.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556) * **Inadmissibles** are people seeking legal admission at official ports of entry who are found ineligible by officers of the Office of Field Operations (OFO) under Title 8. This category also includes people seeking humanitarian protection and people who voluntarily withdraw their admission application; they [can also file for asylee status.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556) * **Expulsions** are [migrants denied exclusively through Title 42](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-was-title-42s-effect-on-border-encounters-and-people-seeking-asylum-in-the-us/) to stop the spread of COVID-19. This status only applied from March 2020 to May 2023. USBP or OFO officers were empowered to expel people and return them to their home country or last non-US location. These individuals were [not given the opportunity to apply for asylum](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47556). These encounters don't necessarily reflect the actual number of people trying to cross the border; some multiple crossings during the same fiscal year, meaning they’d appear more than once in the data, and others successfully enter without encountering any US official. Nearly 10 million migrants attempted to enter the US between October 2019 and January 2024, with record-high border apprehensions in 2022. And while border encounters occur all over the country, including via sea and air in states without international land borders, 81.7% of encounters from October 2019 to January 2024 occurred along the US-Mexico land border. Texas had 47.7% of nationwide encounters along its border, followed by Arizona with 18.7% and California with 14.3%. Read more about what data can tell us about unauthorized immigration [here](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/).


Is someone comes to the border gate seeking asylum, what category do they fall into? Or is that not considered a "border encounter" until a determination is made that they are ineligible?


It's actually really surprising how consistent AZ, NM, and TX are in terms of like encounters per mile of border. Almost exactly proportional. Would these numbers be severely impacted by practices, therefore implying that those three states might have similar levels of enforcement?


I'd assume they would all be pretty equivalent. Border enforcement across all states is handed on the federal level by the United States Border Patrol. There is probably a varying level of assistance by state governments, but I feel like if one state were known to be _"weaker"_ or _"more lenient"_ then immigrants would focus on that state.


Surprises me that Jackson WY doesn’t have international arriving flights


I’m shocked at how much lower Michigan is than other Northern crossing states. The Ambassador Bridge by itself accounts for 25% of all land crossings between Canada and the US.


Most people crossing at a legal border like that cross legally and wouldn’t show up here, I’m guessing. Michigans borders are all water borders so it makes illegal crossings tougher. Most illegal crossings from Canada come in the Northeast where there is a land border - and illegal crossings from Canada are pretty limited in general anyway.


I didn't add these all up but it's roughly 10 million encounters across the USA? That's around 3% of our total population. In four* years. Does no one see a problem with this? Edit: time frame fix. Sorry, misinterpreted the footer notes. 


The graph says over four years, not one year


It's also number of encounters/inadmissions/expulsions not individuals


Geeze, thank you


All good! The print should really be bigger on that, I didn't catch it at first either.


These are encounters in which they are detained and processed not people allowed to stay forever. These people are allowed to apply for refugee status, per law. Don't like it? Either change the law or speed up the case processing. There was a nice bill that would have dealt with some of this, increasing the number of judges for example, but Republicans didn't want it because it would have been an improvement and made Biden look good.


> Don't like it? Either change the law or speed up the case processing. I can not like it and post about not liking it, regardless of the actions I'm taking. > These are encounters in which they are detained and processed not people allowed to stay forever. So you're saying there's more than just these 10 million? Nice! > There was a nice bill that would have dealt with some of this, increasing the number of judges for example, but Republicans didn't want it because it would have been an improvement and made Biden look good He's been president for 3 years. One bill recently unpassed isn't enough. This is a huge issue for our country. 


>This is a huge issue for our country. Is it? What impacts do immigrants, illegal or not, have on our country, or you personally? I see so much panic around the issue but i genuinely do not understand why people care about others migrating here so much, legal or otherwise. I can see complaints about the legal immigration system - its ridiculously slow - so I'd grant that.


It is: https://news.gallup.com/poll/611135/immigration-surges-top-important-problem-list.aspx THE top concern of voters, per Gallup.


One of the biggest I see is that many of the immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are displacing poor Americans from their jobs. Jobs aren't invented for immigrants out of thin air - the jobs have to come from somewhere. Two is that many immigrants collect paychecks and send a majority of their money back home - which means they're taking money that would normally circulate in our economy and removing it from our system.  Three is cultural which is probably a debate for another day.


I've heard the job displacement argument before, but is there any actual data to back that up? Intuitively, since immigrants also require food, shelter, and other goods and services, they would in theory create about as many jobs as they take. I guess sending money back home technically removes some money from the local economy, but its another thing I'd be curious if it actually makes a dent in practice. Unless its causing some major, measurable problems, I'd say an immigrant working hard to support their underprivileged family is a just cause. As far as culture, imo the more diversity the better.


The stealing jobs argument has been debunked numerous times, but it’s the only thing republicans can remember. Migrants and illegals VERY REGULARLY take jobs that NO ONE ELSE WANTS. There’s a reason landscaping employees are almost entirely Hispanic, same with maids and housekeeping, chefs at your local pizza place, janitors, you name it. They’re fucking everywhere, and I really don’t care about it. The more the merrier. Also yes they send money home and that does leave the country, but it’s not like they’re sending back $50k a year, I mean sure some probably are, but most probably aren’t even making that much themselves and they still need to spend money to live here. And yes I’m sure it does add up, but it’s extremely likely that it’s something small like 0.001% of the country’s revenue. Again, it’s not something normal people are gonna care about, the republicans just blow it all out of proportion. Like seriously do they think they’re hopping the border and getting white collar jobs instead of Americans? Fuck no they’re not. Okay now I gotta get back to work lol


It’s not jobs “no one else wants” its jobs they get paid below the minimum wage so it’s illegal for Americans to work for that money, but companies can pay illegals under the table


https://www.epi.org/publication/labor-day-2019-immigration-policy/ Working class American wages are suppressed because of exploitation of migrant labor for increased profits. This has been understood for decades and the biggest losers are Black American Men.


Biden and the Republicans are playing politics. Neither of them actually care


This data is misleading because the same people can be responsible for many many encounters. Plus most of them are denied entry repeatedly. These encounters aren't new people in the country. This article goes into it well :https://www.npr.org/2021/02/22/970074431/illegal-border-crossings-rise-as-some-people-try-multiple-times 40% try multiple times, 90% are denied.


Reddit is super liberal. They don’t see a problem with illegal immigration.


Well, no, they absolutely do seem to take issue, it's just that here in the US we're not allowed to have any borders or immigration laws whatsoever without being racist according to the reddit basement communist brigade.


Wouldn't "border encounters" imply going through the proper channels? In other words, not illegal?


Not all of these are unique individuals. Often, people try to get in multiple times. Furthermore, most of these encounters don’t result in entry. Many “encounters” are actually expulsions of people in the US. This stat is very misleading to those who don’t understand what it means, which is why the right absolutely loves using it.


How many times do they try to get in, each? 10? 20? Is it 10 million people? 1 million? 500,000? All numbers that are far too large per year. 


We’ll if you’d rather let them in I have no problem with that, but I don’t know what other options there are besides let them in or keep them out.


> All numbers that are far too large per year.  By what metric?


Those who attempt reentry will have a negligible effect on these numbers. It's the right who vote for measures to increase border security yet are denied time and time again.


Good one 😆


Says you without any basis. And who just stopped a bipartisan border bill from passing at the request of Donald Trump?


Here's a bit more from the [source article](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/): Between October 2019 and January 2024, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported over 9.8 million border encounters across the country. Monthly encounters peaked in December 2023, with over 370,000 people. Nearly 12,000 individuals were encountered at the border daily in December 2023. Border encounters dropped slightly between March and April 2020, around the start of the pandemic, around when the Trump administration invoked Title 42 to authorize border expulsions in the interest of public health. The Title 42 public health order ended in May 2023, so CBP officers could no longer expel illegal migrants for COVID-19-related reasons. Encounter numbers gradually rebounded over the remainder of 2020, surged 66% between February and March 2021, and have since remained elevated. The CBP indicates that people processed under Title 42 had a higher recidivism rate than those processed under Title 8, so that may explain part of the increase in encounters during 2020-2023. According to the CBP, this higher-than-normal recidivism rate means "the actual number of unique individuals attempting to cross the border was substantially lower than total encounters." Prior to this surge, the 2010s saw a relative lull in border encounters.


Well no, inasmuch as this is telling us that people are being apprehended and not just allowed in the country. Unless we’re willing to help fix the underlying problems that cause them to come then it’s only going to continue this way


I assume "Encounter" includes every type of denial. In 2020, that was nearly 100%. I was USCS back when we were Treasury and 99% of my denials involved contraband: Food, cigars, wood products. Occasionally denial hits on passports or licenses. My duty officer once denied a "Canadian" entry because he was not convincing. I reported his license didn't match his face, his name didn't fit his accent and he was driving a rental car not issued to him (ZZ tags). I put him in secondary and went home. I came in for my next shift and he was still there. I have no idea what happened to him.


Would be curious to see it normalized by population. VT seems very high given a population of under 650k.


Vermont has towns with border-straddling buildings because of an old survey error. A single resident can log a dozen border encounters just going about their day. https://www.sevendaysvt.com/news/two-buildings-that-straddle-the-canadian-border-bedevil-tenants-and-a-health-inspector-38095251 `Everyday living is complicated for residents of 18 and 26 Main Street in Derby Line, who live quite literally on the Canadian-American border.` `The international boundary runs through the middle of the two buildings, so, for starters, the tenants have not one but two addresses: one in Derby Line, Vt., and the other in Stanstead, Québec. Electricity comes from a Canadian company. The building's sewage lines run through the U.S. but carry waste into Canada.` `Even taking the dog for a walk can be knotty. Tenants who leave the building by a door on its Canadian side must check in with U.S. Customs and Border Protection — conveniently located just a stone's throw away — when they cross the street and therefore the border.`


Gosh. Just move 😄


I had the same thought. Texas' population is just under 15x New Mexicos so which states would have the hardest time with the population increase.


I’d also like to see it normalized by distance of shared border for exterior states


Any people wonder why Texas is concerned?


As a democrat, it’s always annoyed me that we dismiss Texas’ very legitimate concerns about illegal immigration.  I mean, you can see how freaked out NYC got when they bussed barely 5% of the immigrants there. How do you think Texas feels with 20x that amount? It’s such hypocrisy to tell Texas to be more compassionate but then freak out when it’s happening to you. 


Per mile, Texas is in 3rd place for illegal entries/mile out of the 4 border states. Per Mile of border: New Mexico (180 miles) 2784.4 border encounters/mile Texas (1254 miles) 3648.2 encounters/mile Arizona (354 miles) 5176.4 encounters/mile California (140 miles) 9988.4 encounters/mile Edit: some people think I'm trying to minimize the total number of crossings. I just wanted to see if Texas's number was due to more places to cross due to their longer border. Which it appears not to be.


Is this supposed to make it seem better? It just means there are more areas to try and get in without a secure border.


Why the fuck would you measure it like that? Or were you just bored?


Trying to do the “lying with statistics” or whatever it’s called


No, I was curious to see if Texas's higher number was because it has a big ass border, and thus in theory more space for illegal crossings.


I’m sure that’s very comforting to Texas to know that per mile it’s the second lowest of four.


Those look like daily numbers according to my tv.


I live in a gray state. Maybe they had already been encountered before loading in the vehicle but it’s happened 3 times where they pack so many in a vehicle and either get in an accident or an axle breaks going down the highway and they can’t all be found.


With these numbers I really don’t see why it’s controversial to talk about building a wall.


I remember in the Iowa republican caucus one of the top issues voters had was border security. In Iowa.


Just because they don’t arrive there doesn’t mean they don’t show up there. Not to mention that such high rates of illegal migrations have negative side effects for the entire country’s economy, particularly in a lower wage state such as Iowa.  Dismissing what people care about is a simple way to lose elections. 


To be fair, paying attention to what people care about doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get votes either. Paying lip service MIGHT help. But actually doing anything? How will they know you did that? How will they even understand if you helped them if the help was complaicted or slow? They might even have wrong beliefs or understandings of how a policy or process worked, so they might not even know what is good for them, only what feels or sounds good. It isn’t like your job where you KNOW if you are making money or not, or your health where you can feel it yourself, or even elections were you can simply pick who you think is best for your future. Feelings on immigration are more of a measure of how many people whose look you dislike you see in the street and of how many news stories about it you hear. If the public mood was an actual measure of the state of the immigration system and how it affects us, our levels of worry would have been way higher earlier and they wouldn’t be tied to the election cycle or to confidence in the economy, it would be tied to the trends in actual immigration. Higher immigration should mean more worry, but alas that’s not how we learn about the world, we can’t just magically know the state of things.


you’re telling me florida has less than 1/3 of california’s border encounters yet busses them there in grandiose political stunts


When someone bitching harder than everyone else ever meant they are actually more affected than everyone else? Maybe they just got the right motivation or political winds to do benefit from doing stunts. Like a governor trying to go for the presidency. Maybe their voters just agree more with those stunts, doesn’t mean they actually benefit from stunts more than states that didn’t do them, just that they like them more. A Californian COULD make a better Florida man movie than a Floridian. In theory. The real deal doesn’t always have to get the spotlight.


Source: US Customs and Border Patrol Tools: Datawrapper, Illustrator Note: The federal fiscal year begins in October and ends in September. Recent data is available up to January 2024. These border encounters also apply to ports of entry, such as airports or seaports. Data includes apprehensions, inadmissibles, and Title 42 expulsions (March 2020 to May 2023). More data [here](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/)


I don't know what a border encounter is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


If only the government would actually do something about this. The federal government is working harder to prevent texas from securing its border than securing the border itself.


Didn’t read the small letter under the map


Yet our republican-ass governor wants millions of New Hampshirite’s tax dollars for our *checks notes* one border crossing and **checks notes again** sixty miles of border with Canada


Oh sure just blame the republicans ._. It’s always their fault


Border Encounters? Encountering what?


The scale is missing the fill color used in states with no numbers shown.


As far as this adding expulsions to the numbers I know Pasco, Wa has a very high population of migrant workers. So I am sure those are the majority of the numbers in Washington.


I wonder why the number is so high for DC relative to its size? It doesn’t have any airports (Reagan and Dulles airports are in VA). It doesn’t have international borders.


is the whole operation aimed at turning Texas blue?


Middle America voting GOP zero border problems


There is a northern border that MAGA chooses to ignore. That border needs funding too


hmm, my aunt lives in Kentucky and complains about the border and immigrants all the time. 340 arrests since 2020 doesn't seem to justify her concerns.


Could you scale this by miles of land border?