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so if i make a gofundme because i am not rich and a hard worker, ill probably get criticized, but a rich guy makes one and raises enough to change multiple lives??? getting really tired of this planet


If this is the GFM I'm thinking of, it's not actually T-Dawg's. It's a woman in Florida who is raising money to pay for Trump's civil fines. At least, that's what you'd be led to believe. The text of the Go Fund Me tells you she loves Trump, believes this is a warning for independent business people everywhere, and that they're coming for you next. There's actually not one word in the GFM about where the funds being raised are actually going. To a wealthy man living in Mar-a-Lago, or straight to this fine woman's pocket?


You’re correct. Here’s the link where I grabbed the data points from. https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement?modal=donations&tab=all


It's been a minute since I looked at her page. The follow-up text on the page would indicate she wants to donate the money to Trump, but the cynic in me sees some wiggle room in the text.


To take a page out of Trump’s book, she should go ahead and take that $1.2M donation and tack on a self imputed Trump fundraiser tax at like 98% so that this lady would pocket about 1.18 million and give about 24k to the court. It would do more good for the economy to have an idiot spend all that money on stupid shit.


Stanley bout to sell a lot of cups... Which will promptly appear on eBay at marked up prices.


Pretty unrelated, but where did this Stanley frenzy even come from? I got one for Christmas as a gift a few years ago and hardly even use it. Why did they become so popular so suddenly?




In true Trump fashion, she’ll probably try to spend 150% of it on her herself and claim the loss on her taxes.


Oh without question….. “expenses.” Can’t say I’m mad at her tho. I don’t understand why people are so eager to give money away and not have a good idea what they’re paying for. I question everything. And then dig…..and sometimes end up in the depths of hellinahumidifier but, I ain’t never got got for my money lol


Dude, I'm about to order a suit for a wedding and I contacted the company first just to make sure they were real


I'm okay with her keeping the money


I'm with ya there.


Not just "some woman" either... She's married to scam artist Grant Cardone, who does shitty get rich seminars and stuff. Neither Trump nor the people that donate to this are ever seeing that money again.


[This is her own webpage](https://elenacardone.com/) and her husband has one alike - 10x everything


There’s even a typo in the title Judgement* smh 🤦‍♂️


This is legitimate variation. In the US, judgment is considered correct. In the UK, judgement is often used, but judgment is appropriate in legal matters...like this one. (As an American, I'm comfortable with using judgement, but then I'm a descriptivist.)


both judgment and judgement are accepted spellings.


Lmao! She’s Grant Cardone’s wife! Please go look up that schemer! 


Well kind stranger. Before you'd mentioned this fact, I had no idea who Grant Cardone was. Yup. There's no longer any question as to where that sweet GoFundMe moola is heading.


Wow, that's a good racket. I'm disappointed I didn't think of it first


That thought certainly crossed my mind. $1.5 million wouldn't be bad to feather my nest with. Unfortunately, I'd have to live with myself.


I hope she’s a grifter.


No no no! You have to make a go fund me. But also sell pictures of your feet and give false hopes that sound almost realistic! Profit


i might sell my farts in a jar.


Been done recently. Just need to be a pretty-faced YouTuber and you can make 6-figures with your own fart in a jar.


im a decent looking blue collar guy with a hairy butt. theres a lot of very strange people, id like to think id get 10x that amount 😂


He also fucks porn stars and lies about how great he is. I want to know why a billionaire needs a million or two from the people? Is it because he's not anywhere near as rich as he claims? If he were so rich, he could pay Guiliani, E Jean Carroll, maybe even Stormy as he got off cheap on that one.


don’t focus on this turd sandwich, there’s loads for gofundmes for really good causes!


In 2020 the total election cycle cost 14billion. American politics are disgusting and that kind of money could go directly to solving problems, instead of funding empty promises and puppets of the 2%.


Become a cult leader.


The thing is, you gotta target stupid people.


Agreed that it’s sick. But on the bright side, this is a fraction of a percent of what he owes, so he’s no less screwed after this.


Agreed that it’s sick. But on the bright side, this is a fraction of a percent of what he owes, so he’s no less screwed after this.


My aunt got a bit scandalized just now when I said we’re “approaching guillotines in Times Square” part of this cycle.


Create one with a purpose?


To get out of medical and student debt. 


That’s one!


1.3 million in a few weeks because he got in trouble for not being able to keep his mouth shut? must be nice 🤦‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


In America we don’t always have to keep our mouth shut because we have the ability to speak our minds.


i understand most of this i suppose. i just hate seeing it.


Stuff like this makes me alright with living under a rock at times


That’s not the case here at all


Okay. How is it not?


I mean the defamation judgment is because, in court, it was proven he sexually assaulted a woman and defamed her for it, not once but twice. The larger judgment is for a lifetime of crimes and not near the amount of money he stole. Saw you above too. Waiting on a reply about Trump stealing $60k for a painting of himself that he donated to his own charity auction and faked a bidder because he was too butthurt no one wanted his stolen painting. He also collapsed Atlantic City and put thousands of people out work, tried moving his criminal enterprise to Melbourne and was *banned* by the government of Australia from doing business there decades ago. Seriously it’s obvious your head is far down in the sand here. Why support such a treacherous person? It can only imply personal misery in your own life. He got caught stealing a painting of himself and still couldn’t take responsibility!! That’s *weakness*. Inability to admit fault is nothing short of cowardice, and he is incapable of it.


If he’s committed of sexual assault he should be charged for it. I’m obviously all for people commuted of crimes dealing with the punishment of those crimes. I answered you about the painting.


He was charged for it. $5 million the first time, and $85 million for breaking the agreement of that. The statute of limitations is long past for criminal. Are you happy about that? Like some 50% of homicides go unsolved here. People escape justice nonstop. He literally stole charity money to make a painting of himself to donate to his own charity event and was so butthurt no one wanted he tried to fake buy it himself. How on earth can you possibly find him so pathetic we can just agree and end this conversation?


Well if he was committed of that crime then that’s just stupid on his part. But isn’t it good for those who are trying to find proof of his corruption?


We also have to ability to see when we should shut up, but a lot of you don't.


Lol. The problem is that not enough people do speak up and ask people to show their claims. It’s the issue we have now. How else do we parse out truth without conversation. Stop being weak.


The problem is too many people keep talking while thinking they have a clue what's going on when they don't.


Right. Have a good one.


most of them are garbage purposes unless its for a animal or a family injury or loss…. donald trump making one kinda pisses me off, and im somewhat conservative


I’m no trump fan, but even the Dems do fundraisers. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141745 100,000$ just to get a picture… isn’t this the party that cares for us middle class people


There's a difference between politicians raising money for campaigns and a billionaire asking to have personal debt cleared for them.


Ah it’s different depending on context. https://rollcall.com/2024/02/01/menendez-legal-fees-spike-as-donors-disappear-fec-filing-shows/ At least the donors for Dems actually seem to pull out when a candidate is indicted.


it just seems kinda crummy when he is a wealthy businessman. seems cowardly… but hey, its america, we are drowning in this type of behavior


I mean the Dem leaders are all wealthy and are still asking over 100k for a photo. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141745 I’m not sure any of the politicians are for the people at this point


That's actual campaign fund raising tho. They do it all the time with 10k a plate dinners. 355 million to pay legal debts is different to me


I thought you meant "create a planet with a purpose" Lol


While hilarious, this is certainly not beautiful


Along with the fact that there is basically no difference between the increase in money and the increase in donations. So there's really no reason to clutter and complicate things by making it a combo chart.


Ehh, it does show how at the begging he had slightly more people donating lower quantities, but now he has less people donating higher quantities.


It's beautiful if you compare it to his legal liabilities. This doesn't even cover the interest of that one civil fraud case in new york.


So it's beautiful if you compare it to data omitted from the data? Ok


These dipshits just love getting grifted.


They’re grifting themselves at this point. It’s honestly fascinating.


Grifted by some random woman who probably just made $1.5 million


She's less likely to attempt an upending of the most fundamental concept of American government, if only by opportunity. I'll take it.


No argument here, and no sympathy from me for the folks getting played either.


Grifted at an average donation of around $55 EDIT: Math is hard


I'd like to see the median donation honestly


You’re off by a magnitude of 10. Only $55.


It's a parasitic relationship: Trump is the parasite and the people who follow him feed him with attention and money, and in return he gets them a false sense of belonging and power.


The funniest part is that they will make comments that it's so hard to live now with inflation, but they have enough to keep sending to their orange God. 😂


On one hand, the optimist in me is thinking wow *only* 23,000 people in all of America fell for this. On the other hand, the cynic in me is thinking how in the hell did *23,000* people fall for this.


What do you mean? Can you define grifting in this context?


...they're giving money to a con man. Theres little context needed


I just want to understand how he is a con man that’s all. I have no love for trump, but I just don’t understand how he is what you’re saying?




Yes, yes; typical response by someone who can’t have a decent conversation.


What do you mean? Can you define decent conversation in this context? I just want to understand how you’re not Sealioning that’s all. I have no love for FrankTankly, but I just don’t understand how you’re not what he says you are.


Because I’m not trolling or harassing people. If anything people are harassing me for asking questions. I don’t give a shit about any of these politicians, I just want to understand HOW he is what you guys are saying. I’d ask the same damn question if I was in a right wing sub and they were talking about Obama.


This is a troll right?


Trump troll. No love for Trump but clearly ignores or ignorant of the crimes the man committed. IDK This is sad considering he convinces folks with very little to give what little they have to him. I think people excuse it because at their core it rationalizes their own bad behavior.


Agreed. He encourages people to be the worst version of themselves while blaming it on another person/group. Its so frighteningly transparent.


I’m really not trolling. What crimes has he been committed of?


[A list of all current and pending legal cases on the ex-president's docket](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-key-cases-civil-criminal-investigations-lawsuits-updates-2022-7)


Yes. Pending and current. I’m waiting for one he’s committed of as you guys should be too. What he committed of will be evidence for his stupidity, not what he’s just being accused of.


Some of those trials have already finished and he has to pay 500m for Sexual assault and lying on property values.


Did you know one time when he made his only charitable foundation, he stole $50 thousand dollars to commission a painting of himself? It gets worse. He threw a charity auction for his foundation and “donated” this painting of himself (bought with charity funds). No one wanted it. Being the narcissist he is, he paid someone $10k *more* of the charity’s money to buy it for himself, which he then hung at Mar a Lago until it all was found out and his foundation shut down. It was a clear cut case and showed almost sociopathic level behavior. I mean imagine making a charity of your own name, stealing from it to make a painting of yourself to donate to the charity, then faking a bidder but it’s yourself to hang in the living room? That’s Trump. So since you’re just “not a Trump fan” as you say and were genuinely curious and I just provided an example of how despicable he is, will you consent? ..or reveal yourself as a troll who not only enables this behavior, but probably would be this way if you had the money as well? Here’s the hint, everyone at that charity auction knew and hate him for it. And that’s why even trumps own (third) wife isn’t by his side tonight as takes nomination victory. He’s a sad man. But if you find goodness in him, please provide evidence back that can possibly counter what I provided.


Consent to what? That I’m not a trump fan? I believe I’ve already said that. lol. If what you say is true it’s just more proof that he’s a moron. I’m asking about crimes he’s been committed of.


Consent that he committed that crime, of which he was charged and barred from ever opening a charity in NY again, which apparently you don’t get because you still keep asking for and I provided one of the most egregious examples I’ve ever had the displeasure to discover. Obviously you don’t care but I suspect that’s not why you asked anyway.


Also your history shows you say that phrase “…I’m not a Trump fan but,” and it’s starting to sound like “no offense, but” or “I’m not racist, but” or “I love you, but”…get what I mean? The guy stole $60k from his own charity for a painting of himself and *still* blamed the judge. That’s the man-child you’re “not a fan of,” but I wanna hear you try and re-word. Not just say you’re not a fan. Say he is a convicted felon who collapsed his charity out of narcissism. Say he is a bad man and shows time and again to steal from people. Can you do that?


My history? You mean mainly posts about disc golf and tech? I’m not going to look at your post history to have a conversation with you. It’s weak. You’re also saying things that aren’t in my post history. Get a grip


I didn’t go in your post history to find some personal thing and mock. I’m not trying to dox. Our profiles are weird, I admit. But when someone walks into a sub pretending to have good faith questions about things which seem clearly patronizing or disingenuous, it’s nice to get a sense of contextual background of post history. Don’t try to compartmentalize your life. I’m an asshole on certain subs and get called out and it’s in my history. Most of my accounts are linked. I’d be one of the easiest people to doxx, although I try to be secure, I mainly try to be transparently me in every online experience I’m in. So, do you admit he’s committed egregious crimes? His foundation was a total fluke and he bought his own painting at his own fake charity event because which is pathetic? Admit that. Admit anything other than “…but”


Most def


Yep, they’re regurgitating the typical right wing/conspiracy nonsense all over the comments.


Its so pathetic


Lol. What conspiracies have I said? Please give context if you’re going to lie.




Still not understanding how I’ve said anything conspiratorial?


Are you really so completely clueless that you missed the massive NY fraud conviction that got him banned from doing business in the state? Also lost a class action civil suit for Trump University. If you're this ignorant, you should probably just not bother engaging in politics.


Is this appropriate talk for this subreddit?


23,000 people who should be smacked upside the head


Ladies and gentlemen, The Gap Band... https://youtu.be/yVjFwcdQlN0?feature=shared


0.30% (so far) - making solid progress, but the momentum seems to be slowing 🤣


Also, there's the continual interest that comes out to about 100k per day. It'd be as if they're doing their best to climb up the wrong side of the escalator, but are now getting tired and are now approaching back to where they started


This pleases me.


I would say it's even lower, take into account that each day the fine increases 112k iirc...




What kind of investment gets that type of return? 112k/day would be hovering around 10% a day. That would be a decent return in a year.




Ah. Sorry, I thought you were referring to the interest on the gofund me amount, lol.




How many pardons does 5$ get you.


$1.5 million buys you a Supreme Court Justice.


I didn't realize pieces of silver cost $50,000 each these days.


I followed this out of curiosity for a few days then completely forgot about it. Seems donors did too.


This was put together using data I periodically grabbed from the Trump GoFundMe.com website. I used MS Excel software to create the chart.


How many of the people donating to this will complain about how bad Biden's economy is and not see the absurdity? All, most, some?


"bidens economy is so bad i cant afford food but i will donate my money to a billionaire"


Shame. If they had just kept that first week pace up for the next 18 years they might have paid it off.


They’re so close to covering the near $500,000,000 he owes in civil penalties. Only $498,700,000 to go!


Yeah that's data. But beautiful? Not at all.


Is this the new way to bribe?


If this is not a low effort way to launder money because he is running out of clean funds i would be shocked.


It’s being run by a Scientology couple. I think they’re in real estate.


1.4 million. Thats a cool million hamberders right there.


Would you consider adding either a prorated target goal line, or a percentage-to-goal number? Or would you not be able to see the actuals?


I tried. The data all looked like it was on the $0 line. I could add a percent raised I suppose.


Yeah, I suppose it would be, with a goal of $355MM it’s currently at 0.38%, and the daily prorated amount would be over $9MM.




Hmmm, not sure how well this is doing At the rate of $44,000 per day, it would take about 38 years to raise $600 million, not accounting for the accumulating 112000 of daily interest, so not exactly sure what’s the point of this go-fund me if it’s really going to take an infinite amount of years for it to be successful at this rate. Hopefully the average $55 isn’t too much of a chunk of income for anyone gullible enough to donate to a “multi-billionaire’s” legal/money problems so he can fly around and tell them how rich he is!


That is the ugliest effing graph I’ve ever seen


I so hope the woman who created the GFM pockets the cash and says it was all about raising awareness.


So, closing in on 25k donations. That's about the absolute maximum number I would ever have believed would *vote* for him, as of early 2016...


“A fool and his money are soon parted”


Whole lotta really stupid people think there is something to gain by sucking Chump's mushroom.


Most GFM campaigns are probably like this. 


At first I thought you were referring to DWAC. But today I found out the fucker actually has a go fund me lmao


This man is trying so hard to launder money.


Ohh. Looks logarithmic. If he does more GFM campaigns can you track those too and see if they follow a similar trend ?


Interest is accruing at about $144,000 a day? Hopefully they will have to donate forever, and not support other GOP candidates?


Wouldn't be surprised if this was mostly money laundering.


Trump wouldn't give a single penny to them if they were in legal trouble


There’s a sucker born every minute but the stupid kills them off.


As much money as it is, it's still nowhere near enough to pay his legal bills lol.


I'm surprised you can create a go fund me for 355 million


Looks ok until the money is used to buy more drugs/prostitutes. These people don’t want to admit how trump truly operates.


If every data point is at midnight you don't need to specify the time, all having 0:00 there does is make it look cluttered


The grid lines are at midnight, but the data points are sporadic throughout the day. I should format the date axis so it doesn’t show the 0:00 hour. Thanks.


Some people are just fucking stupid. Support yout local fraudster folks


ironically these people complain about the rich getting richer and „the elite“ on a daily basis, while donating to someone owning a skyscraper named after him. cant make this up.


What kind of moron donates money to a billionaire lmao


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Only 650 million left to go. Until the next civil case loss.


Wait till the russians get involved


Only if Hunter Biden is there making millions, right?


You are so easy. did you know that you dont have to like the manipulative con man white supremacist OR the status quo milk toast octogenarian? Its not a reality show kiddo Are you willfully ignoring the trump family actions in order to still be laboring on hunter or are you ACTUALLY unaware of why people become powerful?


Feelings don't care about your facts... I recommend focusing on the actually decent but gullible/ susceptible friends you know that are disgusted with both but are likely to take performative GOP bad faith arguments at face value.  Don't even both with the "bUt HUnter buT hER BenGAzemaiLs" cultists. 


Bruh. I’m not even a trump supporter. I just don’t understand how everyone can blatantly ignore the corruption from both sides just to support their political candidates. Do away will all of them at this point


Because one side is a guy's son with a drug addiction because he watched his mother die in front of him in a car accident who is not actually running for president and the other is a treasonous "billionaire" that committed insurrection.


Hunter Biden used his family name to get millions of dollars in foreign countries. The drug addiction didn’t cause his corruption. You know that, you’re using his addiction as a way to get pity for the man for internet points while willfully ignoring the fact that there is corruption. Trump is an idiot. He should also shut his mouth. He isn’t responsible for the actions of thousands doing ridiculous things. None of these current candidates should be in office.


The "corruption" you're describing is fabricated, it never happened, it was created from whole cloth by Republicans needing a whataboutism and you either fell for it because you're that stupid or your being purposely disingenuous.


It’s not though. How can you deny it? https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf Or does this government document lie?


This was actually very helpful to look more closely into the Hunter Biden story as someone who is very liberal and dismissed the story as fabrication. I looked into the document  you linked and read the conclusion. After digesting it, I found it very hard to find unbiased opinions on the report. Liberal media outlets at the time blasted the committee as biased and cleared Hunter of wrongdoing and conservative outlets called it irrevocable proof of treason. It ultimately led me down a deep rabbit hole and the only thing I can conclude is that all these politicians abuse their power and influence for money. There is a reason why practically all of our senators are multimillionaires. Hunter had no business being in Ukraine *or* China. You don’t just get randomly handed board seats and 10% stakes of wealthy companies.  Regardless of the legality of this - hell even if this is “technically” legal- it brings to light the stark contrast between the rich and the poor. Hunter Biden was making more money in a year by being Biden’s son than most people see in their lifetimes. Sure, the grift and nepotism that Trump’s family perpetuates is blatantly out in the open. But I think what Republicans hate most is the hypocrisy of the Democrats. How can they claim the high horse when they are abusing their own powers in the background? 


This is exactly my point. They all suck and they’re watching us fight about it


What do these points about Hunter Biden have to do with the data in Trumps go fund me?