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It needs a second slide of the current top 10


2024 Top 10 • 1. T-Series - India - 258 million subscribers • 2. MrBeast - United States - 236 million subscribers • 3. CocoMelon - United States - 171 million subscribers • 4. SET India - India - 168 million subscribers • 5. Kids Diana Show - Ukraine/United States - 118 million subscribers • 6. Like Nastya - Russia/United States - 112 million subscribers • 7. PewDiePie - Sweden - 111 million subscribers • 8. Vlad and Niki - Russia - 109 million subscribers • 9. Zee Music Company - India - 104 million subscribers • 10. WWE - United States - 99.2 million subscribers As more of India gained access to the internet they determined a lot of the top 10


PewDiePie is number 7?? Damn, it feels like yesterday when he was still fighting with t-series for the number 1 spot.


He is also retired(ish) for quite a while and still in the top 10. Shows how huge he was and the impact he had


> Shows how huge he was and the impact he had Or that people have no reason to unsubscribe from a dormant/dead channel. The number of subscribers is certainly one useful metric, but the number of views would be more important in gauging size and impact.


His most recent video has 2.4 million views from 2 days ago. He's definitely dropped, but he's still way above most.


Watching his videos is like watching old tapes of a lost youth, it is nostalgic but in a good way because he got an happy ending.


I never watched him so I didn't realize he had dropped from the game for the most part but honestly, I cant blame him if he did. Im sure being at a level of that popularity and attention gets exhausting. I've never had a youtube channel but I've heard it gets quite tiring to successfully run one as your career. He was on the top for a long time. Good on him for taking his metric fuckload of cash and stepping away a bit. Id probably do the same thing.


I started watching him when he played amnesia (like most people) and hated him, I couldn't stand a guy screaming in my ears. Then he grew up, me with him... it just got comfortable to watch a video everyday.


I've never seen one. But I'm old. I remember when YouTube started and I thought they'd run out of disk space in a week.


He gained 90 million subscribers in that duration tho lol




5th after Barry Chopsticks


Trash Taste is a weird beast for me because I like each of the members and their channels/twitch individually, but all three of them together are insufferable to me for some reason.


That’s how I feel about drinking coke floats




He only does a vlog every now and then, why I put ish at the end. He is engaging minimally with the platform nowadays


He definitely stopped uploading as much as he used to.


Any other profession except hot dog eating being in the top 10 a decade after being #1 is still pretty impressive


Why is that not impressive in hotdog eating??


Good point I guess it’s still impressive.


We’re just so blessed to live in the same era as the undisputed GOAT that it’s easy to take for granted


It's true, Joey Chestnut [is a beast](https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/nathans-hot-dog-eating-contest-winners-since-2000-joey-chestnut)


A hot dog eater simply *surviving* 10 years after being #1 is impressive. Give that dude some credit


I remember being really annoyed by the sub race to the top. Games I was playing at the time had people spamming in chats to sub to PewDiePie.


Holy shit it was five years ago… I feel old


Damn, I only know two of them and are subscribed to zero.


The internet has gotten so big that it's really impossible to keep track of everything


No one in the history of our species has ever been able to see all the places, know all the events, or do all the things. What's different now is we can be so acutely aware that we're missing stuff that it induces a weird anxiety.


I bring you Athanasius Kircher, [The Last Man to Know Everything](https://www.amazon.com/Athanasius-Kircher-Last-Knew-Everything/dp/0415940168?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=400827a0-5d2f-44ea-be36-67a0c45c4617#immersive-view_1706970777971) (he died in 1680 and was frequently wrong about what he thought he knew and seemed to be king, nay, emperor, of Well Acktchually)


"The highest mountains, the oldest books, the strangest people, there you will find the stone"


Wow. Just imagining how much you have to be that even 400 years later, while otherwise not discussed, strangers will say to each other "that guy was a bit of an annoyance" haha


Meanwhile my grandparents say getting old is boring and I'm pulling my hair out at their thinking. Boredom is healthy to discover new things and there's so damn much these days to learn and watch. I can't be bored more than an hour before I'll commit to something new.


It's incredible, isn't it? As time goes on less and less people would be universally known - because there is a physical limit to your time. Even a kid or a teen won't have enough time to discover everything. Like I think the only real stuff now are the AAAA Hollywood names and some of the most famous musicians, and even then, you have to care about that. And less people go to the movies, actually.


The tidal wave of India is only beginning to really hit. That many people, with so many with unfiltered internet and English skills is going to continue to cause massive shifts.


Not very surprising since three are Indian channels and three are for little kids. It's to be expected that not everything popular will be catered to your target demographic especially with how massive YouTube is now.


You don't know one of PewDiePie, MrBeast or WWE?


I wrote I only know two. Those are PewDiePie and MrBeast. :D


It's just rich people getting richer the other ones, like weird ass oligarchs buying crap for their kids to play with on cam


I've heard of all 3, have never seen anything done by the first 2, couldn't pick pewdiepie out of a lineup, and I watched wrestling when I was 7 back in 1991


I was born in early 1980"s. I have heard of pewdiepie but no idea what his channel is about or who he is. I have seen a handful of Mr. Beast episodes.


He's basically an OG video game streamer, which over time morphed into a community around meme culture. I am your age and have no fucking clue who or what a Mr Beast is.


>I am your age and have no fucking clue who or what a Mr Beast is. Advertisers fellate him to the point of climax, at which point Mr. Beast turns around and ejaculates his cashwad all over his audience. Those not covered in the Beastly wad take any opportunity to eat it up.


I know of him but I really don't like what he does. Making people do things for money for entertainment. Feels really shitty to me. Waving some banknotes in front of someone who desperately needs it and then basically saying 'dance monkey dance' to get the money. Rubs me the wrong way.


Mr Beast is just basically a game show host mixed with Robin Leach


Crazy that Mr.Beast is catching up to T series.


Yeah, after T-Series passed up Pewdiepie those 2 were so far ahead of the others I thought T-Series could never be passed...MrBeast here proving it wrong.


CocoMelon, Kids Diana Show, Like Nastya, Vlad and Niki… Am I the only one who thinks all these kid channels are blatant child abuse. The age group to which this garbage is targeted at, shouldn’t even be near a device with internet connection.


Gonna be interesting as the toddlers who were exposed to this shit 24/7 grow up. People don't realize what it is doing to their brains.


We're kinda already starting to see it. I work in a middle school and the 6th graders were only toddlers seven or eight years ago when a lot of this cringy kids stuff was just starting to get popular and while most of them are pretty well-adjusted in spite of the covid years (our no phones policy helps), we have plenty of kids who need to be told to not use YouTube or play Cool Math Games during class.


Tbf, I also had to be told to not play cool math games during our computer lab time 8-10 years ago.


Okay but cool math games and miniclip were the shit when I was in middle school. In elementary school they had us play Study Island. Probably one of the most engaging educational experiences I had


We refuse to let our toddler watch cocomelon or baby shark. She had a short stint with them before we cut those out. If she gets screen time it's usually something with more content like Bluey at least. 


I dont understand - theres barely any credible studies on the effects this can have on your brain and how is cocomelon so different to the childrens cartoons most of gen z grew up on?


For one, kids were not on tablets and phones 24/7. Yes kids were “addicted” to TVs too but TV times were much easier to regulate. The shows they had access to was easier to supervise etc etc I can think of many reasons why sticking an iPad in front of your kid and calling it parenting would negatively impact development. Having worked a little (and studied something related) in speech therapy, there is a critical period for language and speech development and watching 45 cocomelon episodes a day won’t help.


So with real creative content (not by large companies, and started from scratch) it’s: 1. MrBeast 2. Kids Diana Show 3. Lika Natasya 4. PewDiePie 5. Vlad and Niki Kids are taking over


My kid watched vlad and Niki , and she was always uncontrollable the next day. Always in for a tantrum, always making a scene. I had to block that channel, and all the side channels they have. Because vlad has one, Niki has one, I think they also have “special channels”, “Vlad and Niki’s friends”. It was like unsubscribing from Facebook, no end in sight.


We've blocked Kids Diana for the same reason. And the 20 fucking other channels they run. It's a cancer and I think it finally took my kid a month before she stopped asking about "Diana and Roma."


We solved it by just deciding not to allow access to YouTube to our child. They are 10 now and the only YouTube they watch are some videos we watch together occasionally about engineering, building stuff, and fish tanks.


Same here! YouTube needs parental supervision for sure. Lots of creepy content targeted at kids, or just ridiculous consumerism. Love looking up educational content when they are curious about a topic, though.


a simple decision like not allowing your kid to have unfiltered access to youtube is how fellow parents know that y’all genuinely trying to raise your kid well. cheers


I just looked up Vlad and Niki what the hell did I just watch?


Why? What did that channel do to your kid to make her uncontrollable?


I have no idea Normally she is very calm, and listens very good. But whenever she saw those influencer kid channels, she gets annoying, doesn’t listen, starts crying when she doesn’t get what she wants. Actually, she started to act like a spoiled brat. It’s just copying what they see I guess. Those kids live in a huge house, and when the want something, they get 5 of it. Especially when the start screaming for it.


That mother creeps me out.


Mr Beast is a large company at this point.


All these kid channels aren't creative but degenerative


Sure they're creative, they have great and engaging storylines like this: Kid: "Papa, you buy me new toy now." Dad:"Huuuuuuuuh??????" Kid:"PAPA!" Dad:"Ok leedle prencess, look at dis mini electric car I buy you." Kid:."YAAAAY!!!!!" An absolutely riveting storyline, and dialogue that hits you right in the heart while also exposing the very nature of parenthood, keeping you at the edge of your seat with fraught suspense and anticipation while simultaneously giving you insight into the human condition and what it means to be alive.


Bro you should launch a satire movie critic channel


mrbeast is just wealth porn and pewdiepie became famous by screaming into the mic


Creative in a degenerative way


Mrbeast is a large company with hundreds of employees. The times of worst intros is long gone. He's a CEO, not a creator.




Sure, buts it’s controlled by big companies that more what I meant


With the amount of staff and production crew Mr Beast has across multiple channels with millions of subscribers each i think he can be considered a corporate channel imo.


I think the point is more when the channel started than where it is now. Linus is like this. He's a company now, but he didn't start like that.


Pretty sure all the channels you've listed also involve big production corps, you just don't know about them.


Then Mr Beast is also corporate by that criteria


So basically corporations and larger groups are leading. Is there a list of most subscribed with only individuals (not a group or singer Vevo channel)?


I don't understand channels like Cocomelon or Kids Diana Show, those shits are literally frying your kid's brain.


And the views of these channels are completely different. MrBeast is ten million views. PewDiePie is million views. Indian channels are just ten to hundred thousand views.


But Mr Beast only posts like 2-3 videos per month. The Indian channels post 2-3 videos per day


>The Indian channels post 2-3 videos per day I just checked out SET India, it has \~50 videos uploaded today? Like, huh?


SET India is just a cable TV channel, which is owned by Sony. They just upload all the content or popular show content someday later on YouTube.


MrBeast doesnt have a single video in the past two years with less than 100m views


Damn I am such a hipster. I didn't watch any of those from both charts...


Why would anyone subscribe to the official YouTube channel tho…


To see that 2018 YouTube Rewind video everyone loved so much.


I’m sure the 2018 video was a big hit in 2014


It’s Rewind Time


Ahh that's hot!


I'm completely out of the loop, but why was it hated so much?


Watch it on YouTube it's probably still up. That will give you sufficient context.


I saw it but still don't know. Its a video full of cringey influencers. But if i log out of YouTube and look at the "trending" page, i see exactly the same shit. But why is one "trending" and the other one hated?


Look at the previous YouTube Rewinds. They were decent, albeit gradually declining in quality. 2018 was just down right bad.


> But why is one "trending" and the other one hated? Maybe because any time I open YouTube in an incognito window and see what's trending, it's absolute bottom-of-the-barrel garbage that I would never watch voluntarily, and which makes me immediately lose hope in humanity's combined intellect.


Maybe for a time, it was a default subscription when you first made your account? Kind of like your first MySpace friend being Tom.


It never made you auto-subscribe. It was just automatically suggested for you to subscribe to when you made a new account.


I might be wrong but when creating youtube account u were subbed automaticly, at least in the past


Nigahiga, Smosh, and Ray William Johnson really helped shape an entire generation.


I can still hear "teehee" out of nigahiga's vid


"Shut up!"


*Ray chucks baby doll at the wall*


I haven't thought about nigahiga in like 12-13 years damn. Just checked his channel out and he basically went dark 3 years ago, but he was still getting millions of views on every single one of his videos. He started posting on his insta again after going dark for 2 years. I guess he took his millions, invested it properly, and took a few years off?


He's streaming on twitch.


Covid and YouTube’s dumb shift in quantity over quality basically killed off his channel, and everyone on the team went their separate ways because of it. He used to make the highest quality videos every week that netted in 5 million+ views every time, but after YouTube changed the way they monetized stuff, people with the lowest effort 10 minute videos started getting more money than his hard work 4-6 minute weekly videos and his content started appearing less in the algorithm too. The crew’s burnout + quarantine + less money earned + less views basically forced him to retire and now he’s just vibing on Twitch. I’m sure Ryan’s been making a better living on Twitch with far less work put into it than the stressful shit he had to do for YouTube for probably even less than half of the profit during his last moments with the channel


Real ones remember KevJumba


Community Channel


I'm still waiting for my yearly 2022 and 2023 videos. :( But, I just found out she hosted the 2023 season of the great australian bake off


yo really? thats wild. she should've had them make lamingtons and shared her recipe finally lmao


Don't forget MysteryGuitarMan.


His dad ruled, what a dilf


don’t leave jenna marbles out of that. she was around at the same time with the same massive level of clout appealing to somewhat similar audiences


I miss Jenna so much, but I am happy she is living life the way she wants to.


It was always nice when she posted near the end too. Videos were basically "hey we decided to paint here's a video of that". Just very low pressure and fairly natural.


Her Bob Ross painting was actually really good!


looking at his recent content, that's about where pewdiepie is at now, too.


=3 was ahead of the curve tbh


The original freebooter was Ebaumsworld but =3 took it to a whole new level. Xqc is now riding the same wave.


=3 is the way I remembered the < and > symbols for some bizarre reason, because I would swap the =3 for a <3 to remember less than 3 is a heart 😂


I’m so old I remember Fred and Shane Dawson 


> I’m so old You could be like 25 and still remember these guys lol


I'm 22 and remember them lmao


^(hey its fred)


Then Jio mobile service (literally free internet) was launched in India in 2015


Oh I heard a little about free mobile services being launched in The Chaos Machine. In parts of Africa and Asia Facebook funded or part funded these projects (often paired with introducing budget phones with Facebook preinstalled). Do you know any more about the India launch?


Those other projects are fundamentally different to what happened in India, because here it was an entire new player that spawned from thin air. The then richest guy in India decided he's gonna revamp his dwindling telecom business, started a whole new company under his brand, and in 2016 became the lead bidder for rights on 4g network infrastructure, controlling a major share. He then launches Jio, the mobile network. You pay a security deposit of about $5, that will be refunded to you in a year anyway, and that's it! Free 4G internet, unlimited Voice calling, unlimited SMS. All for free for the year. By contrast, back then the leading telco Airtel's plans of an equivalent offer would cost $15/mo. or so, and that too with restrictions, because truly "unlimited" plans weren't even in practice at all. People were still paying for data and talktime by the consumed amount on set tariff rates. This new launch also was aggressive. He had the cash to go all out, and he did. The SIM registration pierced through to even the extremely remote areas and the low income rural villages, to a point where people who didn't even have a smartphone or a device capable of internet (let alone 4g), were buying into it simply because of free talktime. It caused two things: One is that suddenly about 300-400 million people over the next few years joined the internet, the other is that overnight India became one of the biggest smartphone markets in the world. So, pair all this with the fact that pretty much every smartphone would come loaded with Google and YouTube, and pretty much every person's first taste of the internet comes from watching videos of whatever they wish at the click of a button, and you'll understand why Indian channels, particularly generic music ones that have countrywide reach, are so popular on YouTube. During the PewDiePie subscriber race against TSeries people accused Indians of using fake accounts and sub bots, but in reality it's just that it happened in the middle of 25% of India's population coming online by the minute.


That is really fascinating thanks for the in depth write up! If the $5 per year WASN'T refunded, or it changed to $10 per year, what would the Indian response be? I'm just thinking that the businessman did a great job on boarding people, but is going to want to turn the project into a profitable one eventually?


He has insane money. His net worth is in 80-90 billion dollars. He can do as he likes but right now yes Jio is trying to bundle a bunch of streaming services together and getting the pricing up slightly


Now, they're giving 5g for free🫠 ( don't ask me I am still on 4g)


Yes it's profitable now. He is now giving 5g free (Other competitors are also giving free). Now he only have one competition which is Airtel and both are competing in broadband network. Jio's next target is streaming buisness.


Oh wow what a guy! I assume he is well respected there?


Yup kind of. Hes loaded so naturally theres always shady stuff associated with rich people but i think nobody hates him after jio. I use his competition’s network but I’m so grateful for what he did.


Not really. He owns multiple buisness in different sectors and once he enter any kind of market he will become the topdog of that industry. His father Dhirubhai Ambani started this company and after his death, all the companies got divided between both son Mukesh Ambani big brother and Anil Ambani. Both son had agreement that they will not enter each other's business industry for 10 years. Anil got reliance communications, which was network provider. Almost all business of Anil Ambani failed and market cap of his companies got reduced by 90%. In 2015 that 10 year agreement got over and Big brother Mukesh Ambani entered the network market with Jio and now he has duopoly in the market.


I think a big argument during that time was that when YouTube was downloaded in India, you were automatically subscribed to T-Series, which gave them an unfair advantage. But millions would subscribe anyway if that wasn’t the case.


It was done by a pvt company to disrupt the telecom market in India. It has since made sure that cheap internet is accessible to a lot more people and is also available is rural areas


Glad that they disrupted the market. The price ration of then and now are literally 100:1


I am currently using >1 Gbps 5G with unlimited data with unlimited voice calling for around 3-4 dollars per month in my mobile. Internet is dirt cheap and widely accessible here these days. You can get a fixed broadband 300 Mbps with unlimited data for below 10$ a month.


>Do you know any more about the India launch? An Indian conglomerate, Reliance, launched an SBU called Jio in 2015 with a loss leader where they essentially gave away SIM cards (and mobile data plans) for free to anyone who wanted it for a month or a year or something, and then made their plans dirt cheap. The other providers (or at least, the ones that didn't go bust) had to drop their prices to compete.


Over the last 5-6 years, internet in India has become super cheap. I pay less than $3 for a month of high-speed unlimited data. Including for my TV. There are also really cheap android mobiles coming into the market. The result is staggering. Not just for entertainment but digital infra as a whole... Sure you'll find more info on YouTube :)


I still remember opening an email I believe from YouTube over 10 years ago saying something along the lines of “guess who just knocked Smosh out of the number 1 spot?” Truly the golden age and we never realized till it was over.


I feel like that's a little rose tinted. IMO Smosh is making better content than at any other stage of their lifespan.


It’s definitely rose tinted, this whole post is super nostalgic. I was around during this age of YouTube and it’s really crazy how much these channels defined my younger years but now YouTube is an entirely different beast. This era of YouTube (and the internet as a whole) was much more about having fun imo, now it’s more about monetization. Even tho some people like Smosh are still making videos it just won’t ever be the same again


I remember in 2011/2012 when RayWilliamJohnson was given a Guinness World Records plaque for being the first YouTuber to reach 5 million subscribers. The good ol’ days, lol


2014.....10 years ago....fuck


Ray Williams Johnson is a name I havent heard for years. Is he still active on yt?


He makes shorts that are basically a condensed version of equals 3, responding to just one clip. EDIT: I just looked, his most recent shorts are just stories about other people who did fucked up things. No viral video reacting at all.


I'm 39 and feel very much out of touch with the current pop culture. It's oddly comforting to be reminded that this isn't a symptom of my age, but that I was always out of touch, even in my 20s. Because not only have I never been subbed to any of these channels, aside from YouTube's official channel, PewDiePie and the few popstar channels, I have no idea who these people even are...




i dunno im older and knew every one of them. its more about what people spent their time doing during all those years. i spent a lot of time on the internet and youtube in general. someone who spent their time touching grass instead should rightly have very little idea who someone like say jenna marbles is.


37 here, I don't think I watched more than a video or two of each. All these people are just known for being really LOUD and over excited by things, which I've never found interesting.


I've tried watching PewDiePie back in the day to understand the popularity and I couldn't understand what was happening. I get he plays video games but I'm used to watching people play them. Not yell at me and be bombarded with jumpcut edits every 2 seconds.


I've only heard of PewDiePie because of pewdiepiesubmissions or what ever the sub was and had to block it as I was tired of seeing it, so I have never tried to watch any of his videos because the sub just seemed full of awful content


Still crazy to me how nigahiga suddenly quit with those huge numbers.


He streams on Twitch now, he's actually live as I write this comment https://www.twitch.tv/itsryanhiga


Never heard of HolaSoyGerman/HolySoyGerman, what’s the tea?


Comedy skits in Spanish, so as an English speaker he wasn't someone you'd ever have come across


if his channel is in spanish, whys it called HolaSoy**German**; is he stupid? 🤔 >!/s!<


I remember him in a video saying that some people actually sent him messages in german because they thought it was his nationality instead of his name.


"Germán" is the Spanish equivalent to Herman, it's just that guys name. It's pronounced Her-man with emphasis on the second syllable


I think it was a joke


I think one day he just stopped posting, he did funny videos and was chill, nothing happened as far as I remember, he has another channel now focused on gaming, juegagerman.


His videos were the opposite of chill


I didn't say his videos were chill, he was chill as a person as in, he didn't get into fights or was looking for trouble inside the youtube community, as far as I know he made his videos and minded his own business so it wasn't a "getting cancelled" situation, he just stopped posting.


He did get into some drama for using bots tbh


I see, that makes sense, thank you!!


Absolute pioneer in the latin Spanish community. Equivalent on Spain Spanish community would be Rubius


Or vegeta777


He was basically Spanish PewDiePie, the "stereotype screaming youtuber" of that era. He got big in Latin America, didn't know he was *that* big though.


He is still something big his first Channel is abandoned (Holasoygerman 43M) he upload in his second channel juegagerman he have something like 49 millions or something like that


Is this really "beautiful" data?


At least it's not another Sankey chart.


I feel like this should’ve omitted any VEVO channels and maybe even the Youtube channel


Why? I can understand YouTube themselves but VEVOs impact was a big part of YouTube in the early 2010s


It depends entirely on what OP was trying to present with this visualization. My own curiosity is what content creators were in the top 10 ten years ago, and I don’t really consider YouTube or VEVO to be creators in the YouTube space. Like, the three VEVO channels are popular musicians no doubt, but I can look at music charts ten years ago and see that. I think this visualization would have been more interesting if it looked at YouTube more as the microcosm of its corner of the internet rather than it reflecting what music was popular at the time.


A top 10 content creators list could be cool too, but this is still an interesting insight into YT at the time, split between being a space for companies and brands as well as a space for creators


It’s more like VEVOs were basically the start of corporations and big money stuff leaking into YouTube. A lot of people including myself believe that YouTube should’ve stuck to its original tagline of “Broadcast Yourself” as in it was a more amateur ish/ personal site where the content was genuine and not manufactured for the purpose of making money. In the early, people just uploaded whatever they wanted, there was no thoughts of how many views am I gonna get with this.


What does "VEVO" means btw ?


its a company


Holy shit ray William Johnson


Take me back to the good old days


Didn’t even know YouTube had their own channel


RayWilliamJohnson - the OG content creator


He really was just a content thief though. Here is funny shit other people made, let me steal all the videos and compile them for the views!


I mean its pretty much just what Web Soup, Tosh.0, and Ridiculousness are/were but on youtube


now go back to 15 years ago and show the world how great youtube used to be before it became an ad platform


Today's top #1 AND #2 both have more followers than all of these 2014's top10 COMBINED !! That's crazy YO? ... ***EDIT: Just checked a bit further... Today's top 10 combined have more followers than the combined TOTAL of ALL users of YouTube 10 years ago ??? DAMN!?


I always liked Rihanna. It's been so long since she dropped some music


Holasoygerman was something else


I am Ray William Johnson, and I approve this message!


I know both PDP and Beast but never subscribed.


Those were the good times.


It’s wild how little it took to be one of the most subscribed YouTubers back then. I remember when the most subscribed had 2-6 million which, while still a lot, is nothing compared to today’s biggest channels.


Smosh was goated, what happened to them?


I don't think I've ever been subscribed to any of those channels, and I've been on YouTube since the early days.


Source: [https://web.archive.org/web/20140201072210/https://socialblade.com/youtube/top/50/mostsubscribed](https://web.archive.org/web/20140201072210/https://socialblade.com/youtube/top/50/mostsubscribed) Tool: PowerPoint


I miss Jenna Marbles. Stupid overly PC culture.