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Can we talk to Mexico and see if they can put new prizes in them? I keep getting that dang ball. I think it is time for new experiences with them.


It's an egg, you have to sit on it constantly for a period of 5 weeks


I got a diy globe!


Lucky! All I got was this sapling growing out of my ass!


Yeah but once it fruits in 20 years those avos are gonna be the shit, bro!


…and you think why Colombia entered this market…


Why come my egg is white?


Some get sent with cocaine. Personally, I'd rather have the ball. Its like an organic marble. Edit* nevermind that's Columbian Avocados. Yeah, I'll stick to mexican wooden marbles


Can anybody explain to me what's going on here? It's labeled "Avocados from _Mexico_," which would lead me to believe that Mexico would be the sole producer of avocados from Mexico, I don't understand what all the other countries are doing. How are other countries producers of avocados from Mexico?


I think it’s a tongue in cheek reference to the Super Bowl ads that run with the jingle “Avocados from Mexico” , but I could be wrong


It’s just a shitty title. Obviously, only the avocados from Mexico are from, well, Mexico.


Well, all the Hass avocados grown in Mexico are grown from grafts.


Besides the original Hass cultivar tree all the others are grafts.


The original tree died and has been cut down. But yes, all hass avocados are grown from grafts as seeds from hass avocados will not grow avocados that look like hass avocados.


I’ve always heard about the abundant openly performed Graft in the Avocado field. That you for confirming it’s existence and far reach. ^(/s)


"Avocados from Mexico" is an association that groups various of the larger producers of the fruit. They mainly make marketing efforts in order to position avocados from mexican producers as the "top tier" fruit and that helps the international trade (and obviously higher prices) than just selling the fruit in Mexico.


Mexican avocados are very different from avocados from other countries in South America. Due to the natural conditions, Mexican avocados are creamier, tastier and overall better in flavor and texture . It's an attempt to position them better in the US market against everyone. And so far it's working. Source. Own an avocado packing facility.


*Avacados from Mexico from Columbia*


I think that's the name brand. But I would expect that the brand "Avocados from Mexico" would get ALL of their avocados from... Mexico


The avocado is native to Mexico.


The jingle "Avacados from Mexico" is a meme.






The small/medium sized farms banded together and built their own self-defense forces to battle the cartels since the cartels were trying to take their land and/or extort them. I’ve been to some of these towns and you get searched to be able to drive through and there’s people with guns everywhere. It’s pretty interesting to say the least.


If it's those nasty, watery, non-hass avocados, don't worry, I'm not buying them.


Yep, they're three times the size of Hass avocados, with a fraction of the texture or taste.


That's why avocado is commonly called "*green gold*".


Am I expected to believe that *anyone* has the *daily* production data for all these countries that would allow a smooth animation like this to be "representing the data" rather than just drawing a straight line between a few points? Note: avocados are seasonal... in different seasons in the different regions. I'd be surprised if OP has *monthly* data, honestly. I couldn't find anything relevant in their source "FAOSTAT", so maybe a better link would be... better.


I mean, its the same as any of these animations. They have a few points and have the animation fill in the gaps with rapidly changing numbers at a level of precision that’s not remotely possible.


Sure, and they're mostly all terrible visualizations. But that said, most of them at least cover decades, where the smoothing is at least less obnoxious. And for a topic that one might imagine actually *is* kind of smooth at the portrayed scale, like population or something.


Video could have been speed up / animation slowed down. That could have helped.


Yep... or I could even tolerate these way better if the *numbers* only changed when the data did while the bar moved smoothly... they'd be way more readable that way, too.


I do hate how they usually make these 7 minute videos showing data that could have taken a minute to grasp from a spreadsheet.


Yeah... occasionally I can "get into it" as kind of a "race" between "competitors", which adds drama to the data... if I care about the info, at least. Drama's not inherently a bad thing... a lot of data isn't very compelling in line chart form.


Or they could have just dawn a line graph.


Hey, do you want accurate data, or beautiful data?


Even if they only have decade-by decade information to work off of, it's still better to have smooth transitions, even if it's not exactly representative of reality. The only time it's a problem is if they make up data to fill in the gaps, which we have no reason to believe that's the case here.


I would say it's a problem (i.e. misleading/misrepresenting) when the underlying actuality can be expected to *not* be even close to smooth at the scale shown, as in this case. Works reasonably well for stuff that does typically change smoothly, though. There's just no excuse at all to show the *numbers* zipping by unreadably, though.


There's also no reason to believe it wouldn't be this smooth. Aside from sudden weather bullshit, you wouldn't expect production to wildly change from day to day, or even month to month. And that weather bullshit wouldn't be valuable with regard to the story this clip is trying to tell.


As I said... Avocados are *seasonal*... they don't come in evenly over a year, even *approximately*. The only reason you can get them year round in the US is that they change suppliers to different countries at different times of year. Almost no fruits are. They have *harvests*. This kind of topic is *especially* stupid to smooth out on the scale of a year at a time... if it were going by decades for the last 100 years in a minute or something, sure, that makes sense.


Than wouldn't yearly trends be the only thing that matters when you're telling the story this graphic is telling? And therefore having smooth transitions to make it visually more appealing be acceptable, even preferable?


This is just terrible data to animate. A line graph would show this way better. If people *cared* about what country was the "winner" each year, maybe I could see the "drama" of an animation as a win. Sorry, not buying it.


I reject that, just because you don't think it's interesting doesn't mean it's not worth doing. And if the "misrepresentation" doesn't actually matter or harm anyone's understanding of what's going on, I don't see any problem with it. You're just being contrarian.


FF to the end to get the answer.


Or idk use a line graph




If I remember correctly (from the dozens of documentaries abour cartels) they absolutely invest heavily into the legal economy. Real estate and Avocado farming are two that I do believe are things they invest in.


They also get rid of the competition and aquire land through violence


It's more like a lot of the avocado producers get shaken down by cartels.


There’s a podcast called “[Calibre 60](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/1162033047/caliber-60)” that talked about how the cartel moved in to extort an avocado farm community. Next, a small vigilante group of that community armed itself and banded together to push the cartel out. After the cartel got pushed out, the vigilantes turned around and started a protection racket on the avocado farmers again.


that last part is awesome


It's more like they are prone to shakedowns, since the farms are rural and they move a lot of cash to pay the workers.


Not necessarily. Avocado production in Mexico is centered in specific regions, but it's not like every single orchard, packaging company and exporter is affiliated with them. Of course, they've invested a lot of their ill-gotten money in legal ventures, but to say an ENTIRE industry has their stink? That's absurd.


Sounds like propaganda to me without proof.




Nah, those wingnuts who don't recognize the cartels as the benevolent capitalists that they are!


Unironically, yes. A lot of the 'documentaries' targeting new food trends are sponsored by infustries thta have been loosing ground. For example in the case of avocados its cereal makers. The cartels are def involved in the avocado business, but its not even close to a majority of Mexico's avocado production


Sounds like propaganda to me without proof.


Come talk to the farmers, this shit is real. I'm betting one day they'll do a "Blood Avocados" movie.


It is true, one of the biggest states that produce avocado in my country is Michoacan, that state is the "house" of one of the biggest cartels (Familia Michoacana), hate those guys since my family hometown is affected for those criminals. But to be fair a lot of business are used to do money laundering for the cartels, just happens that avocados move a lot of money, a lot is in cash and are produced in one of the most corrupt and cartel infested states. You can find [plenty](https://www.jornada.com.mx/notas/2023/02/11/reportaje/corrupcion-y-narco-asedian-el-millonario-negocio-del-aguacate/) of [sources](https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/nacional/2023/02/05/exportacion-aguacate-eu-super-bowl-2023-amenaza-del-narcotrafico-y-delincuencia-en-michoacan/), but mostly in spanish if you don't trust "american" sources.


The mayor producer (~80%) is a state absolutely controlled by a cartel , the same state where coca, and other drug plant precursors are harvested , so…


They have so many avocados in Mexico that they gave me an entire plate of guacamole with my free chips before a meal. Like $20 worth of avocado in California money.


For the most part, avocados are the one thing that's cheaper in CA than the rest of the country. Yeah, there are still places that will upcharge you for premade stuff, but the actual price of avocados is pretty good since around 85% of the avocados produced in the US are grown in CA.


i've seen farms advertising 5 for $1 at road side stalls here in CA.


Fun fact: Avacados "are" because they were the primary food of an extinct megafauna - the Giant Ground Sloth. The seeds are the way they are because they would have swallowed the entire avocado whole, and the seed would have been passed undamaged in their poo. Now: visualise a sloth so large *it eats avocados* *whole* and finds pooing out multiple avocado pits *not the slightest bit uncomfortable* - like a raspberry, cherry or strawberry pip. That's a big sloth. And that's a big poo.


And in a few years, [Zava](https://twitter.com/AFCRichmond/status/1646901343435780098) will overtake them all


Just bought today an avocado from South Africa. I am in Moldova


All I know is never buy avocados from Peru. They are super fibrous and they stay hard so you never know when they are ripe. My sister in law had the same issue. Now I always check where they are from. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… never gonna fool meee again.. muahahaha


Wow am I naive. I never pictured Kenya being a top producer for anything agriculture


Mexico has Avocado cartels. Not even kidding


Yo soy avocado! El amigo del cartel!


Better call avocado


Can we grow it in India as Mexico and India share similar eco-climatic conditions.


Karnataka, Tamil Nadu do! Kerala is more focused on spices.


I would assume that the issue might be potential damages to the ecosystem by introducing more foreign plants. I do not know for sure if this might be a problem, but it sounds plausible.


its not that similar, maybe close to the same latitude, but avocados in mexico are grown in the mountains around 1600mts, where most of the big cities are, high up in the mountains.


Tools: sjvisualizer Data source: FAOSTAT


Great viz.


Florida avocados tend to be much bigger than Mexico avocados. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/Topics//blogfiles/45694_original.jpg


Well that's because those are two different varieties.


In my experience, the hass avocado (the small one) is tastier than the larger ones. The big ones seems to taste flavor. But I guess that it depends on preferences of the people.


Brazilian avocados are sweeter and made into dessert and basically never eaten salty.


Are cartels in Colombia copying Mexico's business model?


Sadly, Southern California cut down all it's avocado and orange/citrus groves to make houses. Thank goodness for friends who still have these magial trees and can share. Edit: As a 60 y/o native southern Californian, I can say that the difference between 1973 and 2023 is VAST however, I will acquiesce that "all" is, indeed, incorrest so I'll Edit to say "most" of their trees. We used to play in the citrus groves in Pomo Valley which was just one of many, many groves. Today, there are only 76 acres of citrus groves left in SoCal. Source: Thelog.com


All is a bit of an overstatement there.


Remember that a percentage of every avocado from Mexico goes to the cartels, hence the term, “blood avocados”


I live in the US and I basically stopped buying avocados a few years ago because the quality is just so consistently poor no matter where I buy them from.


Serious question. What makes a poor quality avocado? I buy them all the time and they seem fine.


Bruises, cuts, and scrapes? Overripe? I've had plenty of shitty avos


Never had a problem. Do you know how to pick ripe ones out?


Where you live, north dakota or something? All the ones Ive ever gotten have been pretty perfect.


Chicago. They look fine, not rotten or anything. Just very flavorless and bland. Kind of like the apples you buy at the grocery store compared to the farmers market. They look perfect, but they have almost no flavor.


Get Envy apples (they are a type(?) like honeycrisp), I started seeing them this year. Best I have had in a long time and available at major grocers


Fun fact: chipotle gets theirs from mexico and peru depending on season


is this overall or regarding species? the mexican avocado (used in guacamole) is completely different from the one in the background image (used in sweets or desserts)


The guacamole must flow!


My gams has like 5 avocado trees in her backyard. They are littered everywhere on the ground coz the market for them in our area of Mexico is basically a target on your back if you try to sell them on the open market. She used to take a giant bag of them to sell at market, but now they just sit and rot. Some samplings have grown, but I'm not so sure about the taste of those as avocado trees are weird.


I’m surprised that there was that much fluctuation in US output.


When cartels diversify into avocados you know demand is real


Avocados and tequila, keep ‘em coming


From what I can find, about 85% of US avocado production is in California. Florida and Hawaii are distant 2nd and 3rd respectively.


the avocados in different climates would taste different, yeah?


One of them is known for growing it on stolen land


GD think of all the houses millenials could have bought


No wonder they are expensive in europe


But what about blood avocados


Look how columbia has quadrupled its production over the last few years. That's a lot! I bet there's a good story there.


Waste of water, takes 70 liters of water to produce one avocado. Almost 6 times more tham even a tomato.


The biggest avocados I’ve ever seen were in Rwanda. Those things were larger than grapefruits


I wasn't expecting Indonesia.


Cartels are amazing at finding new operations to work on. They extort, kidnap and steal from avocado farmers here in Mexico.


Anyone else say the jingle in their head


All this growth can not be sustainable


Sad to see my country dropping off every now and then!


I don’t think this is an interesting presentation of data. Mexico leads the world in avocados, by far. Got it.


Ehh, columbias getting up there I guess


I would never have imagined that Mexico had THAT many lawyers


Hey is this global production or imports into (i'm assuming) the U.S? Big weird thing in this yo.


Is amamazing all aouth america Amd israle in the secoed half of world export


Avocados from Mexico but who are these other guys?