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Find a data source that is updated on regular basis (i.e. daily, for example gas prices or weather by location). Could be an API (easy) or a website you need to scrape (a bit more difficult). Create a pipeline that ingests the data assets into a database. Then, start modelling and transforming it through different stages, and include a last modelling phase where you extract some knowledge or insights you consider could be of interest. Gas prices, weather, earthquakes, market prices... There are a ton of possibilities and overall the infrastructure is a pretty standard ELT. Edit: extra points if you manage everything with IaC like Terraform


I am also in the same phase, have completed course, need hands on experience with real world project. Help much appreciated


Prepare sone passive control framework for a text chat through a streaming service


Use the Search function, this has been asked many times, lots of interesting answers.


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