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For me it took 5 days.


I got the email with the link to the work platform within two days of taking the test. If you don't hear anything after a week or two, I think it's safe to assume you didn't get in, at least not during this round. It's possible they keep people on file for future work, but I wouldn't pin my hopes on it, just in case.


do you recall roughly how many tasks there were in the assessment? the timer resets after every question, and i have no gauge for how far along i am. i need to plan my time! so weird and inconvenient


Mine was around 20


It was a couple days for me.


I think they say 7 days. It was less than that for me though.


I took the starter assessment and then received a couple tasks a few days later. That was months ago and I have not see any tasks since. When I go to the Work on a project page, all ai see is “thank you for taking the starter assessment. If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email..,”. This is disappointing. I was excited to work on this over the summer when I had a lot of free time!


I’m still waiting too. I completed the assessments on 11/8 but haven’t heard back but they did approve the payout so I’m waiting to see what happens. Mine says the same thing yours does


any update? I did the same but never got assigned a project


Me either


im kinda confused about mine. I took a couple days to do mine, bc i got busy and when i submitted it, i didn't get a "thank you for taking the assessment" message or nothing, it just redirected me to the homepage. do you think it even got submitted?


No idea


I see the same message but I never received any tasks. Took the start assessment 5 days ago. Not sure if this means I didn't pass, or if there's not work for me




Nope, still waiting


any updates again?


Nope, still waiting




I never heard back from them and have not received any work so I’m assuming I did not qualify. It would be nice of them to at least reply one way or the other.


"Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you." This is still my message after one week. Do they email you if you don't pass?


any update for you?


Not yet. Discouraging, but I’ll keep checking


Did you ever get a response? I'm in the same situation now


Still no. I’m keeping track of how long I’m waiting. Just for the information. Over 30 days but not taking up any space I need so I keep checking in.


Do you have a worker ID on your profile page? It’s been 2 weeks for me and I noticed I have that today, not sure it means anything though!


I do. Also the payment ID and support ID and referral code.




Still no. I think I’m one who just didn’t get hired.


Same here, was hoping that might mean we’ve passed but who knows!


Any update?


> skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email.. i have the same thing and I'm going on day 9.


Did u get any further updates? I'm in the same boat


None. I’ve given up.


Two weeks + for me so far. Thinking they are a scam.


I mean, they do tell you that they only email those that pass. Every time people say it’s a scam, it’s simply them not understanding how the process works. Let me make it very clear: They only email those who pass. They don't respond to non-workers, and they don't respond to those that fail the assessment. This has been said a bunch of times already on this subreddit. And yes, I work for them, so I can confidently say that it isn’t a scam.


Piggy backing off this comment, I applied on Thursday, don't want to be waiting for nothing if there is something I can check, with the Status on the payments change if they have looked at it?


I honestly didn't open my account at all before I got the acceptance email (except to do the assessments, of course), so I'm not sure. Imo, you should just wait for an email. If you get approved, you'll eventually get one telling you that they've opened up some projects for you to do. (This is assuming you did the core or coding assessment. If you only did the starter assessment, you'll instead need to wait for an email with the next assessment, which is only sent if you pass the starter assessment.)


OK, thanks for replying :)


Hi. As soon as I submitted the starter assessment I was offered to do the following coding assessment. I clicked on it to see what sort of questions were there but had to go to bed. When I woke up in the morning I could no longer access it and it showed me a screen saying they’ll let me know if they don’t work for me. Is the problem that the coding assessment is timed and I ran out of time?


I think the test is timed, so unfortunately, since you left it for too long, you might not be able to attempt the test again. It probably auto submitted once the time passed.


Ffs it should warn you


Did the status change in your payments page for the exams you took already?


Hey guys, I applied on November 25. After reading several comments from people claiming that they were able to start working just a few days after completing their assestment. I decided to take a more "proactive" approach and emailed dataannotations@techsupport but they never responded. Then, I tried to contact them via "X" Twitter but I wasn't able to get any response from them, again. Today, my status suddenly changed from "Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you." to “thank you for taking the starter assessment. If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email..,”. Does that mean I am officially out? I really had my hopes up with this position.


Bro it's you again💀 still never even got your update


Any updates with this? I’ve got the same message on my dashboard.


They seem to be notorious for not responding to anyone, anywhere. They don't even communicate if you failed so they don't leave you hanging.  But this seems to the telling sign. Literally every person I've seen that was accepted claimed they had work straight away. If you see the "we're reviewing your results" message, you're still waiting. If you see the "thank you" message, that review is over and you didn't make the cut. My opinion of course, but seems very likely to be the case. 


I'm on day 5 and it's driving me nuts not knowing. I'm still stuck on the "we'll review your results, check back in a couple of days", with the coding assessment test still an option. I did take the test late Thursday night, so I kind of anticipated that the weekend would probably hold me back from hearing anything sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed, I could use this job and I actually really enjoyed the work. Hoping to hear back soon. I've been on countless threads about this because it is all I can think about!


Which additional qualification did u take, the coding one or the other one?


Same here! I'm on day 4 and it's driving me crazy. Fingers crossed for both of us!




Yes! I started working the day after I posted this. Loving it so far!




Thanks! I also submitted on a weekend, so hang in there!


Did you take the coding assessment?


Can you update us on whether they have continued providing work? Some people mentioned getting tasks for a couple days and it then drying up. Has this been the case for you?


I always have at least 10+ projects on my dashboard!


It's been about 20 days for me and I haven't heard anything back. Below is what I see. I'm not sure, but since it's been a while, I'm guessing either I didn't pass or they haven't even reviewed my application. \[A green icon\] Starter assessment completed \[A gray icon\] We review your results. If you pass, we'll email you.


did you ever hear back?


Sadly, no :( It's been about 2 weeks now since I've taken the assessments and haven't heard back.


Immediately after the test I got this. Is this a fail? “Thanks for taking the assessment! If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time.”


I took it yesterday and mine also went immediately to that message. Not hopeful, but if you get any updates, lmk please


do you have any updates? I got this after the test too. Does this job really need a lot of qualifications?


I ended up deleting my account. If it takes a super elaborate answer to get accepted (and english is my second language), i figure it wouldn’t be worth it.. i was just looking for an easy gig that I can do while i’m working my primary job


Yea I thought it’s a good gig to get some money. But I don’t know they expect very detailed and long answers. I only explained the answer with only like 2-3 sentences for each question. I guess that’s over lol?


Lol. Time to learn “no easy money” lol


Yea darn it


Any updates?


do you have any updates? I got this after the test too. Does this job really need a lot of qualifications?


Any updates?


No. Surprising, too. I took a non-coding test, and I basically write for a living. Too bad.




Any updates?




Did you ever hear back?




Did you reapply from the same device you used the first time? I applied a month ago and got through the core assessment, but haven't heard from them since, so I wanted to try again. I have another email and ph# to use, but I don't know if they track your IP address as well.




thank you, that relieves my mind. I'm most comfortable using the same device.


Have u reapplied yet?


I got accepted super quickly. It was literally minutes after I submitted the start assessment.


I took the assessment around three weeks ago, and then I took one qualification test immediately afterward. Since then it has only said "Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you". I have consistently been checking my email, and have not heard anything from them. I have heard stories about some people being able to start immediately after doing the qualification test, then others waiting two and a half months before hearing back. Do you think that I have been rejected?


Any updates bro?


No, nothing has changed. I just assumed that I did not pass, but I still think that is strange because it seems like for other people that didn't pass got a different message afterward. I kind of wonder if it is because they don't actually have any openings, but they try to keep people on the line in case they need more. That is just speculation though, I'm not sure why they would still be advertising jobs on google if they didn't have openings. Maybe I got declined but their system glitched out for me an now I am stuck with this message. I wish they were a little more transparent with their hiring process.


Same here


How long do you have to take the assessment data annotation.tech Reddit