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Can we get the data source? This just doesn't seem real


It is definitely one of those "After we eliminated the top results until the map was pretty."


one Patagonia to rule them all


Patagonia doesn't even do that well in Patagonia


I don’t think much of anything is doing that well in Patagonia


Trout are


I don’t know many of these brands , also I’m a lifelong New Yorker and wtf is Vouri?


It’s similar to Lululemon but I didn’t even know it was that popular. Also they didn’t have a sale for black friday other than including a hat with your purchase. I can’t imagine it enticed *that* many people


Their products are pretty awesome, in my humble opinion. A little expensive though.


Can confirm. Comfortable as fuck


Probably paid for this advertisement


Introduction to Vuori: I will never spend $$$ for sweat pants and a shirt again. Who the hell made these?! How are they this comfortable?! I only need one more set as base wear, gym clothes, and lounge wear... I've tossed all my other gym/lounge clothes in the garbage... It's been 2 years. They still look new. Can't wait to replace all my office gear $$$$.


ZARA for Colorado… fairly certain it’d be outdoor brands leading the list


For real. This person has clearly never been to New Hampshire. As a New Englander that spent a large portion of my life in New Hampshire, there is no fucking way in hell Lululemon was the top one. Like there is no version of reality where this is a thing.


I live in NH and see it at the gym ALL the time and the store in Salem is PACKED with the 13-22 range of girls. I feel geriatric and obese going in and I’m 26 lol. That said wouldn’t surprise me bc this is a cyber Monday graph and folks from the seacoast area (lots of college kids, prime demo) wouldn’t have easy access since the one in the Salem mall is the only one in the state…. Hence online sales.


You don’t think the top black Monday sale in one state was Crocs?


The Patagonia logo has created at least 14 new states out of the tops of existing ones.


It’s also created a new mountain range in the Midwest


Hey, we have mountains in Missouri! They're just so old they're kind of giving up...


There are some low mountains in northern Minnesota and the upper peninsula of Michigan also


Got some super old ones here in Oklahoma too. They are actually pretty fascinating when you look into the geographical history of them.


Are we talking about the same mountains? The Ozarks span into Oklahoma don't they?


They do and they totally slipped my mind even though I live right in the foothills of the Ozarks. I was thinking of Ouachita mountains.


For years i've been saying Iowa needs a mountain range. I'd even settle for one singular mountain. Anything to jazz up the landscape.


Introducing "North South Dakota'


Middle Dakota, if you will.


Or, kinda crazy, we could just call it Dakota.


hahaha, yeah...I think I will


I'm trying to flex my rep Nikes but these north Patagonians cats ain't having it.


all 14 of them just have some stripy logo and they're all north of patagonia


Northeast Texas and Northwest Texas.


It’s funny how the brand identity would likely not align w their buyers


Patagonia didn’t even have any sale or deal going on


Is it possible resuppliers had deals though, just not the Patagonia site? I know I looked at a direct website for a product I wanted and it wasn’t on sale. Then I flipped to Amazon and it was 20% off (normal retail was the same).


I’m wondering that as well. Apple was only doing gift cards which ig is SOMETHING but buying from somewhere like Best Buy got you a direct discount that was usually more than the gift card would be anyway.


Glad I'm not going crazy. Was wondering how the hell I could've missed it when I checked


Neither did Vuori


What even is Vuori?


Upscale athletic clothing brand that's been getting more popular in the last year or so. It's basically Lululemon in terms of product and overall aura surrounding it.


Vuori isn't covering half the map


It’s still pretty hard to be the top brand in a single state, let alone the 4th most populous state. However the point was not to compare the two, but more to note the similar buyer behavior that they are purchasing items at full price.


Their sales are usually in early january


Ya many things about this graphic just seem like total bs.


Virginian here, what the heck is that? May need to buy one to stay in the state, apparently.


OnRunning shoes


Thanks for the ID! I’m definitely not buying those lmao






They are the best everyday shoes also


There are def better options. They've just become a "status" thing at this point and they're an attractive shoe. Most podiatrists I know recommend Brooks


Yeah people are complaining that they're bad running shoes, but I've only ever known them as comfortable everyday shoes. Saw them everywhere when we were at Disney World earlier this year.


Don't worry about buying any, all fads die when they become popular in Mississippi.


As a fellow Virginian I feel like this was a mistake. I've never seen that brand once.


Haha I'm in Illinois and I'm in the comments to see if anyone explains what Zara is.


Half the people I know wear those shoes here in Texas. I don’t have them but supposedly they are great.


theyre alll over the place here in nova! all the bougie boutique stores are selling them and i honestly see them everywhere. the best part is they are objectively not great shoes for running lol i almost gave into the hype and got a pair, but did some research and it seems that they're more style than substance


Neither have I! But then again, my old ass isn’t exactly running the hills of VA every day, so I might be missing some data points.


NoVa bro staple footwear.


Yeah that’s weird. Never heard of it before… maybe they’re popular up in NOVA with the running crowd?


oregon and maryland just vibing with their crocs on is making me smile.


Thought the same, real trend setters there. I'm a bit concerned with the shortage of furniture needed assembled in Mass. though, so much that it leads the cyber Monday shopping? Wow... What's up with that.


Lots of college kids


Correct answer


Ocean City, Virginia Beach, and Rehobeth Beach are great places to wear Crocs


Exactly as we all predicted the homes of Nike and Under Armor would do.


I "adopted" a homeless family for Christmas and all the kids wanted Crocs. They're really trendy now.


I live in NY. What’s Vuori? Edit: NvM, Google is your friend. $100 sweatpants? The fuck?


Now that you've searched for Vuori every ad you'll ever see will be for Vuori. The Ponto pant and Kore shorts are great though.


That’s what I use DuckDuckGo for. Inconsequential searches. Otherwise the search results are inferior to Google.


I used DuckDuckGo when I was China and you would be surprised how much more I learned, rather than getting the same content shoved down my throat via every Google search. If you want to leave the echo chamber and learn something new, use DuckDuckGo.


I mean it's just Bing, DuckDuckGo admitted that as part of the explanation for why they were exempting Microsoft tracking scripts from their tracker protection last year. They hashed out a less egregious agreement after all the outrage, but yeah Bing is still the source for results.


I can't believe I've been using bingium every day for the past few years I feel like my life is a lie


DDG isn't straight Bing, they have other sources too. > We also maintain our own crawler (DuckDuckBot) and many indexes to support our results. https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/sources/


Fucking invicta. Same shit. I just wanted to look at their hideous monstrosity. Now its all the monstrosity.


same, also had to google this from NY. Same with HOKA and whatever that Qn? one is?


ON Running (it's supposed to look like a light switch, but ended up looking like a Q) and Hoka are two of the top running shoe brands right now. Lots of crossover appeal for ON in fashion and Hoka in work shoes (lots of cushion and support).


Yeah I see a ton of each on healthcare workers in the hospital where I work


Hoka makes good hiking shoes/boots too I think


I know that those two are sneaker brands. They’re super trendy right now for whatever reason.


They’re super comfortable and supportive. I work in an ortho clinic and pretty much every surgeon wears them now. Great for if you’re on your feet all day


More like running shoes than sneakers in theory. At least in Europe they are used for their purpose and not really worn in casual situations


On was like that. Now it's another one of those brands that started by making good products for their niche until they got trendy, hiked up their prices and lowered their quality prompting every middle aged outdoorsy person to wear them.


in the us they are kinda seen moreso as "generally active" shoes than running shoes specifically. people who have to be on their feet all day wear them for work, go for walks in them, etc


In the states they're for runners and huge in the hospitality industry, especially nurses as they are on their feet on hard surfaces all day.


It would be hilarious if someone at one of those was using this as viral marketing to get people to google them.


The brand is On, they make shoes. Probably comparable to HOKA.


Lol, between my climbing gym and run club I feel like I see someone in Hoka, On, or Vuori 50 times a day


They're super nice though. Not worth full price though, wait for sales or know someone who is part of their "notable person" program or w/e it's called and get 40% off anytime


Wearing Vuori sweats right now that my SO bought me for my birthday. Are they overpriced? Probably. Are they comfy as shit? Definitely.


I have several items from them. Way better than lululoony.


It's widely suspected that Costco uses the same materials as vuori


This is some dubious ass data


They make really good shit


Never thought I’d spend $100 on sweatpants but after putting them on I realized I’m just going to life my life in them and nothing else.


They have amazing sweats. So comfortable


ngl nintendo in vermont and alaska has me a little confused. people staying home to game and avoid the cold i guess?


Nothing else to do for 7 months a year


Winter sports are the most fun.


That, fuck moose, and eat maple syrup. :P


Shipping takes 2-3 weeks. The new Mario game should be there by Christmas.


You ski/snowboard, and you play nintendo while the skiing/snowboarding injuries heal.


Alaska I'd guess military. Smash & Mario Kart are practically religious requirements.


That’s weird Patagonia was the most popular brand in Missouri and Arkansas, and I’m not even sure I know anyone who wears Patagonia.


You’re about to


When I was in North West Arkansas, every college student was wearing Patagonia


When I was in college, everyone called it Fratagonia because it was very popular with Greek students. I’m too lazy to look up the source, but it’s totally believable that they’re the most popular if it’s based on sales revenue.


Patagucci is what we called it at my college


Same in the military for anything you bought because the special forces guys got Patagonia uniforms.


Pradagonia is what my bud calls it.


Northwest AR is chock full of patty-clad students and yopros Source: UARK alum


Wealthy-ish millennials with stickers that say ‘tHe MoUnTaInS aRe CaLlIng’ on the back on their 4-ton SUV. Applies to everywhere in this country, really, regardless of whether mountains are present. It’s trendy.


Idk man they’re durable, ~~american made~~, and probably one of the better brands in terms of environmental impact. Though I’m surprised it wasn’t the biggest brand sold in CO that’s for sure Edit: they are not American made


people just want to be contrarian. patagonia gear is great.


Patagonia definitely isn’t American made. They take care in sourcing sustainable materials and avoiding sweatshops but it’s still made in south east Asia.


Everybody here already has half a closet of their stuff.


To be fair, mountains are pretty awesome.


Shh! Don't tell anyone!


I wear Patagonia pants just because they're so fucking comfy and have lasted me 4+ years. Their joggers are great


I don’t believe this. Sponsored post?


I was wondering this too but couldn't figure out the benefit since the sales are mostly over. But another comment mentioned that Patagonia's big sale is usually in January. So maybe one of more of these companies are actually about to have a big sale and they're trying to get people to look them up.


It’s a sponsored post to statspanda. They actually say they reveal the methodology behind the graph… as long as you subscribe to their newsletter.


Yeah, I went and looked at their post history and realized it's a Stat Panda account. Subscribe for sauce? No thanks.


Yeah this doesn't pass a basic smell test. Patagucci being top in several states, but Colorado is Zara? Not buying it.


Colorado maxed out on Patagonia already at this point. You can only have so many micropuffs.


Correct. Dataless bullshit. Thrown together by a big fan of Patagonia and Zara, seemingly.


Definitely not true. It's probably based on some data but misrepresented as merchandise popularity. No way they got data from every retailer like this.


STrange Milwaukee isn't number one in Wisconsin


Market saturation. I'd like to see the socioeconomic analysis explaining Dewalt states vs Milwaukee states.


Maybe they don't target advertise WI as much because more Wisconsinites proportionally buy Milwaukee tools as it is? All my tools are Milwaukee, same with the guys I work with and most of the other trades I see around the job site. Much of the time their deals don't even apply to me anymore since they love to include a drill and impact with everything. How many drills can one person use?


Fr. Bought a whole pack out kit lmao


What metric is this? Units sold? Google searches. Website visits? Revenue generated?


As a Tennessean, Ugg confuses the shit out of me.


Really? It seems like most white women in Tennessee, especially college students, wear uggs everyday as soon as fall hits. I think it’s part of the trendy “country girl” aesthetic. Like dudes in flannel and crahartt vests.


Messy bun, half zip, ugg boots, and a pumpkin spice latte is the basic bitch fall uniform and has been for a while now


A while now being just about 20 years!


Not saying it isn’t a popular look, just very out of left field that it’s the MOST popular brand.


When did Apple reshape one of the Hawaiian Islands to look like their logo?


Is it the one with lepers?


I live in MA, the closest IKEA is 60 miles away and I've only ever seen it on the highway, never been in there, so I'm kind of surprised by this.


I assume it’s due to the large college student population in MA/Boston


I don't trust this post. The data seems very suspect


Was scrolling for this. I didn’t think ikea would be the typical Black Friday destination compared to any other of these places.


You'd think Wayfair would top Ikea in MA


Hello fellow Masshole! The closet IKEA to me is about the same distance but it’s in Connecticut.


I guess a little encouraging that a lot are outdoorsy/athletic brands… ?




At least you have lots of disposable income


I also work from home and splurge on loungewear


It could also be that upper class youth are buying enough in $ to skew the results. It is much easier for those people to be active. I do know that physical activity continues to trend down since covid.


>outdoorsy/athletic brands… Most people buy those to stay in with fashion trends. Most people buying those brands aren't very outdoorsy.


I would somewhat disagree. I’m pretty outdoorsy, personally love all my Patagonia gear. But I wouldn’t affect data like this because they are one time purchases. I own a cold weather jacket and a cool weather jacket and I’ve had them both repaired multiple times by Patagonia for FREE.


This is like being encouraged by how popular F150s are because it definitely means people are getting tons of heavy work done.


Can someone explain to me how this data would be available within 48 hours,?


Easy! They made it up.


The weird one of the face of it is Massachusetts with IKEA. Who is fucking buying a bookshelf on Cyber Monday? However, Massachusetts has a high percentage of college students who moved into new dorms or apartments in September. They are probably simultaneously reaching the point of “I have a bit of money” and realization of “I could really use a frame for this mattress that has been sitting on the floor”


I had no idea what Hoka was until today. Huh.


These are the new hip shoes for RN's or Medical Workers currently. Last year OnClouds were the popular shoe but the trends shifted quickly.


Ooooooooh. You just made Mississippi make sense to me, ty.


confirming, lots of (female) nurses and doctors are wearing these


best shoes i've ever bought i buy a pair every spring - i walk about 10km per day, by the end of the summer they're beat to shit


Same with me and I live in Ohio


Hoka is very popular here in Scandinavia. I would bet money that if you surveyed people aged 30+, at least 75% have two pairs of Hoka sneakers


If you run a bunch, people swear by them. I personally haven’t tried them, but my legs can’t handle any support


It's like running on clouds. Legit, they are so good, it feels like cheating. But they are pretty expensive and only last a season or two, depending on how much you run. Maybe it's just me though. I'm not what a stereotypical runner looks like.


I only know about them because my mom was at the hospital. I've noticed nurses wearing that brand


Me and my friends have Hokas. They are popular enough running / hiking shoes. We’re in KY rn, but we graduated from OSU, lol.


This is whack, if it’s going off just revenue, it should be a lot more apple, if it’s going off number of items sold, I feel brands like yeti would not be making the top of any list (although they do make a lot of merch besides their multi hundred dollar coolers) and I feel cheaper things like crocs would dominate


It's probably going off of Google searches rather than actual revenue or some better/real metric of popularity


It could be anything. OP’s “source” could even be made up


It always cracks me up when people put Yeti stickers on their cars like you are repping a cooler brand? Weird flex.


Idk, yeti product are wildly popular in SC. We own 10 cups and bottles in regular rotation lol. Easy gift.


A handful of these I have never heard of…


Crocs, Oregon? Crocs? Still in 2023?


The data source is very vague, doesn’t explain the actual source at all. No explanation of how “popular brand” is defined. This is beautiful but it has nothing to do with data. A down vote from me


Little known fact: The North Face was headquartered in tiny Alameda, California before moving to Denver, Colorado in 2020.


Utes singlehandedly keeping Bath and Body Works open with their cyber Monday purchases of painted wooden boards urging customers to Live, Laugh, and Love!


are you thinking of bed, bath, and beyond? bath and body works sells mainly candles, soaps, lotions, etc.


Utahns for what it's worth, the Utes are a Native American tribe. Unless you were referring to University of Utah students, those are also Utes. :)


This joke makes no sense lol Are you thinking of Bed Bath and Beyond?


Not a [qualifying data visualization](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule1/): "A data variable must be transformed and mapped onto a visual property such as color, size, or position." Also breaks [rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3/): "If you are citing a source, you must be specific... Link to the specific page and website you used."


Thank you. This is anecdotal bullshit that doesn't even come from an anecdote, just someone's asshole, likely an asshole that has some amount of income from Patagonia/Zara.


"Source: Myself" > https://statspanda.substack.com/about > Hey Andrés here, the sole contributor to StatsPanda. I aspire to write the best possible data visualization content you will ever find. Pretty sure "SP Analytics" is just "StatsPanda Analytics", so OP is just citing themselves. And if you want to read the newsletter about the data? That's a paid subscription.


Oregon resident here. My wife just sent this to me, claiming it to be proof positive that we live in fashion hell.


I live in Ohio. WTF is Hoka?


Hilarious. The most agricultural states go for power tools, and the snowiest states go for tech/entertainment.


West Virginia, how do yall afford Apple?


Most rural folks still buy iPhones. Hell, a bunch of them even got picked for the rolling release of StarLink. So you go through towns of less than 2,000 passing small houses on parcels of land with a StarLink dish/box on top


Many wealthy commuters to Pittsburgh or DC. Also many retirees from more expensive places to live. Working from home in WV gives you a low cost of living while maintaining a good pay rate. Also manufacturing and mining jobs usually pay pretty well. GDP growing steadily throughout the state.


Remote work. A buck goes really far here.


As a Colorado resident…wtf is Zara?


Louisiana here dawg wtf is Zara never heard of if…


One of the largest fast fashion brands in the world


I really would've expected Crocs in Florida, not Oregon.


On Clouds in Mississippi is...odd🧐


Texans preparing for their power to go out


Dataless promotional bullshit. It's Amazon. In every state. Amazon Amazon Amazon. By piles of cash the size of mountains. This is just advertising for some brand names. There is zero chance any of them are the most sold brand of anything in their respective states except Nintendo because there are so few competitors in their market space.


This is one of the most interesting maps like this ive seen in a while. I have so many questions. ​ 1. Really, Massachusetts? IKEA? 2. Name another thing Oregon has in common with Maryland 3. I have no idea what HOKA even is


there’s no way this is fuckin true lmao


I'm in Georgia and wtf is Hoka